20 research outputs found

    Structural insights into abasic site for Fpg specific binding and catalysis: comparative high-resolution crystallographic studies of Fpg bound to various models of abasic site analogues-containing DNA

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    Fpg is a DNA glycosylase that recognizes and excises the mutagenic 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) and the potentially lethal formamidopyrimidic residues (Fapy). Fpg is also associated with an AP lyase activity which successively cleaves the abasic (AP) site at the 3′ and 5′ sides by βδ-elimination. Here, we present the high-resolution crystal structures of the wild-type and the P1G defective mutant of Fpg from Lactococcus lactis bound to 14mer DNA duplexes containing either a tetrahydrofuran (THF) or 1,3-propanediol (Pr) AP site analogues. Structures show that THF is less extrahelical than Pr and its backbone C5′–C4′–C3′ diverges significantly from those of Pr, rAP, 8-oxodG and FapydG. Clearly, the heterocyclic oxygen of THF is pushed back by the carboxylate of the strictly conserved E2 residue. We can propose that the ring-opened form of the damaged deoxyribose is the structure active form of the sugar for Fpg catalysis process. Both structural and functional data suggest that the first step of catalysis mediated by Fpg involves the expulsion of the O4′ leaving group facilitated by general acid catalysis (involving E2), rather than the immediate cleavage of the N-glycosic bond of the damaged nucleoside

    DNA containing a chemically reduced apurinic site is a high affinity ligand for the E.coli formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosyiase

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    International audienceThe E. coli Formamidopyrimidine-DNA Glycosylase (FPG protein), a monomeric DNA repair enzyme of 30.2 kDa, was purified to homogeneity in large quantities. The FPG protein excises imidazole ring-opened purines and 8-hydroxyguanine residues from DNA. Besides DNA glycosylase activity, the FPG protein is endowed with an EDTA-resistant activity which nicks DNA at apurinic/apyrimidic sites (AP sites). In contrast, DNAs containing chemically reduced AP sites are not incised by the FPG protein. However, the DNA glycosylase activity of the FPG protein is strongly inhibited in the presence of a purified synthetic 24 base-pair double-stranded oligonucleotide which contains a single apurinic site transformed chemically through borohydride reduction into a ring-opened deoxyribose derivative. The ability of the FPG protein to form a complex with this synthetically modified DNA was studied by electrophoresis in non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels. The FPG protein specifically binds the double-stranded oligonucleotide containing an apurinic site previously reduced in the presence of sodium borohydride. The complex was identified as a single retardation band on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Complex formation is reversible and an apparent dissociation constant, KDapp, of 2.6 x 10(-10) M was determined. In contrast, no such retardation band was obtained between the FPG protein and double-stranded DNA containing an intact apurinic site or single-stranded DNA containing either an intact or a reduced apurinic site

    Description of ordered solvent molecules in a platinated decanucleotide duplex refined at 1.6 Å resolution against experimental MAD phases

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    International audienceAccurate experimental phases derived from a MAD experiment may be useful to enable the identification of solvent molecules during the course of an atomic parameter refinement. The structure of a double-stranded DNA decanucleotide bearing a cisplatin interstrand cross-link at 1.6A resolution, whose phases were first determined experimentally using the L(III) edge of the Pt atom, was refined by various methods. The previously published structure resulted from a least-squares refinement using the structure-factor magnitudes and stereochemical restraints (program SHELX). In this paper, these previous results are compared with a model obtained by the likelihood-maximization method (program REFMAC) which allows the combination of the observed magnitudes with experimental MAD phases. This solution corresponded to a lower R(free) (18.8 compared with 20.3%), a lower R factor and accounted for 135 water molecules and one spermine molecule collected by the program wARP during refinement. The previously published SHELX solution exhibited no spermine molecule and accounted for 92 water molecules, only 74 of which are also present in the model obtained with the MAD phases. In order to verify that these improvements were actually related to the use of the MAD phases, the same type of procedure without the MAD phases was applied starting from the initial model. The resulting solution had a higher R(free) (20.3%), which could be related to the loss of 22 water molecules and the addition of 20 new ones. MAD phases therefore seem especially helpful in preventing the model bias which may affect the solvent molecules. All models have in common a hydration cage of nine water molecules which surround the platinum residue. In addition to the spermine molecule, the model obtained with the MAD phases allows description of the water-molecule organization, with reproducible motifs related to the base pairs and to the phosphodiester backbone

    Structure et mécanisme d'action de la Formamidopyrimidine-ADN glycosylase (analyse cristallographique de quelques complexes entre la protéine et des oligonucléotides porteurs d'analogues de sites abasiques)

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    La 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) et les purines à cycle imidazole ouvert (Fapy) sont les produits majeurs d'oxydation des purines de l'ADN. La présence de telles altérations dans l'ADN est potentiellement mutagène ou létale pour la cellule. Afin de contrecarrer ces effets, différents mécanismes ont été mis au point par la cellule, dont la réparation par excision de bases (BER). La formamidopyrimidine-ADN glycosylase, Fpg, est une enzyme bifonctionnelle de BER : ses activités ADN glycosylase et AP lyase lui permettent de retirer de l'ADN une grande variété de lésions, dont la 8-oxoG, les résidus Fapy et les sites abasiques (AP,apurinique/apyrimidinique). Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse rapportent l'étude cristallographique de complexes non-covalents entre la protéine Fpg de Lactococcus lactis et des duplexes d'ADN contenant un analogue de site AP (1,3-propanediol ou tétrahydrofurane) et permettent de définir les éléments structuraux de la reconnaissance de la lésion par Fpg.ORLEANS-BU Sciences (452342104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    HU Protein of Escherichia coli Binds Specifically to DNA That Contains Single-strand Breaks or Gaps

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    International audienceIn this study, we have identified a protein in Escherichia coli that specifically binds to double-stranded DNA containing a single-stranded gap of one nucleotide. The gap-DNA binding (GDB) protein was purified to apparent homogeneity. The analysis of the amino-terminal sequencing of the GDB protein shows two closely related sequences we identify as the alpha and beta subunits of the HU protein. Furthermore, the GDB protein is not detected in the crude extract of an E. coli double mutant strain hupA hupB that has no functional HU protein. These results led us to identify the GDB protein as the HU protein. HU binds strongly to double-stranded 30-mer oligonucleotides containing a nick or a single-stranded gap of one or two nucleotides. Apparent dissociation constants were measured for these various DNA duplexes using a gel retardation assay. The KD(app) values were 8 nM for the 30-mer duplex that contains a nick and 4 and 2 nM for those that contain a 1-or a 2-nucleotide gap, respectively. The affinity of HU for these ligands is at least 100-fold higher than for the same 30-mer DNA duplex without nick or gap. Other single-stranded breaks or gaps, which are intermediate products in the repair of abasic sites after incision by the Fpg, Nth, or Nfo proteins, are also preferentially bound by the HU protein. Due to specific binding to DNA strand breaks, HU may play a role in replication, recombination, and repair

    Synthesis of an Enantiomerically Pure Carbocyclic DNA Abasic Site Analogue

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    International audienceA short synthetic route to an appropriately derivatized carbocyclic analogue of abasic site residues of DNA is proposed

    Evidence of a thermal unfolding dimeric intermediate for the Escherichia coli histone-like HU proteins: thermodynamics and structure.

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    International audienceThe Escherichia coli histone-like HU protein pool is composed of three dimeric forms: two homodimers, EcHUalpha(2) and EcHUbeta(2), and a heterodimer, EcHUalphabeta. The relative abundance of these dimeric forms varies during cell growth and in response to environmental changes, suggesting that each dimer plays different physiological roles. Here, differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism (CD) were used to study the thermal stability of the three E.coli HU dimers and show that each of them has its own thermodynamic signature. Unlike the other HU proteins studied so far, which melt through a single step (N(2)2D), this present thermodynamic study shows that the three E.coli dimers melt according to a two-step mechanism (N(2)I(2)2D). The native dimer, N(2), melts partially into a dimeric intermediate, I(2), which in turn yields the unfolded monomers, D. In addition, the crystal structure of the EcHUalpha(2) dimer has been solved. Comparative thermodynamic and structural analysis between EcHUalpha(2) and the HU homodimer from Bacillus stearothermophilus suggests that the E.coli dimer is constituted by two subdomains of different energetic properties. The CD study indicates that the intermediate, I(2), corresponds to an HU dimer having partly lost its alpha-helices. The partially unfolded dimer I(2) is unable to complex with high-affinity, single-stranded break-containing DNA. These structural, thermodynamic and functional results suggest that the N(2)I(2) equilibrium plays a central role in the physiology of E.coli HU. The I(2) molecular species seems to be the EcHUbeta(2) preferential conformation, possibly related to its role in the E.coli cold-shock adaptation. Besides, I(2) might be required in E.coli for the HU chain exchange, which allows the heterodimer formation from homodimers

    Crystal structures of YBHB and YBCL from Escherichia coli , two bacterial homologues to a Raf kinase inhibitor protein 1 1Edited by R. Huber

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    International audienceIn rat and human cells, RKIP (previously known as PEBP) was characterized as an inhibitor of the MEK phosphorylation by Raf-1. In Escherichia coli, the genes ybhb and ybcl possibly encode two RKIP homologues while in the genomes of other bacteria and archaebacteria other homologous genes of RKIP have been found. The parallel between the cellular signaling mechanisms in eukaryotes and prokaryotes suggests that these bacterial proteins could be involved in the regulation of protein phosphorylation by kinases as well. We first showed that the proteins YBHB and YBCL were present in the cytoplasm and periplasm of E. coli, respectively, after which we determined their crystallographic structures. These structures verify that YBHB and YBCL belong to the same structural family as mammalian RKIP/PEBP proteins. The general fold and the anion binding site of these proteins are extremely well conserved between mammals and bacteria and suggest functional similarities. However, the bacterial proteins also exhibit some specific structural features, like a substrate binding pocket formed by the dimerization interface and the absence of cis peptide bonds. This structural variety should correspond to the recognition of multiple cellular partners