15,155 research outputs found

    Delocalization and scaling properties of low-dimensional quasiperiodic systems

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    In this paper, we explore the localization transition and the scaling properties of both quasi-one-dimensional and two-dimensional quasiperiodic systems, which are constituted from coupling several Aubry-Andr\'{e} (AA) chains along the transverse direction, in the presence of next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) hopping. The localization length, two-terminal conductance, and participation ratio are calculated within the tight-binding Hamiltonian. Our results reveal that a metal-insulator transition could be driven in these systems not only by changing the NNN hopping integral but also by the dimensionality effects. These results are general and hold by coupling distinct AA chains with various model parameters. Furthermore, we show from finite-size scaling that the transport properties of the two-dimensional quasiperiodic system can be described by a single parameter and the scaling function can reach the value 1, contrary to the scaling theory of localization of disordered systems. The underlying physical mechanism is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Scheme for sharing classical information via tripartite entangled states

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    We investigate schemes for quantum secret sharing and quantum dense coding via tripartite entangled states. We present a scheme for sharing classical information via entanglement swapping using two tripartite entangled GHZ states. In order to throw light upon the security affairs of the quantum dense coding protocol, we also suggest a secure quantum dense coding scheme via W state in analogy with the theory of sharing information among involved users.Comment: 4 pages, no figure. A complete rewrritten vession, accepted for publication in Chinese Physic

    Universal scheme to generate metal-insulator transition in disordered systems

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    We propose a scheme to generate metal-insulator transition in random binary layer (RBL) model, which is constructed by randomly assigning two types of layers. Based on a tight-binding Hamiltonian, the localization length is calculated for a variety of RBLs with different cross section geometries by using the transfer-matrix method. Both analytical and numerical results show that a band of extended states could appear in the RBLs and the systems behave as metals by properly tuning the model parameters, due to the existence of a completely ordered subband, leading to a metal-insulator transition in parameter space. Furthermore, the extended states are irrespective of the diagonal and off-diagonal disorder strengths. Our results can be generalized to two- and three-dimensional disordered systems with arbitrary layer structures, and may be realized in Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 5 ages, 4 figure

    B→KB\to K Transition Form Factor with Tensor Current within the kTk_T Factorization Approach

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    In the paper, we apply the kTk_T factorization approach to deal with the B→KB\to K transition form factor with tensor current in the large recoil regions. Main uncertainties for the estimation are discussed and we obtain FTB→K(0)=0.25±0.01±0.02F_T^{B\to K}(0)=0.25\pm0.01\pm0.02, where the first error is caused by the uncertainties from the pionic wave functions and the second is from that of the B-meson wave functions. This result is consistent with the light-cone sum rule results obtained in the literature.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, references adde

    Near-Optimal Distributed Approximation of Minimum-Weight Connected Dominating Set

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    This paper presents a near-optimal distributed approximation algorithm for the minimum-weight connected dominating set (MCDS) problem. The presented algorithm finds an O(log⁑n)O(\log n) approximation in O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}) rounds, where DD is the network diameter and nn is the number of nodes. MCDS is a classical NP-hard problem and the achieved approximation factor O(log⁑n)O(\log n) is known to be optimal up to a constant factor, unless P=NP. Furthermore, the O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}) round complexity is known to be optimal modulo logarithmic factors (for any approximation), following [Das Sarma et al.---STOC'11].Comment: An extended abstract version of this result appears in the proceedings of 41st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2014

    Spin-flip reflection at the normal metal-spin superconductor interface

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    We study spin transport through a normal metal-spin superconductor junction. A spin-flip reflection is demonstrated at the interface, where a spin-up electron incident from the normal metal can be reflected as a spin-down electron and the spin 2×ℏ/22\times \hbar/2 will be injected into the spin superconductor. When the (spin) voltage is smaller than the gap of the spin superconductor, the spin-flip reflection determines the transport properties of the junction. We consider both graphene-based (linear-dispersion-relation) and quadratic-dispersion-relation normal metal-spin superconductor junctions in detail. For the two-dimensional graphene-based junction, the spin-flip reflected electron can be along the specular direction (retro-direction) when the incident and reflected electron locates in the same band (different bands). A perfect spin-flip reflection can occur when the incident electron is normal to the interface, and the reflection coefficient is slightly suppressed for the oblique incident case. As a comparison, for the one-dimensional quadratic-dispersion-relation junction, the spin-flip reflection coefficient can reach 1 at certain incident energies. In addition, both the charge current and the spin current under a charge (spin) voltage are studied. The spin conductance is proportional to the spin-flip reflection coefficient when the spin voltage is less than the gap of the spin superconductor. These results will help us get a better understanding of spin transport through the normal metal-spin superconductor junction.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Ginzburg-Landau-type theory of non-polarized spin superconductivity

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    Since the concept of spin superconductor was proposed, all the related studies concentrate on spin-polarized case. Here, we generalize the study to spin-non-polarized case. The free energy of non-polarized spin superconductor is obtained, and the Ginzburg-Landau-type equations are derived by using the variational method. These Ginzburg-Landau-type equations can be reduced to the spin-polarized case when the spin direction is fixed. Moreover, the expressions of super linear and angular spin currents inside the superconductor are derived. We demonstrate that the electric field induced by super spin current is equal to the one induced by equivalent charge obtained from the second Ginzburg-Landau-type equation, which shows self-consistency of our theory. By applying these Ginzburg-Landau-type equations, the effect of electric field on the superconductor is also studied. These results will help us get a better understanding of the spin superconductor and the related topics such as Bose-Einstein condensate of magnons and spin superfluidity.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Fire responses and resistance of concrete-filled steel tubular frame structures

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    This paper presents the results of dynamic responses and fire resistance of concretefilled steel tubular (CFST) frame structures in fire conditions by using non-linear finite element method. Both strength and stability criteria are considered in the collapse analysis. The frame structures are constructed with circular CFST columns and steel beams of I-sections. In order to validate the finite element solutions, the numerical results are compared with those from a fire resistance test on CFST columns. The finite element model is then adopted to simulate the behaviour of frame structures in fire. The structural responses of the frames, including critical temperature and fire-resisting limit time, are obtained for the ISO-834 standard fire. Parametric studies are carried out to show their influence on the load capacity of the frame structures in fire. Suggestions and recommendations are presented for possible adoption in future construction and design of these structures

    An Optimal Algorithm for the Maximum-Density Segment Problem

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    We address a fundamental problem arising from analysis of biomolecular sequences. The input consists of two numbers wmin⁑w_{\min} and wmax⁑w_{\max} and a sequence SS of nn number pairs (ai,wi)(a_i,w_i) with wi>0w_i>0. Let {\em segment} S(i,j)S(i,j) of SS be the consecutive subsequence of SS between indices ii and jj. The {\em density} of S(i,j)S(i,j) is d(i,j)=(ai+ai+1+...+aj)/(wi+wi+1+...+wj)d(i,j)=(a_i+a_{i+1}+...+a_j)/(w_i+w_{i+1}+...+w_j). The {\em maximum-density segment problem} is to find a maximum-density segment over all segments S(i,j)S(i,j) with wmin⁑≀wi+wi+1+...+wj≀wmax⁑w_{\min}\leq w_i+w_{i+1}+...+w_j \leq w_{\max}. The best previously known algorithm for the problem, due to Goldwasser, Kao, and Lu, runs in O(nlog⁑(wmaxβ‘βˆ’wmin⁑+1))O(n\log(w_{\max}-w_{\min}+1)) time. In the present paper, we solve the problem in O(n) time. Our approach bypasses the complicated {\em right-skew decomposition}, introduced by Lin, Jiang, and Chao. As a result, our algorithm has the capability to process the input sequence in an online manner, which is an important feature for dealing with genome-scale sequences. Moreover, for a type of input sequences SS representable in O(m)O(m) space, we show how to exploit the sparsity of SS and solve the maximum-density segment problem for SS in O(m)O(m) time.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, an early version of this paper was presented at 11th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2003), Budapest, Hungary, September 15-20, 200
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