4 research outputs found


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    Relationship between dog culling and incidence of human visceral leishmaniasis in an endemic area

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    Domestic dogs are the main reservoirs of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in urban areas; one of the control measures adopted in Brazil is the elimination of this reservoir. In order to test the relationship between the euthanasia rate of the canine reservoir and the incidence of the disease in humans, data on dog culling from the Centre for Zoonosis Control of Aracatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, during the period from 1999 to 2008 and visceral leishmaniasis human cases registered in the same period were analyzed. Reduction of human VL incidence was statistically correlated to dog euthanasia rate (P=0.0211; r(2)=0.616) when it was analyzed for the period of two years after application of this measure. Other factors that may influence this relationship are considered. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Canine rabies epidemiology in Araçatuba and neighborhood, Northwestern São Paulo State - Brazil

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    São apresentadas algumas características epidemiológicas da raiva canina na região de Araçatuba, no período de 1993 a 1997. Dentre 1.984 cães submetidos ao diagnóstico de raiva, 351 foram positivos sendo que 89% dos casos (312/351) ocorreram na zona urbana e destes, 85% (266/312) eram de animais com proprietário. As informações sobre sexo estavam presentes em 83% das fichas e destas 61% eram de machos. A média de idade dos cães positivos foi de 34 meses. A agressividade foi um dos sintomas mais comumente observado (77%), seguido por incoordenação motora e/ou paralisia (42%) e 48% dos cães positivos haviam agredido pessoas ou outros animais. Das 182 fichas epidemiológicas que possuíam dados de vacinação, 51% (92/182) dos cães não eram vacinados. Aponta-se como possíveis razões para o aparecimento da epidemia no município de Araçatuba a baixa cobertura vacinal demonstrada pelo índice de cães não vacinados que adquiriram a doença aliado à elevada relação cão/homem (1:3,5) revelada em estudo anterior.Epidemiological characteristics of canine rabies in the northwest region of São Paulo State (Araçatuba region), Brazil, from 1993 to 1997 are presented. Out of 1,984 dogs, a total of 351 (17.7%) were positive for rabies diagnosis; 89% (312/351) of these occurred in urban areas and 85% (266/312) of the urban positive cases were among owned dogs. The mean age of the rabid dogs was 34 months and 61% were male. Aggressive behavior was observed in 77% of rabid dogs, followed by lack of coordination and paralysis (42%) and 48% of these dogs were responsible biting people or other animals. Information about vaccination status was obtained from 182 records and 51% of rabid dogs were non-vaccinated. The number of unvaccinated rabid dogs indicates a low vaccination index and this factor added to the high dog/man ratio must have contributed to the canine rabies epizootic observed in the studied area