318 research outputs found

    Study on the Application of Expressway Construction Based on Sponge City Concept

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    Currently, in the active trial stage, sponge city concept has been applied in many low-impact development facilities on expressways in China, but many applications are not widely used. From four angles of pavement, slope, interchange and service area of expressway, this paper explains the adverse effects brought by rainwater, and then gives, and it carries out scene analysis combined with actual engineering projects with some feasible application schemes. Finally, the concept of sponge city at present is summarized, and it is considered that the optimal planning and design can be made only after establishing a reliable mathematical model and carrying out quantitative analysis

    Provably learning a multi-head attention layer

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    The multi-head attention layer is one of the key components of the transformer architecture that sets it apart from traditional feed-forward models. Given a sequence length kk, attention matrices Θ1,…,Θm∈Rd×d\mathbf{\Theta}_1,\ldots,\mathbf{\Theta}_m\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times d}, and projection matrices W1,…,Wm∈Rd×d\mathbf{W}_1,\ldots,\mathbf{W}_m\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times d}, the corresponding multi-head attention layer F:Rk×d→Rk×dF: \mathbb{R}^{k\times d}\to \mathbb{R}^{k\times d} transforms length-kk sequences of dd-dimensional tokens X∈Rk×d\mathbf{X}\in\mathbb{R}^{k\times d} via F(X)≜∑i=1msoftmax(XΘiX⊤)XWiF(\mathbf{X}) \triangleq \sum^m_{i=1} \mathrm{softmax}(\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\Theta}_i\mathbf{X}^\top)\mathbf{X}\mathbf{W}_i. In this work, we initiate the study of provably learning a multi-head attention layer from random examples and give the first nontrivial upper and lower bounds for this problem: - Provided {Wi,Θi}\{\mathbf{W}_i, \mathbf{\Theta}_i\} satisfy certain non-degeneracy conditions, we give a (dk)O(m3)(dk)^{O(m^3)}-time algorithm that learns FF to small error given random labeled examples drawn uniformly from {±1}k×d\{\pm 1\}^{k\times d}. - We prove computational lower bounds showing that in the worst case, exponential dependence on mm is unavoidable. We focus on Boolean X\mathbf{X} to mimic the discrete nature of tokens in large language models, though our techniques naturally extend to standard continuous settings, e.g. Gaussian. Our algorithm, which is centered around using examples to sculpt a convex body containing the unknown parameters, is a significant departure from existing provable algorithms for learning feedforward networks, which predominantly exploit algebraic and rotation invariance properties of the Gaussian distribution. In contrast, our analysis is more flexible as it primarily relies on various upper and lower tail bounds for the input distribution and "slices" thereof.Comment: 105 pages, comments welcom

    Efficient Architecture of Variable Size HEVC 2D-DCT for FPGA Platforms

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    This study presents a design of two-dimensional (2D) discrete cosine transform (DCT) hardware architecture dedicated for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) in field programmable gate array (FPGA) platforms. The proposed methodology efficiently proceeds 2D-DCT computation to fit internal components and characteristics of FPGA resources. A four-stage circuit architecture is developed to implement the proposed methodology. This architecture supports variable size of DCT computation, including 4×4, 8×8, 16×16, and 32×32. The proposed architecture has been implemented in System Verilog and synthesized in various FPGA platforms. Compared with existing related works in literature, this proposed architecture demonstrates significant advantages in hardware cost and performance improvement. The proposed architecture is able to sustain 4K@30fps ultra high definition (UHD) TV real-time encoding applications with a reduction of 31-64% in hardware cost

    A Theoretical Analysis of NDCG Type Ranking Measures

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    A central problem in ranking is to design a ranking measure for evaluation of ranking functions. In this paper we study, from a theoretical perspective, the widely used Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG)-type ranking measures. Although there are extensive empirical studies of NDCG, little is known about its theoretical properties. We first show that, whatever the ranking function is, the standard NDCG which adopts a logarithmic discount, converges to 1 as the number of items to rank goes to infinity. On the first sight, this result is very surprising. It seems to imply that NDCG cannot differentiate good and bad ranking functions, contradicting to the empirical success of NDCG in many applications. In order to have a deeper understanding of ranking measures in general, we propose a notion referred to as consistent distinguishability. This notion captures the intuition that a ranking measure should have such a property: For every pair of substantially different ranking functions, the ranking measure can decide which one is better in a consistent manner on almost all datasets. We show that NDCG with logarithmic discount has consistent distinguishability although it converges to the same limit for all ranking functions. We next characterize the set of all feasible discount functions for NDCG according to the concept of consistent distinguishability. Specifically we show that whether NDCG has consistent distinguishability depends on how fast the discount decays, and 1/r is a critical point. We then turn to the cut-off version of NDCG, i.e., NDCG@k. We analyze the distinguishability of NDCG@k for various choices of k and the discount functions. Experimental results on real Web search datasets agree well with the theory.Comment: COLT 201

    Study on coalescence dynamics of unequal-sized microbubbles captive on solid substrate

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    The dynamics of bubble coalescence are of importance for a number of industrial processes, in which the size inequality of the parent bubbles plays a significant role in mass transport, topological change and overall motion. In this study, coalescence of unequal-sized microbubbles captive on a solid substrate was observed from cross-section view using synchrotron high-speed imaging technique and a microfluidic gas generation device. The bridging neck growth and surface wave propagation at the early stage of coalescence were investigated by experimental and numerical methods. The results show that theoretical half-power-law of neck growth rate is still valid when viscous effect is neglected. However, the inertial-capillary time scale is associated with the initial radius of the smaller parent microbubble. The surface wave propagation rate on the larger parent microbubble is proportional to the inertial-capillary time scale
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