13 research outputs found

    An Unprecedented Role Reversal: Ground Beetle Larvae (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Lure Amphibians and Prey upon Them

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    Amphibians often feed on beetle larvae, including those of ground beetles (Carabidae). Preliminary reports have detailed an unusual trophic interaction in which, in contrast, larvae of the ground beetle Epomis prey upon juvenile and adult amphibians. While it is known that these larvae feed exclusively on amphibians, how the predator-prey encounter occurs to the advantage of the beetle larvae had been unknown to date. Using laboratory observations and controlled experiments, we recorded the feeding behavior of Epomis larvae, as well as the behavior of their amphibian prey. Here we reveal that larvae of two species of Epomis (E. circumscriptus and E. dejeani) lure their potential predator, taking advantage of the amphibian's predation behavior. The Epomis larva combines a sit-and-wait strategy with unique movements of its antennae and mandibles to draw the attention of the amphibian to the presence of a potential prey. The intensity of this enticement increases with decreasing distance between the larva and the amphibian. When the amphibian attacks, the larva almost always manages to avoid the predator's protracted tongue, exploiting the opportunity to attach itself to the amphibian's body and initiate feeding. Our findings suggest that the trophic interaction between Epomis larvae and amphibians is one of the only natural cases of obligatory predator-prey role reversal. Moreover, this interaction involves a small insect larva that successfully lures and preys on a larger vertebrate. Such role reversal is exceptional in the animal world, extending our perspective of co-evolution in the arms race between predator and prey, and suggesting that counterattack defense behavior has evolved into predator-prey role reversal

    A new species of <i>Charinus</i> Simon, 1892 (Arachnida: Amblypygi: Charinidae) from Israel and new records of <i>C. ioanniticus</i> (Kritscher, 1959)

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    A new species of Charinus is described from Israel and new localities for C. ioanniticus are reported. Charinus israelensis sp. nov. is a cave dwelling species with extremely small median eyes, no median tubercle and reduced lateral eyes. It is similar to C. ioanniticus, which occurs in nearby areas, but can be differentiated by the shape of the carapace, the number of pedipalp spines and the development of the eyes. A detailed comparison is made between the two species, including pictures, drawings and scanning electron micrographs. Charinus ioanniticus is reported here from several new localities in Israel and Turkey. Identification keys to the Charinus species groups and to the species of the bengalensis group are provided.</p

    Color variability and body size of larvae of two Epomis species (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Israel

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    Species identification using the characteristics of developmental stages is challenging. However, for insect taxonomy the coloration of larval stages can be an informative feature. The use of live specimens is recommended for this because the color fades in preserved specimens. In this study we examine the possibility of using variation in coloration and color pattern of larvae in order to distinguish between two ground beetles species Epomis dejeani Dejean, 1831 and E. circumscriptus Duftschmid, 1812. We present an atlas and describe the coloration and body size of the three larval stages of the above species based on live specimens. The first instar larvae of the two Epomis species can be easily distinguished based on their color. From the second instar on, the variability in coloration and color patterns increases, creating an overlap in these attributes between larvae of the two species. Except for minor differences in color of the antennae and the base of the mandibles, larvae of the two species are indistinguishable at the second and third larval stages. To the best of our knowledge this is the first attempt to use variation in coloration and color pattern in live larvae in order to identify coleopterans. The color atlas of the larvae enables simple separation of the two Epomis species without requiring sophisticated magnifying devices, although it is less straightforward at the second and third larval stages. We found similar body lengths between the two species for all developmental stages, except for third instar larvae prior to pupation. In the two species the difference in larval body length before pupation positively correlated with that of the adult beetles. More than 70% of the adults' length can be explained by the length of the late third-instar larva; i.e. the large larvae develop into large adults. The larger specimens are the females

    Two new species of whip spider (Amblypygi): an epigean and a cave dwelling Charinus Simon, 1892 from Belize

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    Miranda, Gustavo Silva De, Giupponi, Alessandro Ponce De Leão, Wizen, Gil (2016): Two new species of whip spider (Amblypygi): an epigean and a cave dwelling Charinus Simon, 1892 from Belize. Zootaxa 4098 (3): 545-559, DOI: http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4098.3.

    Charinus reddelli Miranda, Giupponi & Wizen, 2016, sp. nov.

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    &lt;i&gt;Charinus reddelli&lt;/i&gt; sp. nov. &lt;p&gt;Figs. 1 B, C, E, F; 2C&ndash;H; 3B, D; 4B, D; 5C&ndash;F, H; 6B, C, E, F, H; 7B, C; 8.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Diagnosis&lt;/b&gt;: median eyes and tubercle absent, large size (carapace mean width: 3.77; pedipalp femur mean length: 2.61; femur I mean length: 8.63), tibia I with 23 articles, tarsus I with 41 articles, proximal article of tarsus I 1.4 to 1.9 times longer than the second, cheliceral claw with four teeth, and cusps of the bifid tooth of the basal segment of the chelicerae as p=d.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Etymology&lt;/b&gt;. the epithet is a patronym to Dr. James R. Reddel for the first finding of &lt;i&gt;Charinus&lt;/i&gt; in the Footprint cave and in Central America, and for his enormous contribution to the study of the arachnids.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Type material&lt;/b&gt;: &lt;b&gt;Holotype&lt;/b&gt;. BELIZE, ARMENIA, CAYO DISTRICT: Waterfall Cave (Actun Lubul Ha), Karst cave, in cave, 500m from entrance, on walls and ceiling, 30.viii.2014, Wizen G. &lt;i&gt;leg&lt;/i&gt;., 17,108611'N, -88,730833'W (1 female, HUJINVAMB115). &lt;b&gt;Paratypes&lt;/b&gt;: Waterfall Cave (Actun Lubul Ha), Karst cave, in cave, 500m from entrance, on walls and ceiling, 30.viii.2014, Wizen G. &lt;i&gt;leg&lt;/i&gt;., 17,108611'N, -88,730833'W (1 male, 2 females, HUJINVAMB116); Waterfall Cave, 3.ix.2014, Wizen G. &lt;i&gt;leg&lt;/i&gt;. (2 females, MNRJ 9305); Footprint Cave, Karst cave, in cave, 200m from entrance, on sand next to cave walls, 07.ix.2014, Naskrecki P. and Wizen G. &lt;i&gt;leg&lt;/i&gt;., 17,127500'N, -88,732222'W, (1 female, HUJINVAMB112); Footprint Cave, Karst cave, in cave, 200m from entrance, on sand next to cave walls, 02.ix.2014, Wizen G. &lt;i&gt;leg&lt;/i&gt;., 17,127500'N, -88,732222'W (2 females, HUJINVAMB113); Footprint Cave, Karst cave, in cave, 200m from entrance, on sand next to cave walls, 02.ix.2014, Wizen G. &lt;i&gt;leg&lt;/i&gt;., 17,127500'N, -88,732222'W (2 juvenile females, HUJINVAMB114).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Description of the female holotype&lt;/b&gt; (variations found in the paratypes are indicated in brackets; description of the chelicerae and gonopods based on paratypes):&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Carapace&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 1 B, C). Carapace flattened, wider than long (1.4 times), slightly bent downwards below lateral eyes; a thin median furrow reaches the fovea starting from the depression that replace the median eye and tubercle. Anterior margin straight, with six frontal setae. Frontal process large, triangular, not visible from above, with a rounded tip. Three pairs of shallow furrows in the lateral of the carapace, and a triangular and deep fovea. First pair of furrows placed just behind the lateral boss behind the lateral eyes; any of the furrows reaches the middle line. Median eyes and tubercle completely absent, a deep depression instead; no setae present in the depression. Lateral eyes well developed, pale, one large setae behind each triad; lenses directed upwards and slightly anteriorly.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Sternum&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 1 E, F): tetra-segmented, all pieces well sclerotized. Tritosternum with a round basis and projected anteriorly in a small blunt tubercle, reaching the base of the pedipalp coxae, with two apical, two median and several smaller ones on the base (the paratypes have a longer tritosternum and longer basal pair of setae). Middle piece (tetrasternum) in one convex piece, with a pair of large setae in its apex, and four small setae in its base. Third piece (pentasternum) formed by one convex piece, smaller than the middle piece, with two long setae at its top and with one small setae on its base. Sternites separated from each other by length of the third piece. Metasternum not paired (i.e., one single piece), with one pair of setae on an elevation at the posterior region of the plaque.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Abdomen&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 1 B, C): oblong, with almost indistinguishable punctuations. Ventral sacs not developed.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Chelicera&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 5 H): Cheliceral furrow with four internal teeth; first tooth (upper) bifid, proximal cusp of the same size as distal cusp. Third tooth slightly thinner and shorter than second tooth. Fourth tooth one third larger than the third. No tooth in the external row of the basal segment. Mesal face with a longitudinal row of seven (five in paratypes) setae. Claw with four denticles.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Pedipalp&lt;/b&gt;: &lt;b&gt;Trochanter&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 2 C&ndash;F): large ventral apophysis, located in the posterior border of the trochanter, spiniform, bearing 13&ndash;14 large setae, and with a blunt tip pointed forward; two subequal spines, one in about the center of the anterior row of setiferous tubercles (three setae on each side), the other at the external border, below the apophysis, a bit curved inwards. &lt;b&gt;Femur&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 2 C&ndash;H, 3B): three dorsal spines in the left pedipalp and four in the right pedipalp (the last spine very small) [in one male (HUJINVAM 116) the left pedipalp have four spines and the right three; two female paratypes (HUJINVAM 116) have four spines in both pedipalps, the last one very tiny (Fig. 2 G, H)] with two prominent setiferous tubercle before the first spine (I&gt;II&gt;III&gt;IV); three ventral spines (I&gt;II&gt;III) with one small setiferous tubercle before the first spine. &lt;b&gt;Tibia&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 2 C&ndash;F; 3B): three dorsal spines (I&gt;II&gt;III); one spine distal to I (about one fourth the size of I); one small setiferous tubercle proximal to spine III; spine II two thirds spine I and spine III one third spine I; spine I and II with two setiferous tubercle on its basal third; spine III with one setiferous tubercle in its half. Two ventral spines [the female paratype (HUJINVAM 116) have three, the last (proximal) very tiny]; second spine half size of the first. &lt;b&gt;Basitarsus&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 2 C&ndash;F): two dorsal spines, the basal 2/ 3 the size of the distal. One ventral spine at the distal half, 2/3 the basal spine dorsal. &lt;b&gt;Distitarsus&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 3 D): two large curved spines, the distal half the size of the article and pointed forward; the proximal one third the size of the distal and pointed upward. Cleaning organ about half of the article length. &lt;b&gt;Claw&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 3 D): long, with an acute, curved tip.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Legs&lt;/b&gt;: All setose. Ventral corner of the prolateral face of femora II&ndash;IV projecting in a distinct spiniform process. &lt;b&gt;Femur length&lt;/b&gt;: I&gt;III&gt;II&gt;IV. Tibia I with 23 articles; distal segments with two small trichobothria, one on the dorsal and one in the lateral (ectal) side of the segment; on the left leg, one trichobothria in the second, third and fourth (from distal to proximal) segments, close to the distal border, the trichobothria on the third segment more lateral, the others more dorsal [in the paratypes they are ventral]; the right leg has two trichobothria in the third segment, one dorsal and one mesal; no trichobothria on the other segments. Tarsus (basitarsus+distitarsus) I with 41 articles; proximal segment 1.7 times longer than the next (Fig. 4 B).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Leg IV&lt;/b&gt;: &lt;b&gt;Basitibia&lt;/b&gt;: divided into three pseudo-articles, with one trichobothrium on the first third of the last pseudo-segments (trichobothrium &lt;i&gt;bt&lt;/i&gt;). &lt;b&gt;Distitibia&lt;/b&gt; (Fig. 5 C&ndash;F): three proximal and 13 distal trichobothria (total of 16); trichobothrium &lt;i&gt;bc&lt;/i&gt; midway to &lt;i&gt;bf&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;sbf&lt;/i&gt; [in the paratypes, &lt;i&gt;bc&lt;/i&gt; is closer to &lt;i&gt;sbf&lt;/i&gt; than to &lt;i&gt;bf&lt;/i&gt;]; &lt;i&gt;sf&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;sc&lt;/i&gt; with five trichobotrhia. &lt;b&gt;Basitibia-distitibia length&lt;/b&gt; DT&gt;BT1&gt;BT4&gt;BT3&gt;BT2. &lt;b&gt;Tarsus&lt;/b&gt;: with very strong mark of the white ring in the distal part of the second segment of distitarsus IV (Fig. 4 D).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Measurements&lt;/b&gt; (in mm): &lt;b&gt;Female&lt;/b&gt; (n=3): &lt;b&gt;Carapace&lt;/b&gt;: Length: 2.84 (2.48&ndash;3.05), Width: 4.02 (3.40&ndash;4.40). &lt;b&gt;Pedipalp&lt;/b&gt;: Femur 2.74 (2.13&ndash;3.09), Tibia 2.72 (1.88&ndash;3.28), Basitarsus 1.54 (1.13&ndash;1.88), Distitarsus 0.99 (0.80&ndash; 1.10), Tarsal claw 0.94 (0.73&ndash;1.08). &lt;b&gt;Leg I&lt;/b&gt;: Femur 9.35 (6.90&ndash;11.41), Tibia 15.60 (15.40&ndash;15.80), Tarsus 15.25 (14.00&ndash;16.50). &lt;b&gt;Leg II&lt;/b&gt;: Femur 6.27 (5.12&ndash;6.96), Basitibia 4.44 (3.60&ndash;5.00), Distitibia 3.14 (2.64&ndash;3.50), Basitarsus 1.67 (1.28&ndash;1.92), Other tarsal articles 0.95 (0.78&ndash;1.12). &lt;b&gt;Leg III&lt;/b&gt;: Femur 7.12 (6.00&ndash;7.76), Basitibia 5.63 (4.80&ndash; 6.08), Distitibia 3.51 (3.12&ndash;3.80), Basitarsus 1.97 (1.44&ndash;2.40), Other tarsal articles 0.93 (0.80&ndash;1.00). &lt;b&gt;Leg IV&lt;/b&gt;: Femur 6.36 (5.25&ndash;7.04), Basitibia I 3.32 (2.81&ndash;3.75), Basitibia II 1.04 (0.81&ndash;1.20), Basitibia III 1.63 (1.25&ndash;1.85), Distitibia 3.43 (2.69&ndash;4.00), Basitarsus 2.66 (1.58&ndash;4.30), Other tarsal articles 1.28 (0.85&ndash;2.00).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Measurements&lt;/b&gt;: &lt;b&gt;Male&lt;/b&gt; (n=1): &lt;b&gt;Carapace&lt;/b&gt;: Length: 2.64, Width: 3.80. &lt;b&gt;Pedipalp&lt;/b&gt;: Femur 2.75, Tibia 2.59, Basitarsus 1.44, Distitarsus 0.93, Tarsal claw 0.90. &lt;b&gt;Leg I&lt;/b&gt;: Femur 9.30, Tibia 17.18, Tarsus 15.40. &lt;b&gt;Leg II&lt;/b&gt;: Femur 6.16, Basitibia 4.24, Distitibia 3.04, Basitarsus 1.53, Other tarsal articles 0.80. &lt;b&gt;Leg III&lt;/b&gt;: Femur 6.80, Basitibia 5.36, Distitibia 3.44, Basitarsus 1.84, Other tarsal articles 0.84. &lt;b&gt;Leg IV&lt;/b&gt;: Femur 6.00, Basitibia I 4.00, Basitibia II 1.35, Distitibia 3.45, Basitarsus 1.75, Other tarsal articles 0.85.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Color Pattern&lt;/b&gt; (in alcohol): Chelicerae, pedipalps, carapace and abdomen yellowish-brown. Legs tibia and tarsus lighter colored. Color in live animals is similar, except for the chelicerae that are burgundy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Genitalia&lt;/b&gt;: Female gonopod (Figs. 6 B, C, E, F, H): posterior margin of genital operculum straight, with few setae along its margin and on its surface. Gonopods oval, cushion-like, placed close to the border of the genital operculum, with a soft projection in the shape of a claw-like flap that covers the genital operculum. Internal border of the external flap is serrated, with abundant cusps close to each other. The gonopod of the female from FC (Fig. 6 F) is retracted to hold the sperm sac. A layer of sediment was present in the border of genital operculum of one specimen (detail of Fig. 6 B); part of this sediment was removed to the observation of the gonopods; the presence of this cover may have a biological purpose (e.g. maintenance of moist to the book lungs or the gonopods), but cannot be inferred by now. Male gonopod with distal border of fistula sclerotized; PI curved; Lol1 long and fimbriated.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Natural history&lt;/b&gt;. &lt;i&gt;C. reddelli&lt;/i&gt; &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt; was found in two karst caves located in the valley of the Caves Branch river in central Belize: Footprint Cave, and Waterfall cave (Actun Lubul Ha). Both caves are decorated with stalagmites, stalactites and columns of dense flowstone. Footprint cave has a stream flowing straight through it, confined to the lower passage of the cave. It emerges out of the cave&rsquo;s entrance and joins the Caves Branch river about 2km away. Only one entrance to the cave is known. Although we found several small-sized arthropods in this cave (isopods, diplurans), the most frequently encountered prey items were nymphs of &lt;i&gt;Mayagryllus apterus&lt;/i&gt; Desutter-Grandcolas and Hubbell, 1993 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and &lt;i&gt;Belicenochrus peckorum&lt;/i&gt; Armas and V&iacute;quez, 2010 (Schizomida: Hubbardiidae). The Waterfall cave has a stream flowing between two entrances separated by ca.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; 2km of passage and divided by a series of cascades. This cave contains many dry cavities, and has more abundance of insects (&lt;i&gt;M. apterus&lt;/i&gt;, cockroaches) and other arthropods (isopods, spiders, soft ticks). The population of &lt;i&gt;C. reddelli&lt;/i&gt; &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt; in the Waterfall caves appears larger (more specimens were recorded) in comparison to the Footprint cave. Individuals were never found close to each other. The egg sac contains 4&ndash; 10 eggs measuring 1.5&ndash; 1.64mm in diameter. At 25&deg;C, egg development takes ca. 150 days. The hatching praenymphae are white and measure 2.2&ndash;2.5mm. They climb and stay on the mother&rsquo;s back for 14 days, after which they molt into protonymphae measuring 2.8mm in length.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Miranda, Gustavo Silva De, Giupponi, Alessandro Ponce De Leão &amp; Wizen, Gil, 2016, Two new species of whip spider (Amblypygi): an epigean and a cave dwelling Charinus Simon, 1892 from Belize, pp. 545-559 in Zootaxa 4098 (3)&lt;/i&gt; on pages 550-554, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4098.3.7, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/264774"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/264774&lt;/a&gt

    Charinus belizensis Miranda, Giupponi & Wizen, 2016, sp. nov.

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    Charinus belizensis sp. nov. Figs. 1 A, D; 2 A, B; 3 A, C; 4 A, C; 5 A, B, G; 6 A, D, G; 7 A; 8. Diagnosis. median eyes and tubercle absent, small size (carapace mean width: 2.62; pedipalp femur mean length: 1.99; femur I mean length: 4.14), tibia I with 23 articles, tarsus I with 41 articles, proximal article of tarsus I three to four times longer than the second, cheliceral claw with four teeth, and cusps of the bifid tooth of the basal segment of the chelicerae with the relation p=d, gonopods cushion-like. Etymology. the epithet is a noun in apposition referring to the name of the country where the species was collected. Type material. Holotype: BELIZE, ARMENIA, CAYO DISTRICT: Caves Branch forest, nature trail, Ian Anderson's Caves Branch Jungle Lodge, 07.ix. 2014, Wizen G. leg., under and inside rotting logs, 17,165804'N, 88,682192'W (1 male, HUJINVAMB 117). Paratypes: Caves Branch forest, Nature trail, Ian Anderson's Caves Branch Jungle Lodge, under and inside rotting logs, 02.ix. 2014, Wizen G. leg., 17,165804'N, -88,682192'W (1 females, 1 juvenile, HUJINVAMB 118; 1 female MNRJ 9306). Description of the male holotype (variations found in the paratypes are indicated in brackets; description of the chelicerae and gonopod are based on paratypes): Carapace (Fig. 1 A). Carapace flattened, wider than long (1.6 times), slightly bent downwards below lateral eyes; a thin median furrow reaches the fovea starting from the depression that replaces the median eye and tubercle. Anterior margin straight, with six frontal setae. Frontal process large, triangular, not visible from above, with a rounded tip. Three pairs of shallow furrows in the lateral of the carapace, and an oval and deep fovea. First pair of furrows placed just behind the lateral boss behind the lateral eyes; any of the furrows reaches the middle line. Median eyes and tubercle completely absent, a deep depression instead; no setae present in the depression. Lateral eyes well developed, pale, one large seta behind each triad; lenses directed upwards and slightly anteriorly. Sternum (Fig. 1 D): tetra-segmented, all pieces well sclerotized. Tritosternum with a round basis and projected anteriorly in a small blunt tubercle, reaching the base of the pedipalp coxae, with two apical, two median and two basal setae, with smaller ones on the base. Middle piece (tetrasternum) in one convex piece, with a pair of large setae in its apex, and a pair of small setae in its base. Third piece (pentasternum) formed by one convex piece, smaller than the middle piece, with two long setae at its top and with no small setae on its base. Sternites separated from each other by length of the third piece. Metasternum not paired (i.e., one single piece), with one pair of setae on an elevation at the posterior region of the plaque. Abdomen (Fig. 1 A): oblong, with almost indistinguishable punctuations. Ventral sacs not developed. Chelicera (Fig. 5 G): Cheliceral furrow with four internal teeth; first tooth (upper) bifid, proximal cusp of the same size as distal cusp. Third tooth slightly thinner and shorter than second tooth. Fourth tooth one third larger than the third. No tooth in the external row of the basal segment. Mesal face with a longitudinal row of seven setae. Claw with four denticles. Pedipalp: Trochanter (Fig. 1 A, 2 A, B): large ventral apophysis, located in the posterior border of the trochanter, spiniform, bearing 11 large setae, and with a blunt tip pointed forward; two subequal spines, one in about the center of the anterior row of setiferous tubercles (three setae on each side), the other at the external border, below the apophysis, a bit curved inwards. Femur (Fig. 1 A, 2 A, B, 3 A): three dorsal spines (I>II>III) with two prominent setiferous tubercle before the first spine; three ventral spines (I>II>III) with one small setiferous tubercle before the first spine [one female paratype have two spines]. Tibia (Fig. 1 A, 2 A, B, 3 A): three dorsal spines (I>II>III); one spine distal to I (about one third the size of I); one small setiferous tubercle proximal to spine III; spine II two thirds spine I and spine III one third spine I; spine I and II with two setiferous tubercle on its basal third; spine III with one setiferous tubercle in its half. Two ventral spines; second spine half size of the first (I>II). Basitarsus (Fig. 1 A, 2 A, B): two dorsal spines, the basal 2 / 3 the size of the distal. One ventral spine at the distal half, 2 / 3 the basal spine dorsal. Distitarsus (Fig. 3 C): two large curved spines, the distal half the size of the article and pointed forward; the proximal half the size of the distal and pointed upward. Cleaning organ about half of the article length. Claw (Fig. 1 A, 2 A, B, 3 C): long, with an acute, curved tip. Legs: All setose. Ventral corner of the prolateral face of femora II–IV projecting in a distinct spiniform process. Femur length: I>III>II>IV. Tibia I with 23 articles; distal segments (Fig. 4 A) with two small trichobothria, one on the dorsal and one in the lateral (ectal) side of the segment; one trichobothria in the second and fourth (from distal to proximal) segments, close to the distal border, one more lateral and the other more dorsal, respectively; no trichobothria on the other segments. Tarsus (basitarsus+distitarsus) I with 41 articles; proximal segment 3.3 times longer than the next (Fig. 4 A). Leg IV: Basitibia: divided into three pseudo-articles, with one trichobothrium on the first third of the last pseudo-segments (trichobothrium bt). Distitibia (Fig. 5 A, B): three proximal and 13 distal trichobothria (total of 16); trichobothrium bc midway to bf and sbf [in the paratypes, bc is closer to sbf than to bf]; sf and sc with five trichobothria. Basitibia-distitibia length DT>BT 1>BT 4>BT 3>BT 2. Tarsus: with very weak mark of the white ring in the distal part of the second segment of distitarsus IV (Fig. 4 C). Measurements (in mm): Female (n= 2): Carapace: Length: 1.97, Width: 2.94. Pedipalp: Femur 1.5, Tibia 1.55, Basitarsus 0.88, Distitarsus 0.63, Tarsal claw 0.45. Leg I: Femur 4.35, Tibia 6.80, Tarsus 6.80. Leg II: Femur 3.20, Basitibia 1.63, Distitibia 1.38, Basitarsus 0.75, other tarsal articles 0.50. Leg III: Femur 3.60, Basitibia 2.0, Distitibia 1.6, Basitarsus 0.88, Other tarsal articles 0.76. Leg IV: Femur 3.20, Basitibia I 1.56, Basitibia II 0.41, Basitibia III 0.72, Distitibia 1.97, Basitarsus 1.96, Other tarsal articles 0.51. Measurements (in mm): Male holotype: Carapace: Length: 1.72, Width: 2.78. Pedipalp: Femur 1.58, Tibia 1.56, Basitarsus 0.91, Distitarsus 0.66, Tarsal claw 0.51. Leg I: Femur 4.63, Tibia 8.00, Tarsus 8.50. Leg II: Femur 3.50, Basitibia 2.25, Distitibia 1.95, Basitarsus 1.00, Other tarsal articles 0.60. Leg III: Femur 3.80, Basitibia 2.68, Distitibia 1.72, Basitarsus 1.08, Other tarsal articles 1.00. Leg IV: Femur 3.20, Basitibia I 1.52, Basitibia II 0.40, Basitibia III 0.76, Distitibia 1.80, Basitarsus 1.04, Other tarsal articles 0.60. Color Pattern (in alcohol): Chelicerae, pedipalps, carapace and abdomen yellowish-brown. Legs tibia and tarsus lighter colored. Color in live animals is similar, except for the chelicerae that are burgundy. Genitalia: Female gonopod (Fig. 6 A, D, G): posterior margin of genital operculum straight, with few setae along its margin and on its surface. Gonopods oval, cushion-like, placed close to the border of the genital operculum, with a soft projection in the shape of a claw-like flap that covers the genital operculum. Internal border of the flap serrated, with few and spaced cusps. Male gonopod with distal border of fistula sclerotized; PI straight; Lol 1 short and fimbriated. Natural history: C. belizensis sp. nov. inhabits decomposing parts of fallen tree logs and deserted termite galleries in the broadleaf forest. It shares this habitat with several other arthropods, and occasionally it is found together with Diplocentrus maya Francke, 1977 (Scorpiones: Scorpionidae) and millipedes of the order Platydesmida. More than one individual of C. belizensis can be found using the same log cavity, which suggests a degree of tolerance towards conspecifics. It is unknown whether C. belizensis leaves the log to forage. It was often recorded feeding on small spiders and insects inside the log.Published as part of Miranda, Gustavo Silva De, Giupponi, Alessandro Ponce De Leão & Wizen, Gil, 2016, Two new species of whip spider (Amblypygi): an epigean and a cave dwelling Charinus Simon, 1892 from Belize, pp. 545-559 in Zootaxa 4098 (3) on pages 547-549, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4098.3.7, http://zenodo.org/record/26477

    A new species of Charinus Simon, 1892 (Arachnida: Amblypygi: Charinidae) from Israel and new records of C. ioanniticus (Kritscher, 1959)

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    A new species of Charinus is described from Israel and new localities for C. ioanniticus are reported. Charinus israelensis sp. nov. is a cave dwelling species with extremely small median eyes, no median tubercle and reduced lateral eyes. It is similar to C. ioanniticus, which occurs in nearby areas, but can be differentiated by the shape of the carapace, the number of pedipalp spines and the development of the eyes. A detailed comparison is made between the two species, including pictures, drawings and scanning electron micrographs. Charinus ioanniticus is reported here from several new localities in Israel and Turkey. Identification keys to the Charinus species groups and to the species of the bengalensis group are provided