89 research outputs found


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    Предметом исследования в данной статье является обобщение теории и практики по передаче полномочий на муниципальные уровни, в том числе по средствам самообложения граждан, инновационному обеспечению муниципальных проектов, расширению объёма межбюджетных трансфертов и концессионных соглашений. Делегирование полномочий между ее различными уровнями являются инновационными, но существует их политико-правовое разнообразие, зависимость от федерального бюджета, огромное их неисполнение. Объем передаваемых полномочий – это процесс постоянного поиска новых форм взаимодействия и управления.Научная новизна состоит в разработке модели эффективного распределения/перераспределения государственных полномочий между региональным и муниципальным уровнем управления в целях модернизации системы государственного и муниципального управления РФ с учетом региональной специфики субъекта Федерации – Забайкальского края.Цель – провести анализ целостных систем делегирования полномочий, выделить группы государственных полномочий, передаваемых органам местного самоуправления.Методы или методология проведения работы: прогнозный метод, планирование и прогнозирование, сравнительный метод по мониторингу передачи полномочий, метод ранжирования, инновационные методы развития муниципального образования (развитие внутригородских кооперативных связей, аутсорсинга, активизация инвестирования), системный метод (обновление муниципалитетов).Результаты: разработать модель эффективного распределения государственных полномочий, охарактеризовать элементы модели, повысить профессиональный уровень муниципальных управляющих, уделять особое внимание информатизации системы муниципального управления.Область применения результатов: целесообразно применять в государственной и муниципальной политике.The subject of the research in this article is the generalization of the theory and practice on the transfer of powers to municipal levels, including the means of self-taxation of citizens, innovative support for municipal projects, the expansion of inter-budgetary transfers and concession agreements. Delegation of powers between its various levels is innovative, but there is their political and legal diversity, dependence on the Federal budget, and huge non-compliance. The scope of authority transferred is the process of constantly seeking new forms of interaction and management.The scientific novelty consists in the development of the model of effective distribution/redistribution of state powers between the regional and municipal levels of management in order to modernize the system of state and municipal management of the Russian Federation, taking into account the regional specifics of the subject of the Federation – TRANS-Baikal territory.The purpose is to analyze the holistic systems of delegation of powers, to identify groups of state powers transferred to local governments.Methods or methodology of work: forecast method, planning and forecasting, comparative method for monitoring the transfer of authority, ranking method, innovative methods of development of the municipality (development of intra-city cooperative relations, outsourcing, investment activation), system method (renewal of municipalities).Results: to develop a model of effective distribution of state powers, to characterize the elements of the model, to improve the professional level of municipal managers, to pay special attention to the Informatization of the municipal management system.Scope of application of the results: it is advisable to apply in state and municipal policy


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    Статья посвящена определению понятия и выявлению сущности демократии как основы современного государственного устройства и важнейшего фактора динамики современного общества. Проведенное исследование позволяет выделить следующие перспективы в отношении российской демократии:1. Демократия предполагает признание принципа равенства и свободы всех людей, активное участие народа в политической жизни страны, непосредственное осуществление власти народом.2. Демократический режим складывается лишь в государствах, где достигнут высокий уровень социально-экономического развития, способный обеспечить необходимое благосостояние всем гражданам.3. Очевидно, что демократический режим для российского общества является самым оптимальным в нынешних условиях, и это обусловлено в первую очередь многонациональностью населения России.Научная новизна состоит в обосновании механизма взаимосвязи демократии и современных информационных технологий, среди которых выделяются: упрощённая схема взаимодействия с государственными органами, свободный доступ к информации для населения, электронная очередь, портал государственных услуг, рассекречивание отдельных аспектов политики, в том числе личных данных (кредитные карты, банковские операции, частная жизнь политиков).Цель – выявить эффективность демократии как представительства народа в новых информационных условиях.Методы или методология проведения работы: прогнозный метод, планирование и прогнозирование, сравнительный метод при характеристике демократии и нанодемократии, метод ранжирования, системный метод (обновление демократии), информационные технологии.Результаты: охарактеризовать перспективы существующей в Российской федерации системы демократии, разработать модель представительства народа, как более эффективную в условиях применения сетевых компьютерных технологий и сохранения индивидуальных прав и свобод человека.Область применения результатов: целесообразно применять в государственной информационной политике.The article is devoted to the definition of the concept and identification of the essence of democracy as the basis of the modern state structure and the most important factor in the dynamics of modern society. The conducted research allows to distinguish the following perspectives in relation to the Russian democracy:1. Democracy presupposes recognition of the principle of equality and freedom of all people, active participation of the people in the political life of the country, direct exercise of power by the people.2. A democratic regime is established only in States with a high level of socio-economic development capable of ensuring the necessary well-being for all citizens.3. It is obvious that the democratic regime for Russian society is the most optimal in the current environment, and this is primarily due to the multi-ethnic population of Russia.The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the mechanism of interaction between democracy and modern information technologies, among which are: simplified scheme of interaction with state bodies, free access to information for the population, electronic queue, portal of public services, declassification of certain aspects of policy, including personal data (credit cards, banking operations, private life of politicians).The aim is to identify the effectiveness of democracy as a representation of the people in the new information environment.Methods or methodology of work: predictive method, planning and forecasting, comparative method in characterizing democracy and nondemocracy, ranking method, a systematic method (upgrading democracy), information technology.Results: to characterize the existing system of democracy in the Russian Federation, to develop a model of representation of the people as more effective in the application of network computer technology and the preservation of individual human rights and freedoms.Scope of application of the results: it is advisable to apply in the state information policy

    Blood coagulation dynamics: mathematical modeling and stability results

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    The hemostatic system is a highly complex multicomponent biosystem that under normal physiologic conditions maintains the fluidity of blood. Coagulation is initiated in response to endothelial surface vascular injury or certain biochemical stimuli, by the exposure of plasma to Tissue Factor (TF), that activates platelets and the coagulation cascade, inducing clot formation, growth and lysis. In recent years considerable advances have contributed to understand this highly complex process and some mathematical and numerical models have been developed. However, mathematical models that are both rigorous and comprehensive in terms of meaningful experimental data, are not available yet. In this paper a mathematical model of coagulation and fibrinolysis in flowing blood that integrates biochemical, physiologic and rheological factors, is revisited. Three-dimensional numerical simulations are performed in an idealized stenosed blood vessel where clot formation and growth are initialized through appropriate boundary conditions on a prescribed region of the vessel wall. Stability results are obtained for a simplified version of the clot model in quiescent plasma, involving some of the most relevant enzymatic reactions that follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and having a continuum of equilibria.CEMAT/IST through FCT [PTDC/MAT/68166/2006]; Czech Science Foundation [201/09/0917]; Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the CR [IAA100190804]; Ministry of Education of Czech Republic [6840770010]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Defining the Boundaries of Normal Thrombin Generation: Investigations into Hemostasis

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    In terms of its soluble precursors, the coagulation proteome varies quantitatively among apparently healthy individuals. The significance of this variability remains obscure, in part because it is the backdrop against which the hemostatic consequences of more dramatic composition differences are studied. In this study we have defined the consequences of normal range variation of components of the coagulation proteome by using a mechanism-based computational approach that translates coagulation factor concentration data into a representation of an individual's thrombin generation potential. A novel graphical method is used to integrate standard measures that characterize thrombin generation in both empirical and computational models (e.g max rate, max level, total thrombin, time to 2 nM thrombin (“clot time”)) to visualize how normal range variation in coagulation factors results in unique thrombin generation phenotypes. Unique ensembles of the 8 coagulation factors encompassing the limits of normal range variation were used as initial conditions for the computational modeling, each ensemble representing “an individual” in a theoretical healthy population. These “individuals” with unremarkable proteome composition was then compared to actual normal and “abnormal” individuals, i.e. factor ensembles measured in apparently healthy individuals, actual coagulopathic individuals or artificially constructed factor ensembles representing individuals with specific factor deficiencies. A sensitivity analysis was performed to rank either individual factors or all possible pairs of factors in terms of their contribution to the overall distribution of thrombin generation phenotypes. Key findings of these analyses include: normal range variation of coagulation factors yields thrombin generation phenotypes indistinguishable from individuals with some, but not all, coagulopathies examined; coordinate variation of certain pairs of factors within their normal ranges disproportionately results in extreme thrombin generation phenotypes, implying that measurement of a smaller set of factors may be sufficient to identify individuals with aberrant thrombin generation potential despite normal coagulation proteome composition

    Regulation of early steps of GPVI signal transduction by phosphatases: a systems biology approach

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    We present a data-driven mathematical model of a key initiating step in platelet activation, a central process in the prevention of bleeding following Injury. In vascular disease, this process is activated inappropriately and causes thrombosis, heart attacks and stroke. The collagen receptor GPVI is the primary trigger for platelet activation at sites of injury. Understanding the complex molecular mechanisms initiated by this receptor is important for development of more effective antithrombotic medicines. In this work we developed a series of nonlinear ordinary differential equation models that are direct representations of biological hypotheses surrounding the initial steps in GPVI-stimulated signal transduction. At each stage model simulations were compared to our own quantitative, high-temporal experimental data that guides further experimental design, data collection and model refinement. Much is known about the linear forward reactions within platelet signalling pathways but knowledge of the roles of putative reverse reactions are poorly understood. An initial model, that includes a simple constitutively active phosphatase, was unable to explain experimental data. Model revisions, incorporating a complex pathway of interactions (and specifically the phosphatase TULA-2), provided a good description of the experimental data both based on observations of phosphorylation in samples from one donor and in those of a wider population. Our model was used to investigate the levels of proteins involved in regulating the pathway and the effect of low GPVI levels that have been associated with disease. Results indicate a clear separation in healthy and GPVI deficient states in respect of the signalling cascade dynamics associated with Syk tyrosine phosphorylation and activation. Our approach reveals the central importance of this negative feedback pathway that results in the temporal regulation of a specific class of protein tyrosine phosphatases in controlling the rate, and therefore extent, of GPVI-stimulated platelet activation

    Systems biology of platelet-vessel wall interactions

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    Platelets are small, anucleated cells that participate in primary hemostasis by forming a hemostatic plug at the site of a blood vessel's breach, preventing blood loss. However, hemostatic events can lead to excessive thrombosis, resulting in life-threatening strokes, emboli, or infarction. Development of multi-scale models coupling processes at several scales and running predictive model simulations on powerful computer clusters can help interdisciplinary groups of researchers to suggest and test new patient-specific treatment strategies

    A computational model for prediction of clot platelet content in flow-diverted intracranial aneurysms

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    Treatment of intracranial aneurysms with flow-diverting stents is a safe and minimally invasive technique. The goal is stable embolisation that facilitates stent endothelialisation, and elimination of the aneurysm. However, it is not fully understood why some aneurysms fail to develop a stable clot even with sufficient levels of flow reduction. Computational prediction of thrombus formation dynamics can help predict the post-operative response in such challenging cases. In this work, we propose a new model of thrombus formation and platelet dynamics inside intracranial aneurysms. Our novel contribution combines platelet activation and transport with fibrin generation, which is key to characterising stable and unstable thrombus. The model is based on two types of thrombus inside aneurysms: red thrombus (fibrin- and erythrocyte-rich) can be found in unstable clots, while white thrombus (fibrin- and platelet-rich) can be found in stable clots. The thrombus generation model is coupled to a CFD model and the flow-induced platelet index (FiPi) is defined as a quantitative measure of clot stability. Our model is validated against an in vitro phantom study of two flow-diverting stents with different sizing. We demonstrate that our model accurately predicts the lower thrombus stability in the oversized stent scenario. This opens possibilities for using computational simulations to improve endovascular treatment planning and reduce adverse events, such as delayed haemorrhage of flow-diverted aneurysms