179 research outputs found

    Existential predictors of psychological well-being

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between various existential variables and overall well-being in a sample of 251 university students. Subjects completed self-report instruments assessing their levels of self-actualization, death anxiety, spirituality, purpose in life, satisfaction with life, psychological well-being, positive affect, and negative affect. The main purpose of this study was to examine the degree to which these existential variables predicted overall well-being. Results revealed that most of the aforementioned existential variables (except death anxiety) significantly predicted overall well-being. Purpose in life was the most significant predictor in the regression analysis. These results are considered within the context of limitations and implications for psychotherapy and future psychological research

    Character strengths and psychological well-being as predictors of life satisfaction among multicultural populations

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    The purpose of this study was to examine if facets of character strengths and psychological well being differentially predicted life satisfaction among four racial groups in a sample of 572 university students. Participants completed assessment instruments measuring character strengths, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction. Regarding character strengths, the following were predictive of life satisfaction: Caucasians, intellectual strengths and emotional strengths; African Americans and Hispanic Americans, theological strengths; and Asian Americans, theological strengths, emotional strengths, and intellectual strengths. Regarding psychological well-being, the following were predictive of life satisfaction: Caucasians, self-acceptance and environmental mastery; African Americans, none of the domains; Hispanic Americans, self-acceptance; and Asian Americans, environmental mastery and self-acceptance. Results were considered within the context of limitations and implications were discussed

    Theory of Mind Performance Among College Students at Hispanic Serving Institutions

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    Previous research has yielded mixed findings about relations among sociodemographic variables and Theory of Mind (ToM) performance. The current literature lacks robust studies that utilize multiple types of ToM assessments. Additionally, most ToM research has assessed samples of young, white children and adolescents. The present study addresses these limitations by examining the association between sociodemographic variables and ToM performance among Hispanic emerging adults, utilizing three ToM measures across two sites. Participants included 867 college students from two Hispanic serving institutions who completed questionnaires including an embedded false belief task, Strange Stories, and the Constructivist Theory of Mind (cToM) task. All three ToM tasks were positively correlated with one another. The Strange Stories, and embedded false belief task were each negatively correlated with income and embedded false belief scores were positively correlated with number of older siblings. The cToM task was positively correlated with gender. Gender and site differences in ToM performance were found. Implications are discussed

    Plan de exportación de quinotto (risotto de quinua), de la empresa Montrade S.A. de la ciudad de Quito Ecuador hacia Wholefoods supermercado de Estados Unidos de Norte América, para el año 2017.

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    El presente proyecto permitió diseñar un plan de exportación de Quinotto (Risotto de quinua) de la empresa Montrade de la ciudad de Quito Ecuador al supermercado Wholefoods en Estados Unidos de Norte América, en donde se pretende proyectar el máximo de utilidades asegurando ventas futuras que sean favorables para la empresa. Para lo cual se realizó un estudio técnico con el objetivo de determinar la capacidad de adquisición de los clientes en América del norte y la frecuencia de consumo de los mismos, mediante la utilización del método Consumo-Demanda de acuerdo a la producción que posee la empresa Montrade, con la utilización del método documental se pudo definir requisitos legales, tipos de tratamiento, cadena logística, cadena de distribución, INCOTERMS y formas de pago a utilizar durante el proceso de exportación. En relación al modelo de distribución de Quinotto acorde a las alternativas de ingreso al mercado americano y a los recursos que posee la empresa, se establece que Montrade está situada de forma correcta en la industria de alimentos ya que posee un 40 por ciento de utilidad siendo un 60 por ciento los costos de producción y dando una rentabilidad muy grande a diferencia de una venta nacional, enfocando su actividad económica en un nicho de consumidores de productos sanos y naturales, por ende si las ventas aumentan de manera considerable los ingresos percibidos por la empresa serán mayores los cuales asegurarán su estabilidad y duración en el mercado.This project allowed to design an export plan for Quinotto (Quinoa Risotto) of Montrade Company located in Quito city of Ecuador to Wholefoods supermarket in United States of North America, where the aim is to project the maximum profits by ensuring future sales growth that are favorable for the company. For this reason, a technical study was carried out with the objective of determining the acquisition capacity of customers in North America and the frequency of their consumption. It was by using the Consumption-Demand method according to the production that Montrade Company owns. With the use of the documentary method it was possible to define legal requirements, types of treatment, logistics chain, distribution chain, INCOTERMS and payment methods to be used during the export process. In relation to the distribution model of Quinotto according to the income alternatives to the American market and the resources that the company owns, it is established that Montrade is located correctly in the food industry since it has a 40 percent utility, being a 60 percent production costs and giving a very large profitability in comparison with a sale in the origin country, focusing its economic activity on a niche of consumers of healthy and natural products, therefore if the sales increase considerably the income earned by the company will be greater which will ensure its stability and duration in the market

    Cocina ecuatoriana andes, sierra y mar

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    The concept that has been adopted for this menu has its basis on the Ecuadorian cuisine. It has not been focused on a specific region; instead the main purpose was to make a little tour around the Ecuadorian cuisine by selecting some dishes from the three continental regions of Ecuador. Among this wide variety of dishes the Maito has been selected as the appetizer as a representative of the Amazon region. As the second course, a trilogy of Andean soups has been included as recognition to the variety of soups that conform a great part of the Ecuadorian gastronomy. As the main course the importance of the pacific coast cuisine has led to select the traditional Seafood and Green Plantain Casserole. Finally the Machica Traposa with the traditional ice Cream made in copper pot and red fruits have been selected as the dessert. This was the proposal made to the judgment panel formed by four teachers from the San Francisco University of Quito. After their evaluation and feedback the menu was almost completely approved, despite for three specific mistakes that had to be corrected. The first of them was to lighten one of the soups, the second one was to strengthen the casserole’s flavor, and finally the judges suggested to redesign the dessert’s presentation to make it more attractive. These changes were successfully made and presented for the service staff tasting; and it was finally ready to be sold. To make this menu the help and advice of the Chef Homero Miño has been crucial.El concepto que se ha manejado para este menú es de cocina ecuatoriana, sin concentrarse en una región en específico, sino tratando de dar un recorrido a través de una selección de los platos más significativos de cada región del Ecuador continental, donde se encuentra lo más importante de la cocina local. Dentro de esta selección se ha decidido ubicar el Maito, como un representante de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Luego se ha incluido también como segunda entrada, una trilogía de sopas de la Sierra. Con este plato se trata de resaltar también la importancia de las sopas en la gastronomía ecuatoriana, las mismas que conforman un gran porcentaje de los platos ecuatorianos. Como plato fuerte se ha escogido una cazuela de mariscos. En este caso este es un plato que representa a la Costa Ecuatoriana y su variedad de productos. Finalmente el postre que se ha escogido es una máchica traposa con helados de paila y frutas. Fue esta la propuesta que se presentó al jurado conformado por cuatro profesores de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Luego de su evaluación el Menú fue aprobado casi en su totalidad, excepto por tres correcciones puntuales a tres de los platos: en el caso del locro de zapallo se sugirió hacerlo un poco más ligero, en el caso de la cazuela se sugirió reforzarla un poco con más variedad de mariscos y un caldo de pescado, en el postre se sugirió también un cambio en el montaje del plato e incluir más frutas, esto con el fin de hacerlo algo más vistoso. Estos cambios fueron presentados en la degustación de servicio y finalmente el menú estaba listo para salir a la venta. Para la elaboración de este menú se contó con el apoyo y la asesoría del chef Homero Miño

    Real-time portable system for fabric defect detection using an ARM processor

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    Modern textile industry seeks to produce textiles as little defective as possible since the presence of defects can decrease the final price of products from 45% to 65%. Automated visual inspection (AVI) systems, based on image analysis, have become an important alternative for replacing traditional inspections methods that involve human tasks. An AVI system gives the advantage of repeatability when implemented within defined constrains, offering more objective and reliable results for particular tasks than human inspection. Costs of automated inspection systems development can be reduced using modular solutions with embedded systems, in which an important advantage is the low energy consumption. Among the possibilities for developing embedded systems, the ARM processor has been explored for acquisition, monitoring and simple signal processing tasks. In a recent approach we have explored the use of the ARM processor for defects detection by implementing the wavelet transform. However, the computation speed of the preprocessing was not yet sufficient for real time applications. In this approach we significantly improve the preprocessing speed of the algorithm, by optimizing matrix operations, such that it is adequate for a real time application. The system was tested for defect detection using different defect types. The paper is focused in giving a detailed description of the basis of the algorithm implementation, such that other algorithms may use of the ARM operations for fast implementations

    Virtual reality and 21st century education

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    Virtual Reality (RV), is one of the technological tools of the 21st century applied in the field of education and has increased significantly the use of it, to achieve the expected learning in students, the present This article aimed to demonstrate that VR as an innovative tool in 21st-century education contributes significantly to the teaching-learning process of students and teachers. It has worked based on a descriptive methodology-documentary, applying the analysis and interpretation of content, was limited to the review of articles published in digital journals, located in different databases, among the results there is a challenge that education should Assume and actively incorporate virtual reality, such as the technology that is a fundamental part of the daily life of the new generations, as an educational paradigm focused on the student, where it is intended to be autonomous and independent in the generation of learning