1,859 research outputs found

    Conformal mapping of unbounded multiply connected regions onto canonical slit regions

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    We present a boundary integral equation method for conformal mapping of unbounded multiply connected regions onto five types of canonical slit regions. For each canonical region, three linear boundary integral equations are constructed from a boundary relationship satisfied by an analytic function on an unboundedmultiply connected region. The integral equations are uniquely solvable. The kernels involved in these integral equations are the modified Neumann kernels and the adjoint generalized Neumann kernels

    Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Diagnosa Penyakit Paru-paru Dengan Metode Forward Chaining

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    In Indonesian lung disease have a high death. Tubercolosis (TB) world report (2006) by World Health Organization (WHO), Indonesia still the third biggest after India and China with around 539.000 cases and around 101.000 peoples die for a year. Derived from those fact it need more attention from mass society. My research can be used to decision support system which used to lung disease diagnosed, and know what kind of disease from their symptom. Decision support system use production rule method for representating knowledge about the kind of lung disease and their symptom. This inference engine use tree method and forward chaining. Result derived from this research shown that tree method and forward chaining can be used in finding lung disease from their symptom

    Germplasm collection and evaluation of Mangifera L.

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    Respon Pertumbuhan Kencur (Kaempferia Galanga L.) Terhadap Pemberian IBA Dan BAP Secara in Vitro

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    Kaempferia galanga L. adalah salah satu tanaman obat terpenting karena khasiatnya sebagai ekspetoransia, diuretika, dan stimulansia. Budidaya secara konvensional belum dapat memenuhi permintaan kencur di pasaran, sehingga budidaya secara in vitro dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk menyediakan benih kencur yang cepat dan seragam. Eksplan yang digunakan diambil dari rimpang dan dikulturkan dalam medium MS yang dikombinasikan dengan IBA (Indole Butiric Acid) dan BAP (Benzyl Amino Purin) dengan konsentrasi 0, 1, 2, 3 dan 4 ppm. Variable pengamatan yang utama adalah jumlah tunas yang muncul pada eksplan. Induksi tunas tertinggi terdapat pada eksplan yang dikulturkan pada perlakuan IBA 0 ppm dan BAP 3 ppm. Kebanyakan akar muncul pada 12 HST (Hari Setelah Tanam), dan akar paling cepat muncul pada 7 HST yang terdapat pada perlakuan IBA 2 ppm dan BAP 4 ppm