548 research outputs found

    Why are Lorino and Sireniki so different? Exploring communities through festivals, language use, and subsistence practices in contemporary Chukotka

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    Thesis (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2013Based on research in Chukotka, Russian Far East, this thesis focuses on the contemporary predicaments of native sports, public festivals, language practices, and marine mammal subsistence in the communities of Sireniki and Lorino. Through a social-historical contextualization of ethnographic data, it explores possible reasons for the differences found to exist between those villages. In the years of the post-Soviet transition, Lorino emerged as a vivacious community where successful sea-mammal hunters formed the core of its social and cultural hearth. At the time the research was conducted, this characterization appeared in a striking contrast to Sireniki, known to have been a model community in the late Soviet era. This work attempts to explain how Lorino and Sireniki got to where they are today. The insights gained from ethnographic fieldwork and library materials points to the legacy of the Soviet state-induced relocations, post-Soviet reorganization of sea mammal hunting, cultural history, and local leadership patterns. Examined in a comparative light, this constellation of factors helps understand how differently Lorino and Sireniki have developed since the end of the Soviet Union.Chapter 1. Theoretical framework -- 1.1. Introduction -- 1.2. Methods -- 1.3. Literature review -- 1.3.1. Chukotka ethnography and history -- 1.3.2. Studies of community well-being in the Arctic -- Chapter 2. Geographical and historical research settings -- 2.1. Chukotka autonomous region -- 2.2. The communities of Lorino and Sireniki on the Chukchi Peninsula -- 2.2.1. Yupik and Chukchi cultural history -- 2.2.2. Soviet Chukotka -- Chapter 3. Local, and regional festivals and sport tournaments -- 3.1. The "Beringia" skin-boat race -- 3.2. The "Nadezhda" sled dog race -- 3.3. Whale day celebrations in Lorino, Novoe Chaplino and Sireniki -- 3.4. 1988 and 2011 Whale Day celebrations in Sireniki -- 3.5. Chukchi festival "Kil'vey" -- 3.6. Arctic Olympics: sports in contemporary Chukotka -- 3.7. Native dance groups -- Chapter 4. Chukchi and Yupik language situation -- 4.1. Chukchi and Eskimo languages at the macro level -- 4.2. Sea mammal hunters and local native dance ensembles at a group level -- 4.3. Chukchi and Eskimo language at the individual level -- Chapter 5. Sea mammal hunting -- 5.1. Local sea mammal hunting associations in the research communities -- 5.2. Subsistence, economy, and management of Lorino and Sireniki -- Chapter 6. Summary and discussion -- References

    Dynamic Strain Measurements Using Embedded Fiber Optic Sensors

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    Geodetic monitoring of structures like bridges or dams, and natural objects like slopes, and the determination of deformations has reached a high level of maturity considering the instrumental as well as the analysis developments. But classical geodetic instruments rarely provide high data rates. For example, geodetic deformation surveys with total stations are usually carried out at certain repeated period of times, e.g. annually for dams or with periods of some hours or even minutes for individual monitoring projects

    Neural-Like Growing Networks in Intelligent System of Recognition of Images

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    The neural-like growing networks used in the intelligent system of recognition of images are under consideration in this paper. All operations made over the image on a pre-design stage and also classification and storage of the information about the images and their further identification are made extremely by mechanisms of neural-like networks without usage of complex algorithms requiring considerable volumes of calculus. At the conforming hardware support the neural network methods allow considerably to increase the effectiveness of the solution of the given class of problems, saving a high accuracy of result and high level of response, both in a mode of training, and in a mode of identification

    Hexadecane Petroleum, and Biofuel Utilization in Marine Bacteria Isolated from Ballast Tanks

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    This study characterized the growth of bacteria isolated from ballast tank fluids in hexadecane, petroleum, plant, and algae-derived fuels. The study was performed to explore the capacity of ballast tank isolates to survive and grow within fuels that may be stored within ballast tanks. Results of the hexadecane analysis indicated that most isolates had higher viable cell counts in media supplemented with hexadecane. Members of Alteromonas, Pseudoalteromonas, and a single Brevundimonas species had viable cell counts that were one or several orders ofmagnitude greater than that of controls. Results offuel analysis indicated higher viable cell counts in pure JP-5 and F-76 petroleum, as well as a modest growth increase in camelina-based JP-5 biofuel for members of Alteromonas. Bacillus aquimaris TF-12 and the unclassified isolate, SD32, had a pronounced decrease in growth under all the fuel conditions, with the sole exception of elevated growth in hexadecane. Halomonas axialensis Althfl demonstrated substantial growth in all the tested conditions, especially in JP-5 camelina and F-76 algal biofuels, while the unclassified isolate, denoted as (-)ve, had significantly decreased bacterial growth in pure JP-5 and F-76 petroleum and elevated growth in both biofuels. Given the diverse growth trends of the tested isolates, future studies will include GC-MS analysis to directly measure hydrocarbon utilization

    Analysis of the frequency of pathologies of the cervical spine in adolescents according to computed tomography

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    Spinal pathologies today occupy a leading position in the rankings of diseases with a high degree of disability of patients, translating the problem into the category of medical and social. Cervical lesions are one of the most common manifestations of spinal pathology, and cervical osteochondrosis ranks second after lumbar. Literature sources indicate that today spinal pathologies have a pronounced tendency to rejuvenate. The aim of our study was to determine the frequency of pathological lesions of the cervical spine among adolescents in a randomized sample according to computed tomography. 100 series of anonymized computed tomograms of young people (18-21 years old) were processed. The examination was performed on the TSX-101A Aquilion 16. According to the analysis, only 22% of the examined young people do not have pathological changes in the study area. Changes in intervertebral discs in the form of protrusions of different localization were found in 51% of the examined persons, in 23% - intervertebral hernias. The high frequency of pathological lesions of the cervical spine indicates the need to identify the causes of their occurrence, as well as the development and application of effective preventive measures

    Resolution of investment disputes under the TTIP with regard to the principles of indepen dence, impartiality, and qualifications of the court and its judges

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    The article provides for the judicial analysis of how a typical ISDS mechanism, as well as the ICS under the draft texts of TTIP, complies with all the provisions of the principles of independence, impartiality and qualification of the court and its judges, established under ALI/UNIDROIT Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure, which were adopted by the American Law Institute (ALI) in May 2004 and by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) in April 2004. These are the following provisions: judicial independence, impartiality of the court and its judges, reasonable tenure in office, transparency, substantial legal knowledge and experience


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    The article outlines main problems of automated data search, application of databases and medical information systems in practice of medical institutions is presented. The practice of registration, storage of health information in electronic databases, structuring and analysis of data available is presented. Unspecialized retrieval systems for searching medical information in electronic file archives and creating full-text databases of medical records considering the relevance of found information have been tested. The advantages and disadvantages of various retrieval systems are reviewed, particularly at searching for Russian and Ukrainian full-text data arrays. The electronic file archives and databases of Ukrainian Research Institute of Industrial Medicine after nosology "radiculopathy" and "radiculomyelopathy” were used as the object of research.В статье очерчены основные проблемы автоматизированного информационного поиска, внедрения баз данных и медицинских информационных систем в практическую деятельность лечебных учреждений, представлен опыт регистрации, сохранения медицинской информации в электронных базах данных, структуризации и анализа информации в них. Проведено тестирование неспециализированных информационно-поисковых систем для поиска медицинской информации в электронных файловых архивах и создания полнотекстовых базах данных историй болезни с учетом релевантности найденной информации. Описаны достоинства и недостатки различных информационно-поисковых систем, в частности при поиске информации в русско- и украиноязычных полнотекстовых информационных массивах. В качестве объекта исследования были использованы электронные файловые архивы и базы данных Украинского НИИ промышленной медицины по нозологиям «радикулопатия» и «радикуломиелопатия».У статті окреслені труднощі автоматизованого інформаційного пошуку, представлений досвід реєстрації, збереження медичної інформації в електронних файлових архівах, структуризації та аналізу інформації в них. Проведене тестування неспеціалізованих інформаційно-пошукових систем для створення повнотекстових баз даних історій хвороб з урахуванням релевантності та експертної пертинентності

    Теоретико-методичні аспекти оцінювання інтелек-туального капіталу будівельних підприємств

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    In the article it was explained the priority of definition, evaluation and development questions of intellectual capital of construction companies as the most important advantage of them in the competition. It was organized of existing theoretical and methodological aspects of intellectual capital evaluation for modern construction companies, given their specifics.У статті обґрунтовано пріоритетність питань визначення, оцінювання та розвитку інтелектуального капіталу  будівельних підприємств як найбільшої їхньої переваги у конкурентній боротьбі. Систематизовано існуючі теоретико-методичні аспекти оцінювання інтелектуального капіталу безпосередньо для будівельних підприємств, враховуючи їхню специфіку