246 research outputs found

    Impaired osteoblast differentiation in annexin A2- and -A5-deficient cells.

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    Annexins are a class of calcium-binding proteins with diverse functions in the regulation of lipid rafts, inflammation, fibrinolysis, transcriptional programming and ion transport. Within bone, they are well-characterized as components of mineralizing matrix vesicles, although little else is known as to their function during osteogenesis. We employed shRNA to generate annexin A2 (AnxA2)- or annexin A5 (AnxA5)-knockdown pre-osteoblasts, and determined whether proliferation or osteogenic differentiation was altered in knockdown cells, compared to pSiren (Si) controls. We report that DNA content, a marker of proliferation, was significantly reduced in both AnxA2 and AnxA5 knockdown cells. Alkaline phosphatase expression and activity were also suppressed in AnxA2- or AnxA5-knockdown after 14 days of culture. The pattern of osteogenic gene expression was altered in knockdown cells, with Col1a1 expressed more rapidly in knock-down cells, compared to pSiren. In contrast, Runx2, Ibsp, and Bglap all revealed decreased expression after 14 days of culture. In both AnxA2- and AnxA5-knockdown, interleukin-induced STAT6 signaling was markedly attenuated compared to pSiren controls. These data suggest that AnxA2 and AnxA5 can influence bone formation via regulation of osteoprogenitor proliferation, differentiation, and responsiveness to cytokines in addition to their well-studied function in matrix vesicles

    Vhl deficiency in osteocytes produces high bone mass and hematopoietic defects

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    Tissue oxygen (O2) levels vary during development and disease; adaptations to decreased O2 (hypoxia) are mediated by hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) transcription factors. HIFs are active in the skeleton, and stabilizing HIF-α isoforms cause high bone mass (HBM) phenotypes. A fundamental limitation of previous studies examining the obligate role for HIF-α isoforms in the skeleton involves the persistence of gene deletion as osteolineage cells differentiate into osteocytes. Because osteocytes orchestrate skeletal development and homeostasis, we evaluated the influence of Vhl or Hif1a disruption in osteocytes. Osteocytic Vhl deletion caused HBM phenotype, but Hif1a was dispensable in osteocytes. Vhl cKO mice revealed enhanced canonical Wnt signaling. B cell development was reduced while myelopoiesis increased in osteocytic Vhl cKO, revealing a novel influence of Vhl/HIF-α function in osteocytes on maintenance of bone microarchitecture via canonical Wnt signaling and effects on hematopoiesis

    Substrate deformation levels associated with routine physical activity are less stimulatory to bone cells relative to loadinginduced oscillatory fluid flow

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    Although it is well accepted that bone tissue metabolism is regulated by external mechani

    Annexin V disruption impairs mechanically induced calcium signaling in osteoblastic cells

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    Abstract The mechanical environment of the skeleton plays an important role in the establishment and maintenance of structurally competent bone. Biophysical signals induced by mechanical loading elicit a variety of cellular responses in bone cells, however, little is known about the underlying mechanotransduction mechanism. We hypothesized that bone cells detect and transduce biophysical signals into biological responses via a mechanism requiring annexin V (AnxV). AnxV, a calcium-dependent phospholipid binding protein, has several attributes, which suggest it is ideally suited for a role as a mechanosensor, possibly a mechanosensitive ion channel. These include the ability to function as a Ca 2+ selective ion channel, and the ability to interact with both extracellular matrix proteins and cytoskeletal elements. To test the hypothesis that AnxV has a role in mechanosensing, we studied the response of osteoblastic cells to oscillating fluid flow, a physiologically relevant physical signal in bone, in the presence and absence of AnxV inhibitors. In addition, we investigated the effects of oscillating flow on the cellular location of AnxV. Oscillating fluid flow increased both [Ca 2+ ] i levels and c-fos protein levels in osteoblasts. Disruption of AnxV with blocking antibodies or a pharmacological inhibitor, K201 (JTV-519), significantly inhibited both responses. Additionally, our data show that the cellular location of AnxV was modulated by oscillating fluid flow. Exposure to oscillating fluid flow resulted in a significant increase in AnxV at both the cell and nuclear membranes. In summary, our data suggest that AnxV mediates flow-induced Ca 2+ signaling in osteoblastic cells. These data support the idea of AnxV as a Ca 2+ channel, or a component of the signaling pathway, in the mechanism by which mechanical signals are transduced into cellular responses in the osteoblast. Furthermore, the presence of a highly mobile pool of AnxV may provide cells with a powerful mechanism by which cellular responses to mechanical loading might be amplified and regulated.

    Strain uses gap junctions to reverse stimulation of osteoblast proliferation by osteocytes

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    Identifying mechanisms by which cells of the osteoblastic lineage communicate in vivo is complicated by the mineralised matrix that encases osteocytes, and thus, vital mechanoadaptive processes used to achieve load‐bearing integrity remain unresolved. We have used the coculture of immunomagnetically purified osteocytes and primary osteoblasts from both embryonic chick long bone and calvariae to examine these mechanisms. We exploited the fact that purified osteocytes are postmitotic to examine both their effect on proliferation of primary osteoblasts and the role of gap junctions in such communication. We found that chick long bone osteocytes significantly increased basal proliferation of primary osteoblasts derived from an identical source (tibiotarsi). Using a gap junction inhibitor, 18β‐glycyrrhetinic acid, we also demonstrated that this osteocyte‐related increase in osteoblast proliferation was not reliant on functional gap junctions. In contrast, osteocytes purified from calvarial bone failed to modify basal proliferation of primary osteoblast, but long bone osteocytes preserved their proproliferative action upon calvarial‐derived primary osteoblasts. We also showed that coincubated purified osteocytes exerted a marked inhibitory action on mechanical strain–related increases in proliferation of primary osteoblasts and that this action was abrogated in the presence of a gap junction inhibitor. These data reveal regulatory differences between purified osteocytes derived from functionally distinct bones and provide evidence for 2 mechanisms by which purified osteocytes communicate with primary osteoblasts to coordinate their activity

    Cell type-dependent HIF1 alpha-mediated effects of hypoxia on proliferation, migration and metastatic potential of human tumor cells

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    Tumor hypoxia promotes neoangiogenesis and contributes to the radio- and chemotherapy resistant and aggressive phenotype of cancer cells. However, the migratory response of tumor cells and the role of small GTPases regulating the organization of cytoskeleton under hypoxic conditions have yet to be established. Accordingly, we measured the proliferation, migration, RhoA activation, the mRNA and protein levels of hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha) and three small G-proteins, Rac1, cdc42 and RhoA in a panel of five human tumor cell lines under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Importantly, HT168-M1 human melanoma cells with high baseline migration capacity showed increased HIF-1alpha and small GTPases expression, RhoA activation and migration under hypoxia. These activities were blocked by anti- HIF-1alpha shRNA. Moreover, the in vivo metastatic potential was promoted by hypoxia mimicking CoCl2 treatment and reduced upon inhibition of HIF-1alpha in a spleen to liver colonization experiment. In contrast, HT29 human colon cancer cells with low migration capacity showed limited response to in vitro hypoxia. The expression of the small G-proteins decreased both at mRNA and protein levels and the RhoA activation was reduced. Nevertheless, the number of lung or liver metastatic colonies disseminating from orthotopic HT29 grafts did not change upon CoCl2 or chetomin treatment. Our data demonstrates that the hypoxic environment induces cell-type dependent changes in the levels and activation of small GTPases and results in varying migratory and metastasis promoting responses in different human tumor cell lines

    Dynamic culturing of cartilage tissue: the significance of hydrostatic pressure

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    Human articular cartilage functions under a wide range of mechanical loads in synovial joints, where hydrostatic pressure (HP) is the prevalent actuating force. We hypothesized that the formation of engineered cartilage can be augmented by applying such physiologic stimuli to chondrogenic cells or stem cells, cultured in hydrogels, using custom-designed HP bioreactors. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of distinct HP regimens on cartilage formation in vitro by either human nasal chondrocytes (HNCs) or human adipose stem cells (hASCs) encapsulated in gellan gum (GG) hydrogels. To this end, we varied the frequency of low HP, by applying pulsatile hydrostatic pressure or a steady hydrostatic pressure load to HNC-GG constructs over a period of 3 weeks, and evaluated their effects on cartilage tissue-engineering outcomes. HNCs (10 · 106 cells/ mL) were encapsulated in GG hydrogels (1.5%) and cultured in a chondrogenic medium under three regimens for 3 weeks: (1) 0.4MPa Pulsatile HP; (2) 0.4MPa Steady HP; and (3) Static. Subsequently, we applied the pulsatile regimen to hASC-GG constructs and varied the amplitude of loading, by generating both low (0.4 MPa) and physiologic (5 MPa) HP levels. hASCs (10x106 cells/mL) were encapsulated in GG hydrogels (1.5%) and cultured in a chondrogenic medium under three regimens for 4 weeks: (1) 0.4MPa Pulsatile HP; (2) 5MPa Pulsatile HP; and (3) Static. In the HNC study, the best tissue development was achieved by the pulsatile HP regimen, whereas in the hASC study, greater chondrogenic differentiation and matrix deposition were obtained for physiologic loading, as evidenced by gene expression of aggrecan, collagen type II, and sox-9; metachromatic staining of cartilage extracellular matrix; and immunolocalization of collagens. We thus propose that both HNCs and hASCs detect and respond to physical forces, thus resembling joint loading, by enhancing cartilage tissue development in a frequency- and amplitude-dependant manner.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/42316/200

    Connexin-mimetic peptide Gap 27 decreases osteoclastic activity

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    BACKGROUND: Bone remodelling is dependent on the balance between bone resorbing osteoclasts and bone forming osteoblasts. We have shown previously that osteoclasts contain gap-junctional protein connexin-43 and that a commonly used gap-junctional inhibitor, heptanol, can inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption. Since heptanol may also have some unspecific effect unrelated to gap-junctional inhibition we wanted to test the importance of gap-junctional communication to osteoclasts using a more specific inhibitor. METHODS: A synthetic connexin-mimetic peptide, Gap 27, was used to evaluate the contribution of gap-junctional communication to osteoclastic bone resorption. We utilised the well-characterised pit-formation assay to study the effects of the specific gap-junctional inhibitor to the survival and activity of osteoclasts. RESULTS: Gap 27 caused a remarked decrease in the number of both TRAP-positive mononuclear and multinucleated rat osteoclasts cultured on bovine bone slices. The decrease in the cell survival seemed to be restricted to TRAP-positive cells, whereas the other cells of the culture model seemed unaffected. The activity of the remaining osteoclasts was found to be diminished by measuring the percentage of osteoclasts with actin rings of all TRAP-positive cells. In addition, the resorbed area in the treated cultures was greatly diminished. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of these results we conclude that gap-junctional communication is essential for the action of bone resorbing osteoclasts and for proper remodelling for bone

    The effect of experimental diabetes and glycaemic control on guided bone regeneration:histology and gene expression analyses

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effect of experimental diabetes and metabolic control on intramembranous bone healing following guided bone regeneration (GBR). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ninety-three Wistar rats were allocated to three experimental groups, healthy (H), uncontrolled diabetes (D) and controlled diabetes (CD). Twenty one days following diabetes induction, a standardised 5-mm defect was created at the mid-portion of each parietal bone. In 75 animals (25H, 25D, 25CD), one defect was treated with an intracranial and extracranial membrane according to the GBR principle, and one defect was left empty (control); five animals per group were then randomly sacrificed at 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days and processed for decalcified histology. In 18 animals (6H, 6D, 6CD), both defects were treated according to the GBR principle; three animals from each group were then randomly sacrificed at 7 and 15 days of healing and employed for gene expression analysis. RESULTS: Application of the GBR therapeutic principle led to significant bone regeneration even in the D group. However, at 15 and 30 days, the osteogenesis process was impaired by uncontrolled diabetes, as shown by the significant reduction in terms of defect closure (38-42%) and newly formed bone (54-61%) compared to the healthy group. The comparison of the D vs. H group at 15 days of healing yielded the largest number of genes with significantly differential expression, among which various genes associated with the ossification process (bmp4, ltbp4, thra and cd276) were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Uncontrolled diabetes seems to affect early phases of the bone regeneration following GBR. A misregulation of genes and pathways related to cell division, energy production, inflammation and osteogenesis may account for the impaired regeneration process in D rats. Further studies are warranted to optimise the GBR process in this medically compromised patient population

    The Transient Receptor Potential Ion Channel TRPV6 Is Expressed at Low Levels in Osteoblasts and Has Little Role in Osteoblast Calcium Uptake

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    Background: TRPV6 ion channels are key mediators of regulated transepithelial absorption of Ca2+ within the small intestine. Trpv6-/- mice were reported to have lower bone density than wild-type littermates and significant disturbances in calcium homeostasis that suggested a role for TRPV6 in osteoblasts during bone formation and mineralization. TRPV6 and molecules related to transepithelial Ca2+ transport have been reported to be expressed at high levels in human and mouse osteoblasts. Results: Transmembrane ion currents in whole cell patch clamped SaOS-2 osteoblasts did not show sensitivity to ruthenium red, an inhibitor of TRPV5/6 ion channels, and 45Ca uptake was not significantly affected by ruthenium red in either SaOS-2 (P = 0.77) or TE-85 (P = 0.69) osteoblastic cells. In contrast, ion currents and 45Ca uptake were both significantly affected in a human bronchial epithelial cell line known to express TRPV6. TRPV6 was expressed at lower levels in osteoblastic cells than has been reported in some literature. In SaOS-2 TRPV6 mRNA was below the assay detection limit; in TE-85 TRPV6 mRNA was detected at 6.90±1.9 × 10−5 relative to B2M. In contrast, TRPV6 was detected at 7.7±3.0 × 10−2 and 2.38±0.28 × 10−4 the level of B2M in human carcinoma-derived cell lines LNCaP and CaCO-2 respectively. In murine primary calvarial osteoblasts TRPV6 was detected at 3.80±0.24 × 10−5 relative to GAPDH, in contrast with 4.3±1.5 × 10−2 relative to GAPDH in murine duodenum. By immunohistochemistry, TRPV6 was expressed mainly in myleocytic cells of the murine bone marrow and was observed only at low levels in murine osteoblasts, osteocytes or growth plate cartilage. Conclusions: TRPV6 is expressed only at low levels in osteoblasts and plays little functional role in osteoblastic calcium uptake