19,743 research outputs found

    Quasi-phase-matching of high-order-harmonic generation using multimode polarization beating

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    The generalization of quasi-phase-matching using polarization beating and of multimode quasi-phase-matching (MMQPM) for the generation of high-order harmonics is explored, and a method for achieving polarization beating is proposed. If two (and in principle more) modes of a waveguide are excited, modulation of the intensity, phase, and/or polarization of the guided radiation will be achieved. By appropriately matching the period of this modulation to the coherence length, quasi-phase-matching of high-order-harmonic radiation generated by the guided wave can occur. We show that it is possible to achieve efficiencies with multimode quasi-phase-matching greater than the ideal square wave modulation. We present a Fourier treatment of QPM and use this to show that phase modulation, rather than amplitude modulation, plays the dominant role in the case of MMQPM. The experimental parameters and optimal conditions for this scheme are explored

    The \Phi^4 quantum field in a scale invariant random metric

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    We discuss a D-dimensional Euclidean scalar field interacting with a scale invariant quantized metric. We assume that the metric depends on d-dimensional coordinates where d<D. We show that the interacting quantum fields have more regular short distance behaviour than the free fields. A model of a Gaussian metric is discussed in detail. In particular, in the \Phi^4 theory in four dimensions we obtain explicit lower and upper bounds for each term of the perturbation series. It turns out that there is no coupling constant renormalization in the \Phi^4 model in four dimensions. We show that in a particular range of the scale dimension there are models in D=4 without any divergencies

    Markov quantum fields on a manifold

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    We study scalar quantum field theory on a compact manifold. The free theory is defined in terms of functional integrals. For positive mass it is shown to have the Markov property in the sense of Nelson. This property is used to establish a reflection positivity result when the manifold has a reflection symmetry. In dimension d=2 we use the Markov property to establish a sewing operation for manifolds with boundary circles. Also in d=2 the Markov property is proved for interacting fields.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, Late

    Differential equation approximations of stochastic network processes: an operator semigroup approach

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    The rigorous linking of exact stochastic models to mean-field approximations is studied. Starting from the differential equation point of view the stochastic model is identified by its Kolmogorov equations, which is a system of linear ODEs that depends on the state space size (NN) and can be written as u˙N=ANuN\dot u_N=A_N u_N. Our results rely on the convergence of the transition matrices ANA_N to an operator AA. This convergence also implies that the solutions uNu_N converge to the solution uu of u˙=Au\dot u=Au. The limiting ODE can be easily used to derive simpler mean-field-type models such that the moments of the stochastic process will converge uniformly to the solution of appropriately chosen mean-field equations. A bi-product of this method is the proof that the rate of convergence is O(1/N)\mathcal{O}(1/N). In addition, it turns out that the proof holds for cases that are slightly more general than the usual density dependent one. Moreover, for Markov chains where the transition rates satisfy some sign conditions, a new approach for proving convergence to the mean-field limit is proposed. The starting point in this case is the derivation of a countable system of ordinary differential equations for all the moments. This is followed by the proof of a perturbation theorem for this infinite system, which in turn leads to an estimate for the difference between the moments and the corresponding quantities derived from the solution of the mean-field ODE

    Learning from openness : the dynamics of breadth in external innovation linkages

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    We explore how openness in terms of external linkages generates learning effects, which enable firms to generate more innovation outputs from any given breadth of external linkages. Openness to external knowledge sources, whether through search activity or linkages to external partners in new product development, involves a process of interaction and information processing. Such activities are likely to be subject to a learning process, as firms learn which knowledge sources and collaborative linkages are most useful to their particular needs, and which partnerships are most effective in delivering innovation performance. Using panel data from Irish manufacturing plants, we find evidence of such learning effects: establishments with substantial experience of external collaborations in previous periods derive more innovation output from openness in the current period

    Solving topological defects via fusion

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    Integrable defects in two-dimensional integrable models are purely transmitting thus topological. By fusing them to integrable boundaries new integrable boundary conditions can be generated, and, from the comparison of the two solved boundary theories, explicit solutions of defect models can be extracted. This idea is used to determine the transmission factors and defect energies of topological defects in sinh-Gordon and Lee-Yang models. The transmission factors are checked in Lagrangian perturbation theory in the sinh-Gordon case, while the defect energies are checked against defect thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations derived to describe the ground-state energy of diagonal defect systems on a cylinder. Defect bootstrap equations are also analyzed and are closed by determining the spectrum of defect bound-states in the Lee-Yang model.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages, 34 eps figure