137 research outputs found

    Intervenção psicomotora com adultos com perturbação mental em unidades sócio ocupacionais

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    No âmbito do Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais (RACP) do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, foi realizado o Estágio Profissionalizante no 2º ano de formação. Desta forma, o presente relatório foi desenvolvido como forma de descrever a prática realizada. O estágio teve lugar em duas Unidades Sócio Ocupacionais da Associação de Reabilitação e Integração Ajuda (ARIA) – Fórum Sócio Ocupacional de Lisboa (FSO) e Fórum de Apoio Social no Restelo (FAS) – que tem como objetivo promover a reabilitação psicossocial e integração socioprofissional em indivíduos com problemas de saúde mental. Teve a duração de 8 meses, período no qual se realizou a observação, a avaliação inicial, o planeamento e desenvolvimento de sessões e a avaliação final. Tendo o relatório natureza teórico-prática, inicialmente abordam-se temas relacionados com a Psicomotricidade, Saúde Mental e Perturbações Mentais, especificando a Esquizofrenia, e enquadra-se o local de estágio. Seguidamente, descreve-se a intervenção psicomotora nas atividades de “Psicomotricidade”, “Adaptação ao Meio Aquático” e Acompanhamento Individual no FSO e “Psicomotricidade” e “Faz Por Ti” no FAS. Também se abordam as dificuldades e limitações sentidas. No final, realiza-se uma conclusão reflexiva de toda a experiência.Within the framework of Development of Professional Skills Branch of the Psychomotor Rehabilitation Master of the Faculty of Human Kinetics (Lisbon) an internship was performed in the last year of education. This report was developed to describe it. The internship took place in two Socio-Occupational Structures of a Portuguese association named Associação de Reabilitação e Integração Ajuda (ARIA) – Socio-Occupational Forum and Social Support Forum. This association aims to promote the psychosocial rehabilitation and socio professional integration of individuals with mental health problems. The internship lasted 8 months, in which observation, initial evaluation, planning and development of sessions and final evaluation were done. Such as this report has a theoretical-practical nature, initially topics related to Psychomotricity, Mental Health and Mental Illness, specifying Schizophrenia, are approached and the internship local is explained. Then the psychomotor intervention is described as well as it’s difficulties and limitations. In the end, a reflexive conclusion of the experience is presented

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of BmncRNAdb: a comprehensive database of non-coding RNAs in the silkworm, Bombyx mori

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    The detail information of RNA-seq datasets. All the samples used to the identification of the silkworm lncRNAs. (DOC 44 kb

    Additional file 2: of The dynamic landscape of gene regulation during Bombyx mori oogenesis

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    The quantitative PCR expression results of typical marker genes. The explanation of gene identities is in the Additional file 12. (PDF 444 kb

    Vapor–Solid Nanotube Growth via Sidewall Epitaxy in an Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope

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    The growth of metal oxide nanotubes has been widely investigated; however, the mechanism regarding how nanotubes form remains elusive due to the lack of real time growth information. Here we report the growth of W<sub>18</sub>O<sub>49</sub> nanotubes in an environmental transmission electron microscope. The real time observation of the growth dynamics indicates that the W<sub>18</sub>O<sub>49</sub> nanotube is formed via the sidewall epitaxial growth on the leader W<sub>18</sub>O<sub>49</sub> nanowire, which is different from the mechanism of nanowires coalescence proposed previously. Furthermore, our in situ results demonstrate that higher oxygen pressure leads to the growth of nanotubes, but low oxygen pressure results in the growth of nanowires. Such nanotube growth is presumably ascribed to the maximization of heat dissipation during fast growth. These findings may enrich our present understanding of the growth dynamics of metal oxide nanotubes and provide insight for fabricating metal oxide nanotubes

    Multiple-site fragment deletion, insertion and substitution mutagenesis by modified overlap extension PCR

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    <p>Introducing various mutations at multiple specific sites within a gene requires multiple steps of DNA manipulation, which is the initial, but limiting step of protein structure–function studies. In the present work, we standardized a simple and fast procedure to perform site-directed mutagenesis, multiple-site fragment deletion, insertion and substitution mutagenesis by a modified version of overlap extension polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In this procedure, target genes divided into several fragments based on the site of mutagenesis are amplified and annealed with their complementary overhanging, followed by extension and amplification to full-length gene with expected mutation(s) by PCR. Vectors inserted with the modified target gene are screened by colony PCR. By using the standardized procedure, we have easily generated single-site mutations, replaced/deleted DNA fragment into/from a target gene and engineered a cysteine-free protein. Practically, the standardized procedure provides an efficient choice for almost all kinds of mutagenesis, especially for multiple-site and large DNA fragment modification mutagenesis. Therefore, this method can be utilized to analyze protein structure and function, to optimize codons of genes for protein expression and to assemble genes of interest.</p

    Fig. S3 NJ tree and intron positions of HmelGST genes.

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    Phase 0, 1, and 2 introns are shown by black, blue, and red solid lines, respectively