1,839 research outputs found

    Leading two-loop corrections to the Higgs boson masses in SUSY models with Dirac gauginos

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    We compute the two-loop O(as*at) corrections to the Higgs boson masses in supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model with Dirac gaugino masses. We rely on the effective-potential technique, allow for both Dirac and Majorana mass terms for the gluinos, and compute the corrections in both the DRbar and on-shell renormalisation schemes. We give detailed results for the MDGSSM and the MRSSM, and simple approximate formulae valid in the decoupling limit for all currently-studied variants of supersymmetric models with Dirac gluinos. These results represent the first explicit two-loop calculation of Higgs boson masses in supersymmetric models beyond the MSSM and the NMSSM.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures; v2: version published in JHE

    Supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric models without catastrophic Goldstone bosons

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    The calculation of the Higgs mass in general renormalisable field theories has been plagued by the so-called "Goldstone Boson Catastrophe", where light (would-be) Goldstone bosons give infra-red divergent loop integrals. In supersymmetric models, previous approaches included a workaround that ameliorated the problem for most, but not all, parameter space regions; while giving divergent results everywhere for non-supersymmetric models! We present an implementation of a general solution to the problem in the public code SARAH, along with new calculations of some necessary loop integrals and generic expressions. We discuss the validation of our code in the Standard Model, where we find remarkable agreement with the known results. We then show new applications in Split SUSY, the NMSSM, the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, and the Georgi-Machacek model. In particular, we take some first steps to exploring where the habit of using tree-level mass relations in non-supersymmetric models breaks down, and show that the loop corrections usually become very large well before naive perturbativity bounds are reached.Comment: 45 pages, 12 figure

    Matching renormalisable couplings: simple schemes and a plot

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    We discuss different choices that can be made when matching a general high-energy theory -- with the restriction that it should not contain heavy gauge bosons -- onto a general renormalisable effective field theory at one loop, with particular attention to the quartic scalar couplings and Yukawa couplings. This includes a generalisation of the counterterm scheme that was found to be useful in the case of high-scale/split supersymmetry, but we show the important differences when there are new heavy scalar fields in singlet or triplet representations of SU(2)SU(2). We also analytically compare our methods and choices with the approach of matching pole masses, proving the equivalence with one of our choices. We outline how to make the extraction of quartic couplings using pole masses more efficient, an approach that we hope will generalise beyond one loop. We give examples of the impact of different scheme choices in a toy model; we also discuss the MSSM and give the threshold corrections to the Higgs quartic coupling in Dirac gaugino models.Comment: 59 pages, 7 figures. v2: added some explanations. Matches published versio

    ‘A Red-Green Lighthouse’ The city of Trondheim in Norwegian politics

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    In 2003 a new majority in Trondheim’s City Hall started to vigorously implement a radical programme to reclaim the public sector, re-municipalize service provision and expand the level and quality of social services. At the same time, the city eliminated the budget deficit inherited from the previous regime

    Rammefaktorer og tilpasset opplĂŠring : et kvalitativt studie fra to offentlige skoler og to friskoler

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    ProblemomrĂ„de Intensjonen med oppgaven har vĂŠrt Ă„ belyse hvordan rammefaktorer kan pĂ„virke opplĂŠringen. I trĂ„d med dette er oppgavens problemstilling som fĂžlger; ”Hvordan pĂ„virkes lĂŠreres yrkesutĂžvelse av de rammefaktorer som omkretser opplĂŠringssituasjonen? - En studie hvor lĂŠreres opplevelse av ’tilpasset opplĂŠring’ brukes til Ă„ synliggjĂžre sammenhenger mellom yrkesutĂžvelse og rammebetingelser i friskoler og i offentlige skoler.” For Ă„ belyse forskningsspĂžrsmĂ„let har rammefaktorteori blitt brukt som teoretisk rammeverk. De begreper, og antakelser om sammenhenger mellom disse, som har vĂŠrt med pĂ„ Ă„ styre intervjuenes innhold og hvilke deler av virkeligheten som er forsĂžkt avdekket, er valgt ut med utgangspunkt i rammefaktorteori. ’Tilpasset opplĂŠring’ har blitt brukt som et medierende begrep for Ă„ belyse lĂŠrernes opplevelse av de rammer som omkretser opplĂŠringssituasjonen. LĂŠreres opplevelse av rammer bĂ„de pĂ„ friskoler og offentlige skoler har blitt undersĂžkt. Dette ble bĂ„de gjort for Ă„ fĂ„ Ăžke sannsynligheten for at lĂŠrere med ulike oppfatninger er med i respondentgruppen, og for Ă„ tilfĂžre ytterligere en dimensjon til undersĂžkelsen. Metode Empirien er skaffet til veie for Ă„ fange opp hvilke oppfatninger lĂŠrere har av muligheter og begrensninger for Ă„ ’tilpasse opplĂŠringen’, og hvordan disse henger sammen med rammer som pĂ„virker opplĂŠringen pĂ„ friskoler og i offentlige skoler. Kvalitative metoder generelt, og fokusgrupper spesielt, har vĂŠrt godt egnet til Ă„ fĂ„ fram nĂždvendige nyanser i lĂŠrernes tanker og opplevelser. Datamaterialet i denne oppgaven er derfor hentet inn gjennom fire fokusgruppeintervjuer. To av disse ble avholdt pĂ„ friskoler, og to pĂ„ offentlige skoler. Utfallet av disse intervjuene er analysert ut fra kategorier som ble laget med bakgrunn i rammefaktorteori. Analysene kan synliggjĂžre sammenhenger som gjelder for akkurat disse lĂŠrerne pĂ„ disse skolene. Å generalisere utover dette er ikke mulig. Tendensene som er funnet i undersĂžkelsen kan imidlertid undersĂžkes nĂŠrmere, og muligens verifiseres, i senere forskningsprosjekter. PĂ„ denne mĂ„ten kan resultater fra flere undersĂžkelser til sammen bidra til Ă„ Ăžke sannsynligheten for at funn kan ha gyldighet for lĂŠrerpopulasjonen generelt. Resultater Gjennom analyser av utsagnene som lĂŠrerne brukte for Ă„ beskrive deres opplevelse av hvorledes ’tilpasset opplĂŠring’ fungerer pĂ„ deres skole, er det mulig Ă„ si noe om rammers pĂ„virkning pĂ„ opplĂŠringssituasjonen til lĂŠrerne i materialet. Noen av hovedfunnene kan sammenfattes i fĂžlgende punkter: ‱ Formelle rammebetingelser ser ut til bĂ„de Ă„ ha innvirkning pĂ„ skolesituasjonen generelt, og for mulighetene lĂŠrere har for Ă„ tilpasse opplĂŠringen til den enkelte, spesielt. Friskolene ser i stĂžrre grad enn de offentlige skolene ut til Ă„ ha ”lokal frihet”, bĂ„de Ăžkonomisk og ideologisk. ‱ Det synes Ă„ vĂŠre et noe stĂžrre foreldreengasjement og deltakelse i skolen blant friskoleforeldrene, enn blant foreldrene i den offentlige skolen. Gjennom de krav foreldre stiller, ser det derved ut til at nĂŠrsamfunnets rammer pĂ„virker lĂŠrernes yrkesutĂžvelse mer pĂ„ de to friskolene, enn pĂ„ de offentlige skolene. ‱ De indre rammenes utforming varierer fra skole til skole. Det pĂ„tagende er imidlertid at det kan se ut til at lĂŠrere pĂ„ skoler med noksĂ„ like betingelser, kan oppfatte og utnytte rammene pĂ„ svĂŠrt forskjellige mĂ„ter. Det ser dermed ut til at en skoles indre rammer fĂ„r betydning for opplĂŠringssituasjonen bĂ„de gjennom de faktiske begrensningene disse setter, og gjennom hvordan lĂŠrerne tolker disse rammene og dermed hvordan de lar dem pĂ„virke sin yrkesutĂžvelse. Rammers pĂ„virkning, i dette tilfellet pĂ„ opplĂŠringssituasjonen, ser i stor grad ut til Ă„ avhenge av, og variere med, lĂŠrernes opplevelse av rammene. Dette gjelder for alle de tre nivĂ„ene over. ’Tilpasset opplĂŠring’ er et sentralt begrep i den norske skolen. Det ser allikevel ikke ut til at de lĂŠrerne jeg har intervjuet er komfortable med hvordan dette skal iverksettes i praksis. Det er grunn til Ă„ tro at lĂŠrere ville hatt god nytte av flere utdypende diskusjoner omkring hvorledes dette bedre kan la seg gjennomfĂžre i opplĂŠringssituasjonen

    N-loop running should be combined with N-loop matching

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    We investigate the high-scale behaviour of Higgs sectors beyond the Standard Model, pointing out that the proper matching of the quartic couplings before applying the renormalisation group equations (RGEs) is of crucial importance for reliable predictions at larger energy scales. In particular, the common practice of leading-order parameters in the RGE evolution is insufficient to make precise statements on a given model's UV behaviour, typically resulting in uncertainties of many orders of magnitude. We argue that, before applying N-loop RGEs, a matching should even be performed at N-loop order in contrast to common lore. We show both analytical and numerical results where the impact is sizeable for three minimal extensions of the Standard Model: a singlet extension, a second Higgs doublet and finally vector-like quarks. We highlight that the known two-loop RGEs tend to moderate the running of their one-loop counterparts, typically delaying the appearance of Landau poles. For the addition of vector-like quarks we show that the complete two-loop matching and RGE evolution hints at a stabilisation of the electroweak vacuum at high energies, in contrast to results in the literature.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; v2: title changed, accepted for publication in PR

    Regulation of the Melanoma Cell Adhesion Molecule Gene in Melanoma: Modulation of mRNA Synthesis by Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, Phorbol Ester, and Stem Cell Factor/c-Kit Signaling

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    The melanoma cell adhesion molecule was identified as a human melanoma-associated antigen that increases in expression as tumors increase in thickness and begin to acquire metastatic potential. Clinical and experimental evidences suggest that the development of metastatic capacity might be the consequence of increased melanoma cell adhesion molecule expression. The mechanisms for upregulation of the melanoma cell adhesion molecule during melanoma progression are, however, still poorly understood. In this study, we show that melanoma cell adhesion molecule expression is tightly regulated at the transcriptional level. Using a combination of CAT reporter assays and semiquantitative reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction, we observed that cyclic adenosine monophosphate significantly increases transcription of the melanoma cell adhesion molecule in nonmetastatic melanoma cells. In metastatic cells, transcription of the gene was constitutive and could not be further increased by cyclic adenosine monophosphate. On the other hand, melanoma cell adhesion molecule promoter activity was impeded upon treatment with phorbol esters or in the presence of stem cell factor, a phenomenon which was protein kinase C-dependent. Promoter-deletion studies demonstrated that the first 196 nt of the melanoma cell adhesion molecule promoter region are sufficient to get full expression in metastatic melanoma cells. This fragment contains five binding sites for the transcription factor Sp1 and DNA mobility shift experiments showed direct binding of Sp1 to the promoter. In conclusion, our results indicate that Sp1 is sufficient to drive constitutive melanoma cell adhesion molecule expression in metastatic melanoma cells. In nonmetastatic cells, however, melanoma cell adhesion molecule expression is repressed and we speculate that stem cell factor/c-Kit signaling might be responsible for the control of melanoma cell adhesion molecule synthesis, and thus, perhaps, of melanoma progression and metastasis

    The role of stigma in accessing education for people with disabilities in low and middle-income countries: a review of the evidence

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    People with disabilities are often subjected to stigma, which can keep them from realising their full potential and their human rights, including the right to education. The UN agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, underscores the urgent need to eliminate and ensure equal access in education to vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities. Thus, it is important to understand the different barriers and facilitators, which are preventing or enabling people with disabilities in their access to inclusive quality education. This report presents findings from a scoping review conducted to give an overview of the evidence-base on the role of stigma in accessing education for people with disabilities in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Twenty-three articles from LMICs met the predetermined inclusion criteria. These articles described some of the ways stigma is affecting access to and equity in education, especially attitudes coming from teachers, school staff and structures, peers, parents and children's own felt stigma. In turn, these attitudes reflect societal stigma which is due to lack of knowledge and a societal view of disability, based on the medical model of impairment and limitation. There is a need for capacity building of teachers and of changing the medical view of disabilities in society. Evidence-based awareness campaigns and research on the implementation of inclusive education in low and middle-income countries is needed. ISBN: 978-82-14-06715-6publishedVersio
