312 research outputs found

    Generalizations of Fano's Inequality for Conditional Information Measures via Majorization Theory

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    Fano's inequality is one of the most elementary, ubiquitous, and important tools in information theory. Using majorization theory, Fano's inequality is generalized to a broad class of information measures, which contains those of Shannon and R\'{e}nyi. When specialized to these measures, it recovers and generalizes the classical inequalities. Key to the derivation is the construction of an appropriate conditional distribution inducing a desired marginal distribution on a countably infinite alphabet. The construction is based on the infinite-dimensional version of Birkhoff's theorem proven by R\'{e}v\'{e}sz [Acta Math. Hungar. 1962, 3, 188{\textendash}198], and the constraint of maintaining a desired marginal distribution is similar to coupling in probability theory. Using our Fano-type inequalities for Shannon's and R\'{e}nyi's information measures, we also investigate the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of Shannon's and R\'{e}nyi's equivocations when the error probabilities vanish. This asymptotic behavior provides a novel characterization of the asymptotic equipartition property (AEP) via Fano's inequality.Comment: 44 pages, 3 figure

    Countably Infinite Multilevel Source Polarization for Non-Stationary Erasure Distributions

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    Polar transforms are central operations in the study of polar codes. This paper examines polar transforms for non-stationary memoryless sources on possibly infinite source alphabets. This is the first attempt of source polarization analysis over infinite alphabets. The source alphabet is defined to be a Polish group, and we handle the Ar{\i}kan-style two-by-two polar transform based on the group. Defining erasure distributions based on the normal subgroup structure, we give recursive formulas of the polar transform for our proposed erasure distributions. As a result, the recursive formulas lead to concrete examples of multilevel source polarization with countably infinite levels when the group is locally cyclic. We derive this result via elementary techniques in lattice theory.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, a short version has been accepted by the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2019

    Asymptotic Distribution of Multilevel Channel Polarization for a Certain Class of Erasure Channels

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    This study examines multilevel channel polarization for a certain class of erasure channels that the input alphabet size is an arbitrary composite number. We derive limiting proportions of partially noiseless channels for such a class. The results of this study are proved by an argument of convergent sequences, inspired by Alsan and Telatar's simple proof of polarization, and without martingale convergence theorems for polarization process.Comment: 31 pages; 1 figure; 1 table; a short version of this paper has been submitted to the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2018

    Clifford's theorem for bricks

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    Let GG be a finite group, NN a normal subgroup of GG, and kk a field of characteristic p>0p>0. In this paper, we formulate the brick version of Clifford's theorem under suitable assumptions and prove it by using the theory of wide subcategories. As an application of our theorem, we consider the restrictions of semibricks and two-term simple-minded collections under the assumption that the index of the normal subgroup NN in GG is a pp-power