877 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic Surgery for Small Bowel Obstruction due to Paracecal Hernia

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    Internal hernia related to paracecal hernia is a rare disease and is difficult to confirm by preoperative diagnosis. We recently encountered a case of an 83-year-old woman who had lower abdominal pain in her right quadrant. Based on physical findings and CT findings she was diagnosed as having small bowel obstruction by internal hernia around the cecum. She underwent emergency operation with laparoscopic surgery and was diagnosed with a paracecal hernia and treated laparoscopically. After we dissected the ventral wall of the hernia sac and enlarged the hernia orifice, we reduced the trapped small intestine into the abdominal space. We determined that the herniated portion of the small intestine was not necrotic and therefore did not resect it. Although paracecal hernia is a rare internal hernia, physicians should be aware of it as a differential diagnosis for small bowel obstruction because of its rapid progression to strangulation and necrosis. We highlight the importance of recognizing CT findings of paracecal internal hernia. Laparoscopy was effective both for making a definitive diagnosis and treating paracecal hernia with relatively little invasion

    Creative Writing and Poetry Workshop: A School Author Visit

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     本論文がめざしているのは、言語教育と言語芸術の双方向から、統合的にそのあり方をひとつのカタチとして明示することである。いわゆ るオーサー・ビジットと呼ばれる活動は、作家が学校を訪れて創作・活動に生徒の興味・関心を向かわせるアプローチであり、確かに、生徒は、 創造的な感性と直接ふれあえる環境と機会の中で、彼らの理解と認識と関心は深化され、促される。しかし、それでも、作家が学校を訪れる となると、その実践は、NPOなどが中心に関与して派遣されることが多く、大学と学校との連携は─それは、レジデンシャルな作家のシ ステムが我が国には少ないことと関連するのだが─、ワークショップの点からどうあるべきであろうか。そこで本論では、その実践と意義 を具体的に提起する

    A methodology for the environmental assessment of advanced coal extraction systems

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    Procedures developed to identify and assess potential environment impacts of advanced mining technology as it moves from a generic concept to a more systems definition are described. Two levels of assessment are defined in terms of the design stage of the technology being evaluated. The first level of analysis is appropriate to a conceptual design. At this level it is assumed that each mining process has known and potential environmental impacts that are generic to each mining activity. By using this assumption, potential environmental impacts can be identified for new mining systems. When two or more systems have been assessed, they can be evaluated comparing potential environmental impacts. At the preliminary stage of design, a systems performance can be assessed again with more precision. At this level of systems definition, potential environmental impacts can be analyzed and their significane determined in a manner to facilitate comparisons between systems. At each level of analysis, suggestions calculated to help the designer mitigate potentially harmful impacts are provided


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    A case of gastrocolocutaneous fistula as a complication of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy

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    A rare complication of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is gastrocolocutaneous fistula which usually occurs after replacement of the PEG tube. As tube feeding is directly delivered to the transverse colon, patients typically present with a sudden onset of transient diarrhea within minutes after PEG tube feeding. A radiographic study using water-soluble contrast material via the PEG tube shows the tip of the tube in the transverse colon. We present here a patient who had this complication after PEG insertion. A PEG tube for enteral feeding was placed in a 27-year-old man with cerebral plasty and a severe scoliosis. After replacement of the PEG tube, he developed diarrhea after each PEG tube feeding. The diagnosis of gastrocolocutaneous fistula was made after injection of gastrografin from the PEG tube. Another gastrostomy tube was placed surgically and the fistula was then also excised. In conclusion, gastrocolocutaneous fistula must be considered as a complication of PEG tube placement when patients with a PEG tube develop a sudden onset of transient diarrhea immediately after PEG tube feeding.</p

    Gait recognition using normalized shadows

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    WOS:000426986000189 (Nº de Acesso Web of Science)Surveillance of public spaces is often conducted with the help of cameras placed at elevated positions. Recently, drones with high resolution cameras have made it possible to perform overhead surveillance of critical spaces. However, images obtained in these conditions may not contain enough body features to allow conventional biometric recognition. This paper introduces a novel gait recognition system which uses the shadows cast by users, when available. It includes two main contributions: (i) a method for shadow segmentation, which analyzes the orientation of the silhouette contour to identify the feet position along time, in order to separate the body and shadow silhouettes connected at such positions; (ii) a method that normalizes the segmented shadow silhouettes, by applying a transformation derived from optimizing the low rank textures of a gait texture image, to compensate for changes in view and shadow orientation. The normalized shadow silhouettes can then undergo a gait recognition algorithm, which in this paper relies on the computation of a gait energy image, combined with linear discriminant analysis for user recognition. The proposed system outperforms the available state-of-the-art, being robust to changes in acquisition viewpoints.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Changes of Rice Sodium Content due to Sodium Exclusion and Transpiration under Salinity

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    The relationship between sodium contents of tops and transpiration rates was studied in two rice varieties with different sodium exclusion rates in roots; Kala-Rata1-24(KR1;low exclusion rate) and IR28 (high exclusion rate). Seedlings at 7th leaf stage grown in culture solution were subjected to saline water(100mM sodium chloride) and transpired for 12 hours. Various transpiration rates were obtained under different humidity, light intensity and temperature conditions. Transpiration stream concentration factor of Na+ (TSCFNa+), which denotes the sodium exclusion rate in the root, decreased with increase in the transpiration rate under different humidity and light intensity conditions. On the other hand, TSCFNa+ was lower in KR1 than in IR28 under different temperature conditions. There were no different in the sodium exclusion rates at high transpiration rates. Sodium contents of tops initially increased with the transpiration rates but afterwards decreased with the transpiration rates. Sodium contents of tops were higher in KR1 than in IR28 at low transpiration rates under high humidity and low light intensity conditions, but it was higher in IR28 under low temperature conditions. There were no varietal differences in the sodium contents of tops at high transpiration rates. These results indicated that the varietal differences in sodium exclusion rates were detectable at low transpiration rates and affected the sodium contents of tops, but there were no differences in the sodium contents of tops at high transpiration rates.イネでは、ナトリウム(Na)含有率が高いほど光合成速度、苗の生存率および相対生長速度が低下することから、塩ストレス下における体内Na含有率の品種間差異に着目した研究が進められてきた。しかし、塩ストレスに対する体内Na含有率の品種による反応は、研究によって異なる。Makiharaらは、幼苗期にNa含有率が異なるとされる品種を成熟まで栽培したところ、Na含有率に大きな差異を見出さなかった。また、Makiharaらの研究でNa含有率が低かった品種が、森田らの研究では高かった。イネは、根においてナトリウムイオン(Na+)を分離排除する能力をもし、その程度は品種によって異なる。この能力は体内に入り込む水のNa+濃度に影響を与えるのが、体内に取り込まれるNa+の質は、流れる水の総量に影響される。すなわち、イネのNa含有率は、蒸散量と蒸散流に含まれるNa+濃度によって決まり、後者は根におけるNa+排除率によって変わる。蒸散と排除率はいずれも環境条件によって変わると考えられ、それによって体内Na含有率も変わるであろう。したがって、研究によってNa含有率の反応が異なるのは、両者の相互作用によると考えられえる。しかし、蒸散量とNa+排除率の変化が体内Na含有率にどのように影響を与えるのかは知られていないので、本研究で調べた