15,917 research outputs found

    Detectability of Gravitational Waves from SN 1987A

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    We discuss the potential for detection of gravitational waves from a rapidly spinning neutron star produced by supernova 1987A taking the parameters claimed by Middleditch et al. (2000) at face value. Asssuming that the dominant mechanism for spin down is gravitational waves emitted by a freely precessing neutron star, it is possible to constrain the wobble angle, the effective moment of inertai of the precessing crust and the crust cracking stress limit. Our analysis, suggests that, if the interpretation of the Middleditch data is correct, the compact remnant of SN 1987A may well provide a reliable and predictable source of gravitational waves well within the capability of LIGO II

    Analysis of MMIC arrays for use in the ACTS Aero Experiment

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    The Aero Experiment is designed to demonstrate communication from an aircraft to an Earth terminal via the ACTS. This paper describes the link budget and antenna requirements for a 4.8 kbps full-duplex voice link at Ka-Band frequencies. Three arrays, one transmit array developed by TI and two receive arrays developed by GE and Boeing, were analyzed. The predicted performance characteristics of these arrays are presented and discussed in the paper

    Statistical analysis for thermometric sensors test program final report

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    Statistical models for regression analysis of thermometric sensor

    Investigations of the lower and middle atmosphere at the Arecibo Observatory and a description of the new VHF radar project

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    The atmospheric science research at the Arecibo Observatory is performed by means of (active) radar methods and (passive) optical methods. The active methods utilize the 430 NHz radar, the S-band radar on 2380 MHz, and a recently constructed Very High Frequency (VHF) radar. The passive methods include measurements of the mesopause temperature by observing the rotational emissions from OH-bands. The VHF radar design is discussed

    Method to determine the optimal parameters of the Arecibo 46.8-MHz antenna system

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    The spherical reflector at the Arecibo Observatory (AO) offers great advantages for the design of simple and inexpensive high performance steerable antennas at VHF. Light and small feeds have the added benefit that they can be quickly installed in the Arecibo platform. It is important to evaluate the performance of any given feed including the effects of the spherical reflector. The optimization is emphasized of two parameters, namely, the distance below the focal point of the reflector and the beam width of a point feed. For the design of the feed at 46.8 MHz at the AO there were other requirements independent of MST (mesosphere stratosphere troposphere) work. The design of the primary array is discussed along with its performance with the AO spherical reflector

    Polymer matrix and graphite fiber interface study

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    Hercules AS4 graphite fiber, unsized, or with EPON 828, PVA, or polysulfone sizing, was combined with three different polymer matrices. These included Hercules 3501-6 epoxy, Hercules 4001 bismaleimide, and Hexcel F155 rubber toughened epoxy. Unidirectional composites in all twelve combinations were fabricated and tested in transverse tension and axial compression. Quasi-isotropic laminates were tested in axial tension and compression, flexure, interlaminar shear, and tensile impact. All tests were conducted at both room temperature, dry and elevated temperature, and wet conditions. Single fiber pullout testing was also performed. Extensive scanning electron microphotographs of fracture surfaces are included, along with photographs of single fiber pullout failures. Analytical/experimental correlations are presented, based on the results of a finite element micromechanics analysis. Correlations between matrix type, fiber sizing, hygrothermal environment, and loading mode are presented. Results indicate that the various composite properties were only moderately influenced by the fiber sizings utilized

    Metallurgy and properties of plasma spray formed materials

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    Understanding the fundamental metallurgy of vacuum plasma spray formed materials is the key to enhancing and developing full material properties. Investigations have shown that the microstructure of plasma sprayed materials must evolve from a powder splat morphology to a recrystallized grain structure to assure high strength and ductility. A fully, or near fully, dense material that exhibits a powder splat morphology will perform as a brittle material compared to a recrystallized grain structure for the same amount of porosity. Metallurgy and material properties of nickel, iron, and copper base alloys will be presented and correlated to microstructure

    Journal Staff

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    Electrical properties and strain gauge factor of Cr/SiOx cermet films with compositions 50/50 and 70/30 wt% were investigated in order to evaluate their use in strain gauge devices. The films were deposited by flash evaporation. The microstructures and resulting phases were characterized by electron diffraction and electron microscopy. The influence of the thickness and deposition rate on the sheet resistance, the temperature coefficient of resistance and the gauge factor were investigated. The results are consistent with a mixed conduction mechanism with metallic and a thermally activated tunneling components, between interconnected and discrete conductive phases, respectively.Se investigaron las propiedades eléctricas y el factor extensométrico de películas del cermet- Cr/SiOx en composiciones 50/50 y 70/30 % en peso, para evaluar su uso en dispositivos "strain gauge". Las películas fueron depositadas por evaporación "flash". Las estructuras y fases resultantes fueron caracterizadas por microscopía y difracción de electrones. Se estudió la influencia del espesor y la velocidad del depósito sobre la resistencia laminar, el coeficiente térmico de resistencia y el factor extensométrico. Los resultados son consistentes con un mecanismo de conducción mixto, con una componente metálica y otra por efecto túnel térmicamente activado, entre fases conductoras interconectadas y discretas, respectivamente

    A comparison of reflector antenna designs for wide-angle scanning

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    Conventional reflector antennas are typically designed for up to + or - 20 beamwidths scan. An attempt was made to stretch this scan range to some + or - 300 beamwidths. Six single and dual reflector antennas were compared. It is found that a symmetrical parabolic reflector with f/D = 2 and a single circular waveguide feed has the minimum scan loss (only 0.6 dB at Theta sub 0 = 8 deg, or a 114 beamwidths scan). The scan is achieved by tilting the parabolic reflector by an angle equal to the half-scan angle. The f/D may be shortened if a cluster 7 to 19 elements instead of one element is used for the feed. The cluster excitation is adjusted for each new beam scan direction to compensate for the imperfect field distribution over the reflector aperture. The antenna can be folded into a Cassegrain configuration except that, due to spillover and blockage considerations, the amount of folding achievable is small

    Self-Regulation in a Web-Based Course: A Case Study

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    Little is known about how successful students in Web-based courses self-regulate their learning. This descriptive case study used a social cognitive model of self-regulated learning (SRL) to investigate how six graduate students used and adapted traditional SRL strategies to complete tasks and cope with challenges in a Web-based technology course; it also explored motivational and environmental influences on strategy use. Primary data sources were three transcribed interviews with each of the students over the course of the semester, a transcribed interview with the course instructor, and the students’ reflective journals. Archived course documents, including transcripts of threaded discussions and student Web pages, were secondary data sources. Content analysis of the data indicated that these students used many traditional SRL strategies, but they also adapted planning, organization, environmental structuring, help seeking, monitoring, record keeping, and self-reflection strategies in ways that were unique to the Web-based learning environment. The data also suggested that important motivational influences on SRL strategy use—self-efficacy, goal orientation, interest, and attributions—were shaped largely by student successes in managing the technical and social environment of the course. Important environmental influences on SRL strategy use included instructor support, peer support, and course design. Implications for online course instructors and designers, and suggestions for future research are offered
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