1,928 research outputs found

    Unwrapping of DNA-protein complexes under external stretching

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    A DNA-protein complex modelled by a semiflexible chain and an attractive spherical core is studied in the situation when an external stretching force is acting on one end monomer of the chain while the other end monomer is kept fixed in space. Without stretching force, the chain is wrapped around the core. By applying an external stretching force, unwrapping of the complex is induced. We study the statics and the dynamics of the unwrapping process by computer simulation and simple phenomenological theory. We find two different scenarios depending on the chain stiffness: For a flexible chain, the extension of the complex scales linearly with the external force applied. The sphere-chain complex is disordered, i.e. there is no clear winding of the chain around the sphere. For a stiff chain, on the other hand, the complex structure is ordered, which is reminiscent to nucleosome. There is a clear winding number and the unwrapping process under external stretching is discontinuous with jumps of the distance-force curve. This is associated to discrete unwinding processes of the complex. Our predictions are of relevance for experiments, which measure force-extension curves of DNA-protein complexes, such as nucleosome, using optical tweezers.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    DNA folding: structural and mechanical properties of the two-angle model for chromatin

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    We present a theoretical analysis of the structural and mechanical properties of the 30-nm chromatin fiber. Our study is based on the two-angle model introduced by Woodcock et al. (Woodcock, C. L., S. A. Grigoryev, R. A. Horowitz, and N. Whitaker. 1993. PNAS 90:9021-9025) that describes the chromatin fiber geometry in terms of the entry-exit angle of the nucleosomal DNA and the rotational setting of the neighboring nucleosomes with respect to each other. We explore analytically the different structures that arise from this building principle, and demonstrate that the geometry with the highest density is close to the one found in native chromatin fibers under physiological conditions. On the basis of this model we calculate mechanical properties of the fiber under stretching. We obtain expressions for the stress-strain characteristics which show good agreement with the results of recent stretching experiments (Cui, Y., and C. Bustamante. 2000. PNAS 97:127-132) and computer simulations (Katritch, V., C. Bustamante, and W. K. Olson. 2000. J. Mol. Biol. 295:29-40), and which provide simple physical insights into correlations between the structural and elastic properties of chromatin.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Biophys.

    The influence of the cylindrical shape of the nucleosomes and H1 defects on properties of chromatin

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    We present a model improving the two-angle model for interphase chromatin (E2A model). This model takes into account the cylindrical shape of the histone octamers, the H1 histones in front of the nucleosomes and the vertical distance dd between the in and outgoing DNA strands. Factoring these chromatin features in, one gets essential changes in the chromatin phase diagram: Not only the shape of the excluded-volume borderline changes but also the vertical distance dd has a dramatic influence on the forbidden area. Furthermore, we examined the influence of H1 defects on the properties of the chromatin fiber. Thus we present two possible strategies for chromatin compaction: The use of very dense states in the phase diagram in the gaps in the excluded volume borderline or missing H1 histones which can lead to very compact fibers. The chromatin fiber might use both of these mechanisms to compact itself at least locally. Line densities computed within the model coincident with the experimental values

    A Circular Dichroic Study of Cu (II) -Ribonuclease Complexes

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    The visible and ultraviolet circular dichroic (CD) spectra resulting from the interaction of ribonuclease with successive Cu(I1) ions have been recorded under a variety of conditions. At pH 7 in the presence of 0.16 M KC1 a broad, negative band was found in the visible region. This band increased in intensity and changed in shape as successive coppers were added. The circular dichroic spectra could be analyzed in terms of two kinds of binding sites: a single strong site with CD minimum at about 710 nm, and four weaker sites with CD minimum at about 600 nm. The binding constants observed are close to those obtained by more conventional means. Carboxymethylation of one histidine results in loss of one of the weaker sites. In 0.01 M salt, only the 600-nm band is seen. Binding at pH 9.6 differed in that saturation did not occur until about 33 sites had been filled. The presence of tetra coordination at this pH was indicated by the shift of the primary d-d transition down to 530 nm. Additional structure in the visible and near ultraviolet CD was now present in the form of a negative band at 355 nm and, for the first two Cu(II)‘s added, a positive one at 480 nm. Strong positive bands were observed at 251 and 305 nm for all pH values ≥7. These are tentatively ascribed to charge transfer complexes between Cu(I1) and the peptide backbone. The relationship of the Cu(II)-ribonuclease CD spectra to those of natural, copper-containing metalloproteins, both “blue” and “non-blue”, is discussed, with special emphasis on the oxyhemocyanins

    The two-angle model and the phase diagram for Chromatin

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    We have studied the phase diagram for chromatin within the framework of the two-angle model. Rather than improving existing models with finer details our main focus of the work is getting mathematically rigorous results on the structure, especially on the excluded volume effects and the effects on the energy due to the long-range forces and their screening. Thus we present a phase diagram for the allowed conformations and the Coulomb energies

    Intrinsic Low Temperature Paramagnetism in B-DNA

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    We present experimental study of magnetization in λ\lambda-DNA in conjunction with structural measurements. The results show the surprising interplay between the molecular structures and their magnetic property. In the B-DNA state, λ\lambda-DNA exhibits paramagnetic behaviour below 20 K that is non-linear in applied magnetic field whereas in the A-DNA state, remains diamagnetic down to 2 K. We propose orbital paramagnetism as the origin of the observed phenomena and discuss its relation to the existence of long range coherent transport in B-DNA at low temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letters October 200

    Organized condensation of worm-like chains

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    We present results relevant to the equilibrium organization of DNA strands of arbitrary length interacting with a spherical organizing center, suggestive of DNA-histone complexation in nucleosomes. We obtain a rich phase diagram in which a wrapping state is transformed into a complex multi-leafed, rosette structure as the adhesion energy is reduced. The statistical mechanics of the "melting" of a rosette can be mapped into an exactly soluble one-dimensional many-body problem.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures in a pdf fil

    Hierarchical Chain Model of Spider Capture Silk Elasticity

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    Spider capture silk is a biomaterial with both high strength and high elasticity, but the structural design principle underlying these remarkable properties is still unknown. It was revealed recently by atomic force microscopy that, an exponential force--extension relationship holds both for capture silk mesostructures and for intact capture silk fibers [N. Becker et al., Nature Materials 2, 278 (2003)]. In this Letter a simple hierarchical chain model was proposed to understand and reproduce this striking observation. In the hierarchical chain model, a polymer is composed of many structural motifs which organize into structural modules and supra-modules in a hierarchical manner. Each module in this hierarchy has its own characteristic force. The repetitive patterns in the amino acid sequence of the major flagelliform protein of spider capture silk is in support of this model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Will be formally published in PR

    Kinetics of the helix-coil transition

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    Based on the Zimm-Bragg model we study cooperative helix-coil transition driven by a finite-speed change of temperature. There is an asymmetry between the coil-to-helix and helix-to-coil transition: the latter is displayed already for finite speeds, and takes shorter time than the former. This hysteresis effect has been observed experimentally, and it is explained here via quantifying system's stability in the vicinity of the critical temperature. A finite-speed cooling induces a non-equilibrium helical phase with the correlation length larger than in equilibrium. In this phase the characteristic length of the coiled domain and the non-equilibrium specific heat can display an anomalous response to temperature changes. Several pertinent experimental results on the kinetics helical biopolymers are discussed in detail.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA): a First Principles Density-Functional Study

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    We report first principles density functional calculations for 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) and several reduced forms. DHICA and 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI) are believed to be the basic building blocks of the eumelanins. Our results show that carboxylation has a significant effect on the physical properties of the molecules. In particular, the relative stabilities and the HOMO-LUMO gaps (calculated with the Δ\DeltaSCF method) of the various redox forms are strongly affected. We predict that, in contrast to DHI, the density of unpaired electrons, and hence the ESR signal, in DHICA is negligibly small.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure