106 research outputs found

    Dynamic Block Matching to assess the longitudinal component of the dense motion field of the carotid artery wall in B-mode ultrasound sequences -- Association with coronary artery disease

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    Purpose: The motion of the common carotid artery tissue layers along the vessel axis during the cardiac cycle, observed in ultrasound imaging, is associated with the presence of established cardiovascular risk factors. However, the vast majority of the methods are based on the tracking of a single point, thus failing to capture the overall motion of the entire arterial wall. The aim of this work is to introduce a motion tracking framework able to simultaneously extract the trajectory of a large collection of points spanning the entire exploitable width of the image. Method: The longitudinal motion, which is the main focus of the present work, is determined in two steps. First, a series of independent block matching operations are carried out for all the tracked points. Then, an original dynamic-programming approach is exploited to regularize the collection of similarity maps and estimate the globally optimal motion over the entire vessel wall. Sixty-two atherosclerotic participants at high cardiovascular risk were involved in this study. Results: A dense displacement field, describing the longitudinal motion of the carotid far wall over time, was extracted. For each cine-loop, the method was evaluated against manual reference tracings performed on three local points, with an average absolute error of 150+/-163 um. A strong correlation was found between motion inhomogeneity and the presence of coronary artery disease (beta-coefficient=0.586, p=0.003). Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a method is specifically proposed to assess the dense motion field of the carotid far wall. This approach has potential to evaluate the (in)homogeneity of the wall dynamics. The proposed method has promising performances to improve the analysis of arterial longitudinal motion and the understanding of the underlying patho-physiological parameters

    Automated Muscle Segmentation from Clinical CT using Bayesian U-Net for Personalized Musculoskeletal Modeling

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    We propose a method for automatic segmentation of individual muscles from a clinical CT. The method uses Bayesian convolutional neural networks with the U-Net architecture, using Monte Carlo dropout that infers an uncertainty metric in addition to the segmentation label. We evaluated the performance of the proposed method using two data sets: 20 fully annotated CTs of the hip and thigh regions and 18 partially annotated CTs that are publicly available from The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) database. The experiments showed a Dice coefficient (DC) of 0.891 +/- 0.016 (mean +/- std) and an average symmetric surface distance (ASD) of 0.994 +/- 0.230 mm over 19 muscles in the set of 20 CTs. These results were statistically significant improvements compared to the state-of-the-art hierarchical multi-atlas method which resulted in 0.845 +/- 0.031 DC and 1.556 +/- 0.444 mm ASD. We evaluated validity of the uncertainty metric in the multi-class organ segmentation problem and demonstrated a correlation between the pixels with high uncertainty and the segmentation failure. One application of the uncertainty metric in active-learning is demonstrated, and the proposed query pixel selection method considerably reduced the manual annotation cost for expanding the training data set. The proposed method allows an accurate patient-specific analysis of individual muscle shapes in a clinical routine. This would open up various applications including personalization of biomechanical simulation and quantitative evaluation of muscle atrophy.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, and supplementary material

    Pose Estimation of Periacetabular Osteotomy Fragments with Intraoperative X-Ray Navigation

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    Objective: State of the art navigation systems for pelvic osteotomies use optical systems with external fiducials. We propose the use of X-Ray navigation for pose estimation of periacetabular fragments without fiducials. Methods: A 2D/3D registration pipeline was developed to recover fragment pose. This pipeline was tested through an extensive simulation study and 6 cadaveric surgeries. Using osteotomy boundaries in the fluoroscopic images, the preoperative plan is refined to more accurately match the intraoperative shape. Results: In simulation, average fragment pose errors were 1.3{\deg}/1.7 mm when the planned fragment matched the intraoperative fragment, 2.2{\deg}/2.1 mm when the plan was not updated to match the true shape, and 1.9{\deg}/2.0 mm when the fragment shape was intraoperatively estimated. In cadaver experiments, the average pose errors were 2.2{\deg}/2.2 mm, 3.8{\deg}/2.5 mm, and 3.5{\deg}/2.2 mm when registering with the actual fragment shape, a preoperative plan, and an intraoperatively refined plan, respectively. Average errors of the lateral center edge angle were less than 2{\deg} for all fragment shapes in simulation and cadaver experiments. Conclusion: The proposed pipeline is capable of accurately reporting femoral head coverage within a range clinically identified for long-term joint survivability. Significance: Human interpretation of fragment pose is challenging and usually restricted to rotation about a single anatomical axis. The proposed pipeline provides an intraoperative estimate of rigid pose with respect to all anatomical axes, is compatible with minimally invasive incisions, and has no dependence on external fiducials.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineerin

    Automated Segmentation of Hip and Thigh Muscles in Metal Artifact-Contaminated CT using Convolutional Neural Network-Enhanced Normalized Metal Artifact Reduction

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    In total hip arthroplasty, analysis of postoperative medical images is important to evaluate surgical outcome. Since Computed Tomography (CT) is most prevalent modality in orthopedic surgery, we aimed at the analysis of CT image. In this work, we focus on the metal artifact in postoperative CT caused by the metallic implant, which reduces the accuracy of segmentation especially in the vicinity of the implant. Our goal was to develop an automated segmentation method of the bones and muscles in the postoperative CT images. We propose a method that combines Normalized Metal Artifact Reduction (NMAR), which is one of the state-of-the-art metal artifact reduction methods, and a Convolutional Neural Network-based segmentation using two U-net architectures. The first U-net refines the result of NMAR and the muscle segmentation is performed by the second U-net. We conducted experiments using simulated images of 20 patients and real images of three patients to evaluate the segmentation accuracy of 19 muscles. In simulation study, the proposed method showed statistically significant improvement (p<0.05) in the average symmetric surface distance (ASD) metric for 14 muscles out of 19 muscles and the average ASD of all muscles from 1.17 +/- 0.543 mm (mean +/- std over all patients) to 1.10 +/- 0.509 mm over our previous method. The real image study using the manual trace of gluteus maximus and medius muscles showed ASD of 1.32 +/- 0.25 mm. Our future work includes training of a network in an end-to-end manner for both the metal artifact reduction and muscle segmentation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Automated segmentation of an intensity calibration phantom in clinical CT images using a convolutional neural network

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    Purpose: To apply a convolutional neural network (CNN) to develop a system that segments intensity calibration phantom regions in computed tomography (CT) images, and to test the system in a large cohort to evaluate its robustness. Methods: A total of 1040 cases (520 cases each from two institutions), in which an intensity calibration phantom (B-MAS200, Kyoto Kagaku, Kyoto, Japan) was used, were included herein. A training dataset was created by manually segmenting the regions of the phantom for 40 cases (20 cases each). Segmentation accuracy of the CNN model was assessed with the Dice coefficient and the average symmetric surface distance (ASD) through the 4-fold cross validation. Further, absolute differences of radiodensity values (in Hounsfield units: HU) were compared between manually segmented regions and automatically segmented regions. The system was tested on the remaining 1000 cases. For each institution, linear regression was applied to calculate coefficients for the correlation between radiodensity and the densities of the phantom. Results: After training, the median Dice coefficient was 0.977, and the median ASD was 0.116 mm. When segmented regions were compared between manual segmentation and automated segmentation, the median absolute difference was 0.114 HU. For the test cases, the median correlation coefficient was 0.9998 for one institution and was 0.9999 for the other, with a minimum value of 0.9863. Conclusions: The CNN model successfully segmented the calibration phantom's regions in the CT images with excellent accuracy, and the automated method was found to be at least equivalent to the conventional manual method. Future study should integrate the system by automatically segmenting the region of interest in bones such that the bone mineral density can be fully automatically quantified from CT images.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures. The source code and the model used for segmenting the phantom are open and can be accessed via https://github.com/keisuke-uemura/CT-Intensity-Calibration-Phantom-Segmentatio

    Smooth Extrapolation of Unknown Anatomy via Statistical Shape Models

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    Several methods to perform extrapolation of unknown anatomy were evaluated. The primary application is to enhance surgical procedures that may use partial medical images or medical images of incomplete anatomy. Le Fort-based, face-jaw-teeth transplant is one such procedure. From CT data of 36 skulls and 21 mandibles separate Statistical Shape Models of the anatomical surfaces were created. Using the Statistical Shape Models, incomplete surfaces were projected to obtain complete surface estimates. The surface estimates exhibit non-zero error in regions where the true surface is known; it is desirable to keep the true surface and seamlessly merge the estimated unknown surface. Existing extrapolation techniques produce non-smooth transitions from the true surface to the estimated surface, resulting in additional error and a less aesthetically pleasing result. The three extrapolation techniques evaluated were: copying and pasting of the surface estimate (non-smooth baseline), a feathering between the patient surface and surface estimate, and an estimate generated via a Thin Plate Spline trained from displacements between the surface estimate and corresponding vertices of the known patient surface. Feathering and Thin Plate Spline approaches both yielded smooth transitions. However, feathering corrupted known vertex values. Leave-one-out analyses were conducted, with 5% to 50% of known anatomy removed from the left-out patient and estimated via the proposed approaches. The Thin Plate Spline approach yielded smaller errors than the other two approaches, with an average vertex error improvement of 1.46 mm and 1.38 mm for the skull and mandible respectively, over the baseline approach.Comment: SPIE Medical Imaging Conference 2015 Pape

    Region-based Convolution Neural Network Approach for Accurate Segmentation of Pelvic Radiograph

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    With the increasing usage of radiograph images as a most common medical imaging system for diagnosis, treatment planning, and clinical studies, it is increasingly becoming a vital factor to use machine learning-based systems to provide reliable information for surgical pre-planning. Segmentation of pelvic bone in radiograph images is a critical preprocessing step for some applications such as automatic pose estimation and disease detection. However, the encoder-decoder style network known as U-Net has demonstrated limited results due to the challenging complexity of the pelvic shapes, especially in severe patients. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-task segmentation method based on Mask R-CNN architecture. For training, the network weights were initialized by large non-medical dataset and fine-tuned with radiograph images. Furthermore, in the training process, augmented data was generated to improve network performance. Our experiments show that Mask R-CNN utilizing multi-task learning, transfer learning, and data augmentation techniques achieve 0.96 DICE coefficient, which significantly outperforms the U-Net. Notably, for a fair comparison, the same transfer learning and data augmentation techniques have been used for U-net training.Comment: Accepted at ICBME 201

    Estimation of Pelvic Sagittal Inclination from Anteroposterior Radiograph Using Convolutional Neural Networks: Proof-of-Concept Study

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    Alignment of the bones in standing position provides useful information in surgical planning. In total hip arthroplasty (THA), pelvic sagittal inclination (PSI) angle in the standing position is an important factor in planning of cup alignment and has been estimated mainly from radiographs. Previous methods for PSI estimation used a patient-specific CT to create digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) and compare them with the radiograph to estimate relative position between the pelvis and the x-ray detector. In this study, we developed a method that estimates PSI angle from a single anteroposterior radiograph using two convolutional neural networks (CNNs) without requiring the patient-specific CT, which reduces radiation exposure of the patient and opens up the possibility of application in a larger number of hospitals where CT is not acquired in a routine protocol.Comment: Best Technical Paper Award Winner of CAOS 2018 (https://www.caos-international.org/award-paper.php

    Cross-modality image synthesis from unpaired data using CycleGAN: Effects of gradient consistency loss and training data size

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    CT is commonly used in orthopedic procedures. MRI is used along with CT to identify muscle structures and diagnose osteonecrosis due to its superior soft tissue contrast. However, MRI has poor contrast for bone structures. Clearly, it would be helpful if a corresponding CT were available, as bone boundaries are more clearly seen and CT has standardized (i.e., Hounsfield) units. Therefore, we aim at MR-to-CT synthesis. The CycleGAN was successfully applied to unpaired CT and MR images of the head, these images do not have as much variation of intensity pairs as do images in the pelvic region due to the presence of joints and muscles. In this paper, we extended the CycleGAN approach by adding the gradient consistency loss to improve the accuracy at the boundaries. We conducted two experiments. To evaluate image synthesis, we investigated dependency of image synthesis accuracy on 1) the number of training data and 2) the gradient consistency loss. To demonstrate the applicability of our method, we also investigated a segmentation accuracy on synthesized images.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, MICCAI 2018 Workshop on Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imagin

    Fast and Automatic Periacetabular Osteotomy Fragment Pose Estimation Using Intraoperatively Implanted Fiducials and Single-View Fluoroscopy

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    Accurate and consistent mental interpretation of fluoroscopy to determine the position and orientation of acetabular bone fragments in 3D space is difficult. We propose a computer assisted approach that uses a single fluoroscopic view and quickly reports the pose of an acetabular fragment without any user input or initialization. Intraoperatively, but prior to any osteotomies, two constellations of metallic ball-bearings (BBs) are injected into the wing of a patient's ilium and lateral superior pubic ramus. One constellation is located on the expected acetabular fragment, and the other is located on the remaining, larger, pelvis fragment. The 3D locations of each BB are reconstructed using three fluoroscopic views and 2D/3D registrations to a preoperative CT scan of the pelvis. The relative pose of the fragment is established by estimating the movement of the two BB constellations using a single fluoroscopic view taken after osteotomy and fragment relocation. BB detection and inter-view correspondences are automatically computed throughout the processing pipeline. The proposed method was evaluated on a multitude of fluoroscopic images collected from six cadaveric surgeries performed bilaterally on three specimens. Mean fragment rotation error was 2.4 +/- 1.0 degrees, mean translation error was 2.1 +/- 0.6 mm, and mean 3D lateral center edge angle error was 1.0 +/- 0.5 degrees. The average runtime of the single-view pose estimation was 0.7 +/- 0.2 seconds. The proposed method demonstrates accuracy similar to other state of the art systems which require optical tracking systems or multiple-view 2D/3D registrations with manual input. The errors reported on fragment poses and lateral center edge angles are within the margins required for accurate intraoperative evaluation of femoral head coverage.Comment: Revised article to address reviewer comments. Under review for Physics in Medicine and Biology. Supplementary video at https://youtu.be/0E0U9G81q8