88 research outputs found

    Stająca się dorosłość w ujęciu Jeffreya J. Arnetta jako rozbudowana faza liminalna rytuału przejścia

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    Jeffrey J. Arnett’s Concept of Emerging Adulthood as an Extended Liminal Phase of the Rite of Passage The article includes a comparison of the developmental stage spreading between adolescence and early adulthood recently called after Jeffrey J. Arnette (2004, 2007) the emerging adulthood, to the liminal phase of the rite of passage first enunciated by Arnold van Gennep (1909/2006) and Victor Turner (2005). According to the formulated thesis it is stated that the stage of emerging adulthood, treated in contemporary western psychology as a new developmental stage, characteristic for hi-tech societies, is a far and residual equivalent of the liminal (marginal) phase of the rite of passage, in its extended form. Both the society of participants of this ritual in its liminal phase, called by Turner communitas, and the society of young people entering adulthood, are characterised mainly by the feeling of “being in-between”. Both those social groups have left behind the previous stage, yet not reached the new one. After presenting the concept of the rite of passage consisting of three phases, together with the idea of liminality linked to it, the contemporary phenomenon of extending the psychosocial moratorium and the concept of Arnette’s emerging adulthood, there is an analysis of the similarities and differences between the liminal phase and the stage of emerging adulthood. The latter of the phenomena is closely linked to the specificity of western culture (such as degradation and disappearance of rites of passage in their traditional forms, orientation towards consumption and hedonism), and seems to have its source in the psychic qualities of young people such as i.e. the lack of readiness to take up the responsibility for others and to take care of them

    Synthesis and antiplasmodial activity of novel bioinspired imidazolidinedione derivatives

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    Malaria is an enormous threat to public health, due to the emergence of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to widely-used antimalarials, such as chloroquine (CQ). Current antimalarial drugs are aromatic heterocyclic derivatives, most often containing a basic component with an added alkyl chain in their chemical structure. While these drugs are effective, they have many side effects. This paper presents the synthesis and preliminary physicochemical characterisation of novel bioinspired imidazolidinedione derivatives, where the imidazolidinedione core was linked via the alkylene chain and the basic piperazine component to the bicyclic system. These compounds were tested against the asexual stages of two strains of P. falciparum—the chloroquine-sensitive (D10) and chloroquine-resistant (W2) strains. In parallel, in vitro cytotoxicity was investigated on a human keratinocyte cell line, as well as their hemolytic activity. The results demonstrated that the antiplasmodial effects were stronger against the W2 strain (IC50 between 2424.15–5648.07 ng/mL (4.98–11.95 µM)), compared to the D10 strain (6202.00–9659.70 ng/mL (12.75–19.85 µM)). These molecules were also non-hemolytic to human erythrocytes at a concentration active towards the parasite, but with low toxicity to mammalian cell line. The synthetized derivatives, possessing enhanced antimalarial activity against the CQ-resistant strain of P. falciparum, appear to be interesting antimalarial drug candidates

    Serotonin transporter activity of imidazolidine-2,4-dione and imidazo[2,1-f]purine-2,4-dione derivatives in aspect of their acid–base properties

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    Affinities of arylpiperazinylalkyl derivatives of imidazo[2,1-f]purine-2,4-dione and imidazolidine-2,4-dione for serotonin transporter and their acid–base properties were evaluated. The dissociation constant (pK(a)) of compounds 1–22 were determinated by potentiometric titration and calculated using pKalc 3.1 module of the Pallas system. The data from experimental methods and computational calculations were compared and suitable conclusions were reached

    Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography study of lipophilicity of imidazo[2,1-f]theophylline derivatives

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    The present study is a part of our physicochemical and pharmacological studies in a group of tricyclic theophylline derivatives. The investigated compounds exhibit different pharmacological profiles in comparison to theophylline and have been tested as potential antidepressant and/or antipsychotic agents. The differences in pharmacological action between theophylline and their tricyclic derivatives can be explained by their various physicochemical properties, especially lipophilicity. The chromatographic behavior of twenty three derivatives of imidazo[2,1-f]theophylline was investigated, using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method. Moreover, partition coefficients and selected pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated computationally. Principal component analysis (PCA) method was used to establish the relationship between obtained experimental and computational parameters

    Evaluation of the In vitro cytotoxic activity of caffeic acid derivatives and liposomal formulation against pancreatic cancer cell lines

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    Pancreatic cancer belongs to the most aggressive group of cancers, with very poor prognosis. Therefore, there is an important need to find more potent drugs that could deliver an improved therapeutic approach. In the current study we searched for selective and effective caffeic acid derivatives. For this purpose, we analyzed twelve compounds and evaluated their in vitro cytotoxic activity against two human pancreatic cancer cell lines, along with a control, normal fibroblast cell line, by the classic MTT assay. Six out of twelve tested caffeic acid derivatives showed a desirable effect. To improve the therapeutic efficacy of such active compounds, we developed a formulation where caffeic acid derivative (7) was encapsulated into liposomes composed of soybean phosphatidylcholine and DSPE-PEG2000. Subsequently, we analyzed the properties of this formulation in terms of basic physical parameters (such as size, zeta potential, stability at 4 °C and morphology), hemolytic and cytotoxic activity and cellular uptake. Overall, the liposomal formulation was found to be stable, non-hemolytic and had activity against pancreatic cancer cells (IC50 19.44 µM and 24.3 µM, towards AsPC1 and BxPC3 cells, respectively) with less toxicity against normal fibroblasts. This could represent a promising alternative to currently available treatment options

    Mineralogical characteristics of the heterolithic formations from the Carpathian Foredeep Miocene sediments, south-eastern Poland

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    Heterolithic complexes from the Carpathian Foredeep are a subject of growing attention as many natural gas accumulations of industrial importance have been discovered in such formations during the last decades. The aim of the presented work was to determine lithotypes of different lithology and mineralogical composition in the heterolithic sequences. Individual lithotypes were distinguished of macroscopic observations of cores, X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence method (XRF). Preliminary distinction of the lithotypes was based on macroscopic observations of the core samples. Correlation plots between the contents of particular minerals (XRD analyses) and corresponding elements (XRF analyses) were used for verification of the lithotypes distinguished on the basis of macroscopic observations. Swelling properties of the investigated rocks were determined using the cation exchange capacity (CEC) values. The following lithotypes were identified: medium- to fine-grained sandstones, fine- to very fine-grained sandstones, clayey sandstones, sand-dominated heteroliths, heteroliths with equal proportions of sandstones and mudstones, mud-dominated heteroliths, mudstones, clayey shales. Such division provides a basis for precise petrophysical characterization of the analyzed profiles, that is assignment of particular petrophysical parameters values to individual lithotypes. More reliable petrophysical parameters in the geophysical interpretation of heterolithic sequences allow for a more precise determination of zones characterized by good reservoir parameters

    Two-Stage Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Hydrothermal Activity in the Sakar Unit of Southeastern Bulgaria

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    Southeastern Bulgaria is composed of a variety of rocks from pre-Variscan (ca. 0.3 Ga) to pre-Alpine sensu lato (ca. 0.15 Ga) time. The Sakar Unit in this region comprises a series of granitoids and gneisses formed ormetamorphosed during these events. It is cut by a series of post-Variscan hydrothermal veins, yet lacks pervasiveAlpine deformation. It thus represents a key unit for detecting potential tectonism associatedwiththe enigmaticCimmerianOrogenic episode, but limitedgeochronologyhasbeenundertaken on this unit. Here we report age constraints on hydrothermal activity in the Sakar Pluton. The investigated veins containmainly albite–actinolite–chlorite–apatite–titanite–quartz–tourmaline–epidote and accessory minerals. The most common accessory minerals are rutile and molybdenite. Apatite and titanite from the same vein were dated by U–Pb LA–ICP-MS geochronology. These dates are interpreted as crystallization ages and are 149 7Ma on apatite and 114 1Ma on titanite, respectively. These crystallization ages are the first to document two stages of hydrothermal activity during the late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, using U–Pb geochronology, and its association with the Cimmerian orogenesis. The Cimmerian tectono-thermal episode is well-documented further to the east in the Eastern Strandja Massif granitoids. However, these are the first documented ages from the western parts of the Strandja Massif, in the Sakar Unit. These ages also temporally overlap with previously published Ar–Ar and K–Ar cooling ages, and firmly establish that the Cimmerian orogeny in the studied area included both tectonic and hydrothermal activity. Such hydrothermal activity likely accounted for the intense albitization found in the Sakar Unit