9 research outputs found

    Spiritual and Moral Upbringing in Cossack Education: Problems and Ways of Their Solution

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    The study discusses the main problems of churching as the spiritual and moral development of students of Cossack educational organizations. The conceptual foundations of Cossack pedagogy are revealed. The concept of Christian religious doctrine and the contradictions between its implementation in the Orthodox religion and Cossack culture are given. Christian psychology and Christian anthropology are substantiated as the methodological basis of spiritual and moral education of Cossacks. The frequency of spiritual and moral education in the content of organizational, pedagogical and psychological Cossack education is presented. The results of monitoring the churching of the Cossacks of 11 registered Cossack hosts of Russia are presented

    Promising Educational Technologies for Professional Training

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    Comprehensive changes in Russian education are aimed at meeting the requirements of the modern economy and society. At the same time, the main vector in this area is the coordination of the content and component composition of professional training with the demands of the labor market and with the urgent need to increase the availability of high-quality educational services. Public experience demonstrates that objective reality makes significant adjustments to the professional training and education. Therefore, teachers should acknowledge and reflect in their professional activities all the new requirements presented by society in a timely manner. In the context of professional education, intensive search is carried out for adequate forms and methods to improve the effectiveness of education. In this regard, the practical value of simulation methods and technologies, aimed at revealing the creative potential of a future specialist, their individual and professional properties and the ability to function successfully in the new economic conditions, is increasing. Educational technologies as mechanisms for the joint activity of the teacher and students are aimed at the development of certain skills and abilities, as well as personal and professional development. The teacher should correctly apply educational technologies and methods to provide quality training for competent professionals. The variety of these methods is proposed to encourage intrinsic motivation, a lively interest of students in learning and self-development. The competencies of a qualified specialist and the criteria that he/she must meet have become the basis for creating a generalized concept of a professional. Along with the individual properties of the student, the foundation of the concept is knowledge and skills in the areas provided by the general and special components of the Federal State Educational Standards. In the framework of professional education, the main place in the educational process should be occupied by active educational technologies and methods, focused on intensifying the cognitive activities of students, supporting creative initiative and abilities and development of intellectual needs

    Image of The Communist Party of The Russian Federation as Viewed by Russian Students: Factor Semantic Reconstruction

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    The article presents the results of the semantic reconstruction of the image of a political party (the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) as viewed by students of classical and technical universities. This reconstruction allows determining the structure of political thinking typical of the Russian youth. To study students' beliefs and ideas, the authors of the article use the method of semantic differential. The article is based on a unipolar 50-scale semantic differential entitled "political party" and developed by V.V. Kalita and E.B. Marin to evaluate the properties of political parties. The evaluation results were subject to factor analysis in conformity with the method described by V.P. Serkin. The factor analysis of the data determines the evaluation structure used by respondents in relation to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The key axes for evaluating parties are the axes of "pride" and "fear". They contain basic criteria for evaluating parties. These axes, or evaluation criteria, reflect the key categories of political thinking common to the Russian youth. The study results can help develop youth policies of parties and government, as well as contribute to the further study of political ideas common to the Russian youth

    International experience and Russian peculiarities of ensuring the quality of higher education

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    The development of trends in modern society (with its rapid development of cloud, communication technologies, technological innovations in education, scientific and technological progress) requires education to increase the dynamism and efficiency in training highly qualified specialists. The issue of providing quality educational services in order to meet the requirements and needs of the constantly changing demand for specialists, the labor market becomes urgent. The article identifies the factors influencing the quality of educational services at the modern university, describes the importance and functions of institutions of different levels in ensuring the quality of higher education, the purpose of higher education by students and audience, the level of their satisfaction with educational quality and educational process in higher education institution was found out. The analysis of assessment of educational services received by students and university audience is presented. Particular attention is paid to European institutions of assessment and quality assurance in higher education

    Definition of the concept of “patriotism” in the historical, cultural and educational space of the city

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    There are five natural beginnings of life created by the hand of God: personality; family; nation (homeland), the kingdom of heaven and the church. In this article, we will try to consider only one aspect of responsibility of a man associated with the formation of national identity. Today, patriotism becomes the idea that can turn from an intangible force into a material one if it is mastered by the people and for many it will become an internal conviction and installation. Today, patriotism has become one of the most controversial topics in Russia. The range of opinions is quite large: from discrediting patriotism as an analogue of destruction and conflict, to calls of the first persons of the state to the unity of the Russian people on the basis of the integration of patriotism with internationalism. Patriotism helps to unite society, reveals to many people the meaning of their own life, raises their understanding and responsibility for the framework of corporatism and social class differences. Patriotism is increasingly recognized by the population as the protection of national interests, the implementation of social justice, as a positive and constructive realization of human rights. It becomes the main task in the programs of patriotic education of the young people. It acts both as an element of worldview and attitude to one’s country, and other peoples and as an educational component of pedagogic system especially in the historical, cultural and educational space of the city

    Protestivity and civic activism in youth: problems and contradictions

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    The present study combines a theoretical analysis of youth protest as a special social phenomenon and the results of an empirical study. Based on the empirical study conducted by the authors in the Moscow State University of Technology and Management (First Cossack University), an analysis of the protest activity of youth (students) in the 2010s is conducted. The authors rely on a set of methodological approaches and methods of analysis: conceptual, behaviorist, and socio-cultural approaches, as well as the network approach aimed at understanding the basic constructs of the digital age and digital communications as a new social reality. The authors develop the method of discourse analysis to demonstrate the protest activism being contingent on the rapidly changing conditions. The modern definition of protest is analyzed. The term protestivity is introduced and its heuristic value is substantiated. The distinction between civic activism and protestivity is drawn. The authors explore the preconditions for the formation of protest: youth lumpenization, deprivation (inconsistency between the increased social expectations of young people and the real possibilities for their realization). The manifestations of youth protestivity in the modern conditions increasingly acquiring the structure of network interaction are studied. It is concluded that the repertoire of youth protestivity in a digital society is modifying. The article demonstrates that positive (constructive) forms of protest activity contribute to the formation of a conventional form of interaction between youth and authorities. Involvement in positive forms of activism stops the natural potential of youth protest. The future largely depends on what status the authorities assign to youth

    Promising Educational Technologies for Professional Training

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    Comprehensive changes in Russian education are aimed at meeting the requirements of the modern economy and society. At the same time, the main vector in this area is the coordination of the content and component composition of professional training with the demands of the labor market and with the urgent need to increase the availability of high-quality educational services. Public experience demonstrates that objective reality makes significant adjustments to the professional training and education. Therefore, teachers should acknowledge and reflect in their professional activities all the new requirements presented by society in a timely manner. In the context of professional education, intensive search is carried out for adequate forms and methods to improve the effectiveness of education. In this regard, the practical value of simulation methods and technologies, aimed at revealing the creative potential of a future specialist, their individual and professional properties and the ability to function successfully in the new economic conditions, is increasing. Educational technologies as mechanisms for the joint activity of the teacher and students are aimed at the development of certain skills and abilities, as well as personal and professional development. The teacher should correctly apply educational technologies and methods to provide quality training for competent professionals. The variety of these methods is proposed to encourage intrinsic motivation, a lively interest of students in learning and self-development. The competencies of a qualified specialist and the criteria that he/she must meet have become the basis for creating a generalized concept of a professional. Along with the individual properties of the student, the foundation of the concept is knowledge and skills in the areas provided by the general and special components of the Federal State Educational Standards. In the framework of professional education, the main place in the educational process should be occupied by active educational technologies and methods, focused on intensifying the cognitive activities of students, supporting creative initiative and abilities and development of intellectual needs.Los cambios integrales en la educación rusa tienen como objetivo cumplir con los requisitos de la economía y la sociedad modernas. Al mismo tiempo, el vector principal en esta área es la coordinación del contenido y la composición de componentes de la formación profesional con las demandas del mercado laboral y con la urgente necesidad de aumentar la disponibilidad de servicios educativos de alta calidad. La experiencia pública demuestra que la realidad objetiva hace ajustes significativos en la capacitación y educación profesional. Por lo tanto, los maestros deben reconocer y reflejar en sus actividades profesionales todos los nuevos requisitos presentados por la sociedad de manera oportuna. En el contexto de la educación profesional, se realiza una búsqueda intensiva de formas y métodos adecuados para mejorar la efectividad de la educación. A este respecto, el valor práctico de los métodos y tecnologías de simulación, destinados a revelar el potencial creativo de un futuro especialista, sus propiedades individuales y profesionales y la capacidad de funcionar con éxito en las nuevas condiciones económicas, está aumentando. Las tecnologías educativas como mecanismos para la actividad conjunta del profesor y los estudiantes están dirigidas al desarrollo de ciertas habilidades y destrezas, así como al desarrollo personal y profesional. El profesor debe aplicar correctamente las tecnologías y métodos educativos para proporcionar una formación de calidad a profesionales competentes. Se propone la variedad de estos métodos para fomentar la motivación intrínseca, un interés vivo de los estudiantes en el aprendizaje y el autodesarrollo. Las competencias de un especialista calificado y los criterios que debe cumplir se han convertido en la base para crear un concepto generalizado de profesional. Junto con las propiedades individuales del estudiante, la base del concepto es el conocimiento y las habilidades en las áreas proporcionadas por los componentes generales y especiales de los Estándares Educativos del Estado Federal. En el marco de la educación profesional, el lugar principal en el proceso educativo debe estar ocupado por tecnologías y métodos educativos activos, enfocados en intensificar las actividades cognitivas de los estudiantes, apoyando la iniciativa creativa y las habilidades y el desarrollo de las necesidades intelectuales

    Spiritual and Moral Upbringing in Cossack Education: Problems and Ways of Their Solution

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    The study discusses the main problems of churching as the spiritual and moral development of students of Cossack educational organizations. The conceptual foundations of Cossack pedagogy are revealed. The concept of Christian religious doctrine and the contradictions between its implementation in the Orthodox religion and Cossack culture are given. Christian psychology and Christian anthropology are substantiated as the methodological basis of spiritual and moral education of Cossacks. The frequency of spiritual and moral education in the content of organizational, pedagogical and psychological Cossack education is presented. The results of monitoring the churching of the Cossacks of 11 registered Cossack hosts of Russia are presented.El estudio discute los principales problemas de la iglesia como el desarrollo espiritual y moral de los estudiantes de las organizaciones educativas cosacas. Se revelan los fundamentos conceptuales de la pedagogía cosaca. Se da el concepto de doctrina religiosa cristiana y las contradicciones entre su implementación en la religión ortodoxa y la cultura cosaca. La psicología cristiana y la antropología cristiana están fundamentadas como la base metodológica de la educación espiritual y moral de los cosacos. Se presenta la frecuencia de la educación espiritual y moral en el contenido de la educación cosaca organizacional, pedagógica y psicológica. Se presentan los resultados del monitoreo de la iglesia de los cosacos de 11 anfitriones cosacos registrados de Rusia