3,313 research outputs found

    Design analysis of potential grid connected floating photovoltaic system in UTHM

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    Every month Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM) management pays around RM 1 million for electricity bills. The aim of this project is to explore the feasibility of implementing a grid connected Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) system at the campus of UTHM. There are multiple unutilized water bodies (ponds/lakes) within the campus premises covering a total area of more than 50,000 m2. A 4000 m2 located at the lake near faculty of technical and vocational education (FPTV) is considered of the total available area for the feasibility study. A total of 1372.6 kW can be generated by deploying 335W mono crystalline PV modules with 21% efficiency on a floating mechanism (floaters) on the selected area. The FPV system is then simulated using MATLAB Simulink to observe the performance parameters of the FPV system such as total harmonic distortion (THD), current and voltage waveforms. Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) software has been used to obtain results such as the net present cost (NPC), cost of operation (COE), CO2 emissions impact and the payback period of the grid connected FPV system. The FPV system provides the lowest cost of energy (LCOE) RM0.418 kWh and a total net present cost (NPC) of RM 52.3 million. This system can decrease CO2 emissions by about 1241 t/yr

    Green Petroleum Refining - Mathematical Models for Optimizing Petroleum Refining Under Emission Constraints

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    Petroleum refining processes provide the daily requirements of energy for the global market. Each refining process produces wastes that have the capacity to harm the environment if not properly disposed of. The treatment of refinery waste is one of the most complex issues faced by refinery managers. Also, the hazardous nature of these wastes makes them rather costly to dispose of for the refineries. In this thesis, system analysis tools are used to design a program that allows for the selection of the optimal control, minimization and treating options for petroleum refinery waste streams. The performance of the developed model is demonstrated via a case study. Optimal mitigation alternatives to meet the emission reduction targets were studied by evaluating their relative impact on the profitable operation of the given facility. It was found that the optimal mitigation steps was to reduce emission precursors by conducting feed switches at the refinery. In all cases, the optimal solution did not include a capital expansion of the emission control facilities and equipment


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    Teknologi di dunia akhir-akhir ini telah memberikan perubahan besar. Tampak bahwa manusia dapat menikmati beberapa teknologi yang akan membawanya memasuki peradaban yang baru dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidupnya. Komputer merupakan salah satu contoh bagian terpenting dari teknologi, yang dalam kesehariannya dapat membantu pekerjaan manusia mempercepat dan mempermudah pekerjaan. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah untuk merancang aplikasi yang dapat memberikan kemudahan, keamanan dan efisiensi waktu transaksi parkir. Selain itu juga dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam pengecekan pengendara serta memberikan akurasi data laporan per periode waktu. Melalui aplikasi ini diharapkan agar pengecekan pengendara dapat diarahkan melalui sidik jari sehingga tingkat keamananya lebih terjamin dan pelayanan parkir dapat menjadi lebih mudah dan efisien. Dengan dibangunnya aplikasi parkir ini dapat membantu mempermudah pelaporan dan mempercepat proses pelayanan parkir. Kata Kunci : teknologi, parkir, sidik jar

    Analisis Kekuatan Uji Impak Komposit Serat Alam (Serat Batang Pisang)

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    Komposit merupakan material yang terus dikembangkan agar bisa dimanfaatkan dalam beberapa aspek termasuk didunia Otomotif, Komposit serat alam berpotensi besar dikembangkan mengantikan komposit serat fiber yang cenderung lebih mahal, serat alam ketersediaannya melimpah dan lebih ramah lingkungan termasuk komposit serat batang pisang yang mempunyai potensi besar untuk dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui seberapa besar kekuatan tarik dan impak material komposit batang pisang dengan melakukan percobaan pada 18 spesimen dengan 3 perbandingan berbeda. Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan. Besar kekuatan impak rata-rata komposit serat batang pisang pada setiap spesimen yaitu spesimen A sebesar 0.0086 N m/mm2, spesimen B sebesar 0.0100 N m/mm2 dan spesimen C sebesar 0.0091 N m/mm2

    Moderating role of Islamic corporate governance between pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability and banking fraud in Kano State Nigeria

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    Past studies revealed that there were complicating result dominated between the headlines of mainstream news between banking factors and bank fraud. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability, and bank fraud. Filling the theoretical gap in the literature this study introduce the moderating role of Islamic corporate governance in mitigating bank fraud in selected Islamic banks in Kano, Nigeria. Cross-sectional survey design was adopted on the banks, where bank senior managers were selected as the respondents. The study employed systematic random sampling technique for data collection, with a sample size of 351 senior managers. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data collected. To test the relationship, both multiple regressions and hierarchical regression techniques were used. The findings revealed that pressure and capability have significant, direct and positive relationships with bank fraud, while opportunity and rationalization are not found to be significant predictors of bank fraud in Kano Nigeria. The result of hierarchical regression, establishes that some Islamic corporate governance principles, such as Adl and transparency, moderate the relationship between the independent variables in mitigating bank fraud. The findings of this study provide important Islamic background information and fraud logistics to owner/managers of banks, policy makers, and researchers to further understand the effects of opportunity, rationalization, and capability on bank fraud. The result suggests important theoretical, practical and policy implications such as fraud diamond theory, syariah compliance and managerial support in which the inclusion of Islamic corporate governance principles could enhance the resilience of the Islamic banking system in Kano, Nigeri
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