5,157 research outputs found


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    This paper examines batch scheduling problem that has batching and sequencing in single formulation for multiple-item case. The first step is to develop a model for single item single resource discussed in Zahedi (2008). The model determined batch sizes and their schedule simultaneously in single item case. This paper develops the model and algorithm for multiple-item case. The model functions to minimize total actual flow times. An algorithm for the model is developed using a relaxation of the binary constraints. The binary values for the decision variables are obtained from steps provided in algorithm. A numerical experience showing characteristics of this problem is presented


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    Sistem persediaan merupakan salah satu fungsi manajerial yang sangat penting, karena mayoritas perusahaan melibatkan investasi besar pada aspek ini, demikian juga bagi PT. Palko Sari Eka yang banyak menggunakan persediaan dalam bidang perencanaan dan pengendalian produksinya. PT. Palko Sari Eka sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri oil refinery, ingin mencoba mengoptimalkan inventory bahan baku Crude Coconut Oil dengan mencoba membandingkan berbagai metode pengendalian persediaan seperti metode EOQ (Economic Order Quantity, metode EOI (Economic Order Interval), metode Min-Max. Dimana Crude Coconut Oil merupakan salah satu bahan baku utama produk, yang membutuhkan suatu sistem persediaan yang baik. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, ternyata data demand bersifat stochastic, maka perlu juga melakukan simulasi untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih mendekati kenyataan. Kemudian dari hasil formulasi rumus dan hasil dari simulasi dianalisa manakah metode pengendalian persediaan yang paling baik. Maka didapatlah hasil bahwa metode yang paling baik adalah Fixed Order Size Systems (EOQ) dengan melakukan pesanan sebesar 2770 mT setiap pesananny

    On a Deterministic Property of the Category of kk-almost Primes: A Deterministic Structure Based on a Linear Function for Redefining the kk-almost Primes (nN\exists n\in {\rm N} , 1kn1{\le} k {\le}n) in Certain Intervals

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    In this paper based on a sort of linear function, a deterministic and simple algorithm with an algebraic structure is presented for calculating all (and only) kk-almost primes (wherewhere nN\exists n\in {\rm N} , 1kn1{\le} k {\le}n) in certain interval. A theorem has been proven showing a new deterministic property of the category of kk-almost primes. Through a linear function that we obtain, an equivalent redefinition of the kk-almost primes with an algebraic characteristic is identified. Moreover, as an outcome of our function's property some relations which contain new information about the kk-almost primes (including primes) are presented.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted and presented article in the 11th ANTS, Korea, 2014. The 11th ANTS is one of international satellite conferences of ICM 2014: The 27th International Congress of Mathematicians, Korea. (Expanded version

    Analyzing readerships of International Iranian publications in Mendeley: an altmetrics study

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    In this study, the presence and distribution of both Mendeley readerships and Web of Science citations for the publications published in the 43 Iranian international journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports have been investigated. The aim was to determine the impact, visibility and use of the publications published by the Iranian international journals in Mendeley compared to their citation impact; furthermore, to explore if there is any relation between these two impact indicators (Mendeley readership counts and WoS citation counts) for these publications. The DOIs of the 1,884 publications used to extract the readerships data from Mendeley REST API in February 2014 and citations data until end of 2013 calculated using CWTS in-house WoS database. SPSS (version 21) used to analyze the relationship between the readerships and citations for those publications. The Mendeley usage distribution both at the publication level (across publications years, fields and document types) and at the user level (across users disciplines, academic status and countries) have been investigated. These information will help to understand the visibility and usage vs citation pattern and impact of Iranian scientific outputs.Comment: in Persia

    Quantifying Morphological Computation

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    The field of embodied intelligence emphasises the importance of the morphology and environment with respect to the behaviour of a cognitive system. The contribution of the morphology to the behaviour, commonly known as morphological computation, is well-recognised in this community. We believe that the field would benefit from a formalisation of this concept as we would like to ask how much the morphology and the environment contribute to an embodied agent's behaviour, or how an embodied agent can maximise the exploitation of its morphology within its environment. In this work we derive two concepts of measuring morphological computation, and we discuss their relation to the Information Bottleneck Method. The first concepts asks how much the world contributes to the overall behaviour and the second concept asks how much the agent's action contributes to a behaviour. Various measures are derived from the concepts and validated in two experiments which highlight their strengths and weaknesses