621 research outputs found

    Monitoring of the Drought Tolerance of Various Cotton Genotypes Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence

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    In this chapter, chlorophyll fluorescence in plant leaves of three genotypes of cotton cultivated in Uzbekistan and characterized at different degrees of drought tolerance is studied. The light and CO2 responses of the chlorophyll fluorescence and the photosynthesis and possible mechanisms of adaptation of plants to moderate long-term drought are described. The chlorophyll fluorescence and various morpho-physiological indicators of well-watered and moderately drought-stressed cotton plants have been measured simultaneously over a long period of plant ontogenesis to establish direct correlations between them to estimate the magnitude of drought effect using fluorescence parameters. It is shown that determination of such correlations and their calibration by photoacoustic signals generated in plant leaves at application of low-frequency-modulated light may be used for monitoring of the drought tolerance of crops in the field

    Evidence for Braggoriton Excitations in Opal Photonic Crystals Infiltrated with Highly Polarizable Dyes

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    We studied angle-dependent reflectivity spectra of opal photonic crystals infiltrated with cyanine dyes, which are highly polarizable media with very large Rabi frequency. We show that when resonance conditions between the exciton-polariton of the infiltrated dye and Bragg frequencies exist, then the Bragg stop band decomposes into two reflectivity bands with a semi-transparent spectral range in between that is due to light propagation inside the gap caused by the existence of braggoriton excitations. These novel excitations result from the interplay interaction between the Bragg gap with spatial modulation origin and the polariton gap due to the excitons, and may lead to optical communication traffic inside the gap of photonic crystals via channel waveguiding.Comment: LaTex, 5 pages, 3 figures include

    Halide-Perovskite Resonant Nanophotonics

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    Halide perovskites have emerged recently as promising materials for many applications in photovoltaics and optoelectronics. Recent studies of their optical properties suggest many novel opportunities for a design of advanced nanophotonic devices due to low-cost fabrication, high values of the refractive index, existence of excitons at room temperatures, broadband bandgap tunability, high optical gain and nonlinear response, as well as simplicity of their integration with other types of structures. This paper provides an overview of the recent progress in the study of optical effects originating from nanostructured perovskites, including their potential applications.Comment: revie

    Magnetocrystalline anisotropic effect in GdCo1x_{1-x}Fex_xAsO (x=0,0.05x = 0, 0.05)

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    From a systematic study of the electrical resistivity ρ(T,H)\rho(T,H), magnetic susceptibility χ(T,H)\chi(T,H), isothermal magnetization M(H)M(H) and the specific heat C(T,H)C(T,H), a temperature-magnetic field (TT-HH) phase diagram has been established for GdCo1x_{1-x}Fex_xAsO (x=0x = 0 and 0.050.05) polycrystalline compounds. GdCoAsO undergoes two long-range magnetic transitions: ferromagnetic (FM) transition of Co 3d3d electrons (TCCoT_\textup{C}^\textup{Co}) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition of Gd 4f4f electrons (TNGdT_\textup{N}^\textup{Gd}). For the Fe-doped sample (x=0.05x=0.05), an extra magnetic reorientation transition takes place below TNGdT_\textup{N}^\textup{Gd}, which is likely associated with Co moments. The two magnetic species of Gd and Co are coupled antiferromagnetically to give rise to ferrimagnetic (FIM) behavior in the magnetic susceptibility. Upon decreasing the temperature (T<TCCoT < T_\textup{C}^\textup{Co}), the magnetocrystalline anisotropy breaks up the FM order of Co by aligning the moments with the local easy axes of the various grains, leading to a spin reorientation transition at TRCoT_\textup{R}^\textup{Co}. By applying a magnetic field, TRCoT_\textup{R}^\textup{Co} monotonically decreases to lower temperatures, while the TNGdT_\textup{N}^\textup{Gd} is relatively robust against the external field. On the other hand, the applied magnetic field pulls the magnetization of grains from the local easy direction to the field direction via a first-order reorientation transition, with the transition field (HMH_\textup{M}) increasing upon cooling the temperature.Comment: accepted by physical Review B 6 figures and 7 page