1,312 research outputs found

    Resveratrol Demonstrates Antimicrobial Effects Against Propionibacterium acnes In Vitro

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    IntroductionResveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) is an antioxidant that has multiple biologic effects including antimicrobial properties. Acne vulgaris is a disease of the pilosebaceous unit, characterized by an inflammatory host immune response to the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). This study sought to determine whether resveratrol may be a potential treatment for acne vulgaris.MethodsColony-forming unit (CFU) assays together with transmission electron microscopy using P. acnes treated with resveratrol or benzoyl peroxide were used to assess antibacterial effects. Blood was drawn from healthy human volunteers, and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium (MTS) assays were used to assess cytotoxicity in monocytes and keratinocytes.ResultsResveratrol demonstrated sustained antibacterial activity against P. acnes, whereas benzoyl peroxide, a commonly used antibacterial treatment for acne, demonstrated a short-term bactericidal response. A combination of resveratrol and benzoyl peroxide showed high initial antibacterial activity and sustained bacterial growth inhibition. Electron microscopy of P. acnes treated with resveratrol revealed altered bacterial morphology, with loss of membrane definition and loss of well-defined extracellular fimbrial structures. Resveratrol was less cytotoxic than benzoyl peroxide.ConclusionThe sustained antibacterial activity and reduced cytotoxicity versus benzoyl peroxide demonstrated by resveratrol in this study highlight its potential as a novel therapeutic option or adjuvant therapy in the treatment of acne vulgaris

    Calcium-Calmodulin Regulation of Connexin43 Involves a Cytoplasmic Loop Domain

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    Effect of Ca2+ on the Steady-State and Time-Resolved Emission Properties of the Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Sensor CatchER

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    We previously designed a calcium sensor CatchER (a GFP-based Calcium sensor for detecting high concentrations in the high calcium concentration environment such as ER) with a capability for monitoring calcium ion responses in various types of cells. Calcium binding to CatchER induces the ratiometric changes in the absorption spectra, as well as an increase in fluorescence emission at 510 nm upon excitation at both 395 and 488 nm. Here, we have applied the combination of the steady-state and time-resolved optical methods and Hydrogen/Deuterium isotope exchange to understand the origin of such calcium-induced optical property changes of CatchER. We first demonstrated that calcium binding results in a 44% mean fluorescence lifetime increase of the indirectly excited anionic chromophore. Thus, CatchER is the first protein-based calcium indicator with the single fluorescent moiety to show the direct correlation between the lifetime and calcium binding. Calcium exhibits a strong inhibition on the excited-state proton transfer nonadiabatic geminate recombination in protic (vs deuteric) medium. Analysis of CatchER crystal structures and the MD simulations reveal the proton transfer mechanism in which the disrupted proton migration path in CatchER is rescued by calcium binding. Our finding provides important insights for a strategy to design calcium sensors and suggests that CatchER could be a useful probe for FLIM imaging of calcium in situ

    Myoplasmic resting Ca2+ regulation by ryanodine receptors is under the control of a novel Ca2+-binding region of the receptor

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    Passive SR (sarcoplasmic reticulum) Ca2+ leak through the RyR (ryanodine receptor) plays a critical role in the mechanisms that regulate [Ca2+ ]rest (intracellular resting myoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration) in muscle. This process appears to be isoform-specific as expression of either RyR1 or RyR3 confers on myotubes different [Ca2+ ]rest. Using chimaeric RyR3–RyR1 receptors expressed in dyspedic myotubes, we show that isoformdependent regulation of [Ca2+ ]rest is primarily defined by a small region of the receptor encompassing amino acids 3770– 4007 of RyR1 (amino acids 3620–3859 of RyR3) named as the CLR (Ca2+ leak regulatory) region. [Ca2+ ]rest regulation by the CLR region was associated with alteration of RyRs’ Ca2+ - activation profile and changes in SR Ca2+ -leak rates. Biochemical analysis using Tb3+ -binding assays and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy of purified CLR domains revealed that this determinant of RyRs holds a novel Ca2+ -binding domainwith conformational properties that are distinctive to each isoform. Our data suggest that the CLR region provides channels with unique functional properties that modulate the rate of passive SR Ca2+ leak and confer on RyR1 and RyR3 distinctive [Ca2+ ]rest regulatory properties. The identification of a new Ca2+ -binding domain ofRyRswith a key modulatory role in [Ca2+ ]rest regulation provides new insights into Ca2+ -mediated regulation of RyRs

    Myoplasmic resting Ca2+ regulation by ryanodine receptors is under the control of a novel Ca2+-binding region of the receptor

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    Passive SR (sarcoplasmic reticulum) Ca2+ leak through the RyR (ryanodine receptor) plays a critical role in the mechanisms that regulate [Ca2+]rest (intracellular resting myoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration) in muscle. This process appears to be isoform-specific as expression of either RyR1 or RyR3 confers on myotubes different [Ca2+]rest. Using chimaeric RyR3–RyR1 receptors expressed in dyspedic myotubes, we show that isoform-dependent regulation of [Ca2+]rest is primarily defined by a small region of the receptor encompassing amino acids 3770–4007 of RyR1 (amino acids 3620–3859 of RyR3) named as the CLR (Ca2+ leak regulatory) region. [Ca2+]rest regulation by the CLR region was associated with alteration of RyRs’ Ca2+-activation profile and changes in SR Ca2+-leak rates. Biochemical analysis using Tb3+-binding assays and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy of purified CLR domains revealed that this determinant of RyRs holds a novel Ca2+-binding domain with conformational properties that are distinctive to each isoform. Our data suggest that the CLR region provides channels with unique functional properties that modulate the rate of passive SR Ca2+ leak and confer on RyR1 and RyR3 distinctive [Ca2+]rest regulatory properties. The identification of a new Ca2+-binding domain of RyRs with a key modulatory role in [Ca2+]rest regulation provides new insights into Ca2+-mediated regulation of RyRs

    Inverse tuning of metal binding affinity and protein stability by altering charged coordination residues in designed calcium binding proteins

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    Ca2+ binding proteins are essential for regulating the role of Ca2+ in cell signaling and maintaining Ca2+ homeostasis. Negatively charged residues such as Asp and Glu are often found in Ca2+ binding proteins and are known to influence Ca2+ binding affinity and protein stability. In this paper, we report a systematic investigation of the role of local charge number and type of coordination residues in Ca2+ binding and protein stability using de novo designed Ca2+ binding proteins. The approach of de novo design was chosen to avoid the complications of cooperative binding and Ca2+-induced conformational change associated with natural proteins. We show that when the number of negatively charged coordination residues increased from 2 to 5 in a relatively restricted Ca2+-binding site, Ca2+ binding affinities increased by more than 3 orders of magnitude and metal selectivity for trivalent Ln3+ over divalent Ca2+ increased by more than 100-fold. Additionally, the thermal transition temperatures of the apo forms of the designed proteins decreased due to charge repulsion at the Ca2+ binding pocket. The thermal stability of the proteins was regained upon Ca2+ and Ln3+ binding to the designed Ca2+ binding pocket. We therefore observe a striking tradeoff between Ca2+/Ln3+ affinity and protein stability when the net charge of the coordination residues is varied. Our study has strong implications for understanding and predicting Ca2+-conferred thermal stabilization of natural Ca2+ binding proteins as well as for designing novel metalloproteins with tunable Ca2+ and Ln3+ binding affinity and selectivity

    Prostate Cancer Metastatic to Bone has Higher Expression of the Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR) than Primary Prostate Cancer

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    The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is the principal regulator of the secretion of parathyroid hormone and plays key roles in extracellular calcium (Ca2+o) homeostasis. It is also thought to participate in the development of cancer, especially bony metastases of breast and prostate cancer. However, the expression of CaSR has not been systematically analyzed in prostate cancer from patients with or without bony metastases. By comparing human prostate cancer tissue sections in microarrays, we found that the CaSR was expressed in both normal prostate and primary prostate cancer as assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC). We used two methods to analyze the expression level of CaSR. One was the pathological score read by a pathologist, the other was the positivity% obtained from the Aperio positive pixel count algorithm. Both of the methods gave consistent results. Metastatic prostate cancer tissue obtained from bone had higher CaSR expression than primary prostate cancer (P0.05). The expression of CaSR in cancer tissue was not associated with the stage or status of differentiation of the cancer. These results suggest that CaSR may have a role in promoting bony metastasis of prostate cancer, hence raising the possibility of reducing the risk of such metastases with CaSR-based therapeutics

    Identification of an L-Phenylalanine Binding Site Enhancing The Cooperative Responses of The Calcium Sensing Receptor to Calcium

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    Functional positive cooperative activation of the extracellular calcium ([Ca2+]o)-sensing receptor (CaSR), a member of the family C G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), by [Ca2+]o or amino acids elicits intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) oscillations. Here, we report the central role of predicted Ca2+-binding Site 1 within the hinge region of the extracellular domain (ECD) of CaSR and its interaction with other Ca2+-binding sites within the ECD in tuning functional positive homotropic cooperativity caused by changes in [Ca2+]o. Next, we identify an adjacent L-Phe-binding pocket that is responsible for positive heterotropic cooperativity between [Ca2+]o and L- Phe in eliciting CaSR-mediated [Ca2+]i oscillations. The hetero-communication between Ca2+ and an amino acid globally enhances functional positive homotropic cooperative activation of CaSR in response to [Ca2+]o signaling by positively impacting multiple [Ca2+]o-binding sites within the ECD. Elucidation of the underlying mechanism provides important insights into the longstanding question of how the receptor transduces signals initiated by [Ca2+]o and amino acids into intracellular signaling events

    HER2 Targeted Molecular MR Imaging Using a De Novo Designed Protein Contrast Agent

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    The application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to non-invasively assess disease biomarkers has been hampered by the lack of desired contrast agents with high relaxivity, targeting capability, and optimized pharmacokinetics. We have developed a novel MR imaging probe targeting to HER2, a biomarker for various cancer types and a drug target for anti-cancer therapies. This multimodal HER20targeted MR imaging probe integrates a de novo designed protein contrast agent with a high affinity HER2 affibody and a near IR fluorescent dye. Our probe can differentially monitor tumors with different expression levels of HER2 in both human cell lines and xenograft mice models. In addition to its 100-fold higher dose efficiency compared to clinically approved non-targeting contrast agent DTPA, our developed agent also exhibits advantages in crossing the endothelial boundary, tissue distribution, and tumor tissue retention over reported contrast agents as demonstrated by even distribution of the imaging probe across the entire tumor mass. This contrast agent will provide a powerful tool for quantitative assessment of molecular markers, and improved resolution for diagnosis, prognosis and drug discovery
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