194 research outputs found

    Effect of Inhibition of Colony Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor on Choroidal Neovascularization in Mice.

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    Neovascular age-related macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness. Microglia and macrophages play critical role in choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and may therefore be potential targets to modulate the disease course. This study evaluated the effect of the colony stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R) inhibitor PLX5622 on experimental laser-induced CNV. A 98% reduction of retinal microglia cells was observed in the retina one week after initiation of PLX5622 treatment, preventing accumulation of macrophages within the laser site and leading to a reduction of leukocytes within the choroid after CNV induction. Mice treated with PLX5622 had a significantly faster decrease of the CNV lesion size as revealed by in vivo imaging and immunohistochemistry from day 3 to day 14 compared to untreated mice. Several inflammatory modulators, such as CCL9, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, ssoluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-I, interleukin-1α, and matrix metallopeptidase-2 were elevated in the acute phase of the disease when microglia were ablated with PLX5622, whereas other cytokines (eg, interferon-γ, interleukin-4, and interleukin-10) were reduced. Our results suggest that CSF-1R inhibition may be a novel therapeutic target in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration

    Multimodal imaging of experimental choroidal neovascularization.

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    AIM To compare choroidal neovascularization (CNV) lesion measurements obtained by in vivo imaging modalities, with whole mount histological preparations stained with isolectin GS-IB4, using a murine laser-induced CNV model. METHODS B6N.Cg-Tg(Csf1r-EGFP)1Hume/J heterozygous adult mice were subjected to laser-induced CNV and were monitored by fluorescein angiography (FA), multicolor (MC) fundus imaging and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) at day 14 after CNV induction. Choroidal-retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) whole mounts were prepared at the end of the experiment and were stained with isolectin GS-IB4. CNV areas were measured in all different imaging modalities at day 14 after CNV from three independent raters and were compared to choroidal-RPE whole mounts. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) type 2 (2-way random model) and its 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated to measure the correlation between different raters' measurements. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (Spearman's r) was calculated for the comparison between FA, MC and OCTA data and histology data. RESULTS FA (early and late) and MC correlates well with the CNV measurements ex vivo with FA having slightly better correlation than MC (FA early Spearman's r=0.7642, FA late Spearman's r=0.7097, and MC Spearman's r=0.7418), while the interobserver reliability was good for both techniques (FA early ICC=0.976, FA late ICC=0.964, and MC ICC=0.846). In contrast, OCTA showed a poor correlation with ex vivo measurements (Spearman's r=0.05716) and high variability between different raters (ICC=0.603). CONCLUSION This study suggests that FA and MC imaging could be used for the evaluation of CNV areas in vivo while caution must be taken and comparison studies should be performed when OCTA is employed as a CNV monitoring tool in small rodents

    Proliferative vitreoretinopathy: an update on the current and emerging treatment options.

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    Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) remains the main cause of failure in retinal detachment (RD) surgery and a demanding challenge for vitreoretinal surgeons. Despite the large improvements in surgical techniques and a better understanding of PVR pathogenesis in the last years, satisfactory anatomical and visual outcomes have not been provided yet. For this reason, several different adjunctive pharmacological agents have been investigated in combination with surgery. In this review, we analyze the current and emerging adjunctive treatment options for the management of PVR and we discuss their possible clinical application and beneficial role in this subgroup of patients

    Challenges and insights in the exploration of the low abundance human ocular surface microbiome.

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    PURPOSE The low microbial abundance on the ocular surface results in challenges in the characterization of its microbiome. The purpose of this study was to reveal factors introducing bias in the pipeline from sample collection to data analysis of low-abundant microbiomes. METHODS Lower conjunctiva and lower lid swabs were collected from six participants using either standard cotton or flocked nylon swabs. Microbial DNA was isolated with two different kits (with or without prior host DNA depletion and mechanical lysis), followed by whole-metagenome shotgun sequencing with a high sequencing depth set at 60 million reads per sample. The relative microbial compositions were generated using the two different tools MetaPhlan3 and Kraken2. RESULTS The total amount of extracted DNA was increased by using nylon flocked swabs on the lower conjunctiva. In total, 269 microbial species were detected. The most abundant bacterial phyla were Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria. Depending on the DNA extraction kit and tool used for profiling, the microbial composition and the relative abundance of viruses varied. CONCLUSION The microbial composition on the ocular surface is not dependent on the swab type, but on the DNA extraction method and profiling tool. These factors have to be considered in further studies about the ocular surface microbiome and other sparsely colonized microbiomes in order to improve data reproducibility. Understanding challenges and biases in the characterization of the ocular surface microbiome may set the basis for microbiome-altering interventions for treatment of ocular surface associated diseases

    Comparison of Indocyanine Green Angiography and Swept-Source Wide-Field Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Posterior Uveitis

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    Purpose: To compare indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) and swept-source wide-field optical coherence tomography angiography (SS-OCTA) for the assessment of patients with posterior uveitis. Method: SS-OCTA montage images of 5 x 12 x 12 mm or 2 x 15 x 9 mm, covering ~70–90 degree of the retina of consecutive patients with posterior uveitis were acquired. The choriocapillaries and choroidal slabs were compared to findings on ICGA. Results: Sixty-eight eyes of 41 patients were included (mean age 47.2 ± 20.4 years; 58.5% female). In 23 (34%) lesions were visible on OCTA, but not discernable on ICGA. In turn, out of the 45 eyes with clearly discernable lesions on ICGA, 22 (49%) and 21 (47%) eyes showed no corresponding areas of flow deficit on OCTA in the CC and choroidal slab, respectively. Lesion size strongly correlated among ICGA and OCTA choriocapillaries- (CC) (r = 0.99, p ≤ 0.0001) and choroidal slabs (r = 0.99, p ≤ 0.0001), respectively. The mean lesion size on the late frames of ICGA (8.45 ± 5.47 mm2) was larger compared to the lesion size on OCTA CC scan (7.98 ± 5.47 mm2, p ≤ 0.0001) and choroidal scan (7.69 ± 5.10 mm2, p = 0.002), respectively. The lesion size on OCTA CC scan was significantly larger than on the OCTA choroidal scan (p ≤ 0.0001). Conclusion: SS-wide field OCTA may be a promising tool to assess posterior uveitis patients and may replace ICGA to a certain extent in the future

    Full or Weak annotations? An adaptive strategy for budget-constrained annotation campaigns

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    Annotating new datasets for machine learning tasks is tedious, time-consuming, and costly. For segmentation applications, the burden is particularly high as manual delineations of relevant image content are often extremely expensive or can only be done by experts with domain-specific knowledge. Thanks to developments in transfer learning and training with weak supervision, segmentation models can now also greatly benefit from annotations of different kinds. However, for any new domain application looking to use weak supervision, the dataset builder still needs to define a strategy to distribute full segmentation and other weak annotations. Doing so is challenging, however, as it is a priori unknown how to distribute an annotation budget for a given new dataset. To this end, we propose a novel approach to determine annotation strategies for segmentation datasets, whereby estimating what proportion of segmentation and classification annotations should be collected given a fixed budget. To do so, our method sequentially determines proportions of segmentation and classification annotations to collect for budget-fractions by modeling the expected improvement of the final segmentation model. We show in our experiments that our approach yields annotations that perform very close to the optimal for a number of different annotation budgets and datasets

    The Influence of Cataract on Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy (FLIO).

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    Purpose To investigate the influence of lens opacifications on fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy (FLIO). Methods Forty-seven eyes of 45 patients were included. Mean fluorescence lifetimes (Tm) were recorded with a fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscope in a short spectral channel (SSC) and a long spectral channel (LSC). Retinal and lens autofluorescence lifetimes were measured in subjects before and after cataract surgery. Lens opacification was graded using the Lens Opacities Classification System III (LOCS III) classification. Results The retinal Tm decreased significantly after cataract surgery in both spectral channels (SSC: -53%, P < 0.0001; LSC: -26%, P = 0.0041). The lens Tm differed significantly between the crystalline and the artificial lens in both spectral channels (P < 0.0001). The "nuclear opacity" and "nuclear color" score of the LOCS III classification correlated significantly with the mean Tm difference in both spectral channels (P < 0.0001). Conclusions Lens opacification results in significantly longer retinal Tm. Therefore the lens status has to be considered when performing cross-sectional fluorescence lifetime analysis. Cataract-formation and cataract-surgery needs to be considered when conducting longitudinal studies. Grading of nuclear opacity following the LOCS III classification provides an approximate conversion formula for the mean change of lifetimes, which can be helpful in the interpretation of data in patients with lens opacities. Translational Relevance FLIO is significantly influenced by lens opacities. Using a lens opacity grading scheme and measuring fluorescence lifetimes before and after cataract surgery, an approximative conversion formula can be calculated, which enables the comparison of lifetimes after cataract surgery or over the course of time

    Systemic Lipopolysaccharide Exposure Exacerbates Choroidal Neovascularization in Mice.

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of a systemic lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulus in the course of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in C57BL/6 J mice. A group of CNV-subjected mice received 1 mg/kg LPS via the tail vein immediately after CNV induction. Mouse eyes were monitored in vivo with fluorescein angiography for 2 weeks. In situ hybridization and flow cytometry were performed in the retina at different time points. LPS led to increased fluorescein leakage 3 days after CNV, correlated with a large influx of monocyte-derived macrophages and increase of pro-inflammatory microglia/macrophages in the retina. Additionally, LPS enhanced Vegfα mRNA expression by Glul-expressing cells but not Aif1 positive microglia/macrophages in the laser lesion. These findings suggest that systemic LPS exposure has transient detrimental effects in the course of CNV through activation of microglia/macrophages to a pro-inflammatory phenotype and supports the important role of these cells in the CNV course
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