1,215 research outputs found


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    Pluralisme yang mewarnai tata hidup antar anggota masyarakat Indonesia turut memperkaya pandangan hukum dalam masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk pandangan dan opini hukum terhadap korupsi. Achmad Ali mengatakan “ Hukum adalah seperangkat norma tentang apa yang benar dan apa yang salah yang dibuat atau diakui eksistensinya oleh pemerintah yang dituangkan baik sebagai aturan tertulis (peraturan) ataupun tidak tertulis, yang mengikat dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakatnya secara keseluruhan dan dengan ancaman sanksi bagi pelanggar aturan”. Oleh sebab itu di Indonesia, selain hukum yang di buat pemerintah ada juga bentuk hukum yang tidak dibuat oleh pemerintah tetapi diakui eksistensinya, yaitu Hukum Adat dan Hukum Islam. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa persoalan korupsi secara umum menurut hukum positif yang berlaku, serta mengenai penerapan hukuman bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi dalam hukum Negara.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yang bersifat yuridis normatif. Dalam penerapannya bahwa penelitian ini pada fokus masalah yaitu penelitian yang mengaitkan penelitian murni dengan penelitian terapan, dan menurut ilmu yang dipergunakan adalah penelitian monodisipliner, artinya laporan penelitian ini hanya didasarkan pada satu disiplin ilmu, yaitu ilmu hukum.  Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, bahwa: 1. Undang-undang No.31 tahun 1991 junto Undang-Undang No.20 tahun 2001 telah mengatur secara jelas mengenai segala sesuatu tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi atau Tipikor. 2. Islam mengistilahkan korupsi dalam beberapa etimologi sesuai jenis atau bentuk korupsi yang dilakukan, diantaranya : Risywah, Al-Ghasbu, Mark up, Pemalsuan data, Penggelapan uang negara. Ketiga korupsi menurut hukum positif yang berlaku di Indonesia dengan korupsi yang dimaksudkan dalam Hukum Islam adalah sama. Yang membedakan kedua hukum ini hanyalah pada efektifitas dan validitasnya. dimana Hukum positif adalah aturan hukum yang berlaku dan diakui di Indonesia, sedangkan Hukum Islam merupakan bagian dari domain kultural keagamaan dengan menekankan pada sisi moralitas. Kata kunci : Hukuman, korupto

    The Measurement of Expected and Perceived Service of a Municipal Transport Based on Selected Medium-Sized Cities

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    In the literature four basic postulates of transport are usually mentioned: time, convenience, cost and security of travel. The hierarchy of importance of individual postulates of transport depends on subjective evaluations of urban transport users. In the research carried out within the framework of research work financed from funds for science in 2010-2013 titled ‘Reference Model of City logistics and the quality of Life of Inhabitants’, measured the difference between the expected and perceived quality of urban transport services and defined a hierarchy of evaluated quality criteria. The solution to the problem with too many variables is the ossibility of using factor analysis. This analysis allows the reduction of many interrelated variable

    The role of Xmsx-2 in the anterior-posterior patterning of the mesoderm in Xenopus laevis

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    Many molecules are involved in defining mesodermal patterning of the Xenopus embryo. In this paper, evidence is provided that a member of the msx family of genes, the Xmsx-2 gene, is involved in anterior-posterior patterning of the mesoderm. A comparison of its sequence to another previously cloned msx-2 Xenopus homolog, Xhox-7.1’ [45] showed that they are closely related. The Xmsx-2 gene is first expressed at midgastrulation predominantly in the dorsal part of the embryo. It showed a complex pattern of spatial expression, consistent with a role in patterning of the anterior-posterior axis. This inference is confirmed by gain-of-function experiments in which overexpressed msx-2 mRNA in developing Xenopus embryos resulted in embryos lacking anterior structures. Analysis of markers in mutant embryos showed that genes involved in ventral-posterior patterning such as Xhox-3 , Xwnt-8 , and Xvent-1 were upregulated, confirming the posteriorized nature of the embryos. We believe that the Xmsx-2 gene is involved in refining the patterning of the anterior-posterior part of the dorsal mesoderm after the initial signals determining the dorsal or ventral nature of the mesoderm have been specified.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73359/1/j.1432-0436.1999.6530131.x.pd

    How Local Authorities are Engaged in Implementation of Projects Related to Passenger and Freight Transport in Order to Reduce Environmental Degradation in the City

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    AbstractThe main aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of urban projects related to passenger and freight transport undertaken by local governments on the reduction of environmental degradation. The authors have presented the survey results conducted among 36 cities with administration county rights in Poland. In addition in the paper the multidimensional comparative analysis, including correspondence analysis, has been applied. This analysis enabled different classes of cities to be obtained related to the passenger and freight transport and targeted at environmental protection projects. The study results quite clearly show that there are no standards in the measurement of urban projects’ efficiency according to their impact on environmental protection and the range of implemented projects in this field depends on the city population size

    Development of an Improved Radiation Resistant Solar Cell Final Report

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    Drift field solar cell development for minimizing radiation damag