7 research outputs found

    Characterization of the gamma flux in a tangential channel of the CENM TRIGA MARK II research reactor

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    The CNESTEN (National Center for Energy Sciences and Nuclear Technology, Morocco) operates a TRIGA Mark II reactor, which can reach a thermal maximum power at steady state of 2 MW. In reactors devoted to research and experiments, it is mandatory to characterize the neutron and photon fields in the irradiation positions. Together with a computational model of the core, it ensures the ability to reach the requested uncertainties when performing experiments, such as detectors testing, irradiation for hardening or nuclear data measurements. The neutron field of different irradiation positions has been characterized by dosimetry techniques and compared to the MCNP full model of the reactor. Preliminary photon propagation calculations are also performed with this model, but up to now, no experimental validation of the results exists. The aim of the newly set collaboration between CEA and CNESTEN is to characterize the gamma field of these positions. The first position investigated is the part of the NB1 tangential channel closest to the core. Among gamma measurements techniques, and according to the constraints arising from using this channel, it was chosen to use thermos- and optically stimulated luminescent detectors. This paper presents the experiments carried out in September 2018 as well as their results. Three detectors types were used: TLD400 (CaF2:Mn), TLD700 (7LiF:Mg,Ti) and OSLD (Al2O3:C). Measurements were performed in several steps: background measurements, transient measurements (divergence phase + SCRAM), and irradiation at steady state. In the end, these measurements will provide a dose as well as a gamma flux value for this position

    Characterization of the gamma flux in a tangential channel of the CENM TRIGA MARK II research reactor

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    The CNESTEN (National Center for Energy Sciences and Nuclear Technology, Morocco) operates a TRIGA Mark II reactor, which can reach a thermal maximum power at steady state of 2 MW. In reactors devoted to research and experiments, it is mandatory to characterize the neutron and photon fields in the irradiation positions. Together with a computational model of the core, it ensures the ability to reach the requested uncertainties when performing experiments, such as detectors testing, irradiation for hardening or nuclear data measurements. The neutron field of different irradiation positions has been characterized by dosimetry techniques and compared to the MCNP full model of the reactor. Preliminary photon propagation calculations are also performed with this model, but up to now, no experimental validation of the results exists. The aim of the newly set collaboration between CEA and CNESTEN is to characterize the gamma field of these positions. The first position investigated is the part of the NB1 tangential channel closest to the core. Among gamma measurements techniques, and according to the constraints arising from using this channel, it was chosen to use thermos- and optically stimulated luminescent detectors. This paper presents the experiments carried out in September 2018 as well as their results. Three detectors types were used: TLD400 (CaF2:Mn), TLD700 (7LiF:Mg,Ti) and OSLD (Al2O3:C). Measurements were performed in several steps: background measurements, transient measurements (divergence phase + SCRAM), and irradiation at steady state. In the end, these measurements will provide a dose as well as a gamma flux value for this position

    Evaluation of the CNESTEN's TRIGA Mark II research reactor physical parameters with TRIPOLI-4® and MCNP

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    This paper focuses on the development of a new computational model of the CNESTEN's TRIGA Mark II research reactor using the 3D continuous energy Monte-Carlo code TRIPOLI-4 (T4). This new model was developed to assess neutronic simulations and determine quantities of interest such as kinetic parameters of the reactor, control rods worth, power peaking factors and neutron flux distributions. This model is also a key tool used to accurately design new experiments in the TRIGA reactor, to analyze these experiments and to carry out sensitivity and uncertainty studies. The geometry and materials data, as part of the MCNP reference model, were used to build the T4 model. In this regard, the differences between the two models are mainly due to mathematical approaches of both codes. Indeed, the study presented in this article is divided into two parts: the first part deals with the development and the validation of the T4 model. The results obtained with the T4 model were compared to the existing MCNP reference model and to the experimental results from the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). Different core configurations were investigated via simulations to test the computational model reliability in predicting the physical parameters of the reactor. As a fairly good agreement among the results was deduced, it seems reasonable to assume that the T4 model can accurately reproduce the MCNP calculated values. The second part of this study is devoted to the sensitivity and uncertainty (S/U) studies that were carried out to quantify the nuclear data uncertainty in the multiplication factor keff. For that purpose, the T4 model was used to calculate the sensitivity profiles of the keff to the nuclear data. The integrated-sensitivities were compared to the results obtained from the previous works that were carried out with MCNP and SCALE-6.2 simulation tools and differences of less than 5% were obtained for most of these quantities except for the C-graphite sensitivities. Moreover, the nuclear data uncertainties in the keff were derived using the COMAC-V2.1 covariance matrices library and the calculated sensitivities. The results have shown that the total nuclear data uncertainty in the keff is around 585 pcm using the COMAC-V2.1. This study also demonstrates that the contribution of zirconium isotopes to the nuclear data uncertainty in the keff is not negligible and should be taken into account when performing S/U analysis

    Numerical and experimental characterization of the reaction rates in the core of the CNESTEN’s TRIGA Mark II research reactor

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    Education, training and isotopes production are the most important uses of the Moroccan 2 MW TRIGA Mark II reactor situated at the National Center for Energy Sciences and Nuclear Techniques (CNESTEN, Morocco). To develop new R&D projects in research reactors, the particular and advanced knowledge of neutron and photon flux distribution, within and around the reactor core, is crucial. In order to precisely preparing the experiments in the CNESTEN’s TRIGA reactor, a detailed model was developed using the 3D continuous energy Monte Carlo code TRIPOLI-4 and the continuous energy cross-section data from the JEFF3.1.1 nuclear data library. This new model was used to carry out preliminary neutron and photon calculations to estimate flux levels in the irradiation channels as well as to calculate kinetic parameters of the reactor, core excess reactivity, integral control rods worth and power peaking factors. As a first step of the validation of the model, the obtained results were compared with the experimental ones available in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) of the TRIGA reactor. A study is being carried out at the end of which the results will be published as an evaluated benchmark. Furthermore, this work aims at experimentally characterize the reaction rates in various irradiation channels inside and outside the reactor core. The measurements are carried out using the neutron activation technique. To set up the experimental design for the activation experiments a series of preliminary calculations were performed using the TRIPOLI-4 model to calculate the expected gamma flux/intensity levels of various materials after irradiations in different positions in the irradiation facilities. Different activation foils with known characteristics are then irradiated and the activity of several isotopes is measured with the Gamma Spectrometry Method. The measured relative reaction rates are then compared with the calculated ones evaluated through the new TRIPOLI-4 reactor model. Fairly good agreement was found, which indicates that the new computational model is accurate enough to reproduce experiments