378 research outputs found

    Spin waves in magnetic thin films: new types of solitons and electrical control

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    2017 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.New types of spin-wave solitons in magnetic thin films and the methods to control spin waves electrically are studied in this thesis. In the first part, the first observation of chaotic spin-wave solitons in yttrium iron garnet (YIG) thin film-based active feedback rings is presented. At some ring gain levels, one observes the self-generation of a single spin-wave soliton pulse in the ring. When the pulse circulates in the ring, its amplitude varies chaotically with time. The excitation of dark spin-wave envelope solitons in YIG thin film strips is also described. The formation of a pair of black solitons with a phase jump of 180° is observed for the first time. The excitation of bright solitons in the case of repulsive nonlinearity is also observed and is reproduced by a numerical simulation based on a high-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation. In the second part, the control of magnetization relaxation in ferromagnetic insulators via interfacial spin scattering is presented. In the experiments nanometer-thick YIG/Pt bi-layered structures are used, with the Pt layer biased by an electric voltage. The bias voltage produces a spin current across the Pt layer thickness due to the spin Hall effect. As this current scatters off the YIG surface, it exerts a torque on the YIG surface spins. This torque can reduce or increase the damping and thereby compress or broaden the ferromagnetic resonance linewidth of the YIG film, depending on the field/current configuration. The control of spin waves in a YIG thin film via interfacial spin scattering is also presented. In the experiments a 4.6-µm-thick YIG film strip with a 20-nm-thick Pt capping layer is used. A DC current pulse is applied to the Pt layer and produced a spin current across the Pt layer. As the spin current scatters off the YIG surface, it can either amplify or attenuate spin-wave pulses that travel in the YIG strip, depending on the current/field configuration

    A Review of Studies on Gender Representation in EFL/ESL Textbooks

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    Gender representation in EFL/ESL textbooks is often transmitted in a direct way to language learners since these materials are deemed as authoritative and therefore impeccable by language learners given that they are usually written by a group of experts from corresponding fields. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that partial gender ideologies are excluded from these materials. This paper reviews studies on gender representation in EFL/ESL textbooks which are scattered across various nations, with an attempt to see if gender impartiality is ensured in educational contexts and further calls for attention from textbooks writers and educational practitioners. At the end of this paper, a research gap is pointed out that studies to come could cast an eye on EFL/ESL textbooks at the tertiary level as gender socialization continues throughout the whole life of individuals

    Constraining axion and compact dark matter with interstellar medium heating

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    Cold interstellar gas systems have been used to constrain dark matter (DM) models by the condition that the heating rate from DM must be lower than the astrophysical cooling rate of the gas. Following the methodology of Wadekar and Farrar (2021), we use the interstellar medium of a gas-rich dwarf galaxy, Leo T, and a Milky Way-environment gas cloud, G33.4-8.0 to constrain DM. Leo T is a particularly strong system as its gas can have the lowest cooling rate among all the objects in the late Universe (owing to the low volume density and metallicity of the gas). Milky Way clouds, in some cases, provide complementary limits as the DM-gas relative velocity in them is much larger than that in Leo T. We derive constraints on the following scenarios in which DM can heat the gas: (i)(i) interaction of axions with hydrogen atoms or free electrons in the gas, (ii)(ii) deceleration of relic magnetically charged DM in gas plasma, (iii)(iii) dynamical friction from compact DM, (iv)(iv) hard sphere scattering of composite DM with gas. Our limits are complementary to DM direct detection searches. Detection of more gas-rich low-mass dwarfs like Leo T from upcoming 21cm and optical surveys can improve our bounds.Comment: 10+6 pages, 8 figures. Version appearing in PRD. Added more realistic calculation of escape velocity in Leo

    Language Use and Disciplinarity: A Literature Review

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    Disciplinary variation in language use is one of the focal topics in academic discourse research. This paper critically reviews extant literature studies on the close relationship between language use and disciplinarity, in an attempt to clarify the different perspectives, both theoretical and methodological, in exploring the discipline-specific nature of academic discourses. This paper points out that the previous studies mainly adopted a form-first approach to analyzing the lexico-grammatical features of disciplinary discourses and calls for more attention to the meanings, functions, and discourse-semantic patterns in discourses across disciplines by adopting a function-first approach

    Cumulative effects of incorrect use of pesticides can lead to catastrophic outbreaks of pests

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    Modeling external perturbations such as chemical control within each generation of discrete populations is challenging. Based on a method proposed in the literature, we have extended a discrete single species model with multiple instantaneous pesticide applications within each generation, and then discuss the existence and stability of the unique positive equilibrium. Further, the effects of the timing of pesticide applications and the instantaneous killing rate on the equilibrium were investigated in more detail and we obtained some interesting results, including a paradox and the cumulative effects of the incorrect use of pesticides on pest outbreaks. In order to show the occurrences of the paradox and of hormesis, several special models have been extended and studied. Further, the biological implications of the main results regarding successful pest control are discussed. All of the results obtained confirm that the cumulative effects of incorrect use of pesticides may result in more severe pest outbreaks and thus, in order to avoid a paradox in pest control, control strategies need to be designed with care, including decisions on the timing and number of pesticide applications in relation to the effectiveness of the pesticide being used

    SAR-NAS: Skeleton-based Action Recognition via Neural Architecture Searching

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    This paper presents a study of automatic design of neural network architectures for skeleton-based action recognition. Specifically, we encode a skeleton-based action instance into a tensor and carefully define a set of operations to build two types of network cells: normal cells and reduction cells. The recently developed DARTS (Differentiable Architecture Search) is adopted to search for an effective network architecture that is built upon the two types of cells. All operations are 2D based in order to reduce the overall computation and search space. Experiments on the challenging NTU RGB+D and Kinectics datasets have verified that most of the networks developed to date for skeleton-based action recognition are likely not compact and efficient. The proposed method provides an approach to search for such a compact network that is able to achieve comparative or even better performance than the state-of-the-art methods

    Measure pseudo affine-periodic solutions of semilinear differential equations

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    n this paper, we introduce the concept of pseudo affine-periodic functionvia measure theory, that is measure pseudo (Q, T)-affine-periodic function.Existence, uniqueness of measure pseudo (Q, T)-affine-periodic solutionfor semilinear differential equations are investigated.The working tools are based on the Banach contraction mapping principleand Leray-Schauder alternative theorem.Finally, an example is presented to illustrate the main findings