477 research outputs found

    ICT関連イノベーションの国際比較 : 特許データによる考察

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    本稿では、アメリカUSPTOに登録された各国の特許情報に基づき、日本を始め、アメリカ、ヨーロッパおよびアジア諸国・地域における情報技術に関連するイノベーションの国際比較を行った。 得られた結果は以下のように要約できる。特許の登録件数では、アメリカ、日本、EU15カ国の順に多いが、最近では、アジア各国の成長が著しい。また、フィンランドやアイランドのような情報化先進国とともに、日本や韓国のICT特許の特化係数が最も高いことが分かる。特許一件当たりの引用回数により特許の質をみると、アメリカの被引用件数が最も多く、日本とEU がこれに次ぎ、アジア諸国の引用される回数は少ない。技術スピルオーバーについては、アメリカとアジアは、他国よりイノベーションの成果を吸収しているのに対し、日本とEUは逆に他国にイノベーション成果を流出させているといえる

    Empirical Analysis of Patent Litigation: A Comparison Study between Japan and China

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     In this paper, we gathered the data from public sources for analyzing the outcomes of 531 cases and 785 cases decided respectively by Japanese and Chinese courts at the first trial of patent litigations between 2004 and 2016. Using these data, we implemented a comparison analysis on recent patent litigations between Japan and China. Moreover, combining with information from Patstat, a patent database, for the patents infringed, we did an empirical analysis on determinants of trail win rate and rewards in patent litigations both for Japan and China.  Our estimated results suggest that China has the determinants on rates of success and appeal which very similar to those in Japanese patent suits. On the other hand, however, for infringement awards, those that influence the outcome of the courts are quite different between the two countries

    IT Investment and Labor Productivity in Japanese Industries

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    本研究では,まず,日米の産業別のIT 投資構造を比較分析し,日本産業をIT 生産・使用セクター及び非IT セクターに分類した。そのうえで,こうしたセクターの間,及び日米間の労働生産性の差異を検討した。それと同時に,セクター毎にVAR モデルを用いて,IT 投資の日本産業への生産効果に関する因果関係を分析した。主な結果は以下のように要約できる。日米の比較では,米国のIT セクター部門シェアは日本を大きく上回り,且つ労働生産性の成長率も90年代後半に目立って上昇している。日本の労働生産性成長率では,IT 製造業とIT サービス業が非IT の両部門を上回る傾向にある。IT 投資の生産性成長に対する因果関係は検証されなかったが,労働生産性の上昇がIT 投資を促進するという関係が認められた。また,サービス業におけるIT 投資成長率は,IT 部門と非IT 部門ともに製造業でのIT投資成長率によってプラスの影響を受けることが示された。In this paper, we present comparisons of labor productivity growth between the IT sector and Non−IT sector in Japanese industries, and investigate the causal relationships between IT investment growth and labor productivity growth in both sectors. Based on VAR approach, our findings indicate that IT investment is not causing, but being caused by labor productivity growth, and show that the causality relationship exists from the IT investment in manufacturing industries to that in service industries

    Pix3D: Dataset and Methods for Single-Image 3D Shape Modeling

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    We study 3D shape modeling from a single image and make contributions to it in three aspects. First, we present Pix3D, a large-scale benchmark of diverse image-shape pairs with pixel-level 2D-3D alignment. Pix3D has wide applications in shape-related tasks including reconstruction, retrieval, viewpoint estimation, etc. Building such a large-scale dataset, however, is highly challenging; existing datasets either contain only synthetic data, or lack precise alignment between 2D images and 3D shapes, or only have a small number of images. Second, we calibrate the evaluation criteria for 3D shape reconstruction through behavioral studies, and use them to objectively and systematically benchmark cutting-edge reconstruction algorithms on Pix3D. Third, we design a novel model that simultaneously performs 3D reconstruction and pose estimation; our multi-task learning approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on both tasks.Comment: CVPR 2018. The first two authors contributed equally to this work. Project page: http://pix3d.csail.mit.ed

    Deep Integration, Global Firms, and Technology Spillovers

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    This open access book explores the impact of deep regional economic integration on spillovers of knowledge and technology across countries. Deep integration through signing deep regional trade agreements (DRTAs), which cover various policy areas in addition to tariff reductions, may or may not facilitate technology spillovers among their signatories. To understand the mechanism of the impact of deep integration on technology spillovers, this book starts by analyzing the behavior of global firms. Factors that affect global firms’ activities, such as export, foreign direct investment (FDI), offshore outsourcing, are examined. Micro data on Japanese firms are employed for the analysis. Then, the relationships between bilateral trade patterns and technology spillovers and between types of FDI and technology spillovers are investigated in detail. Patent citation data are used to measure technology spillovers. Finally, the impact of DRTAs on international technology spillovers is analyzed. This book is highly recommended to readers who are interested in the effects of deep regional integration, including academic scholars, policymakers, and graduate students

    Synthesis and Optical Performances of a Waterborne Polyurethane-Based Polymeric Dye

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    A waterborne polyurethane-based polymeric dye (WPU-CFBB) was synthesized by anchoring 1, 4-bis(methylamino)anthraquinone (CFBB) to waterborne polyurethane chains. The number molecular weight, glass transition temperature, and average emulsion particle size for the polymeric dye were determined, respectively. This polymeric dye exhibited intriguing optical behaviors. The polymeric dye engendered two new absorption bands centered at about 520 nm and 760 nm if compared with CFBB in UV-vis spectra. The 760 nm peak showed hypsochromic shift with the decrease of average particle sizes. The polymeric dye dramatically demonstrated both hypsochromic and bathochromic effects with increasing temperature. The fluorescence intensity of the polymeric dye was much higher than that of CFBB. It was found that the fluorescence intensities would be enhanced from 20°C to 40°C and then decline from 40°C to 90°C. The fluorescence of the polymeric dye emulsion was very stable and was not sensitive to quenchers

    The Effect of Hay Covered on Soil Evaporation

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