377 research outputs found

    “Watching the world about them rock and sway”. Hidden Upheavals in Hisaye Yamamoto’s Short Stories

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    The essay focuses on a re-reading of two of the most celebrated short stories written by Japanese American author Hisaye Yamamoto, “Seventeen Syllables” (1949) and “Yoneko’s Earthquake” (1951). While both short stories are characterized by a sustained use of indirection, by tracing in them allusions to that crucial event in the history of Japanese Americans which is their forced relocation during World War II, it is possible to add a deeper layer of meaning that can further testify to the emotional turmoil of the internment experience. In addition, the essay offers a comparison between “Seventeen Syllables”, “Yoneko’s Earthquake”, and their movie adaptation produced by PBS and titled Hot Summer Winds (Omori 1991), in order to understand how the implicit references to the internment of the Japanese Americans found in the short stories are consciously mitigated or even deliberately removed in the television film.The essay focuses on a re-reading of two of the most celebrated short stories written by Japanese American author Hisaye Yamamoto, “Seventeen Syllables” (1949) and “Yoneko’s Earthquake” (1951). While both short stories are characterized by a sustained use of indirection, by tracing in them allusions to that crucial event in the history of Japanese Americans which is their forced relocation during World War II, it is possible to add a deeper layer of meaning that can further testify to the emotional turmoil of the internment experience. In addition, the essay offers a comparison between “Seventeen Syllables”, “Yoneko’s Earthquake”, and their movie adaptation produced by PBS and titled Hot Summer Winds (Omori 1991), in order to understand how the implicit references to the internment of the Japanese Americans found in the short stories are consciously mitigated or even deliberately removed in the television film.Il saggio si concentra su una rilettura di due dei più famosi racconti brevi scritti dall’autrice nippoamericana Hisaye Yamamoto, “Seventeen Syllables” (1949) e “Yoneko’s Earthquake” (1951). Se da un lato entrambi i racconti sono caratterizzati da un uso costante della tecnica della indirection, rintracciandone all’interno le allusioni a un evento cruciale della storia dei nippoamericani quale il trasferimento coatto di questi ultimi durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, è possibile riconoscere nei racconti un più profondo livello di significazione in grado di offrire ulteriore testimonianza del tumulto emozionale legato all’esperienza dell’internamento. Il saggio offre inoltre una comparazione tra “Seventeen Syllables”, “Yoneko’s Earthquake” e il loro adattamento televisivo prodotto da PBS e intitolato Hot Summer Winds (Omori 1991), al fine di comprendere in che modo i riferimenti impliciti all’internamento dei nippoamericani presenti nei due racconti brevi sono consapevolmente mitigati o addirittura deliberatamente rimossi nella versione filmica


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    Lo scritto prende spunto dalla esperienza biografica dell’autore per descrivere l’attraversamento psicologico, culturale e linguistico dell’immigrante. Riflette sulle conseguenze della perdita della lingua materna (intesa come dialetto famigliare) e l’impatto con il linguaggio della terra di accoglienza. Infine, considera la scuola come spazio interculturale decisivo nel processo migratorio

    Climate Change-Based Report Texts For Senior High School : A Mix Method Study

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    Abstract: Climate Change-Based Report Texts For Senior High School : a Mix Method Study. Objectives: This research aimed to uncover the needs of high school students to develop English reading material based on climate change and examined by perspectives of students, English teacher, and stakeholders. Methods: This study used mix method. Participant of this study was the eleventh-grade students, English teachers, and other school stakeholders. Data were obtained using a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Findings: Result of needs analysis showed that: 1) students still had difficulty understanding the text. 2) type of text needed was report text, 3) students did not still know about climate change, 4) main reason for including climate change in reading was to encourage motivation English. Conclusion: Due to the need, it was necessary to develop supplementary report text reading materials incorporating climate change to suit the students’ English proficiency.Keywords: English reading materials, Senior High School, climate change, need analysis.Abstrak: Teks Laporan Berbasis Perubahan Iklim Untuk SMA : Studi Metode Campuran. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kebutuhan siswa sekolah menengah atas untuk mengembangkan bahan bacaan bahasa Inggris berbasis perubahan iklim dan dikaji dari perspektif siswa, guru bahasa Inggris, dan pemangku kepentingan. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran. Partisipan dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas sebelas, guru bahasa Inggris, dan pemangku kepentingan sekolah lainnya. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara semi terstruktur. Temuan: Hasil analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan bahwa: 1) siswa masih kesulitan memahami teks. 2) jenis teks yang dibutuhkan adalah teks laporan, 3) siswa masih belum mengetahui tentang perubahan iklim, 4) alasan utama memasukkan perubahan iklim dalam membaca adalah untuk mendorong motivasi bahasa Inggris. Kesimpulan: Karena kebutuhan, perlu untuk mengembangkan bahan bacaan teks laporan tambahan yang menggabungkan perubahan iklim agar sesuai dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa.Kata kunci: bahan bacaan bahasa Inggris, SMA, perubahan iklim, analisis kebutuhan.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i3.20211

    Bucket-handle tear of the triangular fibrocartilage complex: case report of a complex peripheral injury with separation of the distal radioulnar ligaments from the articular disc

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    Palmer previously proposed a classification system of triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) injuries that proved to be useful in directing clinical management. However, dorsal peripheral tears (variants of class 1C) were not described and have rarely been reported in the literature since. We herewith present a rare case of bucket-handle tear of the TFCC. To our knowledge, this is the first case demonstrating partial separation of both the palmar and dorsal distal radioulnar ligaments (DRULs) from the articular disc. The particular wrist magnetic resonance (MR) arthrographic findings of this unusual complex peripheral TFCC tear (a variant of both class 1B and 1C) were nicely appreciated upon sagittal reformatted image

    Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of primary intraosseous spinal glomus tumor

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    The glomus tumor is a rare, benign, but painful vascular neoplasm arising from the neuromyoarterial glomus. Primary intraosseous glomus tumor is even rarer, with only about 20 cases reported in the literature so far, 5 of which involved the spine. Surgical resection is currently considered the treatment of choice. We herewith present an uncommon case of primary intraosseous spinal glomus tumor involving the right pedicle of the eleventh thoracic vertebra (T11). To our knowledge, this is the first case of primary intraosseous spinal glomus tumor successfully treated by percutaneous CT-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA

    Is preoperative glenoid bone mineral density associated with aseptic glenoid implant loosening in anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty?

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    Aseptic loosening of glenoid implants is the primary revision cause in anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty (aTSA). While supported by biomechanical studies, the impact of glenoid bone quality, more specifically bone mineral density (BMD), on aseptic glenoid loosening remains unclear. We hypothesized that lower preoperative glenoid BMD was associated with aseptic glenoid implant loosening in aTSA. We retrospectively included 93 patients (69 females and 24 males; mean age, 69.2 years) who underwent preoperative non-arthrographic shoulder computed tomography (CT) scans and aTSA between 2002 and 2014. Preoperative glenoid BMD (CT numbers in Hounsfield unit) was measured in 3D using a reliable semi-automated quantitative method, in the following six contiguous volumes of interest (VOI): cortical, subchondral cortical plate (SC), subchondral trabecular, and three successive adjacent layers of trabecular bone. Univariate Cox regression was used to estimate the impact of preoperative glenoid BMD on aseptic glenoid implant loosening. We further compared 26 aseptic glenoid loosening patients with 56 matched control patients. Glenoid implant survival rates were 89% (95% confidence interval CI, 81-96%) and 57% (41-74%) at 5 and 10 years, respectively. Hazard ratios for the different glenoid VOIs ranged between 0.998 and 1.004 (95% CI [0.996, 1.007], p≥0.121). Only the SC VOI showed significantly lower CTn in the loosening group (622±104 HU) compared with the control group (658±88 HU) (p=0.048), though with a medium effect size (d=0.42). There were no significant differences in preoperative glenoid BMD in any other VOI between patients from the loosening and control groups. Although the preoperative glenoid BMD was statistically significantly lower in the SC region of patients with aseptic glenoid implant loosening compared with controls, this single-VOI difference was only moderate. We are thus unable to prove that lower preoperative glenoid BMD is clearly associated with aseptic glenoid implant loosening in aTSA. However, due to its proven biomechanical role in glenoid implant survival, we recommend extending this study to larger CT datasets to further assess and better understand the impact of preoperative glenoid BMD on glenoid implant loosening/survival and aTSA outcome

    Multiple non-ossifying fibromas as a cause of pathological femoral fracture in Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome.

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    BACKGROUND: Jaffe-Campanacci is a rare syndrome characterised by the association of café-au-lait spots, axillary freckles, multiple non-ossifying fibromas of the long bones and jaw, as well as some features of type 1 neurofibromatosis. There are less than 30 reported cases, and a genetic profile has not yet been determined. Furthermore, it has not been clarified whether it is a subtype of type 1 neurofibromatosis or a separate syndrome. The risk of pathological fracture is over 50%, due to substantial cortical thinning of the weight-bearing bones. CASE PRESENTATION: A 17-year-old female patient, known for type 1 neurofibromatosis, presented with a low-energy distal femoral fracture due to disseminated large non-ossifying fibromas. Investigations revealed all of the distinctive signs of Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome. Both her distal femurs and proximal tibias exhibited multiple non-ossifying fibromas. The fracture was treated by open reduction and internal plate fixation. Some of the bony lesions were biopsied to confirm the diagnosis. The fracture healed eventless, as did the lesions biopsied or involved in the fracture. The other ones healed after curettage and bone grafting performed at the time of plate removal. CONCLUSION: Jaffe-Campanacci is a rare syndrome having unclear interactions with type 1 neurofibromatosis, which still needs to be characterised genetically. It is associated with a high risk of pathological fracture, due to the presence of multiple large non-ossifying fibromas of the long bones, with an expected normal healing time. Curettage and bone grafting promote healing of the lesions and should be considered to prevent pathological fracture. We agree with other authors that all patients with newly-diagnosed type 1 neurofibromatosis should undergo an osseous screening to detect disseminated non-ossifying fibromas, and evaluate the inherent risk of pathological fracture