74 research outputs found

    Efficiency Theory: a Unifying Theory for Information, Computation and Intelligence

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    The paper serves as the first contribution towards the development of the theory of efficiency: a unifying framework for the currently disjoint theories of information, complexity, communication and computation. Realizing the defining nature of the brute force approach in the fundamental concepts in all of the above mentioned fields, the paper suggests using efficiency or improvement over the brute force algorithm as a common unifying factor necessary for the creation of a unified theory of information manipulation. By defining such diverse terms as randomness, knowledge, intelligence and computability in terms of a common denominator we are able to bring together contributions from Shannon, Levin, Kolmogorov, Solomonoff, Chaitin, Yao and many others under a common umbrella of the efficiency theory

    Primjena teorije sivih sustava na kvalitetu softverskih projekata

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    The aim of this work is the identification of software project quality performance measures that would enable valid comparison and ranking of the completed projects. Software projects can be characterized by a set of influence factors. A subset of the influence factors is relevant for software project quality. In order to predict and determine the ranking of software projects by their success, and thus present a valid software project quality performance measure, we employ Grey system theory. Grey relational analysis is a kind of method which enables determination of the relational degree of every factor in the system. The method can be used for systems that are incompletely described with relatively few data available, and for which standard statistical assumptions are not satisfied. Relational degree between seven relevant software project quality influence factors is calculated for a set of ten software projects. The results demonstrate the usefulness and applicability of the Grey system theory in software project quality assessment.Cilj rada je identifikacija mjera performanse kvalitete softverskog projekta koje bi omogućile usporedbu i rangiranje završenih projekata. Softverski projekti mogu se okarakterizirati skupom faktora utjecaja. Podskup tih faktora važan je za kvalitetu softverskih projekata. Da bi se predvidio i odredio poredak sofverskih projekata prema uspješnosti i na taj način predstavilo valjanu mjeru performanse kvalitete sofverskih projekata, koristi se teorija sivih sustava. Siva analiza odnosa je takva metoda koja omogućava određivanje stupnja odnosa svakog faktora u sustavu. Takva metoda koristi se za sustave koji su nepotpuno opisani s relativno malo podataka i za koje standardne statističke pretpostavke nisu zadovoljene. Stupanj odnosa između sedam bitnih faktora kvalitete softverskih projekata izračunat je na skupu od deset softverskih projekata. Rezultati pokazuju učinkovitost i primijenjivost teorije sivih sustava u ocjeni kvalitete softverskih projekata

    Syntactic Complexity Metrics and the Readability of Programs in a Functional Computer Language

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    This article reports on the defintion and the measutement of the software complexity metrics of Halstead and McCabe for programs written in the functional programming language Miranda. An automated measurement of these metrics is described. In a case study, the correlation is established between the complexity metrics and the expert assessment of the readability of programs in Miranda, and compared with those for programs in Pascal