657 research outputs found

    Discussion on electrode reaction in partial equilibrium state by EMF measurements

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    Nanocrystalline porous oxides and hydroxides are known to exhibit high proton and hydroxyl-ion conductivity in wet atmospheres. After a substantial number of challenges to improve the conductivity, it is well established that the surface protonic conduction is related to the hierarchical adsorbed water layer and the proton activity on the surface. However, details of electrode reaction for protonic conduction, which can be alternatively interpreted as a connection of ion formed by an electrode reaction to an ionic bridge, has never been discussed in previous studies. Recently, Stub et al. have measured the emf of the following water vapor concentration cell, Ag |porous-YSZ |Ag, under small water vapor gradients at a constant oxygen pressure, suggesting that the charge carrier is H3O+ in higher relative humidity (RH \u3e 0.6) and a single proton hopping migration at lower RH region[1]. In their work, they assumed that two electrode reactions for H+ and H3O+ shown in the following equilibria, are reversible even at low temperature around room temperature. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Successful reprogramming of epiblast stem cells by blocking nuclear localization of β-catenin.

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    Epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) in mice and rats are primed pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). They barely contribute to chimeric embryos when injected into blastocysts. Reprogramming of EpiSCs to embryonic stem cell (ESC)-like cells (rESCs) may occur in response to LIF-STAT3 signaling; however, low reprogramming efficiency hampers potential use of rESCs in generating chimeras. Here, we describe dramatic improvement of conversion efficiency from primed to naive-like PSCs through upregulation of E-cadherin in the presence of the cytokine LIF. Analysis revealed that blocking nuclear localization of β-CATENIN with small-molecule inhibitors significantly enhances reprogramming efficiency of mouse EpiSCs. Although activation of Wnt/β-catenin signals has been thought desirable for maintenance of naive PSCs, this study provides the evidence that inhibition of nuclear translocation of β-CATENIN enhances conversion of mouse EpiSCs to naive-like PSCs (rESCs). This affords better understanding of gene regulatory circuits underlying pluripotency and reprogramming of PSCs


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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2589号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2008/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新474

    N,N’-Bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea (BCNU)-induced Apoptosis of Neural Progenitor Cells in the Developing Fetal Rat Brain

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    N,N’-bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea (BCNU) is one of the major drugs used in chemotherapy against malignant gliomas due to its effects, such as induction of bifunctional alkylation of DNA and formation of interstrand DNA cross-linkages, and induces cortical malformations in the fetal and neonatal rat brain. In this study, pregnant rats were treated with 7.5 mg/kg of BCNU on gestational day 13 (GD 13), and their fetuses were collected from 12 to 72 hours after BCNU treatment in order to examine the timecourses of morphological and immunohistochemical changes in neural progenitor cells in the developing brain. The number of pyknotic cells in the telencephalon peaked at 24 h and then gradually decreased until 72 h. The majority of these pyknotic cells were positive for cleaved caspase-3, a key executioner of apoptosis. The pyknotic cells showed the ultrastructural characteristics of apoptosis. The number of p53-positive cells began to increase prior to the appearance of apoptotic cells and p21-positive cells. The number of phosphorylated-histone H3-positive cells (mitotic cells) decreased from 24 to 36 h. The number of Iba1-positive cells (microglial cells) in the telencephalon increased from 12 to 48 h. These results suggest that BCNU induces p53-dependent apoptosis and reduces proliferative activity, resulting in reduction of the weight of the telencephalon and the thickness of the telencephalic wall in the fetal brain. This study will help to clarify the mechanisms of BCNU-induced fetal brain toxicity

    Characterization of an active LINE-1 in the naked mole-rat genome.

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    Naked mole-rats (NMRs, Heterocephalus glaber) are the longest-living rodent species. A reason for their long lifespan is pronounced cancer resistance. Therefore, researchers believe that NMRs have unknown secrets of cancer resistance and seek to find them. Here, to reveal the secrets, we noticed a retrotransposon, long interspersed nuclear element 1 (L1). L1s can amplify themselves and are considered endogenous oncogenic mutagens. Since the NMR genome contains fewer L1-derived sequences than other mammalian genomes, we reasoned that the retrotransposition activity of L1s in the NMR genome is lower than those in other mammalian genomes. In this study, we successfully cloned an intact L1 from the NMR genome and named it NMR-L1. An L1 retrotransposition assay using the NMR-L1 reporter revealed that NMR-L1 was active retrotransposon, but its activity was lower than that of human and mouse L1s. Despite lower retrotrasposition activity, NMR-L1 was still capable of inducing cell senescence, a tumor-protective system. NMR-L1 required the 3' untranslated region (UTR) for retrotransposition, suggesting that NMR-L1 is a stringent-type of L1. We also confirmed the 5' UTR promoter activity of NMR-L1. Finally, we identified the G-quadruplex structure of the 3' UTR, which modulated the retrotransposition activity of NMR-L1. Taken together, the data indicate that NMR-L1 retrotranspose less efficiently, which may contribute to the cancer resistance of NMRs

    Radioligand Assay-Based Detection of Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in Hospital Workers Treating Patients with Severe COVID-19 in Japan.

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    This study aimed to clarify whether infection by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is prevalent among the staff of a hospital providing treatment to patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) using radioligand assay (RLA). One thousand samples from the staff of a general hospital providing treatment to patients with severe COVID-19 were assayed for SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (N) IgG using RLA. Nine patients with COVID-19 who had been treated in inpatient settings and had already recovered were used as control subjects, and 186 blood donor samples obtained more than 10 years ago were used as negative controls. Four of the 1000 samples showed apparently positive results, and approximately 10 or more samples showed slightly high counts. Interestingly, a few among the blood donor samples also showed slightly high values. To validate the results, antibody examinations using ELISA and neutralizing antibody tests were performed on 21 samples, and chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) was performed on 201 samples, both resulting in a very high correlation. One blood donor sample showed slightly positive results in both RLA and CLIA, suggesting a cross-reaction. This study showed that five months after the pandemic began in Japan, the staff of a general hospital with a tertiary emergency medical facility had an extremely low seroprevalence of the antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. Further investigation will be needed to determine whether the slightly high results were due to cross-reactions or a low titer of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The quantitative RLA was considered sensitive enough to detect low titers of antibodies