56 research outputs found

    Initiatives for the quality of medical simulation in the training of nurses

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    Introduction. In the training of nurses, simulation is used more and more often as an educational tool. For that purpose, various means and tools of simulation are employed, starting with simple trainers, which have been in use for quite a long time, through complex in structure and more and more physiologically and informatically advanced high-fidelity simulators placed in a realistic virtual environment to trained people (so called standardised patients). The addressee of the educational actions, assuming an active role, is a student, but it is the teacher with a special training in conducting this type of courses that is the coordinator of such actions. Purpose. Presentation of selected initiatives for the quality of medical simulation in training nurses. Method. Unsystematic review of literature, based on the thematic selection of articles, with a preference for the studies constituting a systematic review of works published in the last 14 years. Results.All the organizations mentioned below support and shape globally the development of medical simulation in the training of nurses. It is worth getting familiar with their mission and standards as they can help to develop medical simulation and educate the students of nursing at the best possible level so as to master not only the basic skills, but also those related to the communication within a team or decision making. Summary. Simulation has existed for centuries, but only recently has it started to have a big impact on healthcare. A need exists for the change in the training of nurses to facilitate the transfer of theoretical knowledge for the student into the clinical context and develop the necessary personal competences, which can be provided for by high-fidelity simulation

    Trendy pielęgniarskiej edukacji wakcynologicznej w Polsce

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    Introduction. The tangible result of the successful implementation of immunoprophylaxis is properly organized and conducted education on vaccinology of parents and people to be vaccinated, which should be carried out by medical professionals of different specialties, including nurses performing vaccinations.Aim. Presentation of trends in the development of vaccinology education of nurses in Poland.Material and methods. Overview of Polish and foreign medical literature in the years 2000-2014 on education of society by medical personnel in the field of active immunization.Results. Changes in the immunoprophylaxis in Poland, the aim of which is  further development of Immunization Program in accordance with trends in many European countries, necessitate ongoing vaccinology education. This requires from the medical staff (a doctor and a nurse) not only current knowledge about vaccination, but also the ability to communicate effectively and build a feeling of trust in the relationship with patients. The theoretical foundation of modern vaccinology education should be viewing it as a process, the outcome of which is to achieve competences of the trainee to express judgments and make effective decisions on matters related to immunization.Conclusions. 1. Educational activities of medical personnel in the field of immunization are crucial for the social acceptance of this method of infectious diseases prevention. 2. Effective implementation of vaccinology education by medical personnel requires continuing professional and personal development as well as interpersonal communication skills. 3. Appointment of the vaccinology educators and interdisciplinary method of implementation of education on vaccination may be a desirable trend in the development of active immunization.Wstęp. Wymiernym efektem skutecznej realizacji immunoprofilaktyki jest prawidłowo zorganizowania i prze-prowadzona edukacja wakcynologiczna rodziców oraz osób podlegających szczepieniu, która powinna być udziałem pracowników medycznych różnych specjalności, w tym także pielęgniarek wykonujących szczepienia.Cel pracy. Przedstawienie trendów w rozwoju pielęgniarskiej edukacji wakcynologicznej w Polsce.Materiał i metoda. Przegląd polskiego i zagranicznego piśmiennictwa medycznego w latach 2000-2014 na temat edukacji społeczeństwa przez personel medyczny w zakresie czynnej immunizacji.Wyniki. Zmiany dotyczące immunoprofilaktyki w Polsce, której celem jest dalszy rozwój Programu Szczepień Ochronnych zgodnie z trendami wielu państw europejskich, stwarza potrzebę permanentnej edukacji wakcynologicznej. Wymaga to od personelu medycznego – lekarza i pielęgniarki nie tylko aktualnej wiedzy na temat szczepień, ale również umiejętności efektywnego komunikowania się i budowania klimatu zaufania w rela-cjach z podopiecznymi. Teoretycznym założeniem nowo-czesnej edukacji wakcynologicznej powinno być postrze-ganie jej jako procesu, wynikiem którego jest uzyskanie kompetencji edukowanego do wyrażania sądów i podejmowania skutecznych decyzji w sprawach dotyczących szczepień ochronnych.Wnioski. 1. Edukacyjna działalność personelu medycznego w zakresie szczepień ochronnych ma decy-dujące znaczenie dla społecznej akceptacji tej metody profilaktyki chorób zakaźnych. 2. Skuteczne realizowanie edukacji wakcynologicznej przez personel medyczny wymaga stałego doskonalenia zawodowego i rozwoju osobowego, a także umiejętności komunikacji interpersonalnej. 3. Powołanie edukatorów wakcynologicznych oraz inter-dyscyplinarny sposób realizacji edukacji na temat szczepień może stanowić pożądany trend w rozwoju czynnej immunizacji

    Care concept in medical and nursing students' descriptions: philosophical approach and implications for medical education

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    Introduction. Care is seen as something that is peculiar to the medical sciences but its meaning and status for physicians and nurses differs. Objectives. The aim of this research was to learn how nursing and medical students understand and define care, and how their definition and views on their practice of caring change as they advance through their studies. Material and methods. The study was conducted among two groups of students: before and after their first practicum (n=102). Analysis of the students' answers was carried out using Colaizzi's phenomenological descriptive methodology, which means that a qualitative approach was used. Results. The qualitative analysis shows that the medical and nursing students define care in the same way, using 9 main categories: compassion, commitment, competence, confidence, conscience, communication, patience, courage and support. The nursing students viewed their caring to be within both practical and emotional dimensions and this was a core feature of their identity as nurses. Medical students, on the other hand, viewed the practical dimension of care as an additional activity. All the students in the study underlined the importance of having time to care and showed that, for them, 'time' in this context has a moral meaning. What was interesting to the research team centered on the initial attitudes to 'caring' from both medical and nursing students. Conclusions. We found that students of both nursing and medicine do not begin their studies with different attitudes and concepts of care. However, after their initial exposure to practical placements a process begins which forges different identities around the concept of care. This implies trends in the division of professional roles during their initial education

    Initiatives for the quality of medical simulation in the training of nurses

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    Introduction. In the training of nurses, simulation is used more and more often as an educational tool. For that purpose, various means and tools of simulation are employed, starting with simple trainers, which have been in use for quite a long time, through complex in structure and more and more physiologically and informatically advanced high-fidelity simulators placed in a realistic virtual environment to trained people (so called standardised patients). The addressee of the educational actions, assuming an active role, is a student, but it is the teacher with a special training in conducting this type of courses that is the coordinator of such actions. Purpose. Presentation of selected initiatives for the quality of medical simulation in training nurses. Method. Unsystematic review of literature, based on the thematic selection of articles, with a preference for the studies constituting a systematic review of works published in the last 14 years. Results.All the organizations mentioned below support and shape globally the development of medical simulation in the training of nurses. It is worth getting familiar with their mission and standards as they can help to develop medical simulation and educate the students of nursing at the best possible level so as to master not only the basic skills, but also those related to the communication within a team or decision making. Summary. Simulation has existed for centuries, but only recently has it started to have a big impact on healthcare. A need exists for the change in the training of nurses to facilitate the transfer of theoretical knowledge for the student into the clinical context and develop the necessary personal competences, which can be provided for by high-fidelity simulation

    Struktura relacji aktywności fizycznej i wybranych czynników kształtujących stan i samoocenę stanu zdrowia pacjentów w zespole bólowym odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa

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    Introduction. The pain syndrome of the lumbar spine is one of the most common civilization diseases and requires surgery in the case of a significant percentage of patients. It is also associated with a number of other health problems, with gender being an important factor that differentiates patients’ health.Aim. For this reason, our own research was focused on determining the structure of the relationship between physical activity and selected factors shaping the condition and self-assessment of health of patients in the lumbar spine pain syndrome depending on gender.Material and Methods. The study sample consists of 205 patients hospitalized at the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery and Neurosurgery of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin and at the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery, University Hospital No. 1 in Bydgoszcz. The Research used the Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ in Polish version, Visual Analogue Scale VAS, Questionnaire for Depression Measurement KPD, a proprietary questionnaire, as well as the results of laboratory tests of glucose concentration in the blood serum. The analysis of multidimensional relations between the variables was performed using the SEM structural equation modeling using the IBM SPSS 25 program with the AMOS extension.Results. In the subgroups of women and men, models that were structurally similar, although different in the values of selected path coefficients, were developed, which explains the variances of: blood glucose concentration, BMI, intensity of depression symptoms and self-assessment of health condition. The developed structural model shows that physical activity with mediating participation of blood glucose concentration, BMI and depression is associated with self-assessment of health. The indirect dependencies of physical activity and self-assessment of health condition also occur with the mediating participation of the BMI index and blood glucose concentration, as well as the BMI index and depression.Conclusions. The obtained data indicate that in the absence of health contraindications, an important element of interdisciplinary programs supporting the condition and self-assessment of health of patients with lumbar spine pain syndrome may be regular physical activity, adjusted to the needs and capabilities of the body. The differences between men and women suggest that preventive interventions should be gender-specific. (JNNN 2021;10(4):153–161)Wstęp. Zespół bólowy odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa jest jedną z najczęstszych chorób cywilizacyjnych i u znacznego odsetka pacjentów wymaga operacji. Wiąże się to również z szeregiem innych problemów zdrowotnych, przy czym płeć jest ważnym czynnikiem różnicującym stan zdrowia pacjentów.Cel. Badania własne koncentrowały się na określeniu struktury związku między aktywnością fizyczną a wybranymi czynnikami kształtującymi stan i samoocenę zdrowia pacjentów z zespołem bólowym odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa w zależności od płci.Materiał i metody. Badaną próbę stanowiło 205 pacjentów hospitalizowanych w Oddziale Neurochirurgii i Neurochirurgii Dziecięcej Samodzielnego Publicznego Szpitala Klinicznego nr 4 w Lublinie oraz w Oddziale Neurochirurgii, Neurotraumatologii i Neurochirurgii Dziecięcej Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego nr 1 w Bydgoszczy. W badaniu wykorzystano Kwestionariusz Aktywności Fizycznej IPAQ, Wizualną Skalę Analogową VAS, Kwestionariusz do Pomiaru Depresji KPD, autorską ankietę, a także wyniki badań laboratoryjnych stężenia glukozy w surowicy krwi. Analizę wielowymiarowych relacji między zmiennymi przeprowadzono za pomocą modelowania równań strukturalnych SEM za pomocą programu IBM SPSS 25 z rozszerzeniem AMOS.Wyniki. W podgrupach kobiet i mężczyzn opracowano analogiczne pod względem strukturalnym modele, ale różniące się wartościami wybranych współczynników ścieżkowych, które wyjaśniają wariancje: stężenia glukozy we krwi, BMI, nasilenia objawów depresji oraz samooceny stanu zdrowia. Opracowany model strukturalny wskazuje, że aktywność fizyczna przy pośredniczącym udziale stężenia glukozy we krwi, BMI i depresji wiąże się z samooceną stanu zdrowia. Pośrednie zależności aktywności fizycznej i samooceny stanu zdrowia występują również przy mediującym udziale wskaźnika BMI i stężenia glukozy we krwi oraz wskaźnika BMI i depresji.Wnioski. Uzyskane dane wskazują, że przy braku przeciwwskazań zdrowotnych istotnym elementem interdyscyplinarnych programów wspierających stan i samoocenę stanu zdrowia pacjentów w zespole bólowym odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa może być regularna aktywność fizyczna, dostosowana do potrzeb i możliwości organizmu. Różnice między mężczyznami i kobietami sugerują, że interwencje zapobiegawcze powinny być dostosowane do płci. (PNN 2021;10(4):153–161

    Basic guidelines for high-fidelity medical simulation

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    Introduction Simulation based medical education is an increasingly popular pedagogical approach. It provides students with the opportunity to practice their clinical skills and decision-making through various simulation activities. The main purpose of medical simulation is to educate and improve patient safety. The aim. Presentation of the basic guidelines for the implementation of medical simulation methods in the education of nurses. The method. Non-systematic review of literature, based on a thematic selection of articles with a preference for the studies being systematic reviews of papers published in the last 13 years. Results.Based on the review of the literature on SBME covering the period from 1969 to 2003 and from 2003 to 2009 Mc.Gaghie and the co-authors present twelve features and best practices for effective medical education based on simulation. The authors of this study found them to be fundamental for the development of this method and for forming and improving medical competences. Summary.Medical Simulation in education is a very important step on the way of gaining key competences in team work and decision-making skills. It is also a complementary training to many methods and educational strategies, but it will not substitute the training in natural conditions of in-patient care and professional experience arising from this

    Frequency and type of emergency medical teams intervention of in oncological patients from selected areas the Lublin region

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    A steady increase in the incidence of most malignancies has been observed in the structure of Polish society. The National Medical Emergency Service has undergone a number of changes over the last two decades. The fundamental purpose of this system is to provide medical assistance in life-threatening emergencies to every human being. Material and method: The database for the Emergency Medical Team (EMT) interventions from randomly selected areas of the Lublin region was analysed. The data related to all emergency intervention provided by EMTs in the years 2008-2012 and 2004 in the areas of Łęczna, Kraśnik, Lublin, Świdnik. Aim: The aim of the article was to determine the incidence of EMT (Emergency Medical Team) interventions in cancer patients in the population of selected areas of the Lublin region. Keywords: Emergency Medical Team, oncology patient, Lublin region, medical emergency servic

    Struktura doznań stresowych pacjentów w zespole bólowym odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa podczas epidemii COVID-19 w Polsce

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    Introduction. The rapid transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has prompted government officials from many countries around the world to introduce severe epidemic restrictions to reduce the risk of developing coronavirus disease (COVID-19). However, apart from the necessity to protect somatic health, it turned out in a relatively short time that the pandemic also posed a serious threat to the mental functioning of many people.Aim. The aim of the study is assessing the structure of stressful experiences of women and men in the pain syndrome of the lumbar spine during the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland.Material and Methods. The study sample consists of 102 patients hospitalized in the Department of Neurosurgery and Pediatric Neurosurgery of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin. The first group is women, the second is men. The research used the KPS Questionnaire and a proprietary questionnaire. Statistical analyses were carried out using the IBM SPSS 25 program using the two-factor analysis of variance in the mixed schema included in the multivariate OML model.Results. In the group of women, 49.0% of patients feel high stress, 31.4% — moderate, and 19.6% — low. In the male population, 37.3% of the respondents exhibited high stress, 51.0% — average and 11.7% — low. Women exhibit lower emotional tension but higher external stress than men. In addition, the patients have the highest emotional tension and external stress, and the lowest — intrapsychic stress. In men, emotional tension dominates, next is external stress, and intrapsychic stress is significantly lower than them.Conclusions. The obtained data suggest that when designing interventions supporting the mental functioning of this group of patients, consideration should be given to taking into account individual differences identified in the studies. (JNNN 2021;10(3):96–104)Wstęp. Szybka transmisja koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2 skłoniła przedstawicieli rządów wielu państw na całym świecie do wprowadzenia surowych ograniczeń epidemicznych, mających na celu ograniczenie ryzyka rozwoju choroby koronawirusowej (COVID-19). Jednak poza koniecznością ochrony stanu zdrowia somatycznego, w stosunkowo krótkim czasie okazało się, iż występująca pandemia stanowi również poważne zagrożenie dla funkcjonowania psychicznego wielu osób.Cel. Celem badań jest określenie struktury doświadczeń stresowych kobiet i mężczyzn w zespole bólowym odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa podczas epidemii COVID-19 w Polsce.Materiał i metody. Badaną próbę tworzy 102 pacjentów hospitalizowanych w Klinice Neurochirurgii i Neurochirurgii Dziecięcej Samodzielnego Publicznego Szpitala Klinicznego nr 4 w Lublinie. Pierwszą grupę stanowią kobiety, a drugą mężczyźni. W badaniach zastosowano Kwestionariusz KPS oraz ankietę. Analizy statystyczne przeprowadzono za pomocą programu IBM SPSS 25 z wykorzystaniem dwuczynnikowej analizy wariancji w schemacie mieszanym wchodzącej w skład wielozmiennowego modelu OML.Wyniki. W grupie kobiet 49,0% pacjentek odczuwa wysoki stres, 31,4% — umiarkowany, a 19,6% — niski. W populacji mężczyzn 37,3% badanych ujawnia wysoki stres, 51,0% — przeciętny i 11,7% — niski. Kobiety wykazują niższe napięcie emocjonalne, ale wyższy stres zewnętrzny niż mężczyźni. Ponadto pacjentki w największym stopniu mają nasilone napięcie emocjonalne i stres zewnętrzny, a w najniższym stres intrapsychiczny. U mężczyzn dominuje napięcie emocjonalne, następnie jest to stres zewnętrzny, a stres intrapsychiczny jest istotnie od nich niższy.Wnioski. Uzyskane dane sugerują, iż podczas opracowywania interwencji wspierających funkcjonowanie psychiczne tej grupy pacjentów należy rozważyć uwzględnienie zidentyfikowanych w badaniach różnic indywidualnych. (PNN 2021;10(3):96–104

    Choice and perception of the nursing profession from the perspective of Polish nursing students: a focus group study.

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    BACKGROUND: Although previous quantitative studies provide important information on the factors which influence the choice of nursing as a career, qualitative analysis makes it possible to study the subject more thoroughly. The purpose of this study was to conduct an in-depth analysis of the reasons why Polish students choose nursing as a profession and their later perception of the job based on experiences acquired during the nursing course. METHODS: A qualitative descriptive study was designed. We organized 8 focus group discussions with third-year nursing students. A total of 76 students participated in the study. RESULTS: Several reasons why students had chosen the nursing profession were identified: desire to help others, family tradition, desire to work abroad, failure to get into another course, pure chance, and low admission requirements (relative to medical studies). The participants\u27 views of the nursing profession were based on their own personal experiences or observations of nurses at work. Often these observations were superficial, concerning only selected fragments of nursing work. The participants also identified reasons for there being low regard for the nursing profession. CONCLUSION: The decision about choosing nursing is mainly determined by practical aspects, e.g., the opportunity for employment. Although young people are aware of the low prestige of the nursing profession in Poland, they believe it is possible to improve its image and enhance its prestige

    Assessment of differences in psychosocial resources and state of health of rural and urban residents : based on studies carried out on students during examination stress

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    Introduction. Civilization changes of the environment shaping the psychosocial resources from rural to urban influence human health. Aim. The study aimed to identify the differences due to the place of residence (rural, urban) as far as health resources are concerned (social support, sense of coherence, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentration in plasma) and health in examination stress situations. The study also determined the concentration of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (health resource) and cortisol (stress indicator). Material and methods. The psychosocial variables were assessed using the scales: ISEL-48v. Coll., SOC-29, SF-36v.2™ oand analogue scale (perception of examination stress). The study included, based on a stratified sampling (year of study) and purposive sampling (written examination, major), 731 students representing the six universities in Lublin, south-east Poland. Among the respondents, 130 students were rural residents. Results. Health resources of students living in rural and urban areas generally differ statistically significantly in social support and the subscales of availability of tangible support, availability of appreciative support, the availability of cognitive-evaluative support and a sense of resourcefulness. The study recorded a sstatistically significantly larger network of family ties among students living in rural areas. The demonstrated diversity of resources did not substantially affect the perceived health, with the exception of pain sensation. Examination stress assessed by subjective opinion of the respondents and plasma cortisol levels vary relative to the place of residence. Students residing in rural areas showed significantly lower cortisol levels values, but subjectively perceived the situation of examation as more stressful. Conclusions. Differences in health resources and their mechanism of impact on health, to a limited extent, were conditioned by the place of residence, but they are so important in the light of human choices that they require further analysis