20 research outputs found

    Comparison of Lung Functions Among Asthmatic Children in Malaysia

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    A comparative study was conducted on 163 asthmatic children from Kuala Lumpur (polluted area) and 38 asthmatic children from Terengganu (less polluted area). The objective of this study was to compare the lung functions of the asthmatic children between the 2 sexes and study areas. Questionnaires and diary cards were used to obtain background information and frequency of asthma attacks. A spirometer was used to measure lung functions of the asthmatic children. Findings showed that there was a significant difference in the FEV,% predicted (p=0.002), FEV/FVC % predicted (p =0.001) and the %FEV/FVC (p=0.002) between male children in the two areas. However, only the FEV,% predicted (p=O.Oll) was significantly different between the female children in the two areas. Significant correlation was also found between the frequency of asthma attacks with FEV)% predicted (p=0.008), FEV/FVC % predicted (p=O.OOI) and % FEV/FVC (p=O.OOI) among the asthmatic children Kuala Lumpur but no significant correlation was found among the asthmatic children in Terengganu

    Low blood lead concentrations and cognitive development of primary school children from three areas in Malaysia.

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    A study on to identify the relationship between blood lead and cognitive development was conducted on primary school children in Malaysia. About 413 children aged 6½ - 8½ years from urban (236), rural (80) and industrial areas (97) were studied. Blood lead was analyzed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (GFAAS). Cognitive development was measured by the ‘McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities Test’ (MSCA). Significant differences found in the mean cognitive scores between the urban (94.40), industrial (102.90) and suburban children (101.24) (p ≤ 0.001), with the blood lead between the urban (3.66 μg/dL), industrial (3.54 μg/dL) and suburban children (3.04 μg/dL) (p = 0.022). Significant inverse correlations between blood lead and cognitive scores found for all groups (p ≤ 0.001), urban (p ≤ 0.001) and suburban children (p < 0.001). Low blood lead significantly influenced the cognitive development for all children after adjusting for confounders (p ≤ 0.001). The urban children’s cognitive scores were significantly influenced by blood lead levels and household income (p ≤ 0.001). However, for the suburban children, the cognitive score were significantly influenced by the blood lead levels, the mothers’ education, number of siblings, sequence in the family and the household income (p < 0.001). Blood lead below 10 μg/dL influenced the cognitive development. Urban children had higher blood lead but suburban children with lower blood lead were also vulnerable to the effect of lead on their cognitive development

    Workplace assessment of naphtha exposure in a tire manufacturing industry.

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    A qualitative and quantitative workplace assessment was carried out to determine naphtha exposure in a tyre manufacturing industry. A qualitative chemical health risk assessment was conducted to identify naphtha hazard at the workplace. Quantitative assessment using Portable VOC Monitor, Automatic Sampling Pump and personal air sampling pump was used to determine VOC concentrations, organic solvents, and individual air naphtha respectively. The risk rating of naphtha was estimated to be 5. The mean VOC concentration was in the range of 2.43 to 92.93 ppm. Repair area had the highest VOC concentration while the lowest was in the moulding area. Each work station had significant differences for VOC concentrations (p < 0.001). Laboratory analysis found various solvents including 2-methyl pentane, hexane, methyl cyclopentane, heptane, cyclohexane and toluene which were present in the liquid naphtha. Only xylene has been detected in the making and moulding areas with a range of 2 to 5 ppm. Meanwhile, the air naphtha concentrations of the exposed workers were significantly higher than those unexposed. The risk of naphtha exposure was qualitatively significant and not adequately controlled. Naphtha was detected in all work stations since it is the main solvent used. The “Repair Area” was significantly more contaminated than the other area

    The relationship between psychological distress with salivary á-amylase and physical symptoms among breast cancer survivors

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    Background and Aims: This study examined the stress levels, the stressors and biomarker such as Alpha (α)-Amylase enzyme which is secreted under distress conditions. The aim was to determine the relationship between these three variables. Methods: The study respondents were made up of cancer outpatients from 3 hospitals namely the Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Seberang Jaya and Johor Baru, Pantai Ipoh and Putrajaya. The Personal Stress Inventory (PSI) questionnaire was used to identify stressors, while the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were used to determine the psychological distress levels. The Salimentary Oral Swab (SOS) Technique was used to collect the saliva and then the Salivary α-Amylase Assay Kit was used to analyse for α amylase. Results: The majority of respondents were stressed due to their sensitive emotion and nervousness in their daily lives (68.7%), they had poor memory and short attention spans of carrying out job tasks (67.3%) as well as they were emotionally depressed (65.3%). Their poor memory and short attention span (p = 0.037), heavy work load and poor task delivery (p = 0.008) were predictors for distress using HADS. The salivary α-amylase concentration was significantly related to the stress levels (p = 0.002). Conclusion: Breast cancer respondents with musculoskeletal system related symptoms, with heavy work load and poor task delivery, as well as had poor memory and short attention span were at higher risk of experiencing psychological distress. The salivary α-amylase which had significant relationships with psychological distress was therefore, a potential biological indicator for distress, while the musculoskeletal system related symptoms from the PSI questionnaire were predictors for distress

    Toxic effect of naphta exposure on respiratory system among workers in the tyre industry

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    A cross-sectional study was carried out on workers in a tyre manufacturing industry in Malaysia to determine the effects of naphtha exposure on lung functions and respiratory symptoms. Sixty male workers exposed to naphtha and 42 unexposed workers were selected for this study. Personal air monitoring carried out using solid sorbent tubes and low flow pumps (Model: PAS-500 Personal Air Sampler). Personal air monitoring showed that the mean air naphtha concentration was 28.50 mg/m3, the median was 28.47 mg/m3 and the inter quartile range of 1.27 mg/m3. The range was from 0.19 to 200.51 mg/m3 (PEL is 400 mg/m3). The lung function tests showed in 2 groups for all the 3 parameters (FVC%, FEV1% and FEV1/FVC) were in exposed group 96.16, 85.23 and 0.791 respectively and in Unexposed group was 113.23, 116.28 and 0.903 respectively. The lung function tests showed that there were significant difference in the 2 groups for FVC% (p < 0.001), FEV1% (p < 0.001) and FEV1/FVC% (p =0.002). Multiple linear regression test showed that monthly household income significantly influence the FVC% predicted (b = 0.003, p < 0.001) and FEV1% predicted (b = 0.006, p < 0.001). In conclusion there was an inverse relationship between air naphtha concentrations and lung functions ability. Early impairment of the respiratory system is detected on the workers who are exposed to naphtha which made up of several chemicals

    Pengaruh plumbum darah terhadap tahap perkembangan cerdik pandai (IQ) kanak-kanak di Malaysia

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    The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between blood lead concentration and the intelligent quotient (IQ) of primary school children in Kuala Lumpur and Terengganu, Malaysia. The study respondents were 212 Malay children aged between 61/2 to 81/2 years old. Blood samples were taken from 162 children using a finger-pricked method and IQ score was measured with the 'McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities Test' (MSCA). Blood lead concentration was analysed with a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results showed that the arithmetic mean of blood lead is 4.3ug/dL while the geometric mean is 3.15ug/dL. There is a significant inverse correlation between blood lead concentration with all of the MSCA IQ scales such as the verbal scale (p < 0.01), perception-performance scale (p<0.01), quantitative scale (p< 0.01), memory scale (p< 0.01), motor scale (p< 0.01) and general cognitive scale (p< 0.01). Results from a multiple regression analysis showed a significant inverse relationship (b= -35.8, p<0.001) between blood lead concentration and IQ score after controlling for confounding factors. The variables with the greatest influence on IQ score are blood lead concentration (b= - 36.6; p<0.001) and mother's education (b= 0.75; p=0.006). In conclusion, IQ score is influenced by blood lead concentration even at very low levels, after controlling for confounding factors

    Relationship between blood lead concentration and nutritional status among Malay primary school children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted to identify the relationship between blood lead concentration and nutritional status among primary school children in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 225 Malay students, 113 male and 112 female, aged 6.3 to 9.8 were selected through a stratified random sampling method. The random blood samples were collected and blood lead concentration was measured by a Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The nutrient intake was determined by the 24-hour Dietary Recall method and Food Frequency Questionnaire. An anthropometric assessment was reported according to growth indices (z-scores of weight-for-age, height-for-age, and weight-for-height). The mean blood lead concentration was low (3.4 ± 1.91 ug/dL) and was significantly different between gender. Only 14.7% of the respondents fulfilled the daily energy requirement. The protein and iron intakes were adequate for a majority of the children. However, 34.7% of the total children showed inadequate intake of calcium. The energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate intakes were significantly different by gender, that is, males had better intake than females. Majority of respondents had normal mean z-score of growth indices. Ten percent of the respondents were underweight, 2.8% wasted and 5.4% stunted. Multiple linear regression showed inverse significant relationships between blood lead concentration with children's age (β= -0.647, p<0.001) and per capita income (β=-0.001, p=0.018). There were inverse significant relationships between blood lead concentration with children's age (β=-0.877, p=0.001) and calcium intake (β= -0.011,p=0.014) and positive significant relationship with weight-for-height (β=0.326, p=0.041) among those with inadequate calcium intake. Among children with inadequate energy intake, children's age (β= -0.621, p< 0.001), per capita income (β= -0.001,p=0.025) and protein intake (β= -0.019, p=0.027) were inversely and significantly related with blood lead concentration. In conclusion, nutritional status might affect the children's absorption of lead and further investigation is required for confirmation

    Organophospahte pesticide mixture exposure: the relationship with the motor coordination of children from paddy farming area in Tanjung Karang, Malaysia

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    Paddy cultivation is one of the widely planted crop in Malaysia. The growth of agricultural activity leads to the use of Organophosphate pesticide to protect the crop. This study is to determine the relationship between the levels of blood cholinesterase with the performance of motor coordination of children living in paddy farming area in Tanjung Karang, Selangor. This cross sectional study was conducted among 683 children from four schools in an agricultural area. Majority of the children have at a family member worked as farmer and was involved with pesticides. A set of questionnaire on the was given to the children to be filled by their parents. To measure their exposure to pesticide, blood cholinesterase levels were measured. Blood samples were taken through finger prick technique and were then analysed using LOVIBOND 412870 AF287. The children were administered with motor-coordination performance test using WHO Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery and McCarthy Learning Ability Scale. Young group children (6-85 years) showed a mean score of 56.66 in motor-coordination test while older group children (10-11)= years) scored a mean of 45.37. There was a significant relationship between blood cholinesterase level and motor coordination performance among the young-group children (r=0.215, p<0.001) and the older-group children (r=0.106, p=0.049). Based on the Linear Regression test results, total household income of family, and mode of transport used were found to have significant relationship with blood cholinesterase level of children in both groups. In addition, blood cholinesterase level and mothers’ occupation were found to have significant relationship with the motor-coordination performance of all children

    Mosquito coil emissions and health implications.

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    Burning mosquito coils indoors generates smoke that can control mosquitoes effectively. This practice is currently used in numerous households in Asia, Africa, and South America. However, the smoke may contain pollutants of health concern. We conducted the present study to characterize the emissions from four common brands of mosquito coils from China and two common brands from Malaysia. We used mass balance equations to determine emission rates of fine particles (particulate matter < 2.5 microm in diameter; PM(2.5)), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aldehydes, and ketones. Having applied these measured emission rates to predict indoor concentrations under realistic room conditions, we found that pollutant concentrations resulting from burning mosquito coils could substantially exceed health-based air quality standards or guidelines. Under the same combustion conditions, the tested Malaysian mosquito coils generated more measured pollutants than did the tested Chinese mosquito coils. We also identified a large suite of volatile organic compounds, including carcinogens and suspected carcinogens, in the coil smoke. In a set of experiments conducted in a room, we examined the size distribution of particulate matter contained in the coil smoke and found that the particles were ultrafine and fine. The findings from the present study suggest that exposure to the smoke of mosquito coils similar to the tested ones can pose significant acute and chronic health risks. For example, burning one mosquito coil would release the same amount of PM(2.5) mass as burning 75-137 cigarettes. The emission of formaldehyde from burning one coil can be as high as that released from burning 51 cigarettes

    Ergonomics observation: harvesting tasks at oil palm plantation

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    Objectives: Production agriculture is commonly associated with high prevalence of ergonomic injuries, particularly during intensive manual labor and during harvesting. This paper intends to briefly describe an overview of oil palm plantation management highlighting the ergonomics problem each of the breakdown task analysis. Methods: Although cross-sectional field visits were conducted in the current study, insight into past and present occupational safety and health concerns particularly regarding the ergonomics of oil palm plantations was further exploited. Besides discussion, video recordings were extensively used for ergonomics analysis. Results: The unique commodity of oil palm plantations presents significantly different ergonomics risk factors for fresh fruit bunch (FFB) cutters during different stages of harvesting. Although the ergonomics risk factors remain the same for FFB collectors, the intensity of manual lifting increases significantly with the age of the oil palm trees-weight of FFB. Conclusions: There is urgent need to establish surveillance in order to determine the current prevalence of ergonomic injuries. Thereafter, ergonomics interventions that are holistic and comprehensive should be conducted and evaluated for their efficacy using approaches that are integrated, participatory and cost-effective