36 research outputs found

    Pengembangan KIT praktikum gelombang bunyi (GEMBI) berbantuan smartphone

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    INDONESIA Kemajuan teknologi memberikan pengaruh terhadap perkembangan media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berupa KIT praktikum gelombang bunyi yang dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan smartphone sebagai alat ukur. Desain penelitian R&D yang digunakan adalah tipe ADDIE dengan tahap penelitian yaitu Analysis yang meliputi analisis kurikulum, lapangan, dan penelitian terdahulu. Design yang berisi tentang rancangan instrumen dan desain alat serta detail ukuran. Development yang merupakan proses pembuatan alat, uji laboratorium, dan uji validasi ahli. Implementation yang berisi penggunaan alat langsung oleh peserta didik di SMA Al Islam Kota Bandung. Evaluation yang berisi tentang hasil uji lapangan seperti hasil lembar kerja peserta didik dan angket respon peserta didik serta evaluasi keseluruhan. Hasil uji coba laboratorium menunjukan bahwa nilai KSR yang relatif kecil yaitu 2,25%, 0,82% dan 0,43% untuk setiap jenis praktikum pada penelitian ini. Hasil penilaian ahli menunjukan kelayakan sebesar 77,38% dari ahli media, 100% dari ahli materi dan 73,81% dari guru sekolah dengan interpretasi keseluruhan berada pada taraf layak. Hal ini juga direspon positif oleh peserta didik dengan persentase kesetujuan praktikan sebesar 76,6% pada aspek implementasi, 77,7% pada aspek kesinambungan, dan 76,6% pada aspek penerimaan. ENGLISH The futuring of technological have influenced the development of learning media. This research aims to develop learning media as experimental tools on the sound wave subject that combined with the use of smartphones as a measuring instrument. The research methodology use R&D desain with ADDIE model. ADDIE stages is began from analyse process which includes analysis of curriculum, learning process in the schools, and review previous research. Design stage is contains about instrument design and tool designs and detail of each size of the tools. Development which is the process of making tools, laboratory tests, and expert validation tests. The Implementation contains the use of the tools by students at SMA Al Islam Bandung, and evaluation that contains the results of field tests such as students' worksheets and student response polls and overall stages. The results of laboratory test showed that the relatively small value of eror was 2.25%, 0.82% and 0.43% for each type of experiment in this study. The results of the expert assessment showed a feasibility of 77.38% of the media expert, 100% of the material members and 73.81% of the school teacher with overall interpretation are at a good level and available to applied at school. It is also positively responded by student that use the media in number 76.6% in the implementation aspect, 77.7% in sustainability aspects, and 76.6% in the acceptance aspect

    Penggunaan kartu positif-negatif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar

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    Keberhasilan proses pembelajaran salah satunya dapat dianalisis berdasarkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Pada pelajaran matematika, kemampuan peserta didik dilihat pada kemampuan untuk menjawab soal yang terindeks pada hasil belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik melalui penggunaan media pembelajaran berupa kartu positif-negatif. Sampel yang digunakan berasal dari kelas V yang berjumlah 24 peserta didik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa media pembelajaran berupa kartu positif-negatif efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat mengembangkan aspek-aspek kemampuan berpikir yang ditunjang oleh penggunaan media kartu positif-negati

    Seeing the Role of PCK and TPACK from the Perspective of Science Education Researchers in 2018-2020: What's Next?

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    The aim of this paper is portraying PCK and TPACK study by science education researchers’ perspective in 2018-2020 so that it can be used as support, theoretical background or clue for the next researcher who interested on this framework. Content analysis used as method for this qualitative study. Subjects are 25 open access articles that published in Journal of Teacher Education, Teaching & Teacher Education, and etc. The result shows PCK and TPACK still be one of urgent and loved research by three continents, they are America. Europe, and Asia. We divided the topic as 2 part, 5 themes for PCK, and 3 themes for TPACK. Themes for PCK are the need for professional knowledge of science teachers, relationships among PCK components, PCK as a theoretical background, examining PCK, and development of PCK. Themes for TPACK are TPACK used as theoretical background, interconnection among domain of TPACK, and development of TPACK

    Home-Made Simple Experiment to Measure Sound Intensity using Smartphones

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    The researchers present a simple experimental activity to measure the sound intensity level using an Android-based smartphone to prove the inverse square law and analyze the dependence of the sound intensity to the sound source frequency. The type of this study was quantitative research by conducting level of intensity experiment using a pair of smartphones with one smartphone functioning as the sound source using a tone generator free application (app) and the other smartphone functioning as the detector installed with Physics Toolbox sound meter application to measure the arriving sound intensity level. The smartphone functioning as the sound source was placed at a certain place labeled as the origin point (0.0), while the other smartphone as the detector was placed at various distances on the x-axis. In this study, the frequencies of the tone generator used were 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz. Then, the sound intensity level versus distance was analyzed to determine the compatibility between the experimental results using a smartphone and the prevailing theory, namely the inverse square model. The sound intensity level detected by the smartphone from 2,000 Hz resulted in the graph with smaller slope after passing 0.3 meters. The results follow the theorem of which the sound intensity level at the detector depends on the distance between the source and the detector based on the inverse square law. When the frequency of a source was changed (500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 2000), the sound intensity also changed. Higher frequency leads to a larger sound intensity. The experiment can thus be used to assist  high school students and physics undergraduates in understanding the inverse square law of sound or to study environmental noise with a simple and low-cost experiment


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    This study aims to determine the implementation of the project-based learning process on electrical energy topic in class VI and the improvement of student learning outcomes in science learning on electrical energy topic. This research was conducted on students of class VI with a total of 29 students consisting of 13 males and 16 females. There were three times of data collection in this study which included Pre-Cycle, Cycle 1, and Cycle 2. The results showed that the active involvement of students in learning activities could increase their understanding of the subject matter being taught. In addition, project-based learning by making series and parallel circuits in the implementation of making traffic lights makes students more enthusiastic and active in learning

    Trend Analysis of Physics Prospective Teachers’ Research: An Efford to Improve The Academic Quality of Physics Study Program

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    Research should be focused on topics that are appropriate to the needs of the times so that the results of the research can be applied. Students in completing their studies are required to make final assignments in the form of research. Therefore, this study aims to identify the tendency of research of the Physics Education students Indicator the last five years and to determine the theme of educational research studies that allows for further study by Physics Education students in the future. This research was conducted in physics education program with research objects were taken from the written thesis of 2013 until 2017. This research design is a case study with data analysis technique of descriptive qualitative and quantitative. this study found the theme of research studies most studied by Physics Education students were a model of learning and research studies that may still be studied further, namely the evaluation of learning, learning media, and learning strategies on subjects other than temperature and heat and static fluids. The results of this study can be used as a consideration to determine the topic of the thesis and reduce the risk of plagiarism and increase the variety of research in the environment of the study program. Keywords: Physics Research, Research, Students' Researchers, Trend analysi


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    MANA YANG LEBIH BAIK EKSPERIMEN ATAU SIMULASI PHET PADA GERAK HARMONIK AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mana yang lebik baik antara keterlaksanaan pembelajaran pendekatan saintifik kelas yang menggunakan hand on berupa media KIT dengan simulasi PhET dan peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif siswa diantara kedua kelas tersebut pada getaran harmonis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi-experiment dengan desain randomized pretest-posttest comparison group. Populasi penelitian adalah kelas X MIA di MAN Cimahi. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas X MIA 1 yang menggunakan hand on berupa media KIT dan kelas X MIA 3 yang menggunakan simulasi PhET. Sampel dipilih dengan teknik random sampling dengan jumlah siswa masing-masing 35 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran pendekatan saintifik dan peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif siswa di kelas yang menggunakan hand on berupa media KIT lebih baik dibandingkan simulasi PhET. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan pembelajaran pendekatan saintifik yang menggunakan hand on berupa media KIT lebih baik dibandingkan simulasi PhET.dalam pelaksanaan maupun dalam meningkatkan hasil kognitif siswa pada getaran harmonis. Dengan demikian, penggunaan media KIT dan simulasi PhET dapat diimplementasikan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada topik fisika lainnya.AbstractThis study aims to determine which is better between the implementation of classroom scientific approach that uses hand-on in the form of KIT media with PhET simulations and improvement of students' cognitive learning outcomes between the two classes on harmonic oscillation. The method used in this study is a quasi-experiment with a randomized pretest-posttest comparison group design. The study population is class X MIA at MAN Cimahi. The sample of the research is class X MIA 1 students who use hand on KIT media and class X MIA 3 using PhET simulations. Samples were selected by random sampling technique with 35 students each. The results showed the implementation of the scientific approach to learning and the improvement of cognitive learning outcomes of students in the classroom using hand-on in the form of KIT media is better than the PhET simulation. It can be concluded that learning a scientific approach that uses hand-on in the form of KIT media is better than a PhET simulation. Both in implementation and in improving students' cognitive outcomes in harmonic oscillation. Thus, the use of KIT media and PhET simulations can be implemented to improve student cognitive learning outcomes on other physics topics.

    Implementation of Online Think Pairs Share (OTPS) Model to Improve Student Learning Outcome

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    This study was an online classroom action research (PTK) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to improve learning outcomes in calculus classes for physics engineering students using think pairs share. The online think pairs share (OTPS) learning model was optimized using the Learning Management System (LMS) platform in two learning cycles. The research sample was 46 students in the study program of physics engineering. The data were obtained from the pre-test-post-test scores, group discussions, and individual presentations. The results showed that the pre-test and post-test scores in cycle I were 37.16 and 68.41, while in cycle II, 41.20 and 68.65, respectively. In addition, the daily student score from the group discussion and individual presentation was 60.68 for the cycle I and 60.15 for cycle II. Furthermore, inferential analysis using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test proves that tcount > ttable. Hence, the result indicated that implementing the OTPS learning model optimized using LMS could improve the student learning outcomes in calculus

    Pedagogical Review of Edulogy LMS: Case Study on Indonesian Educational System

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    Abstrak: Learning Management System (LMS) menjadi salah satu alternative pembelajaran yang memungkinkan guru dan siswa berinteraksi secara sistematis. Selain itu, LMS juga menggambarkan solusi digitaliasasi sistem pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aspek pedagogis dalam LMS Edulogy. Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus pada dua dashboard LMS Edulogy yaitu dashboard wakil kepala bidang kurikulum dan dashboard guru. Selain itu, repon pengguna juga dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran angket kepada 144 guru dan 8 wakil kepala bidang kurikulum. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa LMS Edulogy cukup baik dalam memfasilitasi wakil kepala bidang kurikulum dan guru dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Sebanyak 64.44% tugas wakil kepala bidang kurikulum dan 60% tugas guru sudah terfasilitasi dalam LMS Edulogy. Secara keseluruhan, tingkat kepuasaan pada LMS Edulogy tergolong baik dimana 75% dari wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum menyatakan puas dan 67.64% guru menyatakan puas. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rujukan pengembangan berikutnya terkait LMS dan menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk menggunakan LMS Edulogy. Abstract: Learning Management System (LMS) was an alternative learning where teachers and students interacted systematically. Besides, LMS also described the digitalization solutions of the education system. This study aimed to analyze the pedagogical aspects of LMS Edulogy. The research meth-od used was a case study on two LMS Edulogy dashboards, namely the dashboard of the vice principal of curriculum and the dashboard of the teacher. In addition, user responses were also collected by distributing questionnaires to 144 teachers and 8 vice-principals of the curriculum. The results showed that the LMS Edulogy was quite good at facilitating the vice principal of the curriculum and teachers in carrying out their duties. As many as 64.44% of the duties of the vice principal of curriculum and 60% of the duties of the teachers have been facilitated in LMS Edulogy. Overall, the level of satisfaction at LMS Edulogy classified as good where 75% of the vice principal in the curriculum field are satisfied and 67.64% of the teachers were expressed satisfaction. The results of this study were expected to be a reference for the next development related to LMS and become a considera-tion for using LMS Edulogy.


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    Dalam mata pelajaran Fisika terdapat banyak miskonsepsi salah satunya materi fluida statis. Materi ini umumnya disampaikan oleh guru dengan model pembelajaran DI (Direct Intruction). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan prestasi belajar fisika dengan melihat respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran materi massa jenis fluida yang menggunakan media praktikum alat Roberval balance  untuk mengetahui massa jenis suatu fluida. Penelitian dilaksanakan di MTs Miftahul Falah dengan subyek penelitian yaitu 35 siswa kelas VII. Data  setelah pembelajaran dan praktikum diperoleh dengan metode kuesioner yang dianalisis menggunakan skala Likert dan skala Guttman dan post test yang dianalisis menggunakan  taraf kesukaran dan daya beda.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktikum ini memberi manfaat dan membuka wawasan siswa mengenai konsep massa jenis. Selain itu dari hasil post test  terdapat 2 butir soal yang termasuk kategori mudah (butir soal no.1 dan no.3), 2 kategori sukar (butir soal no.2 dan no.5) dan butir soal no.4 masuk kategori sedang. Sedangkan daya beda paling tinggi terdapat pada butir soal no. empat. Dengan melihat kemampuan kelompok atas hampir semuanya mampu menjawab soal no. empat dibandingkan kelompok bawah sehingga dapat dikatakan soal no. empat ini merupakan soal yang baik dibanding soal lainnya