1,060 research outputs found

    Non-linear Realisation of the N=2, D=6 Supergravity

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    We have applied the method of dualisation to construct the coset realisation of the bosonic sector of the N=2, D=6 supergravity which is coupled to a tensor multiplet. The bosonic field equations are regained through the Cartan-Maurer equation which the Cartan form satisfies. The first-order formulation of the theory is also obtained as a twisted self-duality condition within the non-linear coset construction.Comment: 11 page

    Decoupling structure of the principal sigma model-Maxwell interactions

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    The principal sigma model and Abelian gauge fields coupling is studied. By expressing the first-order formulation of the gauge field equations an implicit on-shell scalar-gauge field decoupling structure is revealed. It is also shown that due to this decoupling structure the scalars of the theory belong to the pure sigma model and the gauge fields sector consists of a number of coupled Maxwell theories with currents partially induced by the scalars.Comment: 13 page

    Algebraic Integration of Sigma Model Field Equations

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    We prove that the dualization algebra of the symmetric space coset sigma model is a Lie algebra and we show that it generates an appropriate adjoint representation which enables the local integration of the field equations yielding the first-order ones.Comment: 27p

    On the Symmetric Space Sigma-Model Kinematics

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    The solvable Lie algebra parametrization of the symmetric spaces is discussed. Based on the solvable Lie algebra gauge two equivalent formulations of the symmetric space sigma model are studied. Their correspondence is established by inspecting the normalization conditions and deriving the field transformation laws.Comment: 17 page

    Symmetric Space Sigma-model Dynamics: Internal Metric Formalism

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    For the symmetric space sigma model in the internal metric formalism we explicitly construct the lagrangian in terms of the axions and the dilatons of the solvable Lie algebra gauge and then we exactly derive the axion-dilaton field equations.Comment: 10 page

    The Non-Split Scalar Coset in Supergravity Theories

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    The general non-split scalar coset of supergravity theories is discussed.The symmetric space sigma model is studied in two equivalent formulations and for different coset parametrizations.The dualisation and the local first order formulation is performed for the non-split scalar coset G/K when the rigid symmetry group G is a real form of a non-compact semisimple Lie group (not necessarily split) and the local symmetry group K is G's maximal compact subgroup.A comparison with the scalar cosets arising in the T^{10-D}-compactification of the heterotic string theory in ten dimensions is also mentioned.Comment: 26 page

    Quantum-dot-spin single-photon interface

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    Using background-free detection of spin-state-dependent resonance fluorescence from a single-electron charged quantum dot with an efficiency of 0:1%, we realize a single spin-photon interface where the detection of a scattered photon with 300 picosecond time resolution projects the quantum dot spin to a definite spin eigenstate with fidelity exceeding 99%. The bunching of resonantly scattered photons reveals information about electron spin dynamics. High-fidelity fast spin-state initialization heralded by a single photon enables the realization of quantum information processing tasks such as non-deterministic distant spin entanglement. Given that we could suppress the measurement back-action to well below the natural spin-flip rate, realization of a quantum non-demolition measurement of a single spin could be achieved by increasing the fluorescence collection efficiency by a factor exceeding 20 using a photonic nanostructure

    Saying No to (the) Oxygen Capital? Amenity Migration, Counter-territorialization, and Uneven Rural Landscape Change in the Kaz Dağları (Ida Mountains) of Western Turkey

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    Diverse forms of conservation and development are transforming the material landscapes and related livelihoods of communities in rural places around the world. While many studies focus on changing protected area governance and ecotourism efforts associated with nature protection, other studies focus on residential development in areas experiencing amenity migration. We use a comparative political ecology approach that draws on key insights from the political ecology literature, first, on neoliberal protected area expansion, and, second, on exurbia that highlight the dynamics of competing rural capitalisms and reterritorialization in areas experiencing amenity migration to explore these coupled conservation and development dynamics. Drawing on the case of the Kazdağları (Ida Mountains) along the Bay of Edremit in western Turkey, we examine how changing environmental governance associated with the region\u27s national park created key conditions for the emergence of new real estate dynamics that supported amenity-related development in some villages. Yet our research also uncovers further uneven rural landscape changes and divergent outcomes associated with this reterritorialization process. Our findings suggest the presence of counter-territorialization dynamics, or the efforts of culturally distinctive villages in rural areas to resist these landscape changes. In the Kazdağları, selective strategies of engagement and non-engagement with the real estate market contribute to these divergent outcomes. To protect their cultural identity, villagers commodify particular landscape features, which enable these counter-territorializaton efforts to succeed. These findings hold insights for efforts to understand landscape patterns in rural areas characterized by changing protected area governance, high levels of natural amenity attracting in-migrants, and settlements with distinctive cultural identities

    Dualisation of the Salam-Sezgin D=8 Supergravity

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    The first-order formulation of the Salam-Sezgin D=8 supergravity coupled to N vector multiplets is discussed. The non-linear realization of the bosonic sector of the D=8 matter coupled Salam-Sezgin supergravity is introduced by the dualisation of the fields and by constructing the Lie superalgebra of the symmetry group of the doubled field strength.Comment: 15 page

    Caracterización integral de las propiedades fisicoquímicas, térmicas, composicionales y sensoriales del aceite de semilla de rosa mosqueta prensado en frío

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    In this study, cold-pressed rosehip seed oil was fully characterized. Acidity and oxidation levels were near the limit values or slightly exceeded them and improvement in the storage conditions was suggested. The oil started to crystallize at -45.25 °C, and melt at -25.56 °C. Linoleic acid (51.1%), β-sitosterol (84.6%), γ-tocopherol (773.76 µg/g) and rosmarinic acid (31.38 µg/g) were determined as major fatty acid, sterol, tocopherol and phenolic compound, respectively. For the first time, aromatic volatile compounds and sensory descriptive terms were determined for cold-pressed rosehip seed oil. Sixty-seven volatile compounds were detected and L-limonene was found to be a major volatile compound. According to the sensory analysis, timber/kindling and raw vegetable tastes/aromas were found to be relatively dominant. Consequently, it is thought that rosehip seeds can be used as a raw material for edible and nutritionally-rich cold-pressed oil production and/or as source oil for functional food preparations.En este estudio se caracterizó completamente el aceite de semilla de rosa mosqueta prensado en frío. Los niveles de acidez y oxidación estaban cerca de los valores límite o los excedían ligeramente y se sugirió mejorar las condiciones de almacenamiento. El aceite comenzó a cristalizar a -45,25°C y a fundirse a -25,56°C. Se determinó el ácido linoleico (51,1%), β-sitosterol (84,6%), γ-tocoferol (773,76 µg/g) y ácido rosmarínico (31,38 µg/g) como principal ácido graso, esterol, tocoferol y compuesto fenólico, respectivamente. Por primera vez, se determinaron compuestos aromáticos volátiles y términos descriptivos sensoriales para el aceite de semilla de rosa mosqueta prensado en frío. Se detectaron sesenta y siete compuestos volátiles y se descubrió que el L-limoneno era un compuesto volátil importante. Según el análisis sensorial, se encontró que los sabores/aromas de madera/astillas y vegetales crudos eran relativamente dominantes. En consecuencia, se cree que las semillas de rosa mosqueta pueden usarse como materia prima para la producción de aceite prensado en frío comestible y nutritivo y/o como aceite fuente para preparaciones de alimentos funcionales