684 research outputs found

    Awareness of oral cancer and precancer among final year dental undergraduates in Ukraine

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    Kolenko Yulia. Awareness of oral cancer and precancer among final year dental undergraduates in Ukraine. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(3):106-112. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.47867http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3426https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/721251 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.01.2016. Revised 12.02.2016. Accepted: 27.02.2016.  AWARENESS OF ORAL CANCER AND PRECANCER AMONG FINAL YEAR DENTAL UNDERGRADUATES IN UKRAINE Kolenko Yulia1 1Bogomolets National medical university, Kyiv, Ukraine Correspondence: Kolenko Yulia, associate professor of Operative Dentistry department, Bogomolets National medical university, Zoollogichna street, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine. Tel: +380 50 772 7375. E-mail: [email protected] AbstractBackground: Oral cancer presents with high mortality rates, and the likelihood of survival is remarkably superior when detected early. Health care providers, particularly dentists, play a critical role in early detection of oral cancers and should be knowledgeable and skillful in oral cancer diagnosis. Purpose: The objective of the present study was to assess the comprehensive awareness of final year dental undergraduates of Medical Universities and Institutes Ukraine concerning oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders. Materials and Methods: A pretested self-administered questionnaire was distributed to fifth year dental students. Questions relating to knowledge of oral cancer, risk factors, and opinions on oral cancer prevention and practices were posed. Results: Only a small proportion of both groups of students expressed confidence in their knowledge and skills in oral cancer prevention and detection. This study revealed areas of deficiency in the awareness of these students concerning oral cancer and OPMD. It points to a necessity to strengthen these aspects of medical and dental undergraduate curricula. Conclusions : The findings of the present study suggest that here is a need to reinforce the undergraduate dental curriculum with regards to oral cancer education, particularly in its prevention and early detection. Keywords: dental students, knowledge, opinions, dental education, oral cancer, oral potentially malignant disorders, curriculum

    Malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia and oral lichen planus: a retrospective cohort study of 293 Ukrainian patients

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    Background: The five-year survival rate of early stage (I and II) oral squamous cell carcinoma might be about 80%, but of advanced stage (III and IV) oral squamous cell carcinoma is only approximately 20%. Because most cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma are preceded by clinically evident oral potentially malignant disorders, it is important to prevent malignant change for those patients diagnosed with oral potentially malignant disorders. Purpose: to estimate the malignant transformation rate of a retrospective cohort of 293 patients with oral leukoplakia (OL) and oral lichen planus (OLP) (mean follow-up of 4,5 years) and identify significant risk factors of malignant transformation in Ukraine. Materials and Methods: All archived files of patients with the clinical and pathologic diagnosis of OL and OLP from 2011 to 2015 were retrospectively reviewed in Oncology Hospital in Zhitomir and Chernigov. All clinical history and follow-up data were obtained from the archived files. Information regarding gender, age, site of lesions at the time of the initial diagnosis of OL and OLP was all documented in detail. Results: Two important parameters should be considered when evaluating the potential for malignant transformation of OPMDs. First, the initial OPMD lesions should be confirmed using histopathological diagnoses; second, the amount of time it takes for the lesion to be transformed into a malignancy at the same location as the original OPMD lesion. Conclusions: In the current study, we analyzed and updated the data of malignant transformation of various OPMDs in a cohort of patients from Ukraine. Moreover, our data indicated that patients with OPMDs need a long-term clinical follow-up and histopathological examination is an important predictor of cancer development to monitor the possibility of malignant transformation

    Шляхи вдосконалення підготовки лікарів загальної практики - сімейної медицини

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    Важливою проблемою охорони здоров’я України є підготовка лікарів нової формації. Сімейна медицина – це ключова дисципліна первинної медичної допомоги. Сімейні лікарі щоденно виконують величезний обсяг роботи і мають велику кількість обов’язків: надання кваліфікованої, у тому числі, невідкладної медичної допомоги, проводять підготовку хворих до госпіталізації, використовують сучасні методи діагностики, лікування та реабілітації хворих. Профілактична робота спрямована на виявлення чинників ризику, ранніх та скритих форм захворювання, проведення санітарно-протиепідемічної та санітарно-освітньої роботи та інше. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/471

    Development of Web application for curriculum course description using object relational mapping and asp.net platform

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    Tema završnog rada je izrada ASP.NET MVC (engl. Model View Controller) web aplikaciju sa pristupom načina rada naziva „kôd prvi“ (engl. Code first) , sa svim provjerama te mogućnošću izrade baze podataka i relacija među tablicama na temelju modela. Rad se sastoji od tri glavna dijela. U prvome dijelu nabrajaju se računalni programi i tehnologije koje su korištene u izradi projekta. Svaki od njih je ukratko opisan te su prikazana neka područja upotrebe. Drugi dio rada opširno opisuje svaki korak izrade projekta, od početka, stvaranje modela, stvaranje tablice pa sve do dodavanja zadnjih funkcionalnosti aplikacije. Treći dio rada opisuje programsku dokumentaciju. U prvome dijelu su opisane tehnologije: (i) Visual Studio, program u kojem je aplikacija izrađena, (ii) ASP.NET MVC razvojno okruženje u kojemu je aplikacija napravljena, (iii) C# programski jezik koji se koristio za upravljanje, manipuliranje i provjeru podataka u aplikaciji, (iv)prezentacijski jezik za opisivanje izgleda web stranice HTML, (v) JavaScript biblioteka jQuery koja služi za dodavanja dodatnih funkcionalnosti aplikacije. U drugome dijelu je opisana izrada aplikacije, počevši sa stvaranjem prvog modela za izradu tablice te primjer tablice prema tomu modelu. Nakon toga se opisuje način i postupak za stvaranje cijele baze podataka prema stvorenim modelima te dodavanje provjere podataka na modele i ažuriranje strukture baze. Zatim se objašnjava kako korisnici mogu raditi sa bazom tj. načini na koje upisuju podatke u bazu, brišu podatke iz baze te kako ažurirati postojeće podatke te mehanizme koji se odvijaju tijekom rada aplikacije. Za svaku od akcija je priložen programski kôd pogleda i upravljača te se dijelovi kôda objašnjavaju i napominje se koji se podaci šalju među njima. Na kraju drugoga dijela je opis i postupak za sprječavanje upisa neželjenog, odnosno pogrešnog podatke u polje, te opis dodavanja vlastite metodu za prikaz podataka. Treći dio dokumentacije opisuje slučajeve korištenja tj. slučaje za koje se aplikacija može koristiti zajedno sa akterima, odnosno čimbenicima koji će djelovati na aplikaciju. U slučaju ovog rada to su osobe (gost, profesor, administrator). Također nalaze se dijagrami, dijagram modela i dijagram razreda. Na kraju dokumentacije se nalazi popis svih slika koje se nalaze u radu te popis svih izvora

    Bicortical implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation of partial edentulism

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    Gubitkom zuba narušava se biostatička ravnoteža, što dovodi do oštećenja funkcija stomatognatog sustava. Djelomični gubitak zuba može nepovoljno utjecati na kvalitetu života. Trenutačno su zubni implantati široko prihvaćeni kao terapijsko rješenje u sanaciji djelomične bezubosti. Za uspješnu ugradnju konvencionalnih implantata neophodna je dostupnost dovoljne količine i kvalitete kosti. Nezadovoljavanje ovog kriterija komplicira i otežava daljnji tijek terapije. Bikortikalni implantati sidre se u bazalnoj kosti koja je prisutna tijekom cijeloga života. Specifično osmišljen dizajn bikortikalnih implantata omogućava zbrinjavanje gotovo svih pacijenata fiksnim nadomjeskom neovisno o količini dostupne kosti. Za pacijente to predstavlja izbjegavanje dodatnih kirurških postupaka i mogućih komplikacija, učestalih posjeta ordinaciji i dugog čekanja završnog nadomjeska. Postupak implantacije bikortikalnih implantata minimalno je invazivan, manje nelagodan za pacijente i pridonosi bržem oporavku. Visoka stopa uspješnosti postiže se u terapiji medicinski kompromitiranih pacijenata kod kojih terapija konvencionalnim implantatima ne bi bila moguća ili uspješna. Bikortikalni implantati pokazali su se kao moguće terapijsko rješenje djelomične bezubosti, od nadoknade nekoliko zuba do nadoknada koje obuhvaćaju cijelu čeljust. Koncept nije predviđen za nadoknadu pojedinačnog zuba. Bikortikalno ili multikortikalno sidrenje postiže se tijekom zahvata, a nadomjestak služi kao imedijatni splint. Ovaj koncept terapije predstavlja rješenje problema velikom broju pacijenata te pouzdan i siguran način terapije djelomične bezubosti.Tooth loss disrupts the biostatic balance which leads to the deterioration of stomatognathic system functions. Partial loss of teeth can adversely affect the quality of life. Currently, dental implants are widely accepted as a therapeutic solution in the rehabilitation of partial edentulism. For the successful installation of conventional implants, the availability of sufficient bone quantity and quality is essential. Failure to meet this criterion complicates the course of therapy. Bicortical implants are anchored in the basal bone that is present throughout life. The specific design of bicortical implants allows almost all patients to be provided with fixed replacements, regardless of the quantity of sufficient bone. For patients, this means avoiding additional surgical procedures and possible complications, frequent office visits and a long wait for the final restoration. The implantation procedure of the bicortical implants is minimally invasive, less uncomfortable for the patients and contributes to faster recovery. A high rate of success is achieved in the therapy of medically compromised patients where conventional implant therapy would not be possible or successful. Bicortical implants proved to be a possible therapeutic solution of partial edentulism, from the replacement of several teeth to replacements that cover the whole jaw. The concept is not intended for the replacement of an individual tooth. Bicortical or multicortical anchoring is achieved during the procedure and the substitute serves as an immediate splint. This concept of therapy represents a solution in a large number of patients as a reliable and safe treatment of partial edentulism

    The effect of social skills training on grade 3 students' self-esteem, moral development and perceptions of classroom environment

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    Two Grade 3 classes were used to study the effects of a formal social skills training program. Specifically, comparisons were made on self-esteem, classroom environment, and moral development to see whether changes occurred as a direct result of social skills training. One group participated in the social skills program, while the other group did not. It was hypothesized that formal social skills training would improve students' selfesteem, moral development, and the classroom environment. At the end of the program, however, data from class observations, teacher interviews, journal of the social skills training group teacher, and measures of self-esteem, classroom environment and moral development did not support this hypothesis. Although the social skills training group scored significantly higher in class cohesiveness, they did not show marked improvement in the other measures. In fact, in some measures (e.g., friction and competitiveness), they demonstrated greater scores at both pretest and posttests. The social skills training group was, however, able to vocalize and utilize the strategies of several skills which had been a focus of the program, suggesting that formal social skills training is a useful tool for presenting and reinforcing some specific behaviours