62 research outputs found


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    Genetska sposobnost i karakterizacija otpornosti na suŔu klijanaca linija ozime pŔenice u Hrvatskoj

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    Wheat is one of the most common and important cereals in Croatia. Therefore, high selection pressure at wheat breeding program is continually placed on disease, drought and lodging resistance, heading date and end-use quality. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the wheat grain productivity and quality, as well as response of wheat seedlings to drought. Five lines of winter wheat with reference variety Kraljica were used for evaluation of desired traits. In general, investigated wheat lines had such good characters as early maturity, high yield, they were smaller in test weight and protein content, but with higher sedimentation value, dough energy and extensibility, compared to reference variety. Overall, lines Osk.4.330/6-18, Osk.3.530/59-18, Osk.4.354/12-18 out yielded the reference variety with regard to the grain yield. According to the results collected in this research, wheat lines differences in germination energy and seedling growth affected by drought were obtained. All lines could offer farmers tolerance to mild drought during sowing and will achieve high yields. Nevertheless, stability and drought tolerance of investigated winter wheat lines in different environments have to be checked in multi-location trials.PÅ”enica je jedna od najčeŔće zasijanih i najvažnijih žitarica u Hrvatskoj. Stoga se u programu oplemenjivanja pÅ”enice kontinuirano stavlja veliki selekcijski pritisak na otpornost na bolesti, suÅ”u, polijeganje, datum klasanja i krajnju kvalitetu zrna. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ocijeniti produktivnost i kvalitetu zrna pÅ”enice, kao i odgovor klijanaca pÅ”enice na suÅ”u. Za procjenu željenih svojstava koriÅ”teno je pet linija ozime pÅ”enice i kontrolna sorta Kraljica. Uzimajući u obzir ispitivane parametre, linije pÅ”enice u ovom istraživanju imale su određene dobre karakteristike kao Å”to su rano sazrijevanje i visok prinos zrna, bile su manje hektolitarske mase i sadržaja proteina, ali s većom vrijednoŔću sedimentacijske vrijednosti, energijom tijesta i rastezljivosti u odnosu na kontrolnu sortu. Općenito gledano, linije Osk.4.330/6-18, Osk.3.530/59-18, Osk.4.354/12-18 imale su veće vrijednosti prinosa zrna u odnosu na kontrolnu sortu. Prema rezultatima prikupljenim u ovom istraživanju dobivene su razlike između linija pÅ”enice u energiji klijanja i rastu klijanaca u uvjetima suÅ”e. Navedene linije mogle bi poljoprivrednicima ponuditi tolerantnost na blagu suÅ”u tijekom sjetve i postići visoke prinose. Ipak, stabilnost i otpornost na suÅ”u istraživanih linija ozime pÅ”enice u različitim okolinama potrebno je istražiti u pokusima koji uključuju viÅ”e lokacija

    Improving Seed Quality of Soybean Suitable for Growing in Europe

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    The potential of soybean for food, feed, and pharmaceutical industry arises from the composition of its seed. Since European countries import 95% of the annual demand for soybean grains, meal, and oil, causing an enormous trade deficit, the governments in Europe had started to introduce additional incentives to stimulate soybean cropping. To rebalance the sources of soybean supply in the future, production must be followed by continuous research to create varieties that would make European soybean more appealing to the processing industry and profitable enough to satisfy European farmers. This chapter is giving an overview of the European soybean seed quality research and an insight into soybean seed quality progress made at the Agricultural Institute Osijek, Croatia. The studies presented are mainly considering maturity groups suitable for growing in almost all European regions. The most important traits of soybean seed quality discussed are protein content and amino acid composition, oil content and fatty acid composition, soluble sugars, and isoflavones. Defining quality traits facilitates the parental selection in breeding programs aiming to improve the added value properties of final soybean products and enables the exchange of materials between different breeding and research institutions to introduce diversity, which is a prerequisite for genetic advance

    Quantitative analysis of oil yield and its components in sunflower (helianthus annuus l.)

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    Increasing of oil yield is one of the most important goals in sunflower, (Helianthus annuus L.) breeding programs. The objectives of this research were to assess the interrelationships between oil yield and its components on 14 sunflower hybrids developed within a breeding program of the Agricultural Institute Osijek, Croatia. Field trials were set up according to completely randomized block design, (CRBD) on three locations during two growing seasons, (2002 and 2003). Plant height, 1,000 grain weight, test weight, grain yield, oil content and oil yield were analyzed. Phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were highest for grain yield, followed by oil yield and 1,000 grain weight. High values of heritability were estimated for oil content and plant height, medium for 1,000 grain weight and test weight, and low values for grain and oil yield. Highly significant positive correlation was estimated between grain yield and oil yield, but the association between grain yield and oil content was negative and low. A positive correlation coefficient was estimated between 1000 grain weight and grain yield, and a negative one between 1000 grain weight and oil content. Grain yield and oil content expressed the strongest direct effect on oil yield


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    Genomic prediction accuracy (r_MP) is affected by many factors, such as the trait heritability, training population size and structure, and the number of markers. This studyā€™s objective was to investigate the factors associated with r_MP for the ear height and the plant height in two planting densities in testcrosses of maize (Zea mays L.) IBM population. Genetic correlations between the training and validation populations were calculated. The high heritability estimates and correlations between the traits were observed. The non-zero estimates of r_MP for all trait-density combinations implied an efficiency of genomic selection. The lower than expected values of genetic correlations were observed between the training and validation populations. However, a strong correlation was observed between a genetic correlation of training and the validation population and r_MP in all three sizes of training populations assessed (20-40%, 40-60%, and 60-80%), suggesting that the size of the training population can be kept low by an appropriate selection while maintaining a high r_MP. Further studies of relationships between the training and validation populations with larger effective population sizes are suggested, as reducing the size of training population while maintaining a high r_MP can facilitate a more effective allocation of resources in a maize breeding program.Mnogi faktori, kao Å”to su heritabilnost svojstva, veličina i struktura radne populacije i broj markera, utječu na efikasnost genomskih predviđanja (r_MP). Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati faktore povezane s怖 r怗_MP za visinu klipa i visinu biljke u dvije gustoće sjetve kod test-križanaca IBM populacije kukuruza (Zea mays L.). Izračunane su genetske korelacije između radne i validacijske populacije. Dobivene su visoke procjene heritabilnosti i korelacije između svojstava. Procjene r_MP bile su različite od nule za sve kombinacije svojstvo -gustoća. Å”to ukazuje na efikasnost genomske selekcije. Vrijednosti genetskih korelacija između radne i validacijske populacije bile su niže od očekivanih. Međutim, jaka korelacija dobivena je između genetske korelacije radne i validacijske populacije i r_MP za sve tri veličine radne populacije (20-40%, 40-60% i 60-80%), Å”to ukazuje da se uz odgovarajuću selekciju veličina radne populacije može održati niskom zadržavajući visoku vrijednosti怖 r怗_MP-a . Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja odnosa između radne i validacijske populacije s većom efektivnom veličinom populacije jer smanjivanje veličine radne populacije, uz održavanje visoke vrijednosti怖 r怗_MP-a može omogućiti učinkovitiju alokaciju resursa u oplemenjivačkome programu kukuruza
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