583 research outputs found

    A Study on the Effect of Language Style Matching of a Review and the Whole Reviews on Perceived Customer Review Helpfulness

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    Based on the review data of the Amazon,our research discuss that the effect of language style matching of a review and the whole reviews on perceived customer review helpfulness and the moderating effect of product type and product brand to the relationship between language style matching of a review and the whole reviews and perceived customer review helpfulness. Our study found:For experience goods and low reputation brand products,the language style matching of a review and the whole review have positive effects on perceived customer review helpfulness.That is:higher language style matching between a review and the whole review leads to higher perceived customer review helpfulness;For search goods and high reputation brand products,the language style matching of a review and the whole review have negative effects on perceived customer review helpfulness.That is:lower language style matching between a review and the whole review leads to higher perceived customer review helpfulness

    The impact of the negative online reviews on consumers’ purchase intention: Based on the dimension of product information

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    This paper introduces the impact of negative online reviews on consumers’ purchase intention from the dimension of the product information, namely tangible dimension and intangible dimension. By using the experimental method, this study analyzes the impact of product information, dimension of negative online reviews on purchase intention and the moderating role of product type. Results suggest that (1) the product information dimension of the negative online reviews has a significant effect on purchase intention, but (2) product type has no significant moderating effect between them

    Research on the Impact of Online Charity Feedback Forms on User Response

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    This paper studies the impact of different online charity feedback forms on user response. Starting from the user behavior, this paper studies the process and mechanism of the influence of feedback forms including the current behavior and the superior goal of behavior on user\u27s subsequent behavior. The experimental results show that when feedback points to the current behavior, it will reduce the user\u27s consistent behavior and increase the inconsistent behaviors such as choosing the hedonics. When the online charity feedback points to the superior goal of the behavior, the user\u27s willingness to donate will be enhanced and more consistent behavior will be increased. This paper highlights the role of different feedback forms in corporate social responsibility and the importance to user behavior

    Development Strategy of Regional Tourism Industry: A Case Study of Hengyang

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    Based on the present situation of the tourism industry in Hengyang, through analyzing on its strength and weakness, as well as the opportunities and challenges it faces, this paper points out the principal factors which restrict the development of the tourism industry of Hengyang. Moreover, the author puts forward development strategies for the tourism industry of Hengyang in the period of the 12th Five-Year Plan from the perspective of supporting and promoting the relationship between tourism industry and regional economy

    Will the Recommendation Information be Sure to Improve the Brand Evaluation: The Impact of Distrust

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    In the process of consumption, consumers will come into contact with all kinds of information related to the goods they want to buy. At this time, the consumer\u27s trust of the information that they contact with will greatly affect the consumer\u27s evaluation and attitude towards the alternative products. In the psychology field, the psychological state of distrust will activate the alternative explanation of the given information. This article expands the research field about distrust from psychology to the marketing field, and finds that when consumers see the recommended information, if they do not trust it, it will lead to lower evaluation of the brand in the recommended information. At the same time, consumers’ evaluation of the competitive brand in the information will be reduced, too

    Research on the Influencing Factors of the Willingness to Pay for Knowledge Consumers in the Knowledge Payment Platform

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    In 2016, “knowledge payment” had become the most popular Internet phenomenon in China. As we all know, knowledge content is an intangible information product, which is essentially different from the physical product. We cannot judge its quality directly from the external features. When the quality of knowledge products cannot be directly judged, what are the factors affected by the consumer in the process of making a purchase decision? This article studies the factors that may affect the willingness to pay for consumers in the knowledge pay platform. We use Python to collect “Zhihu live” data and analyze it through the SPSS tool. The results show that online social capital of knowledge sharers has a significant positive impact on consumers’ willingness to pay, but there is no significant effect of offline social capital and knowledge price on consumers\u27 willingness to pay

    Do Loyal Customers Pay More in Live Streaming?

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    With the rise of the live streaming industry, streamers are facing stiff competition. While there is a common perception that loyalty generates more profits for the firm, there is also conflicting evidence that loyal customers may not be charged more. The live streaming context provides an ideal setting to empirically examine the value of loyal customers and offers a new dimension for measuring behavioral loyalty. Our results suggest that customers with higher consumption loyalty generally pay less while those with higher social loyalty tend to voluntarily pay more. Moreover, there is a crowding-out effect for the same type of resources and a compensation effect between different types of resources concerning the relationship between historical and current inputs. Theoretical explanations drawn on the social exchange theory and practical implications are discussed
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