2,269 research outputs found

    On the accretion mode of the intermediate polar V1025 Centauri

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    The long white-dwarf spin periods in the magnetic cataclysmic variables EX Hya and V1025 Cen imply that if the systems possess accretion discs then they cannot be in equilibrium. It has been suggested that instead they are discless accretors in which the spin-up torques resulting from accretion are balanced by the ejection of part of the accretion flow back towards the secondary. We present phase-resolved spectroscopy of V1025 Cen aimed at deducing the nature of the accretion flow, and compare this with simulations of a discless accretor. We find that both the conventional disc-fed model and the discless-accretor model have strengths and weaknesses, and that further work is needed before we can decide which applies to V1025 Cen.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, To appear in MNRAS, includes low-res figures to reduce siz

    Modeling Phase-resolved Observations of the Surfaces of Magnetic Neutron Stars

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    Recent observations by XMM-Newton detected rotational pulsations in the total brightness and spectrum of several neutron stars. To properly interpret the data, accurate modeling of neutron star emission is necessary. Detailed analysis of the shape and strength of the rotational variations allows a measurement of the surface composition and magnetic field, as well as constrains the nuclear equation of state. We discuss our models of the spectra and light curves of two of the most observed neutron stars, RX J1856.5-3754 and 1E 1207.4-5209, and discuss some implications of our results and the direction of future work.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures; Proceedings of "40 Years of Pulsars", eds. C. Bassa, Z. Wang, A. Cumming, V. Kaspi, AIP, submitte

    I Want To Be There

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    Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable AE Aqr

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    The magnetic cataclysmic variable AE Aquarii hosts a rapidly rotating white dwarf which is thought to expel most of the material streaming onto it. Observations of AE Aqr have been obtained in the wavelength range of 5 - 70 microns with the IRS, IRAC, and MIPS instruments on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The spectral energy distribution reveals a significant excess above the K4V spectrum of the donor star with the flux increasing with wavelength above 12.5 microns. Superposed on the energy distribution are several hydrogen emission lines, identified as Pf alpha and Hu alpha, beta, gamma. The infrared spectrum above 12.5 microns can be interpreted as synchrotron emission from electrons accelerated to a power-law distribution dN=E^{-2.4}dE in expanding clouds with an initial evolution timescale in seconds. However, too many components must then be superposed to explain satisfactorily both the mid-infrared continuum and the observed radio variability. Thermal emission from cold circumbinary material can contribute, but it requires a disk temperature profile intermediate between that produced by local viscous dissipation in the disk and that characteristic of a passively irradiated disk. Future high-time resolution observations spanning the optical to radio regime could shed light on the acceleration process and the subsequent particle evolution.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    On the mass transfer in AE Aquarii

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    The observed properties of the close binary AE Aqr indicate that the mass transfer in this system operates via the Roche lobe overflow mechanism, but the material transferred from the normal companion is neither accreted onto the surface of the white dwarf nor stored in a disk around its magnetosphere. As previously shown, such a situation can be realized if the white dwarf operates as a propeller. At the same time, the efficiency of the propeller action by the white dwarf is insufficient to explain the rapid braking of the white dwarf, which implies that the spin-down power is in excess of the bolometric luminosity of the system. To avoid this problem we have simulated the mass-transfer process in AE Aqr assuming that the observed braking of the white dwarf is governed by a pulsar-like spin-down mechanism. We show that the expected H_alpha Doppler tomogram in this case resembles the tomogram observed from the system. We find that the agreement between the simulated and the observed tomograms is rather good provided the mean value of the mass-transfer rate ~5x10^16 g/s. Three spatially separated sources of H_alpha emission can be distinguished within this approach. The structure of the tomogram depends on the relative contributions of these sources to the H_alpha emission and is expected to vary from night to night.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures (6 eps files). Published in A&A. The paper with high resolution images can be downloaded from http://urania.it.nuigalway.ie/papers/ae_aqr.ps.g

    Institutional requirements for optimal water quality management in arid urban areas

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    Summarizes Completion reports no. 45-47.AER72-73WRW-GVS-RCW-TLH28.Funded in part by the United States Department of the Interior, Office of Water Resources Research, as authorized by the Water Resources Research Act of 1964, and pursuant to Grant Agreement no. 14-31-0001-3567

    Analysis of Small Water Management Structures in Irrigation Distribution Systems

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    The Irrigation and Drainage Research Conference conducted at Utah State University (ASCE, 1964) delineated many of the research needs regarding “Small Low- Cost Hydraulic Structures for Conveyance and Distribution Systems,” which was one of the six topics considered at the conference. In discussing possibilities for accomplishing the recommended research, it was suggested by some panel members that a considerable portion of the work could be undertaken by graduate students, particularly at the Master of Science level. The intent of this report has been to sort through the large volume of literature in an attempt to define the specific research needs regarding small water management structure used in irrigation distribution systems. In particular, the emphasis has been to develop specific research topics which could be accomplished as a thesis by a graduate student at the Master of Science level

    Encapsulated nanowires : boosting electronic transport in carbon nanotubes

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    The electrical conductivity of metallic carbon nanotubes (CNTs) quickly saturates with respect to bias voltage due to scattering from a large population of optical phonons. The decay of these dominant scatterers in pristine CNTs is too slow to offset an increased generation rate at high voltage bias. We demonstrate from first principles that encapsulation of one-dimensional atomic chains within a single-walled CNT can enhance the decay of “hot” phonons by providing additional channels for thermalization. Pacification of the phonon population growth reduces the electrical resistivity of metallic CNTs by 51% for an example system with encapsulated beryllium

    The spin periods and magnetic moments of white dwarfs in magnetic cataclysmic variables

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    We have used a model of magnetic accretion to investigate the rotational equilibria of magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs). The results of our numerical simulations demonstrate that there is a range of parameter space in the P_spin / P_orb versus mu_1 plane at which rotational equilibrium occurs. This has allowed us to calculate the theoretical histogram describing the distribution of magnetic CVs as a function of P_spin / P_orb. We show that this agrees with the observed distribution assuming that the number of systems as a function of white dwarf magnetic moment is distributed approximately according to N(mu_1) d mu_1 proportional to 1/mu_1 d mu_1. The rotational equilibria also allow us to infer approximate values for the magnetic moments of all known intermediate polars. We predict that intermediate polars with mu_1 > 5 x 10^33 G cm^3 and P_orb > 3h will evolve into polars, whilst those with mu_1 < 5 x 10^33 G cm^3 and P_orb > 3h will either evolve into low field strength polars which are (presumably) unobservable, and possibly EUV emitters, or, if their fields are buried by high accretion rates, evolve into conventional polars once their magnetic fields re-surface when the mass accretion rate reduces. We speculate that EX Hya-like systems may have low magnetic field strength secondaries and so avoid synchronisation. Finally we note that the equilibria we have investigated correspond to a variety of different types of accretion flow, including disc-like accretion at small P_spin / P_orb values, stream-like accretion at intermediate P_spin / P_orb values, and accretion fed from a ring at the outer edge of the white dwarf Roche lobe at higher P_spin / P_orb values.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Figre 3 included here as a low resolution gif onl