89,955 research outputs found

    Gravitational Lensing Statistics as a Probe of Dark Energy

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    By using the comoving distance, we derive an analytic expression for the optical depth of gravitational lensing, which depends on the redshift to the source and the cosmological model characterized by the cosmic mass density parameter Ωm\Omega_m, the dark energy density parameter Ωx\Omega_x and its equation of state ωx=px/ρx\omega_x = p_x/\rho_x. It is shown that, the larger the dark energy density is and the more negative its pressure is, the higher the gravitational lensing probability is. This fact can provide an independent constraint for dark energy.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Time-dependent Fr\"ohlich transformation approach for two-atom entanglement generated by successive passage through a cavity

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    Time-dependent Fr\"ohlich transformations can be used to derive an effective Hamiltonian for a class of quantum systems with time-dependent perturbations. We use such a transformation for a system with time-dependent atom-photon coupling induced by the classical motion of two atoms in an inhomogeneous electromagnetic field. We calculate the entanglement between the two atoms resulting from their motion through a cavity as a function of their initial position difference and velocity.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Gravitational lensing statistical properties in general FRW cosmologies with dark energy component(s): analytic results

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    Various astronomical observations have been consistently making a strong case for the existence of a component of dark energy with negative pressure in the universe. It is now necessary to take the dark energy component(s) into account in gravitational lensing statistics and other cosmological tests. By using the comoving distance we derive analytic but simple expressions for the optical depth of multiple image, the expected value of image separation and the probability distribution of image separation caused by an assemble of singular isothermal spheres in general FRW cosmological models with dark energy component(s). We also present the kinematical and dynamical properties of these kinds of cosmological models and calculate the age of the universe and the distance measures, which are often used in classical cosmological tests. In some cases we are able to give formulae that are simpler than those found elsewhere in the literature, which could make the cosmological tests for dark energy component(s) more convenient.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, Latex fil

    Entanglement in a two-identical-particle system

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    The definition of entanglement in identical-particle system is introduced. The separability criterion in two-identical particle system is given. The physical meaning of the definition is analysed. Applications to two-boson and two-fermion systems are made. It is found new entanglement and correlation phenomena in identical-boson systems exist, and they may have applications in the field of quantum information.Comment: 4 page

    Quantum anti-Zeno effect without rotating wave approximation

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    In this paper, we systematically study the spontaneous decay phenomenon of a two-level system under the influences of both its environment and continuous measurements. In order to clarify some well-established conclusions about the quantum Zeno effect (QZE) and the quantum anti-Zeno effect (QAZE), we do not use the rotating wave approximation (RWA) in obtaining an effective Hamiltonian. We examine various spectral distributions by making use of our present approach in comparison with other approaches. It is found that with respect to a bare excited state even without the RWA, the QAZE can still happen for some cases, e.g., the interacting spectra of hydrogen. But for a physical excited state, which is a renormalized dressed state of the atomic state, the QAZE disappears and only the QZE remains. These discoveries inevitably show a transition from the QZE to the QAZE as the measurement interval changes.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Modeling of the evolution of dielectric loss with processing temperature in ferroelectric and dielectric thin oxide films

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    It was experimentally found that the evolution of dielectric loss with processing temperature displays a common trend in ferroelectric and dielectric thin oxide films: firstly an increase and then a decrease in dielectric loss when the processing temperature is gradually raised. Such a dielectric response of ferroelectric/dielectric thin films has been theoretically addressed in this work. We propose that at the initial stage of the crystallization process in thin films, the transformation from amorphous to crystalline phase should increase substantially the dielectric loss; then, with further increase in the processing temperature, the coalescent growth of small crystalline grains into big ones could be helpful in reducing the dielectric loss by lowering grain boundary densities. The obtained experimental data for (Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin films with 500 nm in thickness were analyzed in terms of the model developed and shown to be in a reasonable agreement with the theoretical results.Comment: The experimentally observed dielectric loss responses in ferroelectric and dielectric thin oxide films have been theoretically addressed in this work, which paves the way for seeking methods in order to tailor the dielectric loss effectively for practical applications. Accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Physic

    Evidence for spin-flip scattering and local moments in dilute fluorinated graphene

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    The issue of whether local magnetic moments can be formed by introducing adatoms into graphene is of intense research interest because it opens the window to fundamental studies of magnetism in graphene, as well as of its potential spintronics applications. To investigate this question we measure, by exploiting the well-established weak localization physics, the phase coherence length L_phi in dilute fluorinated graphene. L_phi reveals an unusual saturation below ~ 10 K, which cannot be explained by non-magnetic origins. The corresponding phase breaking rate increases with decreasing carrier density and increases with increasing fluorine density. These results provide strong evidence for spin-flip scattering and points to the existence of adatom-induced local magnetic moment in fluorinated graphene. Our results will stimulate further investigations of magnetism and spintronics applications in adatom-engineered graphene.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, and supplementary materials; Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres