91 research outputs found

    Auswirkung einer optimierten medikamentösen PrÀmedikation auf das postoperative Befinden

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    Anhand dieser Studie sollte herausgearbeitet werden, ob eine erweiterte medikamentöse PrĂ€medikation das allgemeine Befinden und somit die LebensqualitĂ€t von Patienten postoperativ zu verbessern vermag. Es handelte sich um eine placebokontrollierte, doppelblind randomisierte Untersuchung. ZusĂ€tzlich zu einer ĂŒblichen StandardprĂ€medikation (7,5 mg Midazolam) erhielten die insgesamt 320 Studienpatienten prĂ€operativ drei weitere Tabletten: ein Glukokortikoid (8 mg Dexamethason) bzw. Placebo, einen COX-2-Hemmer (40 mg Rofecoxib) bzw. Placebo und einen 5-HT3-Antagonisten (5 mg Tropisetron) bzw. Placebo. Dieses mehrfaktorielle Studiendesign ergab somit 32 = 8 verschiedene Gruppen mit je 40 Patienten. Alle diese Patienten erhielten nach oben beschriebener PrĂ€medikation einen operativen Eingriff in standardisierter AllgemeinanĂ€sthesie und wurden postoperativ nach ĂŒblichen Methoden im Falle von Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Schmerzen oder Shivering behandelt. Ein LebensqualitĂ€tsfragebogen (QoR-15-Fragebogen), der 24 Stunden nach der Operation von den Patienten ausgefĂŒllt wurde, sollte das psychische und körperliche Befinden perioperativ evaluieren. Der Summenscore dieses Fragebogens diente als HauptzielgrĂ¶ĂŸe der Studie. Anhand einer ordinal-logistischen Regression konnte gezeigt werden, dass Patienten unter Dexamethason-Therapie die LebensqualitĂ€tsfragen tendenziell positiver beantworteten als Studienteilnehmer aus den anderen Gruppen. Dieser Effekt konnte jedoch nur bei einer von insgesamt 15 Fragen statistisch gesichert werden (pDexamethason=0,0115, pRofecoxib=0,0466, pTropisetron=0,3400). Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Medikamenten waren nicht zu beobachten. Der Grund fĂŒr das bessere Abschneiden der Dexamethason-Gruppen scheint der stimmungsmodulierende Effekt von Glukokortikoiden zu sein, der durch diese Studie erneut belegt werden konnte. Generell ist jedoch davon auszugehen, dass eine erweiterte PrĂ€medikation keine signifikante Verbesserung der perioperativen LebensqualitĂ€t bewirkt, sondern dass eine gezielte postoperative Behandlung von Beschwerden wie Erbrechen, Schmerzen oder Shivering ausreichend erscheint

    DMRN+18: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2023

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    DMRN+18: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2023 Queen Mary University of London Tuesday 19th December 2023 ‱ Keynote speaker: Stefan Bilbao The Digital Music Research Network (DMRN) aims to promote research in the area of digital music, by bringing together researchers from UK and overseas universities, as well as industry, for its annual workshop. The workshop will include invited and contributed talks and posters. The workshop will be an ideal opportunity for networking with other people working in the area. Keynote speakers: Stefan Bilbao Tittle: Physics-based Audio: Sound Synthesis and Virtual Acoustics. Abstract: Any acoustically-produced sound produced must be the result of physical laws that describe the dynamics of a given system---always at least partly mechanical, and sometimes with an electronic element as well. One approach to the synthesis of natural acoustic timbres, thus, is through simulation, often referred to in this context as physical modelling, or physics-based audio. In this talk, the principles of physics-based audio, and the various different approaches to simulation are described, followed by a set of examples covering: various musical instrument types; the important related problem of the emulation of room acoustics or “virtual acoustics”; the embedding of instruments in a 3D virtual space; electromechanical effects; and also new modular instrument designs based on physical laws, but without a counterpart in the real world. Some more technical details follow, including the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of such methods, and pointers to some links to data-centred black-box approaches to sound generation and effects processing. The talk concludes with some musical examples and recent work on moving such algorithms to a real-time setting.. Bio: Stefan is a Professor (full) at Reid School of Music, University of Edinburgh, he is the Personal Chair of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, Music. He currently works on computational acoustics, for applications in sound synthesis and virtual acoustics. Special topics of interest include: Finite difference time domain methods, distributed nonlinear systems such as strings and plates, architectural acoustics, spatial audio in simulation, multichannel sound synthesis, and hardware and software realizations. More information on: https://www.acoustics.ed.ac.uk/group-members/dr-stefan-bilbao/ DMRN+18 is sponsored by The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music (AIM); a leading PhD research programme aimed at the Music/Audio Technology and Creative Industries, based at Queen Mary University of London

    Colorants in Cheese Manufacture: Production, Chemistry, Interactions, and Regulation

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    Colored Cheddar cheeses are prepared by adding an aqueous annatto extract (norbixin) to cheese milk; however, a considerable proportion (∌20%) of such colorant is transferred to whey, which can limit the end use applications of whey products. Different geographical regions have adopted various strategies for handling whey derived from colored cheeses production. For example, in the United States, whey products are treated with oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide and benzoyl peroxide to obtain white and colorless spray‐dried products; however, chemical bleaching of whey is prohibited in Europe and China. Fundamental studies have focused on understanding the interactions between colorants molecules and various components of cheese. In addition, the selective delivery of colorants to the cheese curd through approaches such as encapsulated norbixin and microcapsules of bixin or use of alternative colorants, including fat‐soluble/emulsified versions of annatto or beta‐carotene, has been studied. This review provides a critical analysis of pertinent scientific and patent literature pertaining to colorant delivery in cheese and various types of colorant products on the market for cheese manufacture, and also considers interactions between colorant molecules and cheese components; various strategies for elimination of color transfer to whey during cheese manufacture are also discussed

    Computed tomography scanning as a tool for linking the skeletal and otolith‐based fossil records of teleost fishes

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    Micro‐computed tomography (ÎŒCT) scanning now represents a standard tool for non‐destructive study of internal or concealed structure in fossils. Here we report on otoliths found in situ during routine ÎŒCT scanning of three‐dimensionally preserved skulls of Palaeogene and Cretaceous fishes. Comparisons are made with isolated otolith‐based taxa to attempt correlations between the body fossil and otolith fossil records. In situ otoliths previously extracted mechanically from specimens of Apogon macrolepis and Dentex laekeniensis match our ÎŒCT models. In some cases, we find a high degree of congruence between previously independent taxonomic placements for otolith and skeletal remains (Rhinocephalus, Osmeroides, Hoplopteryx). Unexpectedly, in situ otoliths of the aulopiform Apateodus match isolated otoliths of Late Cretaceous age previously interpreted as belonging to gempylids, a group of percomorph fishes that do not appear in the body fossil record until the Palaeogene. This striking example of convergence suggests constraints on otolith geometry in pelagic predators. The otoliths of Apateodus show a primitive geometry for aulopiforms and lack the derived features of Alepisauroidea, the lizardfish clade to which the genus is often attributed. In situ otoliths of Early Cretaceous fishes (Apsopelix and an unidentified taxon) are not well preserved, and we are unable to identify clear correlations with isolated otolith morphologies. We conclude that the preservation of otoliths suitable for ÎŒCT scanning appears to be intimately connected with the taphonomic history, lithological characteristics of surrounding matrix, and syn‐ and postdepositional diagenetic effects.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144669/1/pala12349.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144669/2/pala12349_am.pd

    A possible relationship between aspects of dentition and feeding in the centrarchid and anabantoid fishes

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    Certain components of dentition — teeth on the third basibranchial in the Centrarchidae and on the parasphenoid in the anabantoids (sensu lato) — are very rare elsewhere in higher teleostean fishes. Though these basibranchial and parasphenoid teeth in the two fish groups are on opposite sides of the oral cavity, it is hypothesized that they both developed as adaptations for gripping a particular category of food items, namely strong-clawed, hard-shelled, active animals that, once within the oral cavity, would try to crawl out again. A corollary to this hypothesis is that higher teleosts with extensive dentition in the central part of the oral cavity have a grasping jaw bite, which, unlike a piercing, shearing, or crushing jaw bite, does not necessarily kill the prey that is taken into the oral cavity.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42630/1/10641_2004_Article_BF00005147.pd

    Self-directed experimenting in a student laboratory

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    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde an der UniversitĂ€t des Saarlandes ein Chemielabor mit 12 ArbeitsplĂ€tzen entwickelt und evaluiert, die je drei SchĂŒler/-innen bei freier Wahl der GerĂ€te und Chemikalien eine selbststĂ€ndige Bearbeitung ergebnisoffener Fragestellungen ermöglichen. Die Entwicklung der unterrichtsbezogenen Aufgabenstellungen orientierte sich an Erfahrungen mit gymnasialem Experimentalunterricht, RĂŒckmeldungen von Mehrfachbesucher/-innen der Mittelstufe und deren Fachlehrern ĂŒber den Einfluss der Praktika auf den nachfolgenden Schulunterricht. Vier Evaluationsprojekte mit Kontrollgruppendesign nach BesuchszeitrĂ€umen von einem, zwei und fĂŒnf Jahren zielten jeweils in Verbindung mit Mehrfachbesuchen auf die Aspekte Integration der Experimente in den laufenden Unterricht, Motivation, Interesse und naturwissenschaftliches GrundverstĂ€ndnis. Nachgewiesen werden konnten eine positive Bewertung der Labormerkmale, eine Verbesserung der QualitĂ€t epistemischer Fragen, grĂ¶ĂŸeres Selbstvertrauen, Interesse und Einfallsreichtum, die besseren Ideen bei der Konzeption von Forschungsfragen, ein höherer intrinsischer Wert des Chemielernens und eine PrĂ€ferenz von Experimenten ohne Schritt fĂŒr Schritt Vorgabe. Nach Angaben der Lehrer sind die Praktika grundsĂ€tzlich in den Unterricht integrierbar und erhöhen dort die Effizienz des Lernens.Within the framework of this thesis, a chemistry laboratory at the "UniversitĂ€t des Saarlandes\u27; with twelve workstations was developed and evaluated. At each of these workstations, three students had free reign over chemicals and apparatuses in order to work independently on experiments; with no known outcomes. Feedback derived from students (Years 8, 9 and 10 in grammar school), repeatedly taking part in these experiments; as well as from their teachers commenting on the impact of the experiment on the lessons that followed, led to the development and improvement of the lesson-related wording of the task. Four evaluation projects, all with an underlying control group design, were conducted over repeat visits, with the following aims: Integration of the experiments into regular lessons, motivation, improved interest and basic scientific understanding. The results of these experiments showed: an improved knowledge of the workings of the laboratory; an improvement in the quality of epistemic questions; enhanced self-confidence, interest and more imaginative ideas; better ideas in the conceptualisation of research questions; a higher intrinsic value of chemistry learning and a preference for experiments without step-by-step instructions. As is stated by all the science teachers, who normally teach these pupils, it would be possible to integrate the design of these experiments into lessons, thereby improving the learning efficiency

    Die Entwicklung zur Zucht auf Hornlosigkeit bei der Rasse Holstein

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    High-quality and reproducible automatic drum transcription from crowdsourced data

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    Within the broad problem known as automatic music transcription, we considered the specific task of automatic drum transcription (ADT). This is a complex task that has recently shown significant advances thanks to deep learning (DL) techniques. Most notably, massive amounts of labeled data obtained from crowds of annotators have made it possible to implement large-scale supervised learning architectures for ADT. In this study, we explored the untapped potential of these new datasets by addressing three key points: First, we reviewed recent trends in DL architectures and focused on two techniques, self-attention mechanisms and tatum-synchronous convolutions. Then, to mitigate the noise and bias that are inherent in crowdsourced data, we extended the training data with additional annotations. Finally, to quantify the potential of the data, we compared many training scenarios by combining up to six different datasets, including zero-shot evaluations. Our findings revealed that crowdsourced datasets outperform previously utilized datasets, and regardless of the DL architecture employed, they are sufficient in size and quality to train accurate models. By fully exploiting this data source, our models produced high-quality drum transcriptions, achieving state-of-the-art results. Thanks to this accuracy, our work can be more successfully used by musicians (e.g., to learn new musical pieces by reading, or to convert their performances to MIDI) and researchers in music information retrieval (e.g., to retrieve information from the notes instead of audio, such as the rhythm or structure of a piece)
