19 research outputs found

    Análise do consumo de extrato hidrossolúvel de soja na qualidade do tecido ósseo de ratos jovens adultos

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    Introdução: A soja é uma leguminosa rica em proteínas, fonte de cálcio e isoflavonas. Um dos possíveis efeitos das isoflavonas é de reduzir a perda óssea quando há uma deficiência de estrogênio. Objetivo: analisar a influência da dieta suplementada com extrato hidrossolúvel de soja (EHS) na massa óssea de ratos adultos jovens de ambos o sexo. Materiais e métodos: Foram utilizados 40 ratos Novergicus Albinus linhagem Wistar adultos jovens e saudáveis, sendo 20 machos e 20 fêmeas. Aleatoriamente, foram separados em quatro grupos: macho controle (MC), macho suplementado (MS), fêmea controle (FC) e fêmea suplementada (FS) que permaneceram por 11 semanas em gaiola comum recebendo 500 ml de água e 300g de ração diariamente, e os grupos suplementado (MS e FS), ao qual foi oferecido além de água e ração, 500 ml de leite a base de soja, durante o mesmo período experimental do controle. Durante o período experimental o consumo de ração e ingestão de líquidos foram mensurados. Ao final do período experimental foi feito extração dos ossos. Os ossos foram submetidos à densitometria óssea – DXA e ensaio mecânico, para avaliação da densidade mineral óssea - DMO (g/cm2), Força Máxima (N) e Rigidez (kN/m). Resultados: O consumo de EHS provocou diminuição da DMO no grupo MS, porém não houve alteração nas propriedades biomecânicas, força máxima e rigidez. Conclusão: O extrato hidrossolúvel de soja influenciou negativamente o conteúdo mineral ósseo de ratos machos jovens adultos sem alterar as características mecânicas. ABSTRACT Analysis of the consumption of soybean soybean extract in the quality of bone tissue of young adult ratsIntroduction: Soy is a legume rich in protein, source of calcium and isoflavones. One of the possible effects of isoflavones is to reduce bone loss when there is an estrogen deficiency. Objective: to analyze the influence of diet supplemented with soybean water extract (EHS) on the bone mass of young adult rats of both sexes. Materials and methods: A total of 40 Novergicus Albinus rats Wistar young and healthy adults were used, 20 males and 20 females. They were randomly divided into four groups: control male (MC), supplemented male (MS), control female (FC) and supplemented female (FS) who remained for 11 weeks in a common cage receiving 500 ml of water and 300g of feed daily, and the supplemented groups (MS and FS), to which 500 ml of soy milk were offered in addition to water and feed, during the same experimental period of control. During the experimental period feed intake and fluid intake were measured. At the end of the experimental period the bones were extracted. Bone densitometry - DXA and mechanical test for bone mineral density - BMD (g / cm2), Maximum Strength (N) and Rigidity (kN / m) were used. Results: EHS consumption caused a decrease in BMD in the MS group, but there was no change in biomechanical properties, maximum strength and stiffness. Conclusion: The water soluble soybean extract negatively influenced the bone mineral content of young adult male rats without altering the mechanical characteristics

    Morphological and ultrastructural analysis of sheep primordial follicles preserved in 0.9% saline solution and TCM 199

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    The objective was to determine the morphological and ultrastructural features of sheep primordial follicles preserved in either 0.9% saline solution or TCM 199 at different temperatures. Soon after death, the ovarian pair of each ewe (n=5) was divided into 25 fragments. One fragment was immediately fixed for morphological evaluation (control). The other 24 fragments were randomly distributed in tubes containing 2 ml of 0.9% saline solution or TCM 199 and maintained at 4, 20 or 39 °C for 2, 4, 12, or 24 h. Based on histological assessment, storage of ovarian fragments in 0.9% saline solution at 20 °C for up to 24 h and in both solutions at 39 °C for 4, 12 or 24 h increased (P<0.01) the percentage of degenerate primordial follicles compared with controls. In contrast, preservation at 4 °C in both solutions, kept the percentage of morphologically normal primordial follicles similar to control values. Although histological integrity of primordial follicles was maintained in fragments stored at 20 °C for up to 24 h in TCM 199, these results were not confirmed by ultrastructural analysis. Based on transmission electron microscopy, only primordial follicles stored at 4 °C for up to 24 h, at 20 °C for up to 12 h and at 39 °C for up to 2 h in both solutions were ultrastructurally normal. In conclusion, sheep primordial follicles were successfully preserved at 4 °C for up to 24 h, at 20 °C for up to 12 h and at 39 °C for 2 h in 0.9% saline solution or TCM 199

    Análise do consumo de extato hidrossolúvel de soja na qualidade do tecido ósseo de ratos jovens adultos

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    A soja é uma leguminosa rica em proteínas, fonte de cálcio e isoflavonas. Um dos possíveis efeitos das isoflavonas é de reduzir a perda óssea quando há uma deficiência de estrogênio. A proposta desse estudo foi analisar a influência da dieta suplementada com extrato hidrossolúvel de soja (EHS) na massa óssea de ratos adultos jovens de ambos os sexos. Foram utilizados 40 ratos Novergicus Albinus linhagem Wistar adultos jovens e saudáveis, aleatoriamente separados em quatro grupos: macho controle (MC), macho suplementado (MS), fêmea controle (FC) e fêmea suplementada (FS) que permaneceram por 11 semanas em gaiola comum recebendo 500 mL de água e 300g de ração diariamente, os grupos suplementados (MS e FS), ao qual foi oferecido além de água e ração, 500 ml de EHS, durante o mesmo período experimental do controle. O consumo de ração e a ingestão de líquidos foram mensurados, bem como a massa dos animais. Ao final do período os animais foram eutanasiados. Os ossos foram submetidos à densitometria óssea– DXA (osso inteiro e região cortical) e ensaio mecânico, para avaliação da densidade mineral óssea - DMO (g/cm2), Força Máxima (N) e Rigidez (kN/m). Na análise de grau de mineralização foi utilizado as cinzas para quantificar de concentração de cálcio e fósforo. O consumo de EHS provocou diminuição da DMO no grupo MS, porém não houve alteração nas propriedades biomecânicas, força máxima e rigidez. A concentração de cálcio e fósforo nas cinzas dos fêmures do grupo MS foi significantemente menor que o grupo controle. Conclui-se assim, que o extrato hidrossolúvel de soja influenciou negativamente o conteúdo mineral ósseo de ratos machos jovens adultos diminuindo a mineralização, sem alterar as características mecânicas.Soybeans are a rich legume protein, a source of calcium and isoflavones. One of the possible effects of isoflavones is to reduce bone loss when it was estrogen deficiency. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of diet supplemented with soybean’s hydro soluble extract (SHE) in bone mass in young adults rats of both genders. Were used 40 rats Novergicus Albinus Wistar young and healthy, randomly separated into four groups: male control (MC) and female control(FC), which remained for 11 weeks in common cage receiving 500 ml of water and 300 g of feed daily, and the others supplemented groups; male supplemented (MS) and female supplemented, that was offered in addition to water and feed 500ml of SHE. During the experimental period, feed intake and intake of liquids were measured as well as the mass of animals. At the end, the animals were euthanized. The bones underwent bone densitometry – DXA(whole bone and cortical area) and mechanical testing for bone mineral density - BMD (g / cm 2) Maximum Strength (N) and stiffness (kN / m), respectively. To analyze the mineralization degree was used bone ashes to quantify calcium and phosphorus concentration. The consumption of SHE caused decreased of BMD in MS group, but there were no changes in the bone biomechanical properties, maximum strength and rigidity. Concluding that the water extract of soy beans negatively affected the bone mineral content of young adult males rats decreasing the mineralization degree without changing the mechanical characteristics

    Análise do consumo de extrato hidrossolúvel de soja na qualidade do tecido ósseo de ratos jovens adultos

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    Introduction: Soy is a legume rich in protein, source of calcium and isoflavones. One of the possible effects of isoflavones is to reduce bone loss when there is an estrogen deficiency. Objective: to analyze the influence of diet supplemented with soybean water extract (EHS) on the bone mass of young adult rats of both sexes. Materials and methods: A total of 40 Novergicus Albinus rats Wistar young and healthy adults were used, 20 males and 20 females. They were randomly divided into four groups: control male (MC), supplemented male (MS), control female (FC) and supplemented female (FS) who remained for 11 weeks in a common cage receiving 500 ml of water and 300g of feed daily, and the supplemented groups (MS and FS), to which 500 ml of soy milk were offered in addition to water and feed, during the same experimental period of control. During the experimental period feed intake and fluid intake were measured. At the end of the experimental period the bones were extracted. Bone densitometry - DXA and mechanical test for bone mineral density - BMD (g / cm2), Maximum Strength (N) and Rigidity (kN / m) were used. Results: EHS consumption caused a decrease in BMD in the MS group, but there was no change in biomechanical properties, maximum strength and stiffness. Conclusion: The water soluble soybean extract negatively influenced the bone mineral content of young adult male rats without altering the mechanical characteristics.Introdução: A soja é uma leguminosa rica em proteínas, fonte de cálcio e isoflavonas. Um dos possíveis efeitos das isoflavonas é de reduzir a perda óssea quando há uma deficiência de estrogênio. Objetivo: analisar a influência da dieta suplementada com extrato hidrossolúvel de soja (EHS) na massa óssea de ratos adultos jovens de ambos o sexo. Materiais e métodos: Foram utilizados 40 ratos Novergicus Albinus linhagem Wistar adultos jovens e saudáveis, sendo 20 machos e 20 fêmeas. Aleatoriamente, foram separados em quatro grupos: macho controle (MC), macho suplementado (MS), fêmea controle (FC) e fêmea suplementada (FS) que permaneceram por 11 semanas em gaiola comum recebendo 500 ml de água e 300g de ração diariamente, e os grupos suplementado (MS e FS), ao qual foi oferecido além de água e ração, 500 ml de leite a base de soja, durante o mesmo período experimental do controle. Durante o período experimental o consumo de ração e ingestão de líquidos foram mensurados. Ao final do período experimental foi feito extração dos ossos. Os ossos foram submetidos à densitometria óssea – DXA e ensaio mecânico, para avaliação da densidade mineral óssea - DMO (g/cm2), Força Máxima (N) e Rigidez (kN/m). Resultados: O consumo de EHS provocou diminuição da DMO no grupo MS, porém não houve alteração nas propriedades biomecânicas, força máxima e rigidez. Conclusão: O extrato hidrossolúvel de soja influenciou negativamente o conteúdo mineral ósseo de ratos machos jovens adultos sem alterar as características mecânicas

    Cryopreservation of caprine ovarian tissue using dimethylsulphoxide and propanediol.

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    The caprine ovary is a rich source of potentially viable immature oocytes enclosed in preantral follicles (PF). Previous experiments showed that these oocytes can be successfully cryopreserved in ovarian tissue of several species. However, until now, no information about the caprine PF cryopreservation is available in the literature. The aim of the present research was to evaluate the structural and ultrastructural characteristics of caprine PF after treatment and cryopreservation of ovarian tissue with 1.5 and 3 M dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) and propanediol (PROH). One fragment of ovarian tissue was immediately fixed for histological examination and ultrastructural analysis, after slaughter (control). Four fragments were equilibrated at 20 degrees C/20 min in 1.8 ml of minimum essential medium (MEM) containing 1.5 or 3 M DMSO or PROH for the toxicity test, and the other four fragments were slowly frozen in each cryoprotectant at the concentrations previously described. After toxicity test and freezing/thawing procedures, the ovarian fragments were fixed for histological examination. The results showed that after toxicity test and cryopreservation of ovarian tissue using both cryoprotectants, the percentage of normal PF was less (P < 0.05) as compared with the control group. The present study revealed that the percentage of normal PF after toxicity test and cryopreservation in 1.5 M DSMO was significantly greater (P < 0.05) as compared with results obtained with 3 M DMSO or 1.5 and 3 M PROH. This result was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy, which showed that the PF were preserved in a higher quality state with 1.5 M DMSO. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that caprine PF can be cryopreserved in ovarian tissue using 1.5 M DMSO

    Seminário de Dissertação (2024)

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    Página da disciplina de Seminário de Dissertação (MPPP, UFPE, 2022) Lista de participantes == https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mrULe1y04yPxHUBaF50jhaM1OY8QYJ3zva4N4yvm198/edit#gid=

    Resumos concluídos - Neurociências

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    Resumos concluídos - Neurociência

    Effect of lung recruitment and titrated Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) vs low PEEP on mortality in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome - A randomized clinical trial

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    IMPORTANCE: The effects of recruitment maneuvers and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration on clinical outcomes in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remain uncertain. OBJECTIVE: To determine if lung recruitment associated with PEEP titration according to the best respiratory-system compliance decreases 28-day mortality of patients with moderate to severe ARDS compared with a conventional low-PEEP strategy. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Multicenter, randomized trial conducted at 120 intensive care units (ICUs) from 9 countries from November 17, 2011, through April 25, 2017, enrolling adults with moderate to severe ARDS. INTERVENTIONS: An experimental strategy with a lung recruitment maneuver and PEEP titration according to the best respiratory-system compliance (n = 501; experimental group) or a control strategy of low PEEP (n = 509). All patients received volume-assist control mode until weaning. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The primary outcome was all-cause mortality until 28 days. Secondary outcomes were length of ICU and hospital stay; ventilator-free days through day 28; pneumothorax requiring drainage within 7 days; barotrauma within 7 days; and ICU, in-hospital, and 6-month mortality. RESULTS: A total of 1010 patients (37.5% female; mean [SD] age, 50.9 [17.4] years) were enrolled and followed up. At 28 days, 277 of 501 patients (55.3%) in the experimental group and 251 of 509 patients (49.3%) in the control group had died (hazard ratio [HR], 1.20; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.42; P = .041). Compared with the control group, the experimental group strategy increased 6-month mortality (65.3% vs 59.9%; HR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.38; P = .04), decreased the number of mean ventilator-free days (5.3 vs 6.4; difference, −1.1; 95% CI, −2.1 to −0.1; P = .03), increased the risk of pneumothorax requiring drainage (3.2% vs 1.2%; difference, 2.0%; 95% CI, 0.0% to 4.0%; P = .03), and the risk of barotrauma (5.6% vs 1.6%; difference, 4.0%; 95% CI, 1.5% to 6.5%; P = .001). There were no significant differences in the length of ICU stay, length of hospital stay, ICU mortality, and in-hospital mortality. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In patients with moderate to severe ARDS, a strategy with lung recruitment and titrated PEEP compared with low PEEP increased 28-day all-cause mortality. These findings do not support the routine use of lung recruitment maneuver and PEEP titration in these patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01374022