248 research outputs found

    Origin and evolution of plexins, semaphorins, and Met receptor tyrosine kinases

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    The transition from unicellular to multicellular organisms poses the question as to when genes that regulate cell-cell interactions emerged during evolution. The receptor and ligand pairing of plexins and semaphorins regulates cellular interactions in a wide range of developmental and physiological contexts. We surveyed here genomes of unicellular eukaryotes and of non-bilaterian and bilaterian Metazoa and performed phylogenetic analyses to gain insight into the evolution of plexin and semaphorin families. Remarkably, we detected plexins and semaphorins in unicellular choanoflagellates, indicating their evolutionary origin in a common ancestor of Choanoflagellida and Metazoa. The plexin domain structure is conserved throughout all clades; in contrast, semaphorins are structurally diverse. Choanoflagellate semaphorins are transmembrane proteins with multiple fibronectin type III domains following the N-terminal Sema domain (termed Sema-FN). Other previously not yet described semaphorin classes include semaphorins of Ctenophora with tandem immunoglobulin domains (Sema-IG) and secreted semaphorins of Echinoderamata (Sema-SP, Sema-SI). Our study also identified Met receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), which carry a truncated plexin extracellular domain, in several bilaterian clades, indicating evolutionary origin in a common ancestor of Bilateria. In addition, a novel type of Met-like RTK with a complete plexin extracellular domain was detected in Lophotrochozoa and Echinodermata (termed Met-LP RTK). Our findings are consistent with an ancient function of plexins and semaphorins in regulating cytoskeletal dynamics and cell adhesion that predates their role as axon guidance molecules

    Design consideration of a dual-beam ESPI optical system for contouring

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    A discussion of the essential technical advantages, limitations, various kinds of errors and required characteristics of dual-beam illumination ESPI optical system by tilting illuminations for contouring is attached. Attractive features are the simplification of the optical system, the stationary reference contour planes and the possibility of adjusting various parameters for contouring.Eine Diskussion der wichtigen technischen Vorteile, Begrenzungen, verschiedene Fehlerquellen und notwendige Charakteristiken des optischen Zweistrahl-ESPl-Systems bei schräger Beleuchtung wird vorgestellt. Attraktive Eigenschaften sind die Vereinfachung der optischen Systeme, die stationären Kontur-Referenzebenen, und die Möglichkeit der Justierung verschiedener Parameter an die Konturierung

    A novel approach to determine decorrelation effect in a dual-beam electronic speckle pattern interferometer

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    An intrinsic decorrelation effect in a dual-beam ESPI system for contouring application is quantified by simple image processing techniques incorporating experimental data of speckle patterns. Practical limits for the range of application on contouring an object are also considered from the point of view of automatic fringe analysis. An acceptable degree of decorrelation due to the tilt of illuminating beams has been established.Mit Hilfe einer einfachen Bildverarbeitungstechnik und experimentellen Daten von Specklemustern wird der intrinsische Dekorrelationseffekt in einem Zweistrahl-ESPI-System für die Erzeugung von Höhenlinien quantifiziert. Praktische Grenzen bei der Anwendung zur Höhenlinienerzeugung werden aus der Sicht der automatischen Streifenanalyse diskutiert. Ein akzeptabler Dekorrelationsgrad bei der Verkippung der Beleuchtungsstrahlen wurde definiert

    Contouring by electronic speckle pattern interferometry with quadruple-beam illumination

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    We present a new arrangement for contouring by electronic speckle pattern interferometry with four illumination beams, thereby making it unnecessary to move anything during the measurement

    Geometry for contouring by electronic speckle pattern interferometry based on shifting illumination beams

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    When the method of contouring an object surface by electronic speckle pattern interferometry is based on shifting the illumination beams, the shifted phase of the interference speckle pattern has a new relationship with the depth of the test surface. Therefore the contour interval as well as the fringe sensitivity of this method has new forms. The geometry of such a situation, which differs from that of either the method of two-wavelength contouring or the method of contouring by tilting the test object is presented. The requirements on the experimental conditions for this method are also presented. Experimental results are in agreement with these analyses

    Differential Phosphorylation of Smad1 Integrates BMP and Neurotrophin Pathways through Erk/Dusp in Axon Development

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    Sensory axon development requires concerted actions of growth factors for the precise control of axonal outgrowth and target innervation. How developing sensory neurons integrate different cues is poorly understood. We demonstrate here that Smad1 activation is required for neurotrophin-mediated sensory axon growth in vitro and in vivo. Through differential phosphorylation, Smad1 exerts transcriptional selectivity to regulate the expression and activity of Erk1 and Erk2—two key neurotrophin effectors. Specifically, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) signal through carboxy-terminal phosphorylation of Smad1 (pSmad1C) to induce Erk1/2 transcription for enhanced neurotrophin responsiveness. Meanwhile, neurotrophin signaling results in linker phosphorylation of Smad1 (pSmad1L), which in turn upregulates an Erk-specific dual-specificity phosphatase, Dusp6, leading to reduced pErk1/2 and constituting a negative-feedback loop for the prevention of axon overgrowth. Together, the BMP and neurotrophin pathways form a tightly regulated signaling network with a balanced ratio of Erk1/2 and pErk1/2 to direct the precise connections between sensory neurons and peripheral targets

    Statistical Evaluations of the Reproducibility and Reliability of 3-Tesla High Resolution Magnetization Transfer Brain Images: A Pilot Study on Healthy Subjects

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    Magnetization transfer imaging (MT) may have considerable promise for early detection and monitoring of subtle brain changes before they are apparent on conventional magnetic resonance images. At 3 Tesla (T), MT affords higher resolution and increased tissue contrast associated with macromolecules. The reliability and reproducibility of a new high-resolution MT strategy were assessed in brain images acquired from 9 healthy subjects. Repeated measures were taken for 12 brain regions of interest (ROIs): genu, splenium, and the left and right hemispheres of the hippocampus, caudate, putamen, thalamus, and cerebral white matter. Spearman's correlation coefficient, coefficient of variation, and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were computed. Multivariate mixed-effects regression models were used to fit the mean ROI values and to test the significance of the effects due to region, subject, observer, time, and manual repetition. A sensitivity analysis of various model specifications and the corresponding ICCs was conducted. Our statistical methods may be generalized to many similar evaluative studies of the reliability and reproducibility of various imaging modalities

    Remote sensing inversion of soil organic matter in cropland combining topographic factors with spectral parameters

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    Remote sensing has become an effective way for regional soil organic matter (SOM) quantitative analysis. Topographic factors affect SOM content and distribution, also influence the accuracy of SOM remote sensing inversion. In large region with complex topographic conditions, characteristic topographic factors of SOM in different topographic regions are unknown, and the effect of combining characteristic topographic factors with spectral parameters on improving SOM inversion accuracy remains to be further studied. Three typical topographic regions of Shandong Province in China, namely Western plain region (WPR), Central and southern mountain region (CSMR), Eastern hilly region (EHR), were selected. Topographic factors, namely Elevation, Slope, Aspect and Relief Amplitude, were introduced. Respectively, the characteristic topographic factors and spectral parameters of SOM in each region were identified. The SOM inversion models were built separately for each region by integrating spectral parameters with topographic factors. The results revealed that as for the characteristic topographic factors of SOM, none was in the WPR, E, RA, and S were in the CSMR, E and RA were in the EHR. In combination with characteristic topographic factors, the accuracy of SOM spectral inversion models improved, the calibration R2 increased by 0.075–0.102, the RMSE (Root mean square error) decreased by 0.162–0.171 g/kg, the validation R2 increased by 0.067–0.095, the RMSE decreased by 0.236–0.238 g/kg, and RPD (Relative prediction deviation) increased by 0.129–0.169. The most significant improvement was observed in the CSMR with the calibration R2 of 0.725, the validation R2 of 0.713 and the RPD of 1.852, followed by the EHR. This study not only contributes to the advancement of soil quantitative remote sensing theory but also offers more precise data support for the development of green, low-carbon, and precision agriculture