2,016 research outputs found

    Optimal Color Model for Information Hidingin Color Images

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    In present work the effort has been put in finding the most suitable color model for the application of information hiding in color images. We test the most commonly used color models; RGB, YIQ, YUV, YCbCr1 and YCbCr2. The same procedures of embedding, detection and evaluation were applied to find which color model is most appropriate for information hiding. The new in this work, we take into consideration the value of errors that generated during transformations among color models. The results show YUV and YIQ color models are the best for information hiding in color images

    A Mathematical Approach for Computing the Linear Equivalence of a Periodic Key-Stream Sequence Using Fourier Transform

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    A mathematical method with a new algorithm with the aid of Matlab language is proposed to compute the linear equivalence (or the recursion length) of the pseudo-random key-stream periodic sequences using Fourier transform. The proposed method enables the computation of the linear equivalence to determine the degree of the complexity of any binary or real periodic sequences produced from linear or nonlinear key-stream generators. The procedure can be used with comparatively greater computational ease and efficiency. The results of this algorithm are compared with Berlekamp-Massey (BM) method and good results are obtained where the results of the Fourier transform are more accurate than those of (BM) method for computing the linear equivalence (L) of the sequence of period (p) when (L) is greater than (p/2). Several examples are given for conciliated the accuracy of the results of this proposed method

    Functional and Physiological Role of Extra-Hypothalamic Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Neurons in the Nucleus of the Hippocampal Commissure in Regulation of Stress Response

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    Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) neurons located within the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) are known to be involved in regulation of stress responses. Recently, CRH neurons were identified above the PVN within the nucleus of the hippocampal commissure (NHpC) that located in the septum. We hypothesized that CRH neurons in the NHpC play a critical role in the stress response due to their rapid activation and could be a part of the traditional hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The dissertation addresses the role of 1) CRH expressing neurons in the NHpC compared with those within the PVN utilizing two different stressors, food deprivation (FD) and immobilization stress, 2) arginine vasotocin (AVT) neurons in the late phase of stress responses to sustain CRH neuron activities, 3) CRH and AVT receptors within the NHpC, PVN, and anterior pituitary (APit), 4) brain derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, in the regulation of the stress response, particularly, interactions of CRH and AVT and their, major receptors, CRHR1 and V1aR, and 5) the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and its role in regulating CRH neurons in the NHpC and PVN, and POMC transcripts within the APit. Results showed that CRH neurons in the NHpC are activated rapidly and help initiate the general response of both types of stressors investigated, namely, FD and immobilization. rapid activation of CRH neurons in the NHpC indicated that the NHpC contributes significantly in the initial upregulation of POMC transcripts and plasma CORT concertation increase; however, persistence of high CORT levels seemed to be attributed to both CRH and AVT activation in the PVN demonstrating that the two neuropeptides are working together to maintain a response to continued stress. Additionally, a delayed increase of AVT expression in the PVN is associated with upregulation of its major receptor, V1aR, showing a positive feedback indicating that AVT and V1aR are involved when a stressor persists. CRH and AVT receptors within the two structures, NHpC and PVN, are regulated differentially during the stress response. Specifically, CRH and its major receptor, CRHR1, are regulated negatively in the NHpC and positively within the PVN; however, CRHR2 has a positive feedback with its ligand in both neural structures. Importantly, BDNF appeared to play a critical role in the upregulation of CRH followed by AVT activation in the PVN as well as for the positive feedback relationship between CRH and CRHR1 and AVT and V1aR within the PVN. Additionally, the V1bR mRNA was detected and shown upregulated within the NHpC and PVN. Increased neuronal secretion during stress downregulated CRHR1 and V1aR gene expression in the APit resulting in an absence of stimulating POMC transcripts thereby reducing their effect on CORT release. In contrast, upregulation of the V1bR in the APit maintains a significant CORT release when stressors persist. Upregulation of GR within the brain functions to inhibit CRH neurons in the NHpC followed by those in the PVN in order to decrease peak plasma levels of CORT. Hence, CRH neurons in the NHpC function to assist in initiating the stress response and, therefore, play a significant role in the early phase of HPA axis activation. CRH and AVT in the PVN sustain the stress response as evidenced by plasma CORT levels. The GR functions to dampen peak levels of CORT thereby effecting a homeostatic response to persistent stressors

    Optimum Path Planning for Multi Mobile Robots with Speed of Work Achievement as Constrain

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    هذا البحث يمثل التخطيط الامثل لمسار عدة روبوتات متنقلة بين نقطة البدء باتجاه نقطة الهدف ثم العودة الى نقطة البداية وتجنب الاصطدام وبدون ابطاء شديد في سرعة الروبوتات. وتم الاخذ بنظر الاعتبار في تصميم النظام سرع الروبوتات وكذلك الوقت المستهلك لحركة الروبوتات باتجاه نقطة الهدف، حيث كلاهما متغيران لجميع الروبوتات. من اجل تحقيق اهداف العمل استخدمت طريقة الوقت والفراغ (time and space method) مع طريقة تسلسل الدخول (sequential entry method) لتخطيط حركة الروبوتات. ايضا تم استخدام اثنين من مستويات الاولوية ليتم اختيار الاولوية للروبوتات بعناية لتجنب التصادم بين الروبوتات والمتمثلة بأولوية مستوى العقدة واولوية مستوى الروبوت، نلاحظ في اولوية مستوى العقدة فالاولوية للروبوتات التي تقلل عدد التصادمات في كل النظام، في حين الاولوية في مستوى الروبوت للروبوتات التي تسبب سرعة في انجاز العمل. تم اختبار العمل على عدد مختلف من الروبوتات وانواع مختلفة من الخرائط، حيث اثبتت الخوارزمية كفائتها في ايجاد الحل الامثل بخصوص اداء النظام لكل الروبوتات في نقاط التصادم. حيث تم تطبيق الخوارزمية بأستخدام لغة البرمجة فيجوال بيسك/ اكسل.This paper presents optimum path planning for multi mobile robots that move between an initial point toward a target point then back to the initial point in a way that avoid collision without heavily slow down robots speed. The work system designs for taking into consideration robots velocities as well as time that robots will spend it in their target points, since both could be variant for all robots. In order to achieve the work objectives, time and space method combined with sequential entry method are used to design robots motion. In addition, two priority levels are used of carefully selected priorities to avoid collision between robots; node level priority and robot level priority. In node level priority, the priority gives to robots in a manner that minimize the number of over all system collisions. While in robot level priority the priority gives to robots that cause faster speed for work achievement. The work is tested with different number of robots and different types of maps, and the algorithm proved its efficiency in finding the optimum solution regarding system performance for each robot in the collision points. The proposed algorithm is implemented using VBA programming language

    Shear Capacity of Steel Fiber Non-Metallic (GFRP) Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened in Shear Using CFRP Laminates

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    A total of ten large –scale concrete beams were constructed and tested under four–point monotonic loading until failure .Nine of these beams were longitudinally reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) strengthened with externally bonded CFRP laminate while the remain beam was reinforced with conventional steel bars with web reinforcement as control specimen. To examine the shear behavior, the main parameters investigated in this study included volume fraction of fiber (0, 0.50 , 1.0) % reinforcement and wrapped with two different configurations of CFRP laminate (U-Jacket and sheets are side bonded) were examined .The test results were compared with recommended design code .The results are summarized and analyzed in detail in the paper in terms of shear capacity, cracking pattern and shear resisting contribution of  FRP and steel fiber . Keywords : Beams ,Shear, Steel fiber , GFRP bars ,Strengthening by CFRP