32 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic and Market Specific Variables Effect on Capitalization Rate : –A Quantative Study on the Determinants of Cap Rates for the Office Market in Stockholm CBD

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    Direktavkastningskravet Ă€r ett avgörande mĂ„tt inom fastighetsbranschen för att bedöma lönsamheten hos en fastighetsinvestering. Genom att tillĂ€mpa direktavkastningskravet kan investerare jĂ€mföra och utvĂ€rdera lönsamheten hos olika fastigheter och tillgĂ„ngsslag. De senaste tvĂ„ decennierna har kĂ€nnetecknats av en komprimering av direktavkastningskravet pĂ„ flera fastighetsmarknader, vilket till stor del har pĂ„verkats av det gynnsamma makroekonomiska klimatet under den tiden. Under inledningen av 2022 har det ekonomiska landskapet genomgĂ„tt betydande förĂ€ndringar dĂ„ flera lĂ€nder har stĂ€llts inför utmaningar med hög inflation och ökande styrrĂ€ntor som en följd av en överstimulerad ekonomi. FörĂ€ndringen har inneburit att den tidigare trenden av sjunkande direktavkastningskrav har brutits i takt med att fastighetsinvesterare har justerat upp risken för att kompensera för den ökade osĂ€kerheten pĂ„ marknaden. Mot bakgrund av direktavkastningskravets utveckling över tid syftar studien till att undersöka vilka faktorer som har bidragit till denna förĂ€ndring. Studien undersöker nĂ„gra av dessa faktorer genom att analysera olika makroekonomiska och marknadsspecifika variabler och deras pĂ„verkan pĂ„ direktavkastningskravet för kontorsmarknaden i Stockholm CBD under perioden 2000 till och med 2022. Studien visade att förĂ€ndringen i direktavkastningskravet över tidsperioden signifikant kunde förklaras av faktorer som BNP-tillvĂ€xt, förĂ€ndringen i riskfri rĂ€nta och hyrestillvĂ€xt. Även förĂ€ndringen i vakansgrad undersöktes, men enligt regressionsresultaten visade den ingen signifikant effekt pĂ„ den beroende variabeln. Det Ă€r dock viktigt att notera att studiens förklaringsgrad var lĂ„g, vilket innebĂ€r att trots det att regressionen indikerar statistisktsignifikanta samband mellan förĂ€ndringen i direktavkastningskravet och nĂ„gra av de oberoende variablerna, kan inga slutsatser dras om att det faktiskt föreligger ett samband mellan den beroende och de oberoende variablerna.The capitalization rate is a crucial measure in the real estate industry for assessing the profitability of a property investment. By applying the capitalization rate, investors can compare and evaluate the profitability of different properties and asset classes. The past two decades have been characterized by a compression of the capitalization rate in several real estate markets, largely influenced by the favorable macroeconomic climate during that time. In the early stages of 2022, the economic landscape has undergone significant changes as several countries have faced challenges with high inflation and rising interest rates due to an overheated economy. This change has resulted in breaking the previous trend of declining capitalization rates, as real estate investors have adjusted upwards for risk to compensate for the increased market uncertainty. Taking into account the evolving nature of the capitalization rate over time, the study aims to explore the underlying factors contributing to this transformation. Specifically, the study examines a range of macroeconomic and market-specific variables and their influence on the capitalization rate for the office market in Stockholm CBD between 2000 and 2022. The study found that the change in the capitalization rate over the time period could be significantly explained by factors such as GDP growth, changes in risk-free interest rates, and rental growth. The change in vacancy rate was also examined, but according to the regression results, it showed no significant effect on the dependent variable. However, it is important to note that the study had a low explanatory power, which means that despite the regression indicating statistically significant relationships between the change in the capitalization rate and some of the independent variables, no conclusions can be drawn about the existence of a relationship between the dependent and independent variables

    Macroeconomic and Market Specific Variables Effect on Capitalization Rate : –A Quantative Study on the Determinants of Cap Rates for the Office Market in Stockholm CBD

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    Direktavkastningskravet Ă€r ett avgörande mĂ„tt inom fastighetsbranschen för att bedöma lönsamheten hos en fastighetsinvestering. Genom att tillĂ€mpa direktavkastningskravet kan investerare jĂ€mföra och utvĂ€rdera lönsamheten hos olika fastigheter och tillgĂ„ngsslag. De senaste tvĂ„ decennierna har kĂ€nnetecknats av en komprimering av direktavkastningskravet pĂ„ flera fastighetsmarknader, vilket till stor del har pĂ„verkats av det gynnsamma makroekonomiska klimatet under den tiden. Under inledningen av 2022 har det ekonomiska landskapet genomgĂ„tt betydande förĂ€ndringar dĂ„ flera lĂ€nder har stĂ€llts inför utmaningar med hög inflation och ökande styrrĂ€ntor som en följd av en överstimulerad ekonomi. FörĂ€ndringen har inneburit att den tidigare trenden av sjunkande direktavkastningskrav har brutits i takt med att fastighetsinvesterare har justerat upp risken för att kompensera för den ökade osĂ€kerheten pĂ„ marknaden. Mot bakgrund av direktavkastningskravets utveckling över tid syftar studien till att undersöka vilka faktorer som har bidragit till denna förĂ€ndring. Studien undersöker nĂ„gra av dessa faktorer genom att analysera olika makroekonomiska och marknadsspecifika variabler och deras pĂ„verkan pĂ„ direktavkastningskravet för kontorsmarknaden i Stockholm CBD under perioden 2000 till och med 2022. Studien visade att förĂ€ndringen i direktavkastningskravet över tidsperioden signifikant kunde förklaras av faktorer som BNP-tillvĂ€xt, förĂ€ndringen i riskfri rĂ€nta och hyrestillvĂ€xt. Även förĂ€ndringen i vakansgrad undersöktes, men enligt regressionsresultaten visade den ingen signifikant effekt pĂ„ den beroende variabeln. Det Ă€r dock viktigt att notera att studiens förklaringsgrad var lĂ„g, vilket innebĂ€r att trots det att regressionen indikerar statistisktsignifikanta samband mellan förĂ€ndringen i direktavkastningskravet och nĂ„gra av de oberoende variablerna, kan inga slutsatser dras om att det faktiskt föreligger ett samband mellan den beroende och de oberoende variablerna.The capitalization rate is a crucial measure in the real estate industry for assessing the profitability of a property investment. By applying the capitalization rate, investors can compare and evaluate the profitability of different properties and asset classes. The past two decades have been characterized by a compression of the capitalization rate in several real estate markets, largely influenced by the favorable macroeconomic climate during that time. In the early stages of 2022, the economic landscape has undergone significant changes as several countries have faced challenges with high inflation and rising interest rates due to an overheated economy. This change has resulted in breaking the previous trend of declining capitalization rates, as real estate investors have adjusted upwards for risk to compensate for the increased market uncertainty. Taking into account the evolving nature of the capitalization rate over time, the study aims to explore the underlying factors contributing to this transformation. Specifically, the study examines a range of macroeconomic and market-specific variables and their influence on the capitalization rate for the office market in Stockholm CBD between 2000 and 2022. The study found that the change in the capitalization rate over the time period could be significantly explained by factors such as GDP growth, changes in risk-free interest rates, and rental growth. The change in vacancy rate was also examined, but according to the regression results, it showed no significant effect on the dependent variable. However, it is important to note that the study had a low explanatory power, which means that despite the regression indicating statistically significant relationships between the change in the capitalization rate and some of the independent variables, no conclusions can be drawn about the existence of a relationship between the dependent and independent variables

    Mechanism of up-regulation of immunoglobulin A production in the intestine of mice unresponsive to lipopolysaccharide

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    The mechanisms by which immunoglobulin A (IgA) production up-regulates in the intestine of Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4)-mutated mice were investigated. When TLR4-mutated, C3H/HeJ and BALB/lps(d) mice received oral administration of cholera toxin (CT), not only CT-specific IgA levels in the intestinal lavage but also the number of IgA-producing cells in intestinal lamina propria (iLP) significantly increased compared with those of the wild-type C3H/He and BALB/c mice. Interleukin (IL)-5-producing cells and CD86(+) cells in iLP also significantly increased in C3H/HeJ mice. The expression of major histocompatibility complex class II and CD86 on cells present in Peyer's patches (PPs) of C3H/HeJ mice was higher than those of C3H/He mice. In non-immunized C3H/HeJ mice, the expression of transforming growth factor-ÎČ (TGF-ÎČ) mRNA and the percentages of IL-10-producing cells in PPs but not in spleen increased when compared with those in C3H/He mice. The suppressor of cytokine signalling-1 (SOCS-1) was expressed in PPs of C3H/He mice but not C3H/HeJ mice. These results indicate that high IgA levels in the intestine of TLR4-mutated mice are due to up-regulation of TGF-ÎČ and IL-10 and the lack of regulation by SOCS-1

    B-1-cell subpopulations contribute differently to gut immunity.

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    In mice, B-1 (B1a/B1b) cells are mainly located in the peritoneal cavity. B-1 cells are well known for their role in the early stages of Ab-mediated immune responses against pathogenic invasion as well as for the production of natural IgM antibodies. Although such B cells have been claimed to give rise to intestinal plasma cells producing IgA, a clear role of B-1 cells in IgA production in the gut-associated tissues is still not defined. Here, we employed the transgenic L2 mouse model characterized by the lack of B-2 cells and presence of B-1 cells as major B-cell subpopulation. The oligoclonality of the Ab repertoire in this mouse allowed us to take typical B1a cell VH sequences as indicators of the presence of IgM-producing B-1a cells in Peyer's patches as well as in lamina propria. However, amongst the IgAVH sequences recovered from the same tissues, none of the sequences showed B1a-cell specificity. Interestingly, all IgAVH sequences derived from the lamina propria of L2 mice displayed extensive numbers of nucleotide exchanges, indicating somatic hypermutation, and affinity maturation. This suggests that the contribution of natural unmutated IgA by B-1a cells to intestinal immunity is negligible

    Porin of Shigella dysenteriae enhances Toll-like receptors 2 and 6 of mouse peritoneal B-2 cells and induces the expression of immunoglobulin M, immunoglobulin G2a and immunoglobulin A

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    Porin of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 increased the mRNA levels for Toll-like receptors TLR2 and TLR6, by 1·8-fold and twofold, respectively, in peritoneal cavity B-2 cells from C57BL/6 mice, implicating that the co-expression of TLR2 and TLR6 occurs as a combinatorial repertoire in response to porin. Among the two key TLRs, TLR2 and TLR4, which are primarily responsible for recognizing the majority of bacterial products, TLR2 alone participates in porin recognition. TLR2 expression was increased on B-2 cells, whereas the expression of TLR4 remained unaffected. Besides TLRs, mRNA for myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), an effector molecule associated with the TLR-mediated response, was enhanced by twofold, suggesting its involvement in the activity of porin. The B-2 cells showed a 1·8-fold increase in mRNA expression of the signalling molecule, nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-ÎșB), in the presence of porin. Porin treatment of B-2 cells selectively up-regulated the expression of the costimulatory molecule, CD86, by 4·4-fold. Porin induced the cell-surface expression of immunoglobulin (Ig)M, of IgG2a preferentially among the IgG subclasses, and of IgA, on B-2 cells. The porin-mediated inductions of IgG2a and IgA were augmented by interleukin-6 on B-2 cells, by 2·7- and 1·6-fold, respectively

    An investigation of the ability of orally primed and tolerised T cells to help B cells upon mucosal challenge

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    The oral delivery of soluble antigens induces unresponsiveness to systemic challenge that can be demonstrated as a reduced ability of tolerised T cells to support B-cell expansion and antibody production. However, it remains controversial whether previously induced oral tolerance results in suppression or priming, or has no effect on B-cell responses upon oral challenge. Using a double adoptive transfer system, we primed or tolerised T cells (independently of B cells) with a high dose of fed antigen, and examined the ability of these primed or tolerised T cells to support B-cell clonal expansion in response to orally delivered conjugated antigen. We demonstrated directly in vivo that, in contrast to orally primed T cells, transgenic T cells tolerised by feeding a high dose of antigen are incapable of providing cognate help to support B-cell clonal expansion and antibody production in response to oral challenge. This defect appears to be a result of a reduced ability of orally tolerised transgenic T cells to clonally expand and migrate to B-cell follicles after oral challenge