958 research outputs found

    Human myocardial protein pattern reveals cardiac diseases

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    Proteomic profiles of myocardial tissue in two different etiologies of heart failure were investigated using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)/Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). Right atrial appendages from 10 patients with hemodynamically significant isolated aortic valve disease and from 10 patients with isolated symptomatic coronary heart disease were collected during elective cardiac surgery. As presented in an earlier study by our group (Baykut et al., 2006), both disease forms showed clearly different pattern distribution characteristics. Interesting enough, the classification patterns could be used for correctly sorting unknown test samples in their correct categories. However, in order to fully exploit and also validate these findings there is a definite need for unambiguous identification of the differences between different etiologies at molecular level. In this study, samples representative for the aortic valve disease and coronary heart disease were prepared, tryptically digested, and analyzed using an FT-ICR MS that allowed collision-induced dissociation (CID) of selected classifier masses. By using the fragment spectra, proteins were identified by database searches. For comparison and further validation, classifier masses were also fragmented and analyzed using HPLC-/Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight/time-of-flight (TOF/TOF) mass spectrometry. Desmin and lumican precursor were examples of proteins found in aortic samples at higher abundances than in coronary samples. Similarly, adenylate kinase isoenzyme was found in coronary samples at a higher abundance. The described methodology could also be feasible in search for specific biomarkers in plasma or serum for diagnostic purposes

    Feeling machine for process monitoring of turning hybrid solid components

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    The realization of the increasing automation of production systems requires the guarantee of process security as well as the resulting workpiece quality. For this purpose, monitoring systems are used, which monitor the machining based on machine control signals and external sensors. These systems are challenged by innovative design concepts such as hybrid components made of different materials, which lead to new disturbance variables in the process. Therefore, it is important to obtain as much process information as possible in order to achieve a robust and sensitive evaluation of the machining. Feeling machines with force sensing capabilities represent a promising approach to assist the monitoring. This paper provides, for the first time, an overview of the suitability of the feeling machine for process monitoring during turning operations. The process faults tool breakage, tool wear, and the variation of the material transition position of hybrid shafts that were researched and compared with a force dynamometer. For the investigation, longitudinal turning processes with shafts made of EN AW-6082 and 20MnCr5 were carried out. The results show the feeling machine is sensitive to all kinds of examined errors and can compete with a force dynamometer, especially for roughing operations. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Feeling machine for process monitoring of components with stock allowance

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    To realize the increasing automation and flexibilization of production, it is necessary to monitor component-specific characteristics under fluctuating production conditions. Signals with a high correlation to the process quality have to be evaluated. In machining, the process force is an important measurand, which is sensitive to changes in the process. Feeling machines with force-sensitive machine tool components are therefore a promising signal source to monitor the machining. However, the force is also sensitive to non-critical process fluctuations such as stock allowance. Consequently, it is necessary to perform signal pre-processing and generate features that increase the robustness of the monitoring. In this paper, the material-specific cutting force was investigated for the first time concerning its suitability for process monitoring of parts with a stock allowance. The sensitivity of confidence limits was evaluated based on the normed bandgap. For the investigation, face turning processes of 20MnCr5 were carried out. The results show that the use of material-specific cutting force improves the sensitivity of the confidence limits to process errors. In this context, the feeling machine can be used to substitute the dynamometer for process monitoring. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Molekulargenetische Analyse des B-Zell-Repertoires in Thymus und Blut von Myasthenia gravis Patienten

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    Die Myasthenia gravis ist eine Autoimmunerkrankung der neuromuskulären Endplatte. Pathogenetisch im Mittelpunkt steht der Thymus, der das Autoantigen der Erkrankung sowie die komplette immunologische Maschinerie enthält, eine Autoimmunreaktion zu initiieren und zu unterhalten. In dieser Arbeit wurde mittels CDR3-Spektratyping erstmals systematisch das Immunglobulinschwerketten-Repertoire von CD19+ B-Zellen und CD138+ Plasmazellen untersucht. Es zeigte sich eine ausgesprochene Heterogenität der untersuchten Zellpopulationen als möglicher Hinweis für eine ausgeprägte somatische Hypermutation von B-Zellen und Plasmazellen im Thymus, im Gegensatz zum peripheren Blut

    Uptake and absorption of fluoranthene from spiked microplastics into the digestive gland tissues of blue mussels, Mytilus edulis L.

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    The present work intended to investigate the fate of contaminant-loaded microplastics if ingested by benthic filter feeder Mytilus edulis under laboratory conditions. In the course of a 7-day experiment the mussels were exposed to PVC microplastics in a size range >40 mm, in doses of 2000 particles L_1 (11.56 mg L_1). Particles were either virgin or loaded with one of four different nominal concentrations of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) fluoranthene (500, 125, 31.25 and 7.8125 mg g_1). Verification of fluoranthene concentrations on the particles provided evidence of the high absorptive capacity of PVC for this PAH, indicating that comparable particles may serve as considerable accumulation sites for high concentrations of hydrophobic contaminants in the aquatic environment. Analysis of digestive gland tissues via polarised light microscopy revealed the occurrence of particles and particle aggregates within stomach and intestines of all mussels treated with microplastics, thus making the xenobiotic bioavailable. Results of contaminant analysis in mussel tissues via equilibrium sampling point to a considerable capability of microplastics for the accumulation of hydrophobic contaminants from the environment and their potential to act as vehicles for the transport of theses contaminants into organismal tissues. of fluoranthene concentrations on the particles provided evidence of the high absorptive capacity of PVC for this PAH, indicating that comparable particles may serve as considerable accumulation sites for high concentrations of hydrophobic contaminants in the aquatic environment. Analysis of digestive gland tissues via polarised light microscopy revealed the occurrence of particles and particle aggregates within stomach and intestines of all mussels treated with microplastics, thus making the xenobiotic bioavailable. Results of contaminant analysis in mussel tissues via equilibrium sampling point to a considerable capability of microplastics for the accumulation of hydrophobic contaminants from the environment and their potential to act as vehicles for the transport of theses contaminants into organismal tissues. © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY licens

    Potential of process information transfer along the process chain of hybrid components for process monitoring of the cutting process

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    The production of hybrid components involves a long process chain, which leads to high investment costs even before machining. To increase process safety and process quality during finishing, it is necessary to provide information about the semi-finished parts geometry for the machining process and to identify defect components at an early stage. This paper presents an investigation to predict variations in dimension and cavities inside the material during cross-wedge rolling of shafts based on measured tool pressure. First, the process is investigated with respect to the variation in diameter for three roll gaps and two materials. Subsequently, features are generated from the hydraulic pressures of the tools and multi-linear regression models are developed in order to determine the resulting diameters of the shaft shoulder. These models show better prediction accuracy than models based on meta-data about set roll gap and formed material. The features are additionally used to successfully monitor the process with regard to the Mannesmann effect. Finally, a sensor concept for a new cross-wedge rolling machine to improve the prediction of the workpiece geometry and a new approach for monitoring machining processes of workpieces with dimensional variations are presented for upcoming studies

    Near-surface Heating of Young Rift Sediment Causes Mass Production and Discharge of Reactive Dissolved Organic Matter

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    Ocean margin sediments have been considered as important sources of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the deep ocean, yet the contribution from advective settings has just started to be acknowledged. Here we present evidence showing that near-surface heating of sediment in the Guaymas Basin, a young extensional depression, causes mass production and discharge of reactive dissolved organic matter (DOM). In the sediment heated up to ~100 °C, we found unexpectedly low DOC concentrations in the pore waters, reflecting the combined effect of thermal desorption and advective fluid flow. Heating experiments suggested DOC production to be a rapid, abiotic process with the DOC concentration increasing exponentially with temperature. The high proportions of total hydrolyzable amino acids and presence of chemical species affiliated with activated hydrocarbons, carbohydrates and peptides indicate high reactivity of the DOM. Model simulation suggests that at the local scale, near-surface heating of sediment creates short and massive DOC discharge events that elevate the bottom-water DOC concentration. Because of the heterogeneous distribution of high heat flow areas, the expulsion of reactive DOM is spotty at any given time. We conclude that hydrothermal heating of young rift sediments alter deep-ocean budgets of bioavailable DOM, creating organic-rich habitats for benthic life

    Climatic induced changes of radiological and chemical properties in an uranium tailing deposit – Equipment and first results -

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    Monitoring systems usually used to control tailings, primarily pore water pressure gages and observation wells, are not self evidently representative for mechanical considerations. Therefore an effective risk assessment and risk management is necessary to get additional information to determine indicators for critical situations. Several tailings observations showed an alteration in chemical and radiological parameters during rising saturation induced by climatic changes. These parameters are appropriate to stress indices. A systematically research on correlations between changes in stress indices and the phreatic surface is part of the research activities of the Bauhaus University in Weimar. The contribution presents the principle of this kind of monitoring, the soil mechanical background, details of the equipment and first results