16 research outputs found

    Precondicionamiento isquémico como mecanismo protector endógeno en la célula cardiaca

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    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica actualizada sobre los mecanismos fisiopatológicos, a través de los cuales se produce el Precondicionamiento isquémico como fenómeno protector endógeno de la célula cardiaca, tanto en su primera fase como en su fase tardía, y una breve referencia a las principales manifestaciones clínicas de este fenómeno, apoyándose primeramente en el funcionamiento normal del miocardio y la regulación local, fundamentalmente metabólica, del flujo sanguíneo al tejido que garantiza este óptimo funcionamiento del corazón. A la vez que se hace  alusión a entidades patológicas como el estado de atontamiento  e hibernación del miocardio  como situaciones posiblemente reversibles, a través de la aplicación terapéutica del Precondicionamiento isquémico en el miocardio. Para lo cual se revisaron un total de 16 referencias bibliográficas. ABSTRACTAn updated literature review was performed about the pathophysiological mechanisms through which ischemic preconditioning as an endogenous protective phenomenon of cardiac cell occurs, both in its first phase and the late phase, and briefly mention the main clinical manifestations of this phenomenon, relying primarily on the normal function of the myocardium and local regulations. While referring to pathological entities such as the state of myocardial stunning and hibernation as potentially reversible situations, through the therapeutic application of ischemic preconditioning in the myocardium ago. For which a total of 16 references were reviewed

    La hiperreactividad cardiovascular y su asociación con factores de riesgo cardiovasculares

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    Fundamento: diversos estudios demuestran una estrecha relación entre el fenómeno de hiperreactividad cardiovascular y los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares, sin embargo, sigue siendo pertinente el aporte de nuevas evidencias que así lo corroboren. Objetivo: determinar la asociación entre la reactividad cardiovascular, en los individuos normotensos, y los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal. El universo estuvo conformado por la población entre 15 y 74 años del área urbana del municipio Cienfuegos, la muestra fue de 644 personas evaluadas en el año 2010. Se consideraron como variables: sexo, color de la piel, edad, talla, peso, índice de masa corporal, cintura abdominal, triglicéridos, colesterol, HDL colesterol y glucemia en ayunas. Se calculó el Chi cuadrado y la razón de prevalencia con un intervalo de confianza del 95 %. Resultados: la prevalencia de hiperreactividad cardiovascular fue de 42,3 %. Se observó una razón de prevalencia de 51,3 % en los hombres y 36,8 % en las mujeres, sobrepasó el 65 % en los individuos con más de 64 años. Fue aumentando a medida que se incrementaba la edad, el mayor el porcentaje de hiperreactivos en obesos y sobrepesos, también fueron significativos los niveles de triglicéridos relacionados con la hiperreactividad cardiovascular. Conclusiones: existe asociación entre la hiperreactividad cardiovascular y los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares como: obesidad, hipertrigliceridemia e hipercolesterolemia en los individuos normotensos, situación que se mantiene aún en los individuos no obesos

    Predictive Value of Cardiovascular Global Risk Calculation

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    Cardiovascular diseases constitute the main morbidity and mortality cause of death worldwide. The best tool to set priorities in primary cardiovascular prevention is the precise estimation of the global cardiovascular risk. This work was aimed at explaining the predictive value for cardiovascular diseases, for which a documentary review of a total of 27 bibliographic sources was done. Among these 26 international impact articles from journals and a thesis, among other sources were reviewed, to which it was accessed through the main information managers. Risk mobility prediction has been an essential element in preventive clinical guidelines for these diseases and has become a useful tool for the family doctor, to set priorities in primary health care, which will allow making progress in studying complex associations that may impact cardiovascular risk

    Etiopatogenia de la microangiopatía diabética. Consideraciones bioquímicas y moleculares

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    La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad metabólica ampliamente difundida en la actualidad, con elevados costos a la salud y la economía mundial. La microangiopatía es una de sus complicaciones tardías más importantes y la principal causa de lesiones incapacitantes en la diabetes avanzada. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo describir la etiopatogenia de la microangiopatía diabética teniendo en cuenta los actuales conocimientos sobre los acontecimientos moleculares implicados, así como su expresión particular en la nefropatía y la retinopatía diabética. Se concluyó que la causa metabólica fundamental de la microangiopatía diabética es la hiperglicemia crónica, capaz de modificar vías metabólicas intracelulares así como la estructura y composición proteica, además de que incrementa el estrés oxidativo

    La hiperreactividad cardiovascular y su asociación con factores de riesgo cardiovasculares

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    Fundamento: diversos estudios demuestran una estrecha relación entre el fenómeno de hiperreactividad cardiovascular y los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares, sin embargo, sigue siendo pertinente el aporte de nuevas evidencias que así lo corroboren. Objetivo: determinar la asociación entre la reactividad cardiovascular, en los individuos normotensos, y los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal. El universo estuvo conformado por la población entre 15 y 74 años del área urbana del municipio Cienfuegos, la muestra fue de 644 personas evaluadas en el año 2010. Se consideraron como variables: sexo, color de la piel, edad, talla, peso, índice de masa corporal, cintura abdominal, triglicéridos, colesterol, HDL colesterol y glucemia en ayunas. Se calculó el Chi cuadrado y la razón de prevalencia con un intervalo de confianza del 95 %. Resultados: la prevalencia de hiperreactividad cardiovascular fue de 42,3 %. Se observó una razón de prevalencia de 51,3 % en los hombres y 36,8 % en las mujeres, sobrepasó el 65 % en los individuos con más de 64 años. Fue aumentando a medida que se incrementaba la edad, el mayor el porcentaje de hiperreactivos en obesos y sobrepesos, también fueron significativos los niveles de triglicéridos relacionados con la hiperreactividad cardiovascular. Conclusiones: existe asociación entre la hiperreactividad cardiovascular y los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares como: obesidad, hipertrigliceridemia e hipercolesterolemia en los individuos normotensos, situación que se mantiene aún en los individuos no obesos

    Inflammatory Acute Response. Biochemical and Cellular Considerations

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    The acute inflammation constitutes a natural, protective-character response that intends to free the organism of the initial cause of the cell lesion and of the consequences that it provokes. The present work aimed at argumenting on the mechanisms that explain the vascular changes, and the establishment of the signs of the acute inflammatory response with an in-depth molecular level. 18 articles of scientific magazines, 2 books and other sources of information that was accessed by means of the principal managers of the computer network, adding up a total of 20 sources, were consulted. Right after a cell lesion; a complex group of biochemical and cell interactions begins, mediated for the activity of multiple chemical agents, which provoke changes in the microvasculature, as well as an increasement of leucocytes at the lesion's zone, and finally the acute inflammatory response's signs

    Predictive Value of Cardiovascular Global Risk Calculation

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    Cardiovascular diseases constitute the main morbidity and mortality cause of death worldwide. The best tool to set priorities in primary cardiovascular prevention is the precise estimation of the global cardiovascular risk. This work was aimed at explaining the predictive value for cardiovascular diseases, for which a documentary review of a total of 27 bibliographic sources was done. Among these 26 international impact articles from journals and a thesis, among other sources were reviewed, to which it was accessed through the main information managers. Risk mobility prediction has been an essential element in preventive clinical guidelines for these diseases and has become a useful tool for the family doctor, to set priorities in primary health care, which will allow making progress in studying complex associations that may impact cardiovascular risk

    Cardiovascular Reactivity and its Association with the Risk of Cardiovascular Morbidity

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    Background: there are no studies that confirm the association between cardiovascular hyperreactivity and the risk of cardiovascular morbidity. Objective: to determine the association between cardiovascular hyperreactivity and the risk of cardiovascular morbidity in normotensive individuals. Methods: a cross-sectional, correlational study was conducted. The universe consisted of the population aged 15 to 74 years in Cienfuegos municipality; the sample included 644 people. The variables were: sex, skin color, age, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, fasting blood glucose, smoking, baseline systolic blood pressure, cardiovascular reactivity, and risk of cardiovascular morbidity. The risk of cardiovascular morbidity was calculated by applying the Framingham Risk Functions. The Pearson’s Chi-square test and the prevalence ratio were used with a 95 % confidence interval. The direction of the relationship between cardiovascular reactivity, age, and systolic blood pressure was analyzed considering the Eta value. Results: the prevalence of cardiovascular hyperreactivity was higher among people aged 65 to 74 years and males. A higher risk of cardiovascular morbidity was observed in cardiovascular hyperreactive individuals. There is an association between non-optimal systolic blood pressure, increasing age, and high risk of cardiovascular morbidity in cardiovascular hyperreactive people. Conclusions: the risk of cardiovascular morbidity is higher in cardiovascular hyperreactive individuals than in normoreactive people. Age and systolic blood pressure showed greater association with high risk of cardiovascular morbidity

    Cardiovascular Reactivity: its Association with Physical Activity, and Some Hemodynamic and Anthropometric Variables

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    Background: several studies show the influence of physical activity as a protective factor of the cardiovascular system. New evidence forcorroborating this are needed to ensure the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Objective: to determine the relationship between cardiovascular hyperactivity, physical activity and some homodynamic and anthropometric variables in normotensive individuals. Methods: a descriptive correlational cross-sectional study was conducted. The universe of the study consisted of the population between 15 and 74 of the municipality of Cienfuegos in 2010, the sample was 644. The variables were considered: sex, skin colour, age, height, weight, index of body mass, abdominal waist, blood pressures: systolic, diastolic, average and differential (basal and sustained weight test) and physical activity. Pearson Chi- square test was calculated and t was applied for comparison of average independent samples with a significance level of p = 0,05. Prevalence ratios were determined with a confidence interval of 95 %. Results: the prevalence of cardiovascular hyperactivity was higher in the group of 65-74 years and males. Cardiovascular hyperactives showed values of the average hemodynamic variables studied cardiovascular over normoreactive. There is an association between physical activity and better cardiovascular response in normal weight individuals. Conclusions: there is an association between increased blood pressure and obesity in cardiovascular hyperactivity. Physical activity is associated with cardiovascular normoreactivity in normal weight

    Cardiovascular Reactivity and its Association with the Risk of Cardiovascular Morbidity

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    Background: there are no studies that confirm the association between cardiovascular hyperreactivity and the risk of cardiovascular morbidity. Objective: to determine the association between cardiovascular hyperreactivity and the risk of cardiovascular morbidity in normotensive individuals. Methods: a cross-sectional, correlational study was conducted. The universe consisted of the population aged 15 to 74 years in Cienfuegos municipality; the sample included 644 people. The variables were: sex, skin color, age, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, fasting blood glucose, smoking, baseline systolic blood pressure, cardiovascular reactivity, and risk of cardiovascular morbidity. The risk of cardiovascular morbidity was calculated by applying the Framingham Risk Functions. The Pearson’s Chi-square test and the prevalence ratio were used with a 95 % confidence interval. The direction of the relationship between cardiovascular reactivity, age, and systolic blood pressure was analyzed considering the Eta value. Results: the prevalence of cardiovascular hyperreactivity was higher among people aged 65 to 74 years and males. A higher risk of cardiovascular morbidity was observed in cardiovascular hyperreactive individuals. There is an association between non-optimal systolic blood pressure, increasing age, and high risk of cardiovascular morbidity in cardiovascular hyperreactive people. Conclusions: the risk of cardiovascular morbidity is higher in cardiovascular hyperreactive individuals than in normoreactive people. Age and systolic blood pressure showed greater association with high risk of cardiovascular morbidity