16 research outputs found

    Fontes de resistência à murcha bacteriana em germoplasma de Capsicum spp. do estado do Amazonas Sources of resistance against bacterial wilt in Capsicum spp. germoplasm of the Amazonas state

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    A murcha bacteriana, causada por Ralstonia solanacearum, é uma das doenças mais importantes do gênero Capsicum no Brasil. No Amazonas, as condições de elevada temperatura e umidade favorecem o desenvolvimento da doença. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência à murcha bacteriana de germoplasma, selvagem e comercial, de Capsicum spp. Foram avaliados 22 acessos de Capsicum em casa de vegetação. A inoculação foi feita mediante ferimento das raízes, seguido de adição no solo, ao redor das plantas, de suspensão bacteriana na concentração de 10(8) ufc mL-1. A avaliação foi feita diariamente a partir do quarto dia após a inoculação, em função desenvolvimento dos sintomas. A partir das médias de progresso dos sintomas foi construída a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD), e os dados submetidos ao teste de Scott-Knott ao nível de 5% de probabilidade, utilizando o programa estatístico SAEG 9.1. Foram selecionados os acessos 30, 20 e 17, da espécie C. chinense, como resistentes à murcha bacteriana para ensaios futuros em programas de melhoramento genético.<br>The bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the most important in the genus Capsicum in Brazil. In the state of Amazonas, high temperatures and humidity favor the development of the disease. The objective of this work was to evaluate resistance in germoplasm of wild and commercial Capsicum spp. to bacterial wilt. Twenty two accesses of Capsicum spp. were evaluated in greenhouse conditions. The inoculation was made by means of wounds in the roots, followed by addition of bacterial suspension in the concentration of 10(8) ufc ml-1 in the soil, around the plants. Plant evaluation was made daily after the fourth day of the inoculation (DAI) considering the symptoms progress. From the average progress of symptoms was constructed the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), and the data submitted to the Scott-Knott test at 5% of probability, using SAEG statistical program. From the average severity notes, we constructed the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). The accesses 30, 20 and 17 were selected from C. chinense as resistant to the bacterial wilt, for future use in genetic breeding programs

    AFLP and SRAP markers linked to the mj gene for root-knot nematode resistance in cucumber

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    Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are an important worldwide pest of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Molecular markers linked to the Javanese root-knot nematode (M. javanica) resistance gene mj in cucumber may aid marker assisted selection. One-hundred AFLP (EcoRI-MseI) and 112 SRAP were used to screen resistant and susceptible parents for polymorphisms to develop molecular markers linked to the mj gene. Of the 100 AFLP primers, 92 produced bands and two yielded candidate markers (E-ATT/M-CAA and E-AAC/M-CTG). These two bands were cut off from polyacrylamide gel, cloned and sequenced. Primers designed from the sequences did not yield polymorphic bands between the parents. In addition, the sequences did not contain any restriction site or indel to be used to convert them to CAPS or SCAR markers. The two sequences obtained from polymorphic AFLP markers were used primarily to design D1F, D1R, D17F and D17R primers. SRAP forward and reverse primers were used in combination with these four specific primers to search for polymorphisms between parents. Of the 112 primer combinations 11 yielded polymorphisms between parents. MapMaker Exp 3.0 software was used to analyze the 11 markers. Two markers were identified that flanked the mj gene at distance of 16.3 and 19.3 cM. The results indicated that these markers should be useful to develop molecular markers flanking the mj gene