1,419 research outputs found

    Human TRBP and PACT directly interact with each other and associate with dicer to facilitate the production of small interfering RNA

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    Mammalian Dicer interacts with double-stranded RNA-binding protein TRBP or PACT to mediate RNA interference and micro-RNA processing. TRBP and PACT are structurally related but exert opposite regulatory activities on PKR. It is not understood whether TRBP and PACT are simultaneously required for Dicer. Here we show that TRBP directly interacts with PACT in vitro and in mammalian cells. TRBP and PACT form a triple complex with Dicer and facilitate the production of small interfering RNA (siRNA) by Dicer. Knockdown of both TRBP and PACT in cultured cells leads to significant inhibition of gene silencing mediated by short hairpin RNA but not by siRNA, suggesting that TRBP and PACT function primarily at the step of siRNA production. Taken together, these findings indicate that human TRBP and PACT directly interact with each other and associate with Dicer to stimulate the cleavage of double-stranded or short hairpin RNA to siRNA. Our work significantly alters the current model for the assembly and function of the Dicer-containing complex that generates siRNA and micro-RNA in human. © 2007 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.postprin

    Differential subcellular localization and activity of kelch repeat proteins KLHDC1 and KLHDC2.

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    We have previously identified and characterized human KLHDC2/HCLP-1, a kelch repeat protein that interacts with and inhibits transcription factor LZIP. In this study, we identified and characterized a paralog of KLHDC2 called KLHDC1. KLHDC1 and KLHDC2 share about 50% identity at the level of amino acid sequence and both gene loci localize to human chromosome 14q21.3. This cluster of KLHDC1 and KLHDC2 genes is highly conserved in vertebrates ranging from pufferfish to human. Both genes are expressed highly in skeletal muscle, but weakly in various other tissues. While KLHDC2 was predominantly found in the nucleus, KLHDC1 is a cytoplasmic protein. Neither KLHDC1 nor KLHDC2 binds to actin. In addition, KLHDC1 was unable to inhibit LZIP/CREB3-mediated transcriptional activation. Thus, KLHDC1 and KLHDC2 have differential localization and activity in cultured mammalian cells.postprin

    Differential expression, localization and activity of two alternatively spliced isoforms of human APC regulator CDH1

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    The timely destruction of key regulators through ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis ensures the orderly progression of the cell cycle. The APC (anaphase-promoting complex) is a major component of this degradation machinery and its activation is required for the execution of critical events. Recent studies have just begun to reveal the complex control of the APC through a regulatory network involving WD40 repeat proteins CDC20 and CDH1. In the present paper, we report on the identification and characterization of human CDH1β, a novel alternatively spliced isoform of CDH1. Both CDH1α and CDH1β can bind to the APC and stimulate the degradation of cyclin B1, but they are differentially expressed in human tissues and cells. CDH1α contains a nuclear localization signal which is absent in CDH1β. Intracellularly, CDH1α appears in the nucleus whereas CDH1β is a predominantly cytoplasmic protein. The forced overexpression of CDH1α in cultured cells correlates with the reduction of nuclear cyclin A, but the steady-state amount of cyclin A does not change noticeably in CDH1β-overexpressed cells. In Xenopus embryos, ectopic overexpression of human CDH1α, but not of CDH1β, induces cell-cycle arrest during the first G1 phase at the midblastula transition. Taken together, our findings document the differential expression, subcellular localization and cell-cycle-regulatory activity of human CDH1 isoforms.postprin

    Human T-cell leukemia virus oncoprotein Tax represses nuclear receptor-dependent transcription by targeting coactivator TAX1BP1

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    Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 oncoprotein Tax is a transcriptional regulator that interacts with a large number of host cell factors. Here, we report the novel characterization of the interaction of Tax with a human cell protein named Tax1-binding protein 1 (TAX1BP1). We show that TAX1BP1 is a nuclear receptor coactivator that forms a complex with the glucocorticoid receptor. TAX1BP1 and Tax colocalize into intranuclear speckles that partially overlap with but are not identical to the PML oncogenic domains. Tax binds TAX1BP1 directly, induces the dissociation of TAX1BP1 from the glucocorticoid receptor-containing protein complex, and represses the coactivator function of TAX1BP1. Genetic knockout of Tax1bp1 in mice abrogates the influence of Tax on the activation of nuclear receptors. We propose that Tax-TAX1BP1 interaction mechanistically explains the previously reported repression of nuclear receptor activity by Tax. ©2007 American Association for Cancer Research.postprin

    Synthesis and analysis of abnormal wurtzite ZnSe nanowheels

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    An abnormal structure of the ZnSe nanowheels composed of teethlike extended patterns on nanoring bases has been successfully synthesized by thermal evaporation method. It is interesting to note that the as-synthesized ZnSe nanowheels are metastable wurtzite phase with the dominant exposed surfaces of ± (2 1- 1- 0) while the stable ZnSe is typically zinc blende phase. A full picture of the growth mechanism of the metastable wurtzite phase ZnSe nanostructures will be proposed from the thermodynamic point of view. Meanwhile, the formation of the nanowheels is also explained by a two-stage mechanism. In the first stage, the base of the nanowheel begins to form by vapor-solid mechanism, while in the second stage, the teethlike extended structures grow through the self-catalyzed growth process. The cathodoluminescence spectrum of ZnSe nanowheel exhibited a band edge transition at about 460 nm and a strong self-activated luminescence at 610 nm. It is important to note that the discussions of the nanostructure thermodynamics and stability can be applied to understand the growth mechanism of other nanostructures which are critical for optimization of the nanostructures. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.published_or_final_versio

    Wnt-C59 arrests stemness and suppresses growth of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in mice by inhibiting the Wnt pathway in the tumor microenvironment

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    Wnt/β-catenin signaling is responsible for the generation of cancer stem cells (CSCs) in many human tumors, including nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Recent studies demonstrate that Wnt or PORCN inhibitor, Wnt-C59, inhibits tumor growth in MMTV-WNT1 transgenic mice. The effect of Wnt-C59 in human tumors is not clear. In this study, the NPC cell lines investigated manifest heterogeneous responses to Wnt-C59 treatment. Wnt-C59 decreased tumor growth of SUNE1 cells in mice immediately following the administration of Wnt-C59. Mice injected with HNE1 cells did not develop visible tumors after the treatment of Wnt-C59, while control mice developed 100% tumors. Wnt-C59 inhibited stemness properties of NPC cells in a dosage-dependent manner by arresting sphere formation in both HNE1 and SUNE1 cells. Thus, Wnt-C59 has the potential to eradicate CSCs in human tumors. Active β-catenin and Axin2 proteins were strongly expressed in stromal cells surrounding growing tumors, confirming the importance of Wnt signaling activities in the microenvironment being driving forces for cell growth. These novel findings confirm the ability of Wnt-C59 to suppress Wnt-driven undifferentiated cell growth in NPC. Both anti-Wnt signaling and anti-CSC approaches are feasible strategies in cancer therapy.published_or_final_versio

    Rho GTPase-activating protein deleted in liver cancer suppresses cell proliferation and invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Deleted in liver cancer (DLC1) is a candidate tumor suppressor gene recently isolated from human hepatocellular carcinoma. Structurally, DLC1 protein contains a conserved GTPase-activating protein for Rho family protein (RhoGAP) domain, which has been thought to regulate the activity of Rho family proteins. Previous studies indicated that DLC1 was frequently inactivated in cancer cells. In the present study, we aimed to characterize the tumor suppressor roles of DLC1 in hepatocellular carcinoma. We showed that DLC1 significantly inhibited cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth, and in vivo tumorigenicity when stably expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Moreover, DLC1 expression greatly reduced the motility and invasiveness of hepatocellular carcinoma cells. With RhoGAP-deficient DLC1 mutant (DLC1-K714E), we showed that the RhoGAP activity was essential for DLC1-mediated tumor suppressor function. Furthermore, the 292- to 648-amino acid region and the steroidogenic acute regulatory related lipid transfer domain played an auxiliary role to RhoGAP and tumor suppressor function of DLC1. Taken together, our findings showed that DLC1 functions as a tumor suppressor in hepatocellular carcinoma and provide the first evidence to support the hypothesis that DLC1 suppresses cancer cell growth by negatively regulating the activity of Rho proteins. ©2005 American Association for Cancer Research.postprin

    Hepatocyte-specific activation of NF-κB does not aggravate chemical hepatocarcinogenesis in transgenic mice

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    The NF-κB signalling pathway plays important roles in liver organogenesis and cardnogenesis. Mouse embryos deficient in IKKβ die in mid-gestation, due to excessive apoptosis of hepatoblasts. Although activation of the NF-κB signalling pathway has been demonstrated in human hepatocellular carcinoma, the role of NF-κB is controversial. Here, we have generated transgenic mice in which a constitutively active form of IKKβ was expressed in a hepatocyte-specific manner. Using electrophoretic mobility shift assay, we documented increased NF-κB activities and up-regulated levels of NF-κB downstream target genes, Bcl-xL and STAT5, in the transgenic mouse livers. These results confirmed that the NF-κB pathway was activated in the livers of the transgenic mice. However, there was no significant difference in tumour formation between transgenic and wild-type mice up to an age of 50 weeks. When we treated the transgenic mice with the chemical carcinogen diethylnitrosamine (DEN), we observed no significant differences in the incidence and size of liver tumours formed in these mice with and without DEN treatment at 35 weeks of age, suggesting that the activated NF-κB pathway in the livers of the transgenic mice did not enhance hepatocarcinogenesis. Interestingly, some of the transient transgenic embryos (E12.5) had abnormal excessive accumulation of nucleated red blood cells in their developing livers. In summary, NF-κB activation in hepatocytes did not significantly affect chemical hepatocarcinogenesis. In addition, the TTR/IKKCA transgenic mice may serve as a useful model for studying the role of NF-κB activation in hepatocarcinogenesis as well as inflammatory and metabolic diseases. Copyright © 2008 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.postprin

    Cell-to-cell spreading of RNA interference in mammalian cells

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    Presentation no. 2593 ; Poster Board no. B603published_or_final_versio
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